This is a direct copy-paste from my sideblog on Tumblr reylo-yeslo. Please enjoy!

Shortly after her arrival she heard him for the first time. He was a soft whisper at first, making her believe she was either insane or he'd done something to her.

He's an itch in the back of her brain that she can't scratch. His constant presence distracts her training. Since his first whispers, she has been able to hear his thoughts and feel his pain as if they were her own and she absolutely couldn't stand it anymore.

Rey's training with Luke began months ago when she found him on his uncharted planet. Although she worked hard through the months with the stubborn old Jedi, she still struggled with the blight of her mind.

Luke noticed a familiar dark presence within her early into their training and taught her how to suppress Kylo Ren's voice, but the more and more she tries to push him out, he comes back stronger; as if he knew she was trying to push him out. She was soon exhausted with the constant barricade patrol.

Her master deduced that somehow a connection between Kylo Ren's mind and her mind formed. The only explanation he had for this strange occurrence was a slow, apologetic shake of the head. He had heard his old master speak in his mind, but explained that his master was dead yet part of the force that surrounded them. Kylo Ren was a different story.

Luke warned her to avoid any communication with him for her own safety. He feared that conversing with him could pull her toward the darkness while she was still untrained, a mistake his father made years before.

She just can't be rid of him. He once tried to call out to her whispering as if through gritted teeth, 'I know you're here, girl.' Later on he tried to actually speak to the silence on the other side. She contemplated on wether or not answering him was wise or not given the orders of her master. Was the risk worth it? She could learn about this strange connection. Her mind became a more cluttered mess now that her curiosity was gnawing at her, and she knew he could feel it.

A few months after her arrival, he acknowledged her again but this time he spoke as she drifted off to sleep. 'I know who you are Rey. You still don't know, do you?' His voice was a clear whisper that sent chills down her spine. She pushed at him and he shoved back. 'Your bloodline explains your natural talent with the force. I know you're still wake and I know that soon you'll have to answer me,' Rey scowled and pushed again in vain. 'I want to talk peacefully,' She didn't push again. She sat up and brought her knees up under her chin and thought about his words.

He sounded sincere, and that was what bothered Rey. He was a cold blooded murderer who'd do whatever it took to get what he wanted, lying included. She didn't know what to make of these softly spoken words.

The Her heart raced with anticipation and nerves. She didn't notice her hands were clenched and her whole body was stiff.

She closed her eyes and took a long, slow breath to loosen up. Here goes nothing. She opened the mental door a crack, 'what do you want?' She spat. She heard a low scoff-like chuckle; which only made her heart race faster and harder.

'So she finally speaks to me. I was wondering when you'd come-' she cut him off. 'I asked what do you want?' he was silent for a moment, possibly shocked. 'I have a peace offering you may like. I've learned a lot about you, but nothing past your arrival on Jakuu,' The door opened wider.

She was about to speak until he interrupted her. 'I dug a little deeper and found something quite interesting about you. Tell me, do you remember your parents?' She shook her head to no one and the door opened wider. 'No,' Rey frowned. He researched me like some sort of animal. Rey rolled her eyes. 'Well then this may interest you. However I must ask of something in return for this friendly gesture,'

Rey sighed and rolled her shut eyes of course he wants something... 'What, dare I ask, do you possibly want?' She crossed her fingers for something simple. 'Don't worry it is not that bad. All I want is to meet with you once. Just once. No fighting, no force, just talking face to face,' she didn't think she heard him right. She groaned and let herself flop onto the mat. The door began to close, to cut him off for the night.

'Don't groan at me, it's a small thing I ask for in exchange for the answers you've been desperately searching for,' Rey was stunned at this. She had no idea how much he could hear from her. In fact- how much of her can he hear? The door opened again in curiosity. She could just feel a smug smirk creep onto his face. 'That's all I ask of you.' he whispered.

'Fine. But I choose the location. When do we meet? I'm in the middle of something you know,' she sat up. 'Sounds reasonable, but it must be neutral territory lest we risk this peace,' she rolled her eyes again. The thought of peace between them sounded insane, even more so when their last physical meeting was considered. Rey picked out possible areas for the meeting. She still couldn't believe she was going to do this. It could be a trap for all she knew.

After a short period of silence, Ren spoke up again 'Now that that is settled, we should meet in-' 'I still have training,' Ren sighed, frustrated. He seems the type to be frustrated easily. Rey smirked at this childish feature of the fearsome Kylo Ren and made sure he could feel every bit of her amusement. Unfortunately for her, he dismissed the feeling and continued 'Yes, of course you do. When will you complete your training?' Rey thought about it. She'd been on this planet for what seemed to be ages and Master Luke didn't seem to be convinced she was completely ready yet.

'No. Master Luke tells me I'm doing well, but doesn't seem to think I'm ready,' Ren scoffed, 'Fine, then we meet when you complete your training. Give me the time and location and I will be there,' his commanding voice spoke loudly in her head, rattling her brain as if he was making sure she wouldn't forget.

Rey sighed again, throwing her hands up to her invisible converser. 'Fine.' With that she lay on her mat again. He backed off a little but she could have sworn she heard a 'Goodnight, Rey.' before falling asleep. The door was locked for the night.

Edit (3/23/16) I did a lot of reformatting. I may come back to rewrite Ch.1.

Have a nice day!