Hello! This is my first real multi-chapter story (more than 3 chapters)! Just a few things: Kara is 12, Alex is 15 because I always feel like their age difference seems more than the show has it so I went with 3 years...andddd it's a bit AUish because I sprinkled in a few of the other characters (Jimmy, Cat, Winn, Lucy-who needs more air time in my opinion!)
So anyway, I hope you guys like it! I have the next chapter already written too so it shouldn't take me that long to update.
Waking up exactly one minute before her alarm clock went off was a skill Alex Danvers never knew she needed until a month ago.
She stretched her left arm out as far as it could go and hit the "off" button with thirty seconds to spare. This was her third alarm clock in two weeks. She really liked this particular clock because the alarm woke her up with music and not some obnoxious beeping sound that terrified her new sister to the very core. However, she wasn't willing to risk letting it go off because if Kara melted this one, she'd be out of money and her mother Eliza would have to wake them up in the mornings.
That was something Alex never wanted to happen. Her mother was bright and cheery; everything the fifteen-year-old was not early in the morning.
Alex kicked the covers off her body and rolled off the bed, letting a yawn escape while she tiptoed over to Kara's bed. It had been a whirlwind of a month; between starting tenth grade and getting accepted into the very elite science club at school, Kara crashed into their lives quite literally the second week in September. She was an adorable, terrified little alien who narrowly escaped seconds before her home planet of Krypton exploded.
Everything seemed to happen so fast. Alex hung back and gave Kara her space because she saw the way her little face scrunched up in fear whenever Alex's parents got too close. She knew she'd never understand what Kara was going through. It wouldn't be fair for her to even try. Instead, Alex slowly gained Kara's trust and welcomed her with open arms. They bonded pretty quickly and Alex was pretty lax when she was in charge. She'd let Kara float around the house when she was itching to use her powers. Sometimes if she didn't feel like waiting for the frozen pizza to cook, Kara was allowed to use her heat vision to heat it up. It was a win-win for everyone.
However, Jeremiah and Eliza were strict. They wanted Kara to be as normal as possible. Though she was sent to earth to protect her baby cousin, her pod went off course and she was stuck in the phantom zone for 12 years. Her cousin was all grown up and didn't need her. Alex knew her sister was still torn up over it. After all, Superman barely came to visit. Eliza and Jeremiah deemed it necessary to protect Kara. They feared if Kara saw the way Superman lived, she'd want to go off and do the same. It was important to them that Kara suppressed her powers and lived a normal life like she was human.
"Kara?" Alex whispered gently. She sat on the edge of the small twin bed and brushed the hair out of her sister's face. "Wake up."
Kara whimpered in protest. She absolutely hated being woken up, especially when it was for school. Despite the smell of pancakes and bacon wafting up the stairs, Kara refused to move.
"No thanks," Kara replied politely.
Alex rolled her eyes and pulled the covers off the small girl. Sometimes, she forgot Kara was twelve. She was so tiny and barely reached her shoulder. Though Kara had super strength, Alex was sometimes worried she'd crush Kara when they hugged.
"Hah, try again," Alex chuckled. She smiled widely down at her sister when Kara reluctantly opened her eyes. "Get up."
"I'd rather not," Kara argued weakly but sat up anyway. She yawned and stretched her arms above her head, swatting Alex's hands away when they poked her stomach. "Cuddle?"
Secretly, these were Alex's favorite moments. Kara was a lot less vulnerable and needy in the morning and didn't require much affection as long as the sun was shining brightly. Nights were another story. Alex felt wanted when Kara reached out to her every single morning for a quick cuddle. She was beginning to feel like she needed it more than Kara. It was their morning routine.
Alex tugged at Kara's outstretched arm and pulled her close. Kara giggled and settled herself in her sister's lap, feeling Alex's arm wrap protectively around her mid-section.
"I don't want to go to school," Kara admitted, jutting out her bottom lip as far as it would go. She idly traced circles on Alex's hand. "I think, I think I'm getting sick!"
"Nice try," Alex said with a hearty laugh. "Oh, I thought aliens couldn't get sick? Am I right or am I right?"
Kara scowled and titled her head back to stare at Alex. "You're right."
"I thought you liked school?"
"Sometimes I do," Kara whispered, fixing her gaze down to the floor. She reached for Lionel, the stuffed lion Alex had given her and hugged him tightly to her chest.
Alex rubbed Kara's side in sympathy. Kara was a smart girl so the academic piece wasn't an issue. "Have you made any friends?"
It took Kara a minute to respond. She shrugged her shoulders helplessly and fiddled with Lionel's tail. "No."
"No?" Alex's eyebrows raised in confusion. She could have sworn she overheard Kara telling her mom how many friends she made within the first week of school. "What about that Witt kid? I thought he was your friend."
"Winn," Kara giggled. "Yeah, I guess he's my friend. But mostly he just follows me around…like a pest."
Alex patted Kara's leg for her to get up. "Do I need to beat him up?"
"What were boys like on Krypton?" Alex asked, suddenly regretting it when she saw Kara's face fall. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"
"S'okay," Kara whispered. She took a breath and peered up at Alex with tears sparkling in her eyes. "Annoying. Much like the boys on earth."
Alex just grinned and slung her arm around Kara's shoulders, leading them both downstairs and into the kitchen. Eliza barely had a moment to place the plate of bacon on the kitchen table before Kara sprinted forward and nearly fell over the chairs.
"Kara, careful!" Eliza gasped, stepping back to catch her breath. She watched the young girl shovel at least two pieces of bacon in her mouth and mutter an apology. "Slow down, honey. Slow down."
"Don't take all the bacon," Alex warned, sliding in the chair across from her sister. She slid the plate toward her end of the table and made sure to take the crispiest pieces before Kara got to them.
"Save some for your father," Eliza reminded both girls matter-of-factly, stepping away to pour herself a cup of coffee.
"More pwease," Kara said with a mouthful of food. She piled five pancakes on her plate and looked at Alex apologetically when there were only two left. "Oops."
"Mom!" Alex all but whined. "Kara took all the food. Again."
Kara drenched her pancakes and syrup and took a large bite, not realizing both Eliza and Alex were staring at her. "What?"
"You're such a pig," Alex said with an eye roll. She grabbed the syrup and pouted at her two measly pancakes. They were the coldest ones as they were the last two on the bottom.
"Am not!" Kara protested between bites of food and sips of juice. Then, her brows furrowed in confusion. "What's a pig? Isn't that an animal?"
Eliza laughed. "It's just a saying for someone who eats a lot."
Alex looked at Kara deviously. "You know what comes from pigs?"
"Alexandra," Eliza warned, glaring at her oldest daughter. "Don't you dare." She smiled in satisfaction when Alex backed down.
Kara grabbed another piece of bacon and bit into it gleefully, happily humming to herself while she ate the rest of her breakfast.
"Finish up, Kara. The bus will be here soon."
Alex saw Kara wince. She didn't blame her sister for not wanting to ride the bus. It was a breeding ground for bullies and harassment.
"Can't you or Jeremiah drive me to school? Pleaseeee?" Kara begged her foster mother, clasping her hands together just like Alex had demonstrated the first week she came to live with them.
Eliza frowned and sipped her coffee slowly. "I wish, sweetie. But we have to be at the lab in ten minutes."
"I can get ready in ten seconds! Watch!" Kara took off in one swift motion and was upstairs in a flash.
"That girl is going to put a hole in my wall one day," Eliza chuckled. She watched Alex gather the forgotten dishes and carelessly toss them into the sink. "Alex, please. Gently."
"Sorry, mom," Alex mumbled without a care. "Do you want me to text James and ask if he can drive Kara to school?"
Eliza tilted her head to the side and stared at Alex. "James?"
"Yes…James Olsen. Lucy's boyfriend. You know Lucy, my best friend since kindergarten?"
"Didn't James just get his license? I don't think he should be carting you two around like a chauffer."
Alex scoffed and dismissed her mother's claim with a wave of her hand. "Please, mom. He's driving his dad's old beat up Cadillac. We're lucky if it makes it up the hill on Lucy's street."
"That doesn't make me feel much better," Eliza said pointedly. "I will drive Kara to school this morning. Perhaps you can walk over to the middle school and pick her up this afternoon. Try and find out what's going on. I'm getting worried she's not fitting in."
"No offense mom, but 7th grade is the devil incarnate," Alex whispered once she heard Kara zooming down the stairs. "And she's an alien."
"See! I'm ready!" Kara said proudly, spinning in a circle to show Eliza and Alex she was fully dressed.
"That was way longer than ten seconds," Alex teased, patting Kara's shoulder on her way out of the kitchen.
Kara bent down and grabbed the special glasses Jeremiah gave her and reluctantly put them on. "Do I have to wear these glasses?"
"Yes, sweetie," Eliza said matter-of-factly. She bent down a bit and placed her hands on Kara's shoulders. "They help curb your senses, right?"
"Well, yeah," Kara said with a sigh. "But I look like a nerd!"
"There is nothing wrong with being a nerd," Eliza promised with a laugh, tapping Kara's nose when she didn't look convinced. "Do me a favor; run down stairs and tell Jeremiah it's time to go. Otherwise we'll be late."
Kara nodded and disappeared down the basement steps. She reached the landing and tiptoed through the garage door, spotting Jeremiah in the corner of the garage perched over his table. "J-Jeremiah?"
Jeremiah turned around with a smile. "Ah, good morning."
"Morning," Kara mumbled shyly. Though Jeremiah was docile and very, very friendly, she had a hard time warming up to him. Perhaps it was because her father on Krypton was very cold. He wasn't as affectionate and always treated Kara like an adult. "Eliza said it's time to go."
"Don't want to upset the wife," Jeremiah said with a wink, ruffling Kara's hair when he walked past. "How are the glasses working out for you, kid?"
Kara smiled; she liked when Jeremiah called her kid. Nicknames were not prevalent on Krypton. "Okay," she admitted, nervously adjusting the glasses three times on the way up the stairs.
"We've picked up an extra passenger on our drive to work," Eliza said just before Jeremiah kissed her on the lips.
Kara turned away in disgust and reluctantly slung her backpack over her shoulders. She noticed Jeremiah and Eliza were very much in love. They were always kissing and touching. Alex told her they never left the "honeymoon phase." Whatever that meant.
"How's school going?" Jeremiah asked once he pulled away from a now blushing Eliza. "Learning anything good?"
"The history of your world is just so confusing," Kara admitted, feeling exhausted just thinking about the various dates and country capitals she had to memorize for her social studies class.
Jeremiah chuckled and patted Kara's head. "It only gets worse." He reached for the one piece of bacon left and popped it in his mouth, turning his attention to Alex when she came rushing down the stairs and straight for the back door. "Whoa, whoa. Hold it, young lady."
Alex kept her grip on the door handle and turned around coyly. "Yes?"
Jeremiah took one look at Alex's outfit and crossed his arms in authority. Her tight black shirt barely reached the waistband on her jeans, which was a whole different story. "Do you want to explain what you're wearing?"
"I don't," Alex said innocently with a shrug. She heard James' car horn honking outside and threw the back door open with a smile. "Can't be late for school. Bye!"
Eliza just shook her head and guided Kara toward the front door. "I think she was wearing my shirt," Kara told her foster mother seriously.
"Probably," Eliza winked. "Come on, Jeremiah. Let it go…"
Kara giggled when Jeremiah brushed past them, muttering something under his breath that she couldn't quite make out, even with her super hearing. She crawled into the backseat and dutifully buckled the seatbelt across her waist. Riding in the car was something she couldn't get quite used to. It boggled her mind that something that weighed so much didn't fall through the earth. It was mystifying.
"I told Alex to walk over after she got out of school. You two can walk home from there. Does that sound alright?" Eliza peered at Kara through the rearview mirror.
"Yep," Kara said slowly. Her stomach felt like it was in her throat once they turned on to the street where her school was located. "T-thanks for the ride."
"We'll be late tonight," Eliza told Kara ruefully. She could hear the small sigh escaping the young girl's mouth. "Alex will take good care of you. It's Friday so make sure you get to bed by ten, okay?"
Kara nodded meekly and slowly pushed the car door open. She said her goodbyes and purposely took her time walking up the front steps. The sudden feeling of dread washed over her as she pulled open the door and made a beeline for the main staircase. If she could make it to her locker without being noticed, it would be a good day.
She carefully placed her backpack on the flimsy hook inside the locker and ran over her class schedule the teacher suggested taping to the inside door. Math was first. At least she understood that. Numbers were quite fascinating and everyone in the class was pretty quiet.
"Kara, hey!"
Kara closed her eyes at the sound of Winn's high voice. "Oh, hi Winn!"
"'Sup?" Winn greeted with a megawatt smile. He touched the tips of his gelled up hair and looked at Kara expectantly. "What do you think of the new do? I borrowed my brother's gel."
"It's, it's interesting," Kara managed to choke out. Winn's hair looked three inches tall atop his head. "Very interesting."
Winn took "interesting" as a compliment and wiggled his eyebrows at some poor 6th grader who scuttled by. "What are you doing tonight? I tricked my mom into renting me a rated R movie. Want to come over?"
Kara didn't know what an R rated movie meant but it sounded like something she wouldn't enjoy. "Oh, I can't," she said, feigning regret. "My big sister is watching me tonight and I have to go right home after school."
"That's cool. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Maybe!" Kara squeaked. She gathered the rest of her books and kicked her locker shut as softly as possible. On the first day of school she nearly tore the door off its hinges. "I have to get to math!"
"See you at lunch. I'll save you a seat!" Winn promised, bumping Kara's shoulder with his own. "It's pizza day so get to the caf quickly."
Kara's eyes widened; she loved pizza. "I will!" She held her books tight and dashed around the corner to the math room. The mean girls in her English class were laughing at her as she ran past. Alex told her not to listen but it was hard when she was so sensitive to every noise.
Adjusting her glasses, Kara escaped into the classroom just as they were pointing at her and safely got to her seat.
She looked at the clock and prayed time would go fast.
"Lois wants to meet Jimmy."
Alex slammed her locker shut and looked at her best friend oddly. "Um, how dare she?"
Lucy rolled her eyes and snatched her science book from the top shelf of her locker.
"Don't take her side!"
"I'm, I'm not," Alex stuttered. She could never keep up with Lucy's ever changing relationship with her sister. Some days they were friends and some days they hated each other. "You always complain she never shows interest in your life."
"Yeah but…"
"Go on," Alex teased when Lucy was at a loss for words. She threw her books on the table and sat down, grateful it was the last period of the day.
"She's up to something. I can feel it, Al."
Alex just shook her head and scribbled down the science homework sloppily written down on the white board. "What could she possibly be up to? So she wants to meet your boyfriend? Burn her at the stake!"
Lucy scowled and dramatically rested her head on the table. "I'm just going to say Jimmy went away for the weekend! That's all. End of story."
"Can you be a little more sympathetic?" Lucy complained.
"I hate you."
Alex grinned and patted Lucy's back. "I have to babysit Kara tonight. Come over and we can order pizza and think of a plan so Lois doesn't meet Jimmy this weekend. Does that sound good?"
"Yes," Lucy whined petulantly. She sat back up and rolled her eyes at the sight of Cat Grant sidling into class with ten seconds to spare. "Isn't your sister like twelve? Why does she need a babysitter?"
"I don't know," Alex whispered with a shrug. "She's been through a lot. I mean…she lived in foster care for years." Alex hated lying to her best friend but it was for the best. No one could know Kara's true identity. She'd be taken away immediately.
Lucy nodded in understanding. "True. Poor little thing. Is she still afraid of me? Because I feel like we could be friends. I need a kid to mentor so I can show Lois what a big sister is supposed to be like."
"Find someone else to be your little pet," Alex laughed. She sat up straighter when the science teacher Mr. Dunphy rushed into class with his usual crazy smile in tact.
"Close your mouth, Danvers," Lucy teased, bumping her best friend's shoulder. It was no secret Alex was head over heels in love with Mr. Dunphy. Lucy couldn't see it but then again, to her, science was the worst and she wanted no part of it.
Alex blushed and cleared her throat. "Shut it, Lane."
Mr. Dunphy animatedly droned on for half the period. While Alex listened intently, Lucy found a way to sleep with her eyes open. Alex took notes and highlighted certain parts of the lecture. She made sure to write down Mr. Dunphy's personal e-mail address he had given out in case his school e-mail was not working. Lucy could practically see Alex's head popping off in excitement.
"Now, on to lab partners. Your lab partner will be your best friend for the whole year. No exceptions."
Lucy turned to Alex with a smile. "I'll finally get an A in science."
"Oh, children," Mr. Dunphy laughed, almost manically. "Did you really think I'd let you choose your own partners? Au contraire, my little scientists. I'm going to assign them alphabetically."
"Ew," Lucy groaned, wrinkling her nose.
Alex closed her eyes and stopped herself from hitting her head on the table over and over again. "If I get stuck with Cat Grant…"
"Sucks to be you," Lucy said, biting back her laughter. "That girl is so…evil. She made a senior cry because they used her favorite bathroom stall. That's what I heard at least."
"Alexandra Danvers and Catherine Grant!"
"Oh, Al, I'm sorry," Lucy told her friend sympathetically. "May the force be with you or whatever those nerds like to say."
"Mr. Dunphy, I've told you dozens upon dozens of times, my name is Cat. If you like, my mother's lawyer can fax you over a document stating-"
"My apologies, Ms. Grant," Mr. Dunphy chuckled awkwardly. "It won't happen again." He read off the remaining list for partners and clapped his hands in excitement. "Alright, everyone find a seat with your partner! Get to know each other. Learn to love one another. Trust me."
Lucy refused to move and motioned for her partner, Maxwell Lord to come over to her. "At least I'll still get an A."
Cat turned around in her chair icily. "Do I need to send a carrier pigeon with a handwritten note inviting you over to my seat, Alice?"
"Oh my god, she called you Alice," Lucy giggled, stifling her laughter when Alex got up and glared at her.
Alex begrudgingly grabbed her books and stomped over to the empty seat next to Cat in the far corner of the room. Not only did it obstruct her view of Mr. Dunphy, it also smelled oddly liked feet due to the half a dozen football players who now sat behind them.
"My name's Alex," Alex snapped once she sat down with a slight pout. "We've only been going to school together since the first grade."
"Yes, well I prefer to block out my elementary school memories since that is when my father began having a torrid affair with our housekeeper Greta."
"Wonderful," Alex mumbled under her breath. She scanned over the assignment sheet Mr. Dunphy began passing out and bit back the scream rising in her throat. They had a lab report due every week. That meant she'd have to be in close quarters with Cat Grant every week.
"This is ridiculous," Cat huffed, clipping the sheet into her binder. She slammed it shut and turned to Alex in annoyance. "I'm going to write an expose on Mr. Dunphy. Surely there are some…mental issues there."
Alex rolled her eyes and waited for the bell to ring. "Look, do you think we should exchange numbers? So we can figure this out?"
"I don't give my number out to just anyone, Alice," Cat gasped, sitting up straighter and holding her hand over her heart in offense.
"Okay…so…." Alex trailed off with a groan. "Do you want me to send a smoke signal when it's time to get together for the first assignment?"
Cat scowled and thrust a piece of paper in Alex's hand. "Write down your phone number."
Alex scribbled down her number and practically threw it back at Cat. This was going to be her worst year in school by far. Cat was nothing but an entitled bitch. She thought she was better than everyone because she was the youngest editor in chief ever for the school newspaper and the only underclassmen on the varsity cheerleading team.
"Your writing is akin to a preschooler's, Danvers, honestly."
Alex was grateful for the bell. She darted out of the room without another word to Cat and met up with Lucy (and James) outside of school. Watching them make out against his car was not really something she was interested in.
She cleared her throat and pulled at Lucy's backpack. "I have to go pick up my sister so uh, I'll see you guys later."
Lucy pulled back and nodded at her friend. "Okay, I'll come by later."
"Bye, Alex," James said politely. "Do you want me to drop you off over there? It's on the way."
Alex smiled but shook her head. James was so nice. "That's okay. I need to walk off my anger anyway."
"Cat Grant's her lab partner for the school year," Lucy divulged in between kisses.
James winced. "Ouch. Good luck with that." He slung his arm around Lucy and opened the passenger door for her.
Alex waved goodbye and quickened her pace the few blocks to the middle school around the corner. She sprinted across the street and found Kara waiting nervously for her on the corner by the school.
"Hi, sorry I'm late."
Kara just shrugged and pulled on Alex's arms. "It's okay. Let's go."
Alex felt Kara's small hand grab her own. "Everything okay?"
"Yep, I just wanna go home," Kara admitted in a tiny voice. She pushed her glasses up and felt the nerves dissipate once the school was behind them. "How come Jeremiah and Eliza have to work late again?"
"I think they're finishing up a big project," Alex said, squeezing Kara's hand when she sighed. "But hey, we'll order a pizza tonight and do whatever you want. How does that sound?"
Kara smiled for the first time in hours. "Good." She let go of Alex's hand and kept close to her on the short walk home. "I'm glad it's Friday."
"You and me both," Alex hummed in agreement. "How was school?"
Kara was glad when they reached home. She threw her backpack down in the corner next to Alex's and turned on the TV.
"No Jerry Springer, okay?" Alex reminded matter-of-factly on her way to the kitchen. "Or Maury!"
"What about Oprah?" Kara called out from the living room.
Alex returned with two sodas and gave one to her sister. "Oprah? Why are you watching Oprah?"
"She seems like a knowledgeable woman," Kara replied innocently. "On today's show she's giving away free items! How generous!"
"It's not out of the goodness of her heart," Alex told Kara. "She's doing it to look good after all the crap she's pulled."
Kara looked crestfallen. "Oh?"
"But whatever, don't let me change your opinion on Oprah," Alex quickly said when Kara looked like she was going to cry. "I take it back."
Kara got up and tossed the remote at Alex. "I feel betrayed."
Alex tried not to laugh and reached up to pat Kara's arm. "I felt the same way when Ginger Spice left the Spice Girls. It hurts, doesn't it?"
"I don't know what that means."
"Remind me to play you some Spice Girls songs this weekend. They were like…the definition of girl power in the 90's."
Kara tilted her head to side, her confusion worsening. "What is girl power?"
"Right, I forgot. Girl power obviously didn't make it to Krypton."
"Forgive me for being an alien," Kara whispered seriously. "I'm sure the…girls of spice were lovely people."
"Spice Girls, Kara! Spice Girls! Girls of spice sounds like a porno."
"A what?" Kara gasped.
"Nothing. Nothing, forget I said that."
"I'll google it later," Kara giggled.
Alex glared at her sister. "Don't you dare! Mom will kill me."
"She, she would?" Kara's eyes widened as she leaned down to grab Alex's hand.
"No, Kara," Alex replied, squeezing Kara's hand and trying not to laugh. "It's an expression. She wouldn't actually kill me."
"Phew," Kara breathed a sigh of relief. "You need to stop confusing me with all of these different…expressions."
"But you do eat like a pig," Alex said with a grin. She stood up and ruffled Kara's hair on her way to grab the cordless phone. "What do you want on your pizza?"
Alex rolled her eyes. "I'm going to order you your own pizza then. Pineapple on a pizza is gross."
"You're gross," Kara giggled, clearly proud of her corny little joke. She gave Alex a playful shove and turned on Oprah while her sister went to order the food.