If you've stuck around since the near year of my last update, you are truly loyal and I appreciate each of you. It's been a really rough year and I never meant to leave this alone for so long. But it's complete now, and I've filled it with 6k words. Hopefully enough to fill the void. I love some parts, I don't love others. But I hope this gives the story the closure we're at. This chapter was minimally edited in order to push it out faster.

The worn wood under her fingertips told stories of years of quiet wear and tear and many glasses set on its surface. It could definitely use a new finish coat. Even with callouses built up on certain areas of her palms, Korra's fingertips could still pick up the subtle changes in texture. Her own glass was placed on a flimsy coaster, small droplets of water collecting between the paper-like material and glass bottom. It was an interesting feeling to be at a bar at one in the afternoon, especially one she never frequented. Everything always seemed too bright. But she needed neutral ground, not her regular bar. A place where Korra could exist where nobody who went here would think twice about looking in her direction, and a place where they wouldn't remember her when she left.

And luckily it was a bar with a bartender who didn't seem to care that Korra asked for a soda, no extra ingredients. It was different, it was a strange move for her. But liquid courage was not something Korra needed right now. She needed her own courage.

The presence of another form settled next to her in the bar stool. She didn't need to look to know who it was. It was the darkness of a long coat and the uptight straight-back posture and the assertive "mojito, please" that gave her away. There was an expectant silence between the two as a drink was prepared and slid forward on the bar they shared before she spoke.

"I can't say what surprises me more, the fact that you contacted me or that you're sitting in a bar drinking a non-alcoholic coke."

Something about the way she spoke was what surprised Korra the most. Maybe it was her own expectations, but Korra had braced for words that felt bitter or patronizing. But she was only greeted with a particular genuinity.

A cube of ice took the moment to silently shift in Korra's glass. "Well, things have a way of changing."

"So they do."

It was said matter-of-factly, and the whole interaction was not was Korra was certainly imagining. The quiet pause they both existed in gave her a chance to reconsider her approach on how to even initiate a conversation. It took a little time, but if there was anything that Korra learned that was the most important to her, it was the ability to speak candidly.

Korra shifted in her seat, opening her body language up to her counterpart but it still read to anybody as guarded. "Okay, I'm just going to jump right into the fire and speak frankly because I'm tired of not having answers. So, Kuvira. Why?"

"Why?" She repeated, eyes moving to look directly at Korra, who also had made the same move to stare at the other. "Are you asking me why I stripped you of your self-worth, everything that made you an individual? Why I thought of you as an object, a thing no different than a stepping stone from one place to the next? Why I projected by own selfishness on you in order to justify my own actions?"

It was something else, to hear it out loud rather than in her own head. But it felt the same, like a thousand little needle pricks in her chest and the slow increasing weight settling on her body.

"Korra I don't have any answers you're looking for."

She wasn't sure what was worse, the feeling of not knowing any answers or the fact that there weren't any to learn. But her confusion was probably apparent on her face because Kuvira was quick to continue.

"Look, I don't mean to sit here and be cryptic, but I don't have answers or reasons to give you for that. I'm sorry for the person I was, who I used to be. None of it was your fault and you didn't deserve it. And all I can give you know is the knowledge that I've changed. I'm sure that sounds cliché but it's true."

She felt nothing but a small smile form on her own lips. Like everything Korra carried for the last four years just simply fell off. "I can't say I ever heard you once apologize for anything. So I believe you."

Kuvira's drink moved back and forth on the surface it rested on, pinched between a thumb and finger, gliding along a miniscule distance. "I'm actually married now." Kuvira's face cracked with a grin at the way Korra's eyes widened. "Shocker, I know. Pretty recent, last fall. His name's Baatar, and I completely hated him at first, if I'm being honest. I don't think I actually grew up until he showed me how through a lot of patience and understanding. We have a lot of differences but he makes me want to be a better person, rather than ruining things like I did with you."

It was something Korra felt like she would have never heard from the person sitting next to her. But here Kuvira was, in the flesh and completely unlike what Korra remembered. And the woodworker felt a sincerity about her. "I can't forgive the person you were, Kuvira. But I understand that's not the person who you are now, and I can accept that as an answer."

With a grin and a tip of her head, Kuvira's mojito was gone and a few bills placed next to the empty class. She stood, adjusting her coat in the slightest and giving Korra a small nod. "That is all I can ask. Best to you on your own endeavors, Korra."

And then Kuvira was gone.

And with her, a part of Korra went along. A part she should have let go a long time ago.


A familiar shuffling and a slurping noise followed the voice that drifted into her studio space. Korra's hand was currently setting a screw into a pilot hole and she pressed the tip of a drill bit into the head, securing it into the piece of wood after a whirring from the drill. She popped her head up over the shipping crate she had been assembling for the past hour or so to see Bolin stroll in, happily drinking something from a straw before he stopped in his tracks. A furrowed eyebrow and he spun around, quizzically looking at the doorway and back around again.

"Why is the front door propped open?" A moment longer and he twisted around again to the front wall. "And why is the overhead door open too?"

She shrugged in response and continued placing screws into their designated spots, cinching down the plywood panels of the crate. "It's a nice day."

"Korra you hate having the door open because people come in here, ask you questions, and 'ruin your mojo'."

She looked back up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hey Bolin, the only person in here asking me questions is you."

A jingle of keys made way to the entrance of Opal, who was holding her phone nearly to her face and typing away furiously before she stopped abruptly and looked up. It was a moment of clear confusion before her eyebrows pushed together into a frown. "Korra why is this door open?"

She responded with an eye roll and a quiet scoff. Dusting her shirt off Korra stood to test the flex of the complete crate carcass, the walls were tightly secured together and simply needed to be filled with its intended contents at this point. There was a small end table set that she finally got the freight appointment set up with, so it was about to be on its way to its final home. "Look guys, the sun is out. It's an enjoyable day outside. A little bit of change is didn't hurt anybody."

She dragged a large roll of bubble wrap out from until a table and placed it on top next to her drink. Opal seemed to be eyeing the liquid contents of the glass suspiciously. "…what is that?"


"Tea? Sweet tea?"

"Uh no. Unsweet."

Opal threw her arms in the air and Bolin's eyes bugged out a little bit at the response. "For god's sake, Korra! You don't drink anything on this fucking planet unsweetened. The front door is wide open, you're drinking unsweet fucking tea, and you're wearing a crewneck that has a Pepsi logo! You hate Pepsi! What happened?!"

Korra stared down at the light blue t-shirt she was sporting, the faded drink logo printed on the front. To be honest she hadn't even noticed what shirt she put on today. Let alone knew she still owned this. "Aren't you being a little dramatic?"

"The Korra we know and love is officially dead now." Bolin's mouth was still attached to the straw as he nodded his agreement furiously, sipping his drink.

A sigh escaped between her fingers as Korra dragged her hand down her face. "Okay look. I talked to Kuvira today."

The next thing she hears is a harsh inhale followed by sputtering. Bolin had effectively inhaled his drink through his mouth and exhaled it out of his nose at the exact same time, causing him to bend over slightly attempting to recover through choking out coughs.

Opal dawned a shocked expression before she managed to spit out an aggressiveresponse. "You…what?! How? Why? Korra, deets. Now."

She continued her work as nonchalantly as possible, rolling out the bubble wrap into various pieces and wrapping the furniture parts into them. "I realized that I had some questions, and I wanted some answers. But I was holding on to the idea of someone who existed four years ago, and that's not the same person Kuvira is now."

As expected, Opal returned with confusion. "So you're just forgiving her?"

Taking a seat on the stool next to the work table, Korra took a moment to collect her thoughts into simple terms. "No. I'm not forgiving past Kuvira. But I understand that is not the same as present Kuvira."

It seemed to settle in with Opal's mind, and she returned a small smile. "Wow that's...kind of mature."

"NOW wait a minute!" Bolin's finger shot up, before settling his arms across his chest and holding his chin, looking very contemplative. "It is impossible for one to exist in two separate planes of time, therefore –,"

A roll of bubble wrap was flung at the man's head by Korra's own hand, bouncing off with a few pops of plastic. "Bolin this is not the time for a presentism lecture."

The drink Bolin was previously nursing was now in the hands of his girlfriend, who was now sitting across from Korra. "I'm proud of you."

There was a quiet silence between the three. Opal's declaration of admiration was very welcome to hear, Korra's own anxiety of needed assurances had been quite suppressed over the years and it was something that she happily fed from. Her ability to be an independent person was important to her, but the opinions of those closest to her were also just as important. Though, she just didn't know how to respond appropriately. A simple 'thank you' never felt justice in these situations, but she could tell Opal didn't need the reaction. But the expression she was now sporting left Korra a little curious.

"I can tell you're holding back something you want to say, Opal. You were never good at hiding it."

A grin broke out on her face. "So…you told Asami."

The fact that her sentence didn't have a questioning influx indicated Opal already knew that information. "Ah. Yes."


"It's actually what pushed to me to pursue a finality with this whole thing. Moving on, you know. Adulting."

A dramatic sigh left Opal's lips as she slumped forward, resting on the table. "So you're gonna bang now, right? I can't take suffocating in the sexual tension anymore."

Korra stole a glance at Bolin, whose face was turned a deep shade of red. "You know that's never been the end goal, right?"

Now it was Opal's turn to dawn the signature eyebrow waggle. "Yes, but it is a goal."

"I'm going to stuff you inside this crate and ship you across the country."

She barked out a laugh. "Duly noted. But in all seriousness, what's next for you?"

The remainder of the bubble wrap was place into the crate as a cushion for the precious piece of work that would be set inside. Saying goodbye to a furniture piece she so diligently worked on was always bittersweet. "Well next is watching this get loaded onto a truck to be shipped out for three thousand miles. And then I need to make a very overdue phone call."


The gruff voice heard over the speaker was something she missed, much more than she thought she would and it pained her with quite a bit of guilt. She really have should have done this much sooner, if only she had been a little less stubborn. "Hey dad."

She could practically hear him grinning over the phone, followed by a muffled 'hang on' and shuffling noises before hearing a lighter voice.


"Hey mom."

"Korra, your father and I were just talking about you! How is the city? How are you, sweetheart?"

Back up in her apartment Korra had been seated on the couch, Naga lounging lazily next to her with a heavy white head rested in her lap. It was a small therapeutic reassurance, Naga always seemed to respond to her emotions accurately. It took the woodworker a solid twenty minutes of staring at the contact in her phone before finally pushing dial.

She had to take a slow, deep breath in order to stop from completely breaking already. Even after years of cut off communication, Korra was amazed her parents would swing right into a normal conversation. They didn't deserve a daughter who didn't want to reach out, and Korra felt like she didn't deserve parents who didn't seem to care about the wait. "I'm so sorry."

"About what?"

"For never calling. For never even making an effort, I've been so stuck inside myself."

"Korra." It was her father's voice that came over this time. He must have put them both on speaker. "We understand. Truth be told you've always been a very emotionally driven person, even though you think you're tough. We know you do things you own way on your own time, and we've been more than happy to wait until you are ready to talk to us."

Korra decided she definitely waited too long for this phone call. But it was almost cleansing, she felt lightweight. She also didn't know what to say in response. There was so much they didn't know about and needed caught up on, Korra wondered how they had coped not knowing what she was doing for nearly four years.

"In short we love you Korra. But anyways, tell us how it's been there! What have you been doing recently? We want to hear about your life out there."

This was something Korra felt she could fall into conversation much easier with than trying to dig up her feelings, the transition was refreshing and much less anxious than she thought it would be. "Well I opened my own studio out here. The city's been treating me quite well. I did just finish up a pretty high end commission for Future Industries, so I'm trying to finish up smaller works before I get slammed with bigger things."

"Ooooh, is that the one with the Sato girl?"


The phone pressed a little harder to her ear, eyes narrowed. Korra could hear a small, whispered "I'm sorry!" followed by low grumbling in the background. "Uhm…what're you getting at exactly?"

This time is was her mother, Senna, with a tiny sigh. "Don't be upset. But…a few months after you left, Bolin got in contact with us. He mostly just wanted to let us know you were doing okay, but this man is such a fond friend of yours. He likes to send us updates quite frequently about you. At first it was just photos of Naga and small things but he, uh…definitely likes to share."

So Bolin had been sending her parents updates on her life behind her back? For four years? Rather than being mad, it was sort of endearing how much he cared. Bolin was impossible to get upset with, if Korra was being honest with herself. There wasn't a lick of animosity in that man's soul. She chuckled. "So…you know pretty much everything I've been up to then?"

Senna seemed to get the notion her daughter wasn't bothered and continued lightheartedly. "More or less. We want to hear it all from you though." Her father immediately quipped back up. "Okay but more importantly tell us about Asami."


She couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. "Mom it's fine. Uhm. I'm not sure what to say exactly. I bumped into her on the street and spilled coffee literally all over her the first time. We met through mutual friends the second time. Somehow watched Sharknado. Found out she was the Future Industries client some point after that. She likes motorcycles and builds stuff…yeah she's…uh cool. Pretty. Pretty cool I mean."

"Wow you really like her huh. You're all flustered just talking about her. Are you official?"

"Well no."

"But you want to be?"

"Uhm. It's a little complicated right now."

"Korra it's probably way more simple than you're thinking it is."

Korra scrunched her eyes up. This was starting to get somewhat embarrassing. "Dad I feel like I'm back in high school right now getting interrogated."

"Okay okay…..so it's going well then?"

Once Tonraq got started he definitely wouldn't let up. It's probably what made him a good chief, not having the ability to back down when talking about topics he was interested or passionate about. Korra always admired that about her father and thought her forwardness took a lot after him. "Can I just…visit? I feel like we have so much to catch up on that a phone call won't cover. I want to see you both."

"Hmm..well…yes. Under one condition."

"Dad where are you going with this…"

"You bring Asami with you."



"Fucking Christ this is so nerve wracking. What am I supposed to do…Spirits how am I flipping out over coming back home right now this is the most ridiculous thing I've – "


" – And how am I supposed to introduce you without just being like 'this is Asami she's cool pretty cool' and sounding fucking stupid, why did I agree to this fucking idea this whole – "


" – Gonna pull out the fucking baby photos I fucking know it, my dad takes every chance he can get, Asami we have to get back on the plane now this trip has been doomed since you said – "

She couldn't take it anymore. Tossing her phone in a deep coat pocket from one hand and the other hand releasing a bag to drop to the floor, Asami reached up to cradle a tan jaw and ripped the other woman's attention away from her own rambling, cutting her off with a crushing kiss. Korra quickly fell into it with no complaints and Asami found that kissing her was one of the easiest things to do. It was welcomed, softened, and ended after a moment.

Quiet blue eyes stared back at her with a certain curiosity, slight flush on Korra's face. "What was that for?"

Asami smiled lightly and reached up to straighten the trademark beanie. "You're talking too much. You'll be fine."

She seemed satisfied with the answer, humming subtly before averting her gaze. A quick glance at the time showed they had landed and exited the plane half an hour earlier than expected. It was surprising, considering Korra insistent they took a public transportation. Asami couldn't remember the last time she flew in a plane not owned by her own company, let alone stood in an airport concourse. The southern continent's only public airport was quite a bit smaller than the average city's but was still pretty busy. It was probably credit to the few ski resorts around the area.

Korra stepped away only for a moment to sling her own bag across one shoulder and bend to grab the one Asami had dropped. "Baggage claim?"

"Considering you made us fly in a competitor's plane, I can only hope my bag made it intact."

A deep bow and an exaggeration arm gesture followed, but Korra couldn't hide the wide grin on her face. "This way, your highness. We must move quickly before the peasants touch it."

She scoffed, pushing Korra's laughing head down further and her hat slipped completely over her eyes. The outstretched hand was grabbed by her own before Korra had a chance to correct her attire. She was jerked in the direction of baggage claim, stumbling a few times behind Asami as she was dragged in a fit of laughter.

Baggage claim wasn't that far from the gate they had arrived at but it gave Asami enough time to adjust her grip and lace her fingers between Korra's. It felt natural, nothing with the other woman ever felt forced. And it was the same for whatever their relationship was. It progressed at a natural rate and Asami felt no inclination to force either of them to believe what it was or was not. It simply existed.

They both stood before the belt as bags started to slowly cycle by, hands still connected. Asami was focused on tracking her own bag down, not noticing the blue eyes on her until Korra's voice drifted out. "So what made you agree to come with me?"

Asami chuckled at her words. "As I remember it, you were quite persuasive."

An exaggerated eye roll came in response. "Oh please, me? And as I remember, you said yes before I was even done with my sentence."

She turned her attention back towards the bags, hoping it wasn't much longer before her own was spit out onto the belt. "Yeah, the sentence you were barely able to sputter out."

"And could you blame me?" The arm holding Asami's bag released it and motioned in the air lightly. "I walked into your office to get smacked in the face by the sight of you in a fucking pant suit. And glasses."

She could recall Korra's face quite well in that moment, looking like her brain had blanked out momentarily. It was not quite what she had intended when the CEO had chosen the outfit for the day, but she couldn't argue with the results. It had led to rough hands tangled in black hair, a warm body pushing her against the desk, a less than chaste kiss between the two. Less than chaste was probably putting it mildly. It was more direct, heated, aggressive, and definitely –



The memory broke when Korra's hand left her own and Asami was bought back to reality to see her rush to grab black luggage from the conveyor belt before got stuck in a second cycle. Asami knew she wasn't much of a light packer, but Korra seemed to handle the bag like it had nothing inside. "Remember it now?"

Annoyance flashed across her face before taking the luggage from Korra. "Yeah, I'm remembering to thank Jinora for interrupting with an unnecessary phone call."

She chuckled in response and started to lead the two to the exit. "Our ride should be here soon, you ready?"

"How cold is it out there?"

"Negative eleven."



"Fuck." Asami was well aware of the environment they were in, didn't mean she had to like it. Frankly she was probably a little less prepared for it than she thought. Fishing her gloves from a pocket, she slid them on and readied herself for the cold Asami could already feel creeping into her bones. "Okay let's go."

"Wait a second." She heard a shuffling noise come from behind where Korra had stopped, and then a warmth as a hat was snuck around her head. Korra smiled. "Looks like you'll need this more than me."

Asami could do no more than return a smile back in silence as they walked out from the airport doors, cold instantly wrapping them up and creeping under skin. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes before a black car drove up, the window rolling down as a man looked at Korra was a slight nod. "Ma'am."

She rolled her eyes and scooped up the bags they had brought. "You know I hate that."

He chuckled and the trunk compartment popped open. "I also know you hate having me load your luggage for you, so I'll give you this one." The bags were tossed inside, the two women slid into the backseat, and the airport was left behind them. Korra had quietly explained the driver was one of her father's, assigned as his status of chief, before she would randomly point various locations as they drove toward the destination. Korra was obviously well acquainted with the city, but she had chosen to point out very small niche places. Like her favorite family restaurant, stores from her childhood memories, or hangout spots of her father's motorcycle group. It was a very personal visual tour and Asami barely noticed her fingers had interlaced with the others again between the two. All she could focus on were the sights, snow, and Korra's hushed voiced.

They eventually found themselves standing outside a mild sized home in a wooded area, snow delicately coating everything in sight. Korra hadn't taken the steps to move towards it for a few moments and Asami could tell she was quite nervous, judging by the quiet stare to the door. She tilted her body sideways slightly, bumping her shoulder softly into the woodworkers in an attempt to ease the slight tension. "I figured it'd be a little bigger, you know. Chief status and all."

A small laugh came in response. "Despite what you think, my dad's a very homey kind of guy. Homey, but nosy. I bet they know we're already here, he's probably staring at us through the peephole on the door right now."

She still hadn't moved, a silence hung between the two. Asami really didn't want apply any pressure in the situation, she knew it was a delicate one for Korra's mentality. But pressure was something she probably needed.

Asami placed her bag on the ground, as a sly attempt to cover her ulterior motive of scooping a handful of snow. A sharp breeze blew past but Korra hadn't seemed fazed yet, and Asami took the opportunity to step in very closely in front of her sight. Their noses were almost close enough to touch, and Asami was sure she would have felt a chill if they had. One hand snaked its way up and around to lightly caress the back of the woodworker's neck. All that stared back at her were blue eyes, a hue warmer than the cold around them.



"You need to chill out."

And with that, she took the well placed hand to push open Korra's shirt and shove the other hand full of snow right down the back. Her reaction was immediate. A jaw flexed first, her back arching before she let out a yelp and stumbled backwards to attempt to shake the snow out. Asami couldn't help but let out a stream of laughter at the look on Korra's face. Pure rage yet amusement. Her posture settled back down to become more relaxed, but it was clear Korra was about to enact a plan of revenge.

She never got the chance, though. A loud booming of "KORRA" and a burly man burst out the front door of the home behind them. He swept the up Korra off the ground into a massive hug, feet dangling as she tried to squirm away. His laugh was echoing through the ordeal until Korra was finally placed back on the ground.

The woodworker looked a little disheveled once she finally had caught the breath she'd lost. "Spirits dad, what a greeting. Squeeze the life out of me."

His grin beamed down until he finally adjusted his sight on Asami. "We're glad you decided to come and visit us, Asami." There was no 'sizing up' in his eye, just warmth, and Tonraq pulled her into a much less aggressive hug but full of hospitality. It was a very fatherly welcoming that Asami hadn't felt in a long time. She could only voice a sincere 'thank you' and return his cordiality.

Tonraq wasted no time in taking their bags and ushering them inside where Korra's mother was waiting. In contrast to her husband, Senna was soft in her greeting. There was a resemblance of pride in her when talking and interacting with her daughter. But what caught the businesswoman off guard was that Senna also expressed the same thing to Asami. It was a particular thing to experience a motherly type of affection, it wasn't something she had ever experienced herself. It was altogether overwhelming and strangely comforting. Parental affection and expression was new, but appreciated.

The hosting couple were quick to give them a tour, more to Asami's benefit than Korra's. The interior was everything she expected it to be, lots of decoration and photos. Most all of them included Korra in one capacity or another ranging from all ages. Korra in karate class, a kindergarten graduation photo, a wide variety of her and Naga together. She stopped in the hall to view one in particular, featuring a small Korra bundled in cold weather gear and goggles on the back of her father's motorcycle, her flushed face beaming behind him.

She couldn't help but chuckle when she noticed Korra eyeing her suspiciously and frowning. Asami took a glance over at Korra's parents. "I'm honestly just here to catch a glimpse at all Korra's baby photos."


Another hearty laugh came from her father. "Don't worry, I made sure to dig them out as soon as we found out you were visiting for sure."


He chuckled again. "I'll take your bags up to Korra's room, I'll be just a minute and I'll grab those photo albums." He left up the stairs with an eyebrow waggle. It was a trait Korra clearly got from her father then.

Senna had turned to lead them both to the living area, but Korra seemed to hesitate to follow immediately. "Ah, so I can take the couch if you want my room."

Asami's only response was a single arched eyebrow. She knew Korra was only saying so to save the trouble of assuming.

"I mean…unless you want the couch?"

A turn and a step put Asami closer into Korra's personal space. She was on the offensive now, eyeing the slate blue flannel she wore. "What I want…"

Another step forward had Korra retreating, backing into the wall with a soft thud. She took a single pale finger to the other woman's pulse point, pulling a soft touch down her neck but becoming more aggressive by the drag of a nail. Asami reached the top of a button before popping it loose and she could feel Korra freeze. "Is you…"

A second button freed.

"And me…"

The third as dangerously close to being pulled loose like the others. Another step had the two flush, and Asami could feel the heat radiating from the tan skin she was digging a nail into a little deeper. "In your bed." Lips crept a little closer until she was nearly brushing the soft skin of an ear. "Sleeping."

And with that she pushed away with a light laugh at the annoyance clear in Korra's eyes, leaving her fixing her shirt muttering under her breath.

The tease was too easy sometimes.



"I can't believe you'd betray me like that. And just egg on my dad. He showed you three albums full!"

She gave a halfhearted exhausted flop onto the bed, closing her eyes and listening to the soft rustling of movement near her followed by a quiet chuckle. Korra cracked an eye open to see Asami starting down at pieces of paper in her hand, with a genuine smile split across her face. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The small moments she caught were ones that Korra would never trade for anything. A breath caught in her throat and the little flutter in her stomach was no longer feared. Nothing but welcomed. Asami prided herself on the stone cold business facade she sported in almost every aspect of her life. The fact that Korra was able to witness the softer side was all she could ever ask for.

"What're those?"


Copies. No….

Her eyes widened to fully open at the thought. Asami took one of them in her hand to flip it around, showing off a photo of a five year old Korra dressed in a chicken suit. "I think I'm going to frame this one on my desk."

She let out a groan. Deep down, the thought of Asami keeping a photo of her on her desk at work was endearing. But she'd never admit that, especially the chicken suit choice. So she didn't argue, feigning distress. Asami took the moment to respond by moving next to Korra, the bed dipping slightly at the action. A head tilt to the side and they were both laying face to face. She heard nothing but quiet but saw so many words in those deep green eyes. They flicked around in the slightest as Asami shifted focus from one facial feature to the next. But always moving back to Korra's eyes.

She gave a smile and could feel it reach her eyes faintly. "Thanks for agreeing to come visit with me."

"Of course." Asami shifted to prop her head against a hand, dark hair framing her face and her eyes in a slim downward gaze back. "I mean, meeting your parents was the next step anyways. So it seemed natural."

"The next step for what?"

"Our relationship."

"We're in a relationship?"


"….so does that mean we're dating?"

"…yes?" Asami squinted. "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

Korra chuckled in response. "Yes and no. I suppose it was never actually established. Everything just kind of…fell together? I'm not good at this kind of thing, for obvious reasons."

The other body moved even closer and soon enough they were near tangled together. Soft fingers pushed a strand of brunette hair and settled warmly against a jaw and cheek. Korra couldn't tell if it was her own pulse she could feel or that of the other woman between their contact. It was quick. She didn't care. "Korra, let me go ahead and establish things for you then. I like you. Quite a bit, actually. So much it surprises me, because I do not get attached. I don't do relationships. And to be honest, with time I could easily come to love you. And that's what you are, easy, but in the best way. You're genuine and soft and so passionate. I want exclusivity with you, I've never wanted that with anybody else."

A moment to process all of those words passed. Korra could tell they were sincere, and if she had learned anything about Asami in the time they spent together it was she never said anything she didn't mean. Especially when it was about opening up to her own feelings. Asami wasn't like this to anyone and everyone. There wasn't anything she could say that would have been any different, so Korra simply reached up to drag the other into a kiss. It was neither heated nor soft, not crushing, not timid. It just was. Like the embodiment of what their relationship was, and she could feel Asami smile through until it had ended.

"Also you have a great ass."

The eyebrow waggle had returned in response. "So you look at my ass, huh?"

Asami smirked to reach up and grab a pillow, pummeling Korra in the face with it. "I'm also framing the photo of you as a child shoving a frog inside your pants."

"Please can you just have a little mercy?"

A small laugh that was paired with a hum came in reply. Warmth surround her when Asami reached over to pull closer into a squeeze, Korra could be content with just this for as long as it was granted. "Sorry, but you're stuck with me. Get used to it."

Korra easily could do that.

Thanks again to you all for reading and commenting and connecting. If I discovered anything about myself during this, I don't think as a person I can commit to multi chapter stories. I would love to write more, if you have ideas please share. But I may stick to oneshots. I can't leave you all disappointed with my lack of updating and it was painful to open my account after many months and see so many messages in my inbox. I love you all. I will reply to all of your comments this time I swear it!