First Miraculous Ladybug story! Very excited to start writing this story! :) Based mostly on the Anime! and on the cgi!

I do not own Miraculous Ladybug...unfortunately!

Adrien F-G. Agreste signed unhappily as he walked up the steps to his new school. Play it cool Adrien. Maybe no one will notice you're Gabriel Agreste's son.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. He took one step in to school and was immediately cornered by a blonde who claimed she was 'the mayors daughter and his future wife', and that they should 'immediately start dating asap'.

Adrien's facial expression turned in to one of bemusement.

"Sorry, I'm not looking for a girlfriend." Adrien stated. Especially not a gold-digger.

He walked passed her and Sabrina. Angry noises coming out of the Blondes mouth while she flailed her arms up and down in disbelief.

Sabrina's face paled as her 'best friend's' rejection. Unfortunately for Adrien and Sabrina, Chloe had set a goal, getting Adrien Agreste to be her boyfriend.

"Hey,wait up!" A boy behind Adrien called out. He tugged slightly at his vest to hide something before looking back.

"You're Adrien, right?"

"Yes." He turned himself completely around.

"Nino. Want me to show you around?...and don't worry about Chloe, she thinks just because her dad is the mayor means she can get away with anything." Nino explained.

"Thought as much." Adrien replied. A frown appeared on his face as he felt eyes bore in to the back of his head.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Nino offered.

Marinette walked towards her class with Alya. The two talked on events that occurred during the two days they were off school.

"Did you catch Ladybug in action!?" Alya squealed delighted.

"Of course! I-I was watching fro the Bakery window, which you should have been too." Marinette lied. She didn't just 'watch' the action she was the action.

"I wouldn't agree! I got great footage of the whole ordeal between ladybug and the marksmen! It's a hit on the ladybug blog, as well." Alya argued, already pulling up the video on her phone.

"Can't argue with that...but...just be careful when you're trying to get footage! You could get in to the crossfire." Marinette frowned.

"Someone cares!" Alya teased.

"Of course I do! You're like a sister to me," Marinette whined. "Plus, who will eat all my cookies when I look away? Who will help me when I have boy trouble? If that day comes. Who will I have slumber parties with? Who will-"

"Okay, okay. I get it, be more careful," Alya groaned. "But...If I do get in between the crossfire, Ladybug would save me." Alya beamed excitedly.

"Yet, she has to fight the bad guy." Marinette pointed out.

"..." Alya couldn't think of a comeback after that.

"Are you busy tonight?" Alya questioned. Marinette nodded. Out patrolling, unfortunately.

"We can hang out tomorrow, if you're up for it?" Marinette quickly offered. Alya nodded her head at the offer, accepting it and smiling.

"Hey, I need to go find Nino, wanna come?" Alya offered, scanning the hall way for a trace of him.

Marinette wiggled her eyebrows suggestively when Alya mentioned Nino. A blush quickly spread to Alya's face as she hurriedly explained that wasn't the case.

Marinette giggled as her friends face became more red.

Alya walked off flustered and very annoyed at the littlest thing Marinette said to her. Marinette, not looking where she was going, turned and collided with something stiff and fabric-y.

"Oof" She had squeaked out. "Sorry, I'm such a klutz! Klutzy Marinette a-always b-b-bumping into people" Her words started to stutter as she looked up at the person she collided in to. The Adrien Agreste.

A blush enveloped in her cheeks.

"It's okay. Accidents happen." Adrien shrugged it off, standing in place as Marinette examined him. For her, it was to make sure her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, yet, here he is. Standing still while she examined him.

She noted everything about him. He wore black pants along with a black vest and tie. A grey long-sleeved shirt and a black bag slugged over his shoulder. Gabriel Agreste brand was all of his clothes. Everything down to his shoes were labeled.

He also noted everything about her. The first thing was that she had admitted she was a 'Klutz'. Second, she was wearing short shorts. A violation of dress code, maybe?

She wore a white button-up shirt and a black sweater, sleeves rolled up to her elbows. A red backpack hung on her shoulders along with a purse that hung from one shoulder and brushed up against her thigh on the other side.

Another thing he picked up was her scent. She smelled like pastries and strawberries.

He soon realized that Marinette and him had been examining each other for a while. He bid her a silent good bye with his stoic face and walked off. He looked mad as he did so.

Soon after the bell rang, indicating the students to head off to class. The hallways cleared, except for Marinette who had watched him leave. A string of her hair at the top of her head began to shift back and forth, before stopping, becoming a heart- shape.

She smiled happily as her cheeks burned bright red.

She, Marinette Cheng, was in love with Adrien Felix, Gabriel, Agreste. Son to Gabriel Agreste, the world famous fashion designer, the man that inspires her to become a fashion designer.

Yet, that wasn't relevant to Marinette. Marinette isn't in love with Adrien because of his status, wealth, or father.

She was interested in the boy that allowed her to inspect him. The boy she had stupidly bumped in to.

"Wow, Marinette, You're really late to class." Tikki stated, her head poking out from Marinette's bag. Marinette jumped at that and rushed to class.

Ladybug ran from rooftop to rooftop. Her hair and hair ties flapping wildly in the wind as she scanned the surrounding areas of France for trouble.

A normal night for her. She thought of visiting Alya but decided against it. Alya would surely have a heart attack if Ladybug came knocking on her window. What would they even discuss about?

She bravely took a huge leap from one building, unaware of the green cat-like eyes watching her do so in admiration.

She cartwheeled on the roof she had just landed on. She stood still before turning her head back to look at, what she believed to be her akumatized victim at first, Chat Noir. She extended her arms and threw her self off the roof.

Chat Noir yelped in surprise at her action, rushing toward the edge of the roof where she had just jumped. Fortunately, to the relief of Chat, Ladybug had used her Yo-yo to swing to another building.

She stood on a higher roof top and looked down at him, almost glaring, as she retracted her yo-yo.

"How about you make this easy for the both of us and tell me where your akuma is?" Ladybug stated boldly.

"What?" Chat Noir asked confused.

"Look, we could do this the easy way or the hard way, err...what's your name?" Ladybug questioned.

"Chat Noir...and I'm not akumatized!" Chat replied, holding up his ring. "I have a kwami."

She looked surprised. She always knew there were more Kwami's out there but didn't realize another one took residence in France.

"I'm here to protect France, with you, My Lady." Chat said. His cat-like grin showing.

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