I got a little carried away with this chapter. I have decided to divide it up. Here is the first part.
Unavoidable Delay.
"Mr. Grey, sir! Mr. Grey!" I open my eyes and see one of the crew leaning over me.
"Mr. Grey, sir, you hit your head and passed out. You need to see a doctor, sir." I try to sit up but the room is spinning. I touch the back of my head and pain shoots up my skull. Clarity comes to me and I remember I need to get up and get to Kate.
"No, I have to get going. I have a graduation to get to. Help me up." I start to grab my keys out of my pocket.
"Sir, you cannot drive like this. I will drive you to the hospital." No not the hospital. I won't make the graduation. I need to pull myself together. I don't want to miss this special day with Kate.
"Hey, dude, I'm okay. Just give me a second to get my head straight." I try to stand up but the everything turns completely sideways and I sit back down. Maybe I'm not going to make it to Kate's graduation. The thought makes my stomach turn. I feel nauseous.
"Mr. Grey, let me take you to the hospital. You could have a concussion." I hate to admit it but I think maybe he's right. I nod my head and he helps me out to his car. Everything is spinning and my head is hurting. It's a short drive to the hospital but as we pull up to the entrance I realize we're here at my mom's hospital. This is not good. Maybe she isn't working. Maybe the nurses will agree not to tell her. Against my better judgment, I sit down in a wheelchair and my the crew member wheels me in. I can't seem to remember his name. I'm bothered by this and I know it's a sign of a concussion. The nurse takes my information and when I tell her my name she looks at me curiously.
"Are you Dr. Trevelyan's son?" Oh no, here we go. I might as well have called her on my way in.
"Yes, but I would appreciate it if you don't tell her." She looks at me apologetically.
"I'm sorry but she's down here admitting a new patient. I'm afraid I can't hide you in the broom closet." She smiles and I let out a sigh and give the rest of my information to the nurse. I'm taken back to a bed and am helped up on to it. The room doesn't seem to be spinning as much but I still need to hang on to something.
"Elliot!" My mom whips open the curtain and rushes over to me. "Are you hurt? What's wrong? I should call your father..."
"No mom, hang on, I just hit my head and am a little dizzy." She feels the back of my head and I flinch at the pain that shoots up my head.
"Oh Elliot, you have a nasty bump. I'm afraid you could have a concussion. We'll have to take you up for a scan. Oh, honey, weren't you wearing your hard hat?"
"No, um sorry mom, I was in a hurry to get to Kate's graduation. I guess I was in a hurry and didn't think."
"Elliot Grey! You are the owner of a construction company! You know how important wearing a hat is! Now let me help you into this gown and you're going to have to have a scan to see if there is anything more serious than a concussion. And after we're done you're going to tell me who this Kate is."
I grumble and let my mom help me into the humiliating gown. If it wasn't for the room shifting and turning, I would have told her to go away and let me take care of myself. Unfortunately, I think I need her help. Once I'm situated and the nurse puts in the IV, my mom leaves to go find the doctor. I look up and the dude that brought me in is standing by the curtain.
"Mr. Grey, I'm going to head back to the site. Do you want me to call Mr. Cal?" Oh man, I bet Cal is wondering why I never showed up at the restaurant.
"Yes, go ahead but tell him I'm fine. Tell him I need him to bring me my phone. And thank you."
"Yes, sir." He nods and leaves. I'm left in a room with no way to call Kate. I look at the clock and it's already 9:30. I wonder if I can even get a hold of her. My mom walks in with Dr. Rodgers. I think I've seen him before. Unfortunately this is not the first time I've hit my head. He agrees with my mom that I probably have a concussion and that they need to send me up for a scan to make sure there isn't any bleeding. I answer all of the cognitive questions correctly and then Dr. Rodgers leaves. My mom stands over me and leans down to kiss my forehead.
"Elliot, it's a wonder all of the hair on my head isn't white. I still can't believe you weren't wearing your hat. How many times do you remind your workers to do that and then you go and forget."
"That's what I'd like to know!" Cal is standing in the room with an angry look on his face. "I just had to schmooze a group of six board members over organic whole grain pancakes! Do you know how boring it was? Here I thought you had ditched me to go see Kate and yet you end up getting hit over the head!" My mom smiles and gives Cal a hug. She's always loved Cal. His mother was killed in a car accident our senior year of high school and she took him under her wing. His father didn't know what to do without his mom and so Cal ended up coming over for dinner almost every night of the week.
"I'll go see what's taking so long with the scan." She leaves and Cal is standing glaring at me with his hands on his hips.
"This Kate is making you lose your head. The guys at the site said that you were knocked out cold. Here's your precious phone." He tosses the phone on my lap and I see that there are five missed calls. I quickly send Kate and Christian text messages.
I'm so sorry. Something happened at the site and I'm stuck here in Seattle. Call me as soon as you can. I'm so sorry. -E
Christian, please tell Kate I'm sorry. There was a minor accident at the site and I needed to stay here. -E
I'm hoping they get my messages. I don't want to tell either one of them that the accident was with me. I don't want to ruin their day. Both of them have speeches to give this morning. I feel sick just thinking about missing her speech.
"Whoa, you're looking a little green. Do you need a bucket?" Cal grabs the bowl that the nurse left by the bed.
"No, I think I'm alright. I just gotta get out of here." Cal sits down and starts laughing.
"Well, then you picked the wrong hospital because if you think your mom is going to let you walk out of here and drive to Kate's graduation, then you're crazier than I thought." I lean my head back and sigh knowing that he's right. Just then the nurse comes in and tells me that it's time to head up and have the scan done. I'm wheeled down the hall and close my eyes. I am feeling sleepy all of a sudden and need to get some sleep. I'm jerked awake by the nurse.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Grey, but you need to stay awake. As a concussion patient, you are not allowed to sleep." I sigh and go along with what she's saying. I know the rules. Again, this isn't the first time I've hit my head.
The scan shows a mild concussion. My mom seems relieved that it's mild and sends Cal back to work. She comes in and sits down at the end of my bed.
"Honey, I've only got one more patient left. The nurses are going to get you settled in your room and then..."
"My room! Hell no, I'm not staying here!" I attempt to get out of bed but the floor suddenly shifts and I sit back down.
"Elliot Grey your language! Of course you have to stay here. You have a concussion and it needs to be monitored."
"Mom, I can't stay. I was supposed to go to the WSU graduation. I have plans with Kate."
"There you go with this Kate business. It seems to me that she seems more important than your safety right now."
"Mom, I can't stay here. Isn't there some way that I can leave?" I look at her with my sad eyes that I know she can't refuse.
"Well, there is one thing I could do." She is smiling for some reason. Why do I think she's planning something?
"Mom, I'll do whatever it takes to not stay the night here." She's still smiling.
"Good, then you're coming home with me. I'll watch over you tonight and make sure you don't start to have any worse symptoms. I'll let your dad know and we'll have a nice dinner." She pats my foot and walks out of the room. Why do I feel like I've just been tricked into staying the night at my parents' house? Oh man, how am I going to explain this to Kate? I look at the clock and it's ten after twelve already. She must have already given her speech by now. I can't believe I missed it. I'm not a good boyfriend. I hope I haven't screwed up too badly.
The car ride to my parents' house is horrible. My dizziness hasn't gone away and the car ride made me sick to my stomach a couple of times. My mom barely got the car pulled over the last time I lost it. We walked in the house and she made me lay down on the couch and not move. As she was busying herself in the kitchen, I heard my dad walk in the door. He kisses my mom and then sits down in the chair next to me.
"Elliot, how are you? You know you didn't have to get a concussion to have your mom cook you dinner. She would love it if all of you kids were still living here." My dad's attempt at humor is given away by the concerned tone in his voice.
"Dad, I love you guys but this wasn't planned and my plans for the day were ruined." I try to sit up but the room is still spinning and I fall back into my pillow. My dad reaches over and turns the TV down, "What plans were so important that you were so careless? You know better than anyone else how dangerous a construction site can be."
"I met a girl last weekend," I blurt out and my father sits back and raises his eyebrows signaling me to go on, "I really like her, dad, and today was her graduation from WSU."
He lets out a sigh, "I see. Well, does she know why you missed it?"
"No, I told her something came up at the site. She texted me a little bit ago and said she'd call me later. Her whole family is there. I was supposed to meet them."
"Son, meeting her parents is a big deal. Are you sure you are ready for that? Don't be rushing a good thing." My dad is always such a good source of wisdom but I don't think he understands how deep my feelings are for Kate.
"Dad, I can't stop thinking about her. It's freaking me out a little bit." I see my dad smile and he reaches over and pats my knee.
"Well, she must be something. I can't wait to meet her."
"Meet who?" My mom walks in the room drying off her hands. She walks over to me and looks into my eyes, checking my pupils. She slips an ice pack behind my head.
"I've been dating someone, mom. Her graduation was today." My mom smiles.
"Yes, I've heard you say Kate's name several times today." My mom lifts my feet and sits down at the end of the couch. She puts my feet back on her lap and I'm reminded of many evenings sitting on this couch having family movie night. She starts to rub my feet and waits for me to tell her more.
"I met her last weekend and we've been calling each other every day. She's got an internship in Seattle and I'm supposed to help her move on Saturday."
"Elliot, I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to be moving boxes and furniture. You have a concussion. Does Kate know?"
"Mom, I'll be fine. It's just a mild concussion." She looks at me sternly and I know this is going to be a battle.
"Elliot, you are going to be under my care for the next 24 hours. I will call Kate myself if I don't think you should be moving stuff on Saturday." I lean my head back and sigh. I really need a nap and my head is pounding. I rub my forehead and try to relieve the throbbing in my temples.
"You need some more pain medicine." My mom stands up and goes into the kitchen. My dad turns the volume up on the TV and turns on the MLB network. I look down at my phone and decide to text Kate.
Hey, sweet Kate, I hope you aren't mad at me. I'm sick over missing your graduation. I wish I was there. I'm sure you were great. -E
Is everything alright? -K
Yes, we just had a problem at the site. Everything should be good by tomorrow. Please call me tonight when you get home. -E
I can't wait to get home and call you. I'm going out to dinner with my family. I'll bring up Barbados. - K
OK. I'm so glad you're not mad at me. I would be there if I could. I'll explain everything tonight. Laters, baby. -E
Laters, Elliot. -K
I'm so glad Kate isn't mad at me. She must be having a good day. I wonder how her speech went. I'll have to ask Christian but I'm sure he's out with Ana tonight. I'll have to call him tomorrow. Thank goodness my mom hasn't called him yet. She knows about Ana and I think she's trying to give them some space. However, knowing my mom that won't last for long. My dad has started to snore in his chair and my mom is cooking dinner. I think I'll close my eyes for just a few minutes. My mom said I could take short naps and the pain killers are making me drowsy. I drift off to sleep.
The evening goes by quickly. My mom is waking me every so often making sure I'm okay. I wonder when Kate will call me. It's getting late and I keep drifting off to sleep...
I'm woken by the sound of my mom talking in the kitchen. I reach for my phone and notice it's not there. I start searching under the couch, the pillows, the blankets, and then I realize that my mom is talking to someone on the phone. No! She wouldn't. I walk into the kitchen realizing that the room isn't spinning quite as much as before. I turn into the kitchen and my mom looks up at me.
"Oh, here he is now. It was nice speaking to you, Kate. I can't wait to see you when you come over for dinner." She hands me the phone and shrugs her shoulders a little as I glare at her. She walks out of the room and I sit down to talk to Kate.
"Hey, Kate." I brace myself for her first words.
"Elliot! Why are you at your parents' house? I don't mind talking to your mom but it was a bit of a surprise. What happened today?" Apparently, my mom didn't tell her about my accident. I will have to thank her later. I hate to omit the truth to Kate but I don't want to worry her.
"We just had a situation at the site. I have to wait until tomorrow afternoon or evening to come see you. I really wish I was there today. How was it?"
"It was good. I really think I rocked my speech. People really liked your brother's speech too. He sure has a way with words." I'm noticing a negative tone in her voice. Now what has he done.
"He's always been good at speeches. Are you tired, Kate?"
"What I'm tired of is your brother making Ana cry. I came home and Ana was on the phone with her mom crying again. Elliot, she never cries. I know you don't want to get between me and your brother but something's not right." I sigh and put my head in my hands. I don't want to have a conversation about my brother. My head hurts.
"Kate, they're both new at this. My brother can be intense. Just give them time. Kate, my head really hurts. I can't talk about my brother right now."
"Oh, Elliot, I'm sorry. We can talk tomorrow. Are you sick? Is that why you're at your parents' house?" Oh, how am I going to get out of this one. I don't want to tell Kate. Not yet.
"Kate, my mom insisted on cooking me dinner. It's been a disappointing day and I just have a headache. I'm going to stay the night here and then see you tomorrow. Listen, I've gotta go. Why don't you get some rest too or go talk to Ana."
"Ok, Elliot, I'm going to go make Ana some tea and then head to bed too. She's in her room and I need to check on her." I hope my brother hasn't dumped her. That would make things really awkward between us.
"Laters, baby."
"Laters, Elliot." I love how she says that. I will always love how she says that.
I head up to bed and a little while later my mom checks on me and brings me something for my headache. My mom is the best. Apparently, she still has to check on me every couple hours so it's going to be a long night for both of us. I lay in bed staring at the walls. My room looks the same as it did in high school. I have my posters of Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and of course my signed Ken Griffey, Jr. poster. I don't know why my mom has left our rooms the same but I don't mind. It's nice to have a place to go back to where we can relax and feel safe. I stay over every once and awhile. My mom likes us to come over for dinner and spoil us and I don't mind letting her. I reach up and grab a picture off my desk. It's a picture from our family trip to Europe. Mia and I look ecstatic while Christian looks unhappy. He wasn't happy about that trip. We all had a great time but he seemed to want to get home. I don't know what was so great back at home. He never had many friends. He always spent time studying and working for the Lincolns. Ugh, Elena. I can't stand to think of that woman anymore. Something went down between she and Christian and I have been respectful of his wishes for me to drop the whole thing but I can't help but wonder what happened. I try to banish my worries from my mind and try to think only of Kate. I can't wait until tomorrow night.
Morning came too soon. I woke up to the smell of coffee in the kitchen. As I sit up, I realize that the room is no longer spinning. My head is sore but not pounding. I stretch and head down to the kitchen. My dad is sitting with his coffee and the paper. My mom is nowhere in sight and I hope that she's still sleeping. She woke me up every two hours through the night and checked on me. She looked so tired and I felt bad for worrying her. I will never go out to the site without my hat. I can't believe I lost my focus and did such an idiotic thing.
"How's the head, Elliot?" He doesn't look from his paper as I grab some coffee and sit down at the table.
"Just a little sore. I'm not dizzy anymore. Is mom sleeping?" My dad puts the paper down and looks at me.
"Yes and don't wake her. She didn't sleep much at all last night. She was really worried about you. This wasn't your first concussion, Elliot. It could have been worse." My dad isn't joking around. He's not happy.
"Look, dad, I screwed up. I'm sorry. I was just in a hurry. It won't happen again." How did I end up being sixteen again? My dad picks his paper up again and I realize that he's said what he's going to say. I get up and head upstairs to take a shower. The shower feels good but I'm feeling tired again so I lay down for a nap. Just a short nap.
My ear is wet. Ugh, I reach up and a tongue licks the side of my face. There's panting and it's not from a human.
"Griffey! Get off of Elliot's bed!" My dad's dog has made himself comfortable on my pillow.
"Hey, good boy, how ya doin'?" I scratch him behind the ear and he closes his eyes. He's our second chocolate lab. Our first one was named Griffey too but after he died, my dad had to name the next one Griffey, Jr. He's a great dog but my mom hates it when he gets on the furniture. She rarely lets him upstairs so I'm surprised he's even in here. She shoos him off the bed and motions for him to go out into the hallway. My mom sits down on the edge of the bed and I know she's going to start asking me questions. She's got her doctor face on.
"Hey, mom. I feel a lot better. You don't have to worry about me." I try to answer her look of worry.
"Elliot, you can't tell a mother not to worry about her son. From the day we brought you home, I have counted each breath that comes out of your lungs. I've kissed your boo boos and held you when you were sick. I'm not going to stop now."
"Aww, mom, I love you. But I'm okay, I feel good. Thanks for taking care of me but I need to head out to Portland." She grimaces and then stands.
"Not until I get some food in you. Also, I need to make sure you can drive. Do you still have some dizziness or nausea?"
"No, mom, no dizziness. I'm good. I won't pass up the food but I do need to head out after that."
"Alright, Elliot, I know I won't be changing your mind. I'm going to go downstairs and make you some food." She kisses my head and then leaves to go downstairs. I check my phone and see that Kate hasn't called or texted. I'm disappointed and wonder what she's up to. I think she's probably packing with Ana. I know this is their last day in the apartment and they are probably either sad to be leaving college life or excited for the future. It's probably a little bit of both. I remember feeling that way. I decide to give Cal a call and see how everything went the last day or so.
After speaking to Cal, I realize that there is an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. The smell was very familiar. Yep, my mom was making her famous mac and cheese. She made it from scratch and even put the bread crumbs on top. I'm pretty sure she's attempting to put me in a food coma so I can't leave. She buzzes around the kitchen and hums a little. My mom loves music. She insisted we each play an instrument. Mia and I did great but Christian excelled at the piano. The piano was his way of escaping when the world was too much. Unfortunately, the world was too much for him most of the time. Some people find him antisocial but I think he's just filtering through the sludge that comes with people who are only out for what they can take from him. Just as I sit down at the table, I hear an all too familiar click clack in the hallway. Griffey starts for the hallway and lets out a small growl. My dad tells him to go lie down and then she appears in the doorway.
Guess who is coming to dinner! Thank you for all of the fantastic reviews. Keep them coming!