Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise nor do I own Egypt :P

AN: It does say Thief BakuraxOC, but there is some AtemxOC, MahadxOC, IsisxOC and ShadaxOC later on in the story. I will make a disclaimer of who owns what OC later. The Akhet Items are entirely made up; it will explain briefly during the story but to sum it up now: the Akhet Items are nine items created by light magic (not related to the Millennium Spellbook) and are wielded by the Queen's Court. They were created before the Millennium Items (unknown exactly when) and are not as strong; where the Millennium Items are used to judge the souls/kas of people and protect Egypt, the Akhet Items are more for resolving issues relating to kas/animals.

In ancient times, seven items were created from the shadows and darkness, breeding despair and hatred. These items were known as the Millennium Items, used for the protection of Egypt, though one must be wary for if these items fell into the wrong hands, it could bring about the destruction of Egypt and the world.

In ancient times, nine items were created from the light and love of people, the good magic within the world was bounded into these items. Though not as strong as their shadowy brethren, they were used to safeguard the Queen of Egypt though one should be wary for if these items were used about the wrong way, it could bring about chaos and lost.

Chapter I: The Thief Boy

"I don't understand," a little girl with soft amber hair said. Her hair was cut even into a hime cut. She wore a light creamish tan tunic that had a brown sash around the waist and a headpiece adorning her plain being. Her eyes were a chocolate brown color. She was sitting on the wooden floor in a small bricked house at the foot of an older man whose black hair was beginning to gray. He wore a plain hooded robe and sat in a chair at the dining table. He smiled at the girl and patted her head.

They were in the dining room that doubled as a small kitchen with one window to look out at the crops and sheep grazing outside. There were two doors, one next to the window and another from the back of the table. An empty archway led into the small living room that was barely furnished with a simple rug and boxes of scrolls.

"One day you will, Meskhenet," she grabbed his hand and looked at him uncertainly. "For now, focus on your magic."

A man in robes of white and gold came through the front door; a headdress covered his hair in gold and a veil of white. His black hair was faintly visible beneath his headdress. He had an angry look on his face and he regarded Meskhenet with something of contempt. "Yaqeen, you should have left a while ago. The sheep are not going to sell themselves." Yaqeen merely laughed and stood up, patting his daughter's head once more. "Tend to the horses. Your mother will be back soon." The man left along with her father and Meskhenet sighed, heavily.

She went out the backdoor and filled in a bucket of water from the well. She clumsily took it over to the small stables stationed at the back of her house. The stables had a crudely made roof to guard the horses from the sun, it was built entirely of wood and furnished with hay and feed holders for the beasts. There were only two: Naseem and Kanval, both were brown with Naseem's hair being black while Kanval had a large bald and blaze marking on her face along with white stockings on her legs.

"Tend to the horses… I am supposed to be studying magic. I will not be a magician at this pace!" she poured the water into the basin and absentmindedly entered the stables through the wooden half of a door that anyone could literally jump over if they were nimble enough. She picked up some apples from a basket on a crate and walked over to Naseem who snorted at her. "One day, Master Zaim will know just how great of a magician I truly can be!" Naseem whined and stomped his foot. "You're right. He has to recognize me as a person first."

Kanval reared up on her hind legs and neighed loudly. "What is wrong, girl?" Meskhenet approached Kanval as she settled down and snorted, neighing a little. Meskhenet saw what was wrong: there was a boy at the foot of Kanval. He must've fallen when Kanval rose. He had a plain light tan long sleeved tunic on with messy light gray hair. He got up and spotted Meskhenet, he looked a little annoyed, but grabbed the reins of Kanval roughly.

Reins? Kanval hadn't been tacked up. She realized that the boy was trying to steal Kanval. "What are you doing?" she asked suspiciously. Maybe she should call out for help… no, Father was probably already on his way to the marketplace and Momma wouldn't be home for a while. The only other person here was Master Zaim and she shuddered at the thought of calling him for help. No, she could do this herself.

"Stay back," the boy said, backing away as Meskhenet entered the stall.

"You can't steal Kanval, don't you know that stealing is wrong?" she approached the boy and although he didn't move back, he was arching away from her. He was taller than her, he could've simply pushed her aside and took off but he stood his ground. "Leave before I call for help."

"If you wanted help, you would've already called for help. I'm taking this horse," he said and awkwardly moved around Meskhenet then started to lead Kanval out of her stall. Meskhenet quickly ran over and grabbed Kanval's reins. "Let go!"

"You let go!" she slapped his hands off the reins. Kanval reared up again, realizing that the boy was right in Kanval's path; Meskhenet shoved him into a pile of hay some feet away. He angrily got up quickly while Kanval made a fuss as Meskhenet fumbled for the reins, trying to calm the horse. "Stop, girl!"

"What's going on?" Master Zaim's voice called. He sounded like he was coming this way. Meskhenet looked at the boy and shoved him back in the hay much to his protests.

"Stay there!" she hissed. Master Zaim came outside of Kanval's stall and looked around. He whistled softly and Kanval came over to him, seemingly calm now.

"I told you to tend to the horses." he looked at the basin next to him and clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Stupid girl, why do you never listen? Do I have to tell you what to do in details?! Fetch the horses more water, fill the feed with hay; have you not done this for a long while!" he shouted and Meskhenet flinched at each word he spat out. She didn't bother looking him in the eyes, she was too frightened to.

"Yes, Master…"

"You will never be a magician if you cannot follow simple orders. Get to it now or-" he didn't get to finish. Naseem kicked his stall door down and made a mad dash out. Atop his back was the thief boy. Meskhenet turned to the pile of hay and saw that he was gone from it. Oh no…

"What are you waiting for? Go after him!" Meskhenet didn't have time to fully process what Zaim had asked her to do. She was too scared to stay where he was and quickly mounted Kanval and took off after the boy, wanting just as bad to get away from that place as he had. She nudged Kanval in the sides to pick up speed.

"Stop!" she called. Everything was happening so fast, what exactly was wrong with this day? Hadn't Father just been telling her about some items then the horses and the boy and now what was she doing? No, she needed to get Naseem back and prove Master Zaim she was good for something.

They ran all the way from her home through the streets of the small town, people scrambled and screamed to get out of the way. They toppled some carts and boxes as their horses jumped over them to avoid crashing into. Meskhenet whipped the reins of Kanval and moved her closer to Naseem. The boy looked at her angrily as she tried to reach out for Naseem's reins… but she realized that the boy had been riding Naseem without any equipment. Naseem picked up speed and Meskhenet looked in front of her, she nearly ran her horse into a stone building. She halted her horse that whinnied. She soothed Kanval down a bit before tapping her into a running gallop again. She looked back at the town; it was a mess because of them. Her family's farm was inching away slowly into the distance, growing smaller as she continued to chase after the boy. She needed to get Naseem back. She continued to chase after the boy for quite a while; the sun was beginning to set. Neither one of them was relenting but Naseem was slowly losing speed.

"Give up!" the boy shouted at her. She ignored him and again brought Kanval close to Naseem. The boy tried using Naseem to shove Kanval back but Meskhenet jumped on him, sending the boy, herself and Naseem tumbling down a sand dune. She landed on top of the boy and held him down.

"Hah!" she said triumphantly. The boy looked angry and grabbed her wrists but they both turned to Naseem as he got up and took off. Meskhenet slipped out of the boy's grasps and tried to run after Naseem but he was already a good distance away. "Wait! Naseem, come back! Please!"

"Look what you've done," the boy spat angrily, getting up and brushing himself of sand. What she had done?! She turned to him angrily and stalked over to him. He moved away but she came closer and slapped his arm once then again and again before she shoved him a little. He didn't seem affected by her hits but nonetheless didn't seem to want to be near her.

"What I've done?! What have you done?! You tried to steal my horse! No, you did steal my horse!" she shouted at him.

"You should've given up!" he yelled back at her, grabbing her wrist. She slapped his hand away and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"You should have not stolen my horse! You… y-you thief!"

"Is that all you can come up with?" he laughed and moved near her, he would've head-butted her if she hadn't moved away. She heard a hissing noise and turned to the sound and saw a snake slithering near them.

"Ahhhh!" she shrieked, falling down on her rear and inching back. She kicked sand at the snake that was closing the distance between them. The boy kicked the snake aside like it was nothing. Meskhenet, however, noticed that there wasn't just one snake but multiple snakes heading their direction. She quickly got up and moved away, the snakes were inching closer. "S-stop!" she shouted, squinting her eyes shut and blocking her face as if that would protect her. She didn't hear any hissing noises so she opened her eyes and saw that the snakes were frozen in place. Confused, she waved her hand in front of one and saw that they really were frozen. "I did it! I used magic!" She turned to the boy but she saw that he had already run up the sand dune and mounted Kanval who hadn't run away like Naseem. She was surprised, he was really fast. "Wait!" but he didn't and took off. That jerk!

She kicked sand at the snake and crouched down, drawing Horus's eye in the sand. Suddenly, she heard hoof beats and turned around and saw that the boy had come back. He offered his hand to her and she awkwardly took it, he pulled her up behind him and made Kanval run out the sand dune. "Thank you."

"Hmm," the boy merely said. Meskhenet thought that his hair looked nice, she subconsciously touched it and he moved away. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry! Uh… I—I have to get back home!" she said, trying to change the subject so as to not explain her actions. What am I doing?

"I'm not going back."

"W-what?" so where exactly were they going? What was he going to do, dump her in another town? "But I have to get back!"

"They'll lock me up if I go back." She couldn't believe this, he seemed nice when he came back for her but now she wasn't even sure why if he wasn't going to take her home. She pounded his back with her fists. "S-stop!"

"Take me home!" she continued to pound on his back. But he still protested. She eventually stopped which he seemed relieved of. They traveled in the desert night in silence. It was getting kind of chilly. She leaned near him, arms tucked near her chest. Kanval was beginning to slow down; it must've been tiring for her, running long hours and carrying the two for who knows how long. "We should let Kanval rest."

The boy didn't say anything but he halted Kanval and climbed down. Meskhenet jumped down and went over to the front of Kanval and patted her muzzle. Kanval seemed really tired, she snorted softly. "That's right… I had not given you any water or food." She wished she had listened to Master Zaim, if she had been paying attention Kanval wouldn't have been so tired. Naseem also must've been tired. Who knew what happened to him. Master Zaim was going to kill her when he found out that she probably killed Naseem.

"Let her rest for a while then we need to find water."

Meskhenet nodded. "Okay…" Kanval laid down in sternal recumbence and nodded off for a few minutes before waking again and repeating. Meskhenet occasionally stroked Kanval's neck. Both she and the boy were sitting next to Kanval, he had his arms cross and was looking the other way. What a crazy day…

"I never told you my name," she said suddenly. The boy reluctantly looked at her.

"Why? It is not like we're friends," he said.

Meskhenet looked at him confused. She wasn't sure if they were going to be friends or not but she didn't like calling him boy or thief. It sounded degrading and reminded her too much of how Master Zaim referred to her by everything but her name. "Well… I still would like to know your name so I can call you by it if I need to." He merely looked at her. "My name is Meskhenet."

He still didn't say anything, but he was looking her over. She swayed her feet as she waited for him to say something, anything. "Father said it's the same name as the goddess who created our kas."

"Is that really your home?" he asked suddenly. Why was he asking about her home? She felt a little sad thinking about it. She wasn't sure whether it was homesickness or because the place just made her sad? It was where Father and Momma were at along with all her failures as a magician and a girl. Her heart hurt, thinking of home. "That man wasn't very kind."

"Oh, Master Zaim…" this was the first time she had ever been away from home. It was refreshing but lonely. She looked at him; his clothes were dirty and tattered at some places. She was being ungrateful. She had a place to call home, a place to return to regardless of her failures or not, Father and Momma were there. Where were his parents? He was stealing like some wild animal which must've meant his family was either too poor or not here… she looked at him. He must've been so lonely. Somehow, looking at him, she wanted to hug him but felt that would be awkward. "Master Zaim is my master in magic."

"Magic…" he said. She nodded.

"I want to be a court magician! Father hired Master Zaim to teach me magic."

"Why a court magician?"

"Hmm?" she thought about it, "Because I want people to laugh and love magic! There is good magic in the world and I want people to see it!"

He suddenly burst out laughing but when he spoke he sounded quiet and bitter. "Magic is for power. There is no such thing as good magic."

She thought about it. Magic was used predominantly for power, but it could be used for entertainment too. "Then maybe I just want power…" she muttered.

"You seem pretty weak to harness any power." She slapped his arm and he moved away though he seemed to enjoy her reaction. He got up and stretched. "We need to get going." A loud rumbling sound was heard and the boy placed a hand on his stomach and looked at it. He probably hadn't gotten a good meal in a while. She got up and Kanval followed suit.

"Maybe we should look for some food," she said and they both looked around. Nothing but sand everywhere, no village was in sight. "How do we find a village or town?"

The boy didn't reply. "We should find an oasis or some sort of water source." He started walking in a random direction. Meskhenet grabbed the reins of Kanval and followed after him. She wondered if he knew where they were going. A feeling of lost washed over her, what if they got stuck here? They would wind up dead and Father and Momma would never know what happened to them. She wished she could just magically summon food and water but she knew that wasn't possible.

Time passed but everything seemed the same, no sounds but the occasional skittering of animals and the breathing of Kanval. The sky was a nice color of dark blue dotted with stars. It was a nice night out, but not when you were tired, lost and hungry. Meskhenet didn't know how long they had been walking but the boy had been keeping a steady pace in front of her but somehow he looked like he was getting further away. Her feet hurt and were freezing from the cold sand below. She hugged herself, trying to block the cold and hunger out but it was really strong. Kanval had come to stop, following Meskhenet's lead. She shuddered. The boy called out something but she didn't hear him.

The ground came into view and the cold sand hugged her body. She felt weak and cold. The boy came running to her and shook her but her vision blurred and everything went black. The boy hadn't realized it himself but he too was extremely tired, he passed out shortly afterwards.

I don't know what I'm doing :O, this story is long but I thought I tried this out. First Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfic; please read and review and help this sucker out!