Hello there everyone and welcome to my first story on this site, took me long enough honestly, but anyway, as you can guess from the title and section, this story is a power rangers and fire emblem crossover, the first of it's kind, so hooray for that! Now, each ranger will obviously end up with somebody, and this is what this author's note here is going to show you, the names and pairings of each ranger, as well as the relations between each rangers and a brief description of each of them, plus their ages, so let's get started on that:

-White Ranger/Mathieu/21

The leader of the team, able to stay calm in most circumstances, and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, he gets easily shy around women whom he develops feelings for. Paired with Sumia. Wields a saber, usually in underhanded grip.

-Green Ranger/David/16

The youngest of the rangers, he is Mathieu's younger brother, rather cocky, but a very playful boy, gets irritated when someone comments on his height. The only way Naga deemed him capable of weilding the immense and taxing powers of the dragon power coin was to make him a manakete, as such he'll outlive his family but quickly learns to make the best of the time he has with them. Paired with Nowi. Dual wields a dagger and a sword.

-Red Ranger/Samuel/22

The second in command of the rangers as well as Mathieu's best friend, he also serves as the funny man of the group, being there to lighten the mood when others are feeling down or things are too serious for his tastes. Paired with Olivia. Wields a broadsword.

-Pink Ranger/Mica/21

Mathieu's twin sister born half an hour after him, she gets along well with others and when Mathieu isn't able to, serves as the voice of reason, she tends to work in tandem with Samuel to lighten the mood. Paired with Chrom. Wields a bow.

-Yellow Ranger/Mylene/23

The oldest of the rangers at 23, she tends to act like the mother of the group when the others get into arguments, quickly preventing them from getting out of hand, she joined the already established group of Mathieu, David, Samuel and Mica when her and Mathieu met at a cafe and quickly became fast friends. Paired with Robin. Dual wields a pair of daggers.

-Blue Ranger/Luke/20

The Brains of the rangers, he was the one who designed the weapons since bandai hadn't made a legacy ranger weapons set, he was seen as weird by most people he knew till he met Mathieu, the first person to not be too weirded out by him. Paired with Miriel. Wields a two sided lance.

-Black Ranger/William/20

The muscle of the rangers, he met Mathieu through Mylene, as the two of them were already friends, so when she joined the gang, so did he, bringing along the much needed muscle of the group, he's always looking for a challenge, thus he's the one who tends to drag the gang into trouble, which in hindsight was needed since it helped them all become stronger. Paired with Sully. Wields an axe.

Each of the rangers have trained with their weapon of choice till wielding it was second nature to them, they've become so well known in their town, that the kids in the city see them as the actual power rangers.

So yeah, there's the backstory of my ranger team, the names are all names of friends of mine, though only one of them acts just like his ranger version, anyway, since their background is set up, let's get this story underway.

Darkness. That's all I can see right now. Nothing more, nothing less. At first I thought I was dead, but that was quickly forgotten as I could hear myself breathing. Then, slowly the darkness seemed to, receed somewhat, allowing me to open my eyes, only to be greeted by more darkness, irrittating me somewhat, but it was quickly forgotten when I noticed my friends scattered around me, all unconscious it seems. Only one thing to do in this case. So sucking in a lot of air, I readied myself.

''WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUMS!'' I shouted out.

Well, thankfully that did the trick, everyone shot up as soon as I shouted, all showing confusing on their faces when they noticed our location, or lack of location since darkness is basically nothing. We all checked ourselves to make sure we still had our gear.

You're probably wondering what gear I'm talking about right? Well, the seven of us were heading to the local convention to do a group cosplay of the mighty morphing power rangers, except we had both a white and green ranger, we all had a power morpher with the corresponding power coin, we also had the corresponding ranger color in place of the black stickers on the morpher, we each had the corresponding weapon with us, as well as some leather armor and medieval style clothes, wanting to do something original, myself wielding saba, along with some noble style white clothes, some leather armor on my arms and legs, along with a simplified version of the white ranger's chest armor with a tiger and a falcon etched onto it. And before I forget since I haven't introduced myself yet, the name's Mathieu, I have straight dark brown hair and brown eyes.

My brother David wielded the dragon dagger and a replica of the sword of darkness, wearing some wild style green clothes, golden shoulder pads which had the head of a dragon etched into each of them, and a short green cape on his back, it goes well with green tinted spiky black hair, nobody ever questionned why his hair was the color it was, but it looks cool, he has brown eyes like me.

My twin sister Mica has a replica of the power bow and wore some lightweight clothes, including a long skirt that reached her knees and thankfully for her was loose enough to not restrict her movements, she wore light leather armor over her chest that had a pterodactyl, a firebird and a crane (the bird) etched into it, she has long black hair tied into a pony tail and blue eyes, like our grandmother.

My best friend Samuel had a replica of the power sword and wore red clothes, he also had actual metal bracers on his arms and shins, as well as a small metal pauldron on his right shoulder and a metal breastplate that a T-rex, a chinese dragon and an ape etched into it, he has curly light brown hair and brown eyes.

Mylene, the oldest of our gang, wields a pair of replica power daggers, along with some lightweight yellow clothes, no skirt though, she prefers pants, she doesn't have a leather armor on her chest, but she does wear leather bracers, each of them etched with a saber toothed tiger, a kirin (or horse with horns poiting backwards as a literal discription) and a bear, she has auburn colored hair with brown eyes.

Luke, the brains of the group, has a replica of the power lance, except his is a little longer to give him more reach, along with the normal blue clothes, he also wears a helm that has three horns on it, his leather armor has etching of a triceratops, a tenma (pegasus basically) and a wolf, he has black hair and green eyes.

And finally, William, the Brawn of the gang, thankfully he's not all brawn, he's also got a brain, contrary to what people like to think about him, he has a replica of the power axe, and out of all of us, wears the least amount of clothing, opting for just a balck sleeveless shirt and pants, a large leather pauldron on his left arm and a bit of fur lined bracers on his forearms, his pauldron has a mastodon, a lion and a grog etched on it, he has short black hair and brown eyes, he's also the tallest out of all of us.

When we were done patting ourselves down we checked out bags for anything missing, and sadly, all of the legacy zords that we had were gone, that includes the dino zords, the thunder zords, the ninja zords, the shogun zords, the dragon zord, the white tiger zord, the falcon zord, titanus, and tor the shuttle zord, also, me and david noticed that the dragon dagger and saba were missing their on/off switches, same goes for the power morphers. It was only after we were done mopping around about the loss of the zords that Mica noticed something different about our little brother.

''Hey David? What happened to your ears? They're pointy, like an elf.'' she said while pointing towards him.

All of us turned towards him, and with myself being the closest, I noticed that his ears seemed to have small bump like ridges on the bottom of them. My curiostiy piqued, I poked them, and they wiggled a bit.

''They're real.'' I said, completely shocked at that.

Before any of us could ask more questions, a bright light shined above us, making us look up to see a 30 something looking woman with long flowing green hair, wearing what seemed to be a rather revealing robe, a circlet around her forehead, and her ears were the same as David's making me think she might have something to do with that, she slowly decends to the ground, if this void has one, in front of us.

''Who are you?'' asks Samuel.

''I am Naga, the divine dragon of Ylisse, I come to you to request your aid rangers'' she says, her voice echoing around the void.

''Wait, how do you know about that?'' asks William, surprise clear in his voice about how someone from another place, maybe another world if I'm guessing correctly, knows about us having been called that in our town.

''For you this is the first time we have met, but I have met all of you once before, when I brought you to a future past, as something had changed the balance of the world, outside aid was needed, thankfully you were able to bring back the balance, but in the end, you and others fell to a greater evil, one that I had not anticipated at the time, especially as the other versions of you that I had brought did not have their zords as you call them with them, but this time I did not make that mistake and summoned you when you had them on you.'' she explained to us, surprising all of us that we've died already it seems.

''Wait, you're talking as if we actually have the power.'' said Mylene, and as soon as she said that I looked to Naga because I realized what she was getting at.

''You gave us the power and made our gear and the zords real didn't you?'' I asked her, shocking the others and making Naga nod to answer my question.

''So then, we've become the actual Power Rangers...'' said Luke in awe.

''Wait, why do I have pointy ears though? And Just WHERE are the zords anyway?'' asked David.

''That would be my doing child, when I made your power coin real, I found that it would have been draining on a human, which is why I had to change you, you are now a manakete, a race of beings that can turn into dragons and can live for thousands of years, like me, I also had to age you up so to speak, for your lifeforce to be able to handle the power of the coin, you are now approximately 1300 years old however you have no dragonstone, but I do believe the power is a good trade off, is it not?'' she smiles at him as she explains.

''Yeah... yeah I guess that's an ok trade, but, man I'm old now though, and also...'' he looks towards the rest of us, downcast a bit.

I smile at him, knowing what he's thinking about and wrap my arm around his shoulders. ''Don't worry about it little bro, even though you'll live longer than the rest of us, we'll make plenty of memories so that you can remember us by, so enjoy life to the fullest, just like you've been doing till now.'' I told him as I ruffled his hair a bit.

He looked up at me, mulling over my words and slowly he started to smile. ''Yeah, you're right big bro, thanks for that.''

Naga smiled at our little exchange before continuing her explanation. ''As for your zords, you will be able to call upon them should the need arise, so you need not worry about them.''

We nodded, satisfied with her explanation.

''So, I'm guessing now you're gonna send us to this other world proper so we can start saving it?'' said Mica.

Naga nodded before the void started to be filled with a blinding light, forcing us to cover our eyes. ''Go forth young rangers, and may the power forever protect you.''

And with that, the darkness was gone.

So, there's the prologue of the story, tell me what you thought in the reviews, just be civil about it, I'm ok with critics, but I'd prefer if you didn't just bash me and the story in it, if you do you'll be ignored outright, and if anybody has any tips or suggestions they'd like to make regarding the story, then by all means, go ahead, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say, so with that, this is swift56 signing off.