Hey guys I'm sorry for my long absence, been having a lot going on lately and I've struggled to balance everything. I hope you enjoy the last chapter of this story :D.

Wings flapped heavily in the air as they pursued Dagur.

"How he managed to get out in the condition I left him" Hiccup laughed.

"He can't get away" she shouted "not after everything he did!" she yelled patting Stormfly to calm the nervous dragon that could sense her rider's distress. They flew before Toothless suddenly dived

"Follow me" Hiccup yelled at Astrid who dived along with them. She caught a glimpse of red hair and scowled.

"Stormfly fire!" she yelled. The Nadder growled and fired a Magnesium blast and caught Dagur on the leg. The said berserker cried out in pain and fell rolling to the floor.

"Nice one" Hiccup laughed drawing a bow and firing two shots both of which went into his arms. Dagur wailed in pain before laughing.

"Its official brother you're crazier than I am." Dagur laughed out while trying to pull himself out from his current pinned position.

"What me? Crazy?" Hiccup asked bored "seriously you couldn't have come up with a better insult" Hiccup snorted while hovering. Toothless landed and Hiccup slid off the dragon and walked towards Dagur while sheathing the bow and swinging a short sword. "it's a shame you were caught so early" Hiccup sighed "honestly I'm rather disappointed" he murmured, "it would have been more fun if you had almost gotten away, almost" he said purring the last word his eyes slightly wide as he smirked down at him. Astrid breathed as she watched him walk forward; she shook her head slightly and groaned. He had managed to work his way into her mind, as a warrior she always had the slight thrill of killing. She would always to a point enjoy how her enemies would fall by her axe. Since reuniting with Hiccup her morals had completely switched over, she found that more and more she was enjoying watching her enemies fall. She was enjoying watching them being tortured, not by herself but by him. She found her eyes drawn to how he would throw his body into each swing, how his eyes would light up in the dim lighting of the moon light, mimicking the flickering of a flame. She bit her lip hard and sighed quietly as she walked over to him her hands running up his back as she looked up at him. Her lips where close and her breath hot against his ear, her eyes slid shut and she whispered softly, her hand ran across his wrist and she sucked in a deep breath. Hiccup looked pleasantly surprised as he looked down at her, his lips curled up into a smirk and he swung the blade down into Dagur's stomach. The berserker cried out in pain and gurgled as blood spilled from his mouth. She breathed as she watched him fall her chest heaving.

"Is that all of them?" she asked softly as she rested a hand against his back and he sighed leaning his head back his Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed.

"There are still a few more but we'll talk about them later" he said quietly his eyes dark as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her along. He sighed quietly as he kissed her and her eyes slid shut her breath catching in her throat as her head fell back to accommodate his height. "Come on" he said smirking slightly as they headed back to the dragons and took off into the sky.