It had been several days since Ron and Ginny had confessed to each other their deepest and darkest desires. They had not done anything sexual with each other since kissing under the tree at the time of confirmation. It wasn't that they weren't going to, it's just it was literally impossible to do so when they lived under the same roof as their parents who could step in at any moment during acts of taboo.
Ron had almost recovered over the several days of normality. His mizzler infection had reduced greatly in strength, it was more or less just visible in his eyes now which were still a faint tinge of blue. It was today though, after several, that it appeared Ron and Ginny would be alone in the house together. It was a window that just couldn't be missed.

' gone for a few days up in Manchester, the raid in that house up there found so many illegal magical items we'll be trying to clean this up for a while. I love you dear, I'll be back as soon as I can,' Arthur's voice drifted upstairs, as Ginny brushed sleep out of her eyes and came down in her pyjamas. The sound of flames erupting from the fireplace whooshed through the hallway.
'Morning mum, where's dad?' Ginny said between a yawn.
'Oh, good morning dear. He had to leave for a few days, the ministry need him,' she said proudly. She was wearing quite a formal dress, it wasn't like her usual kitchen attire.
'Are you going somewhere too, mum?' Ginny asked, she sounded hopeful and regretted it immediately. Fortunately, Molly didn't detect it.
'Oh, er – yes...I'm afraid so, Charlie is down in um – Brighton and he wanted to visit us. But with your brothers infection I didn't think he should come, I was hoping you could stay here and look after him for me?'
Ginny felt a quick rush in her heart. 'O-of course mum, I don't mind. Say hi to Charlie for me, are you leaving soon?'
Molly collected her green coat and then paused for a moment before speaking, 'yes, he is staying for a couple of days and I'd suspect he'd want me to stay down in Brighton with him. He doesn't see us very often, does he?'
'No, unfortunately not. Okay mum, I'll let Ron know what's happening.'
They kissed each other on the cheek and Molly left out the front door before apparating away. She seemed very rushed, but Ginny paid it no mind. She stretched and looked around the living room. It was a very strange feeling for the house to be so quiet, normally there were a lot of people living here, but right now it was literally just the two of them. She wondered why Charlie had come down so suddenly without seemingly giving them any notice. Eventually she brushed the thought aside and made herself some toast. ~

Ginny was only biting into her second slice when Ron came down the stairs, poking sleep out of his Mizzler eyes just how his sister had.
'Morning, how're you feeling?' Ginny asked, as she left her plate by the table and approached him.
'Ugh, feeling fine actually, just a little tired still, where's mum and dad?' Ron asked, looking around the living room and into the kitchen.
'Oh, er – dad's gone to Manchester for his work and he isn't going to be here for a few days. And mum's visiting Charlie somewhere, I can't remember where now, but she'll not be here for a couple of days either.'
Ron realised now that Ginny had come quite physically close to him, if he had stepped forward slightly their bodies would have been touching. He felt his heart begin to pick up the pace as her words and body language had set into him. His ears begun to glow red.
'So what do you think?' Ginny asked, smiling up at her older brother.
'I – er...are you sure they're gone?' Ron asked nervously. Ginny's small hands found their way up her brothers back and into his thick ginger hair.
'Trust me, they're gone,' she assured him, before tiptoeing and pressing her soft lips upon his. It woke Ron up completely as he eagerly fed back his lust. He slowly and carefully placed his hands on her hips, the way they curved and felt made his penis start to harden.
'Mm,' Ginny hummed, breaking the kiss for only a second before returning. This time with her tongue. Ron was pleasantly surprised to feel its wetness stirring inside of his mouth. He brought his own tongue over hers as they begun to twist and share bodily fluids with each other.
Her hands felt their way down her brothers back to the front of his shirt. As she continued to kiss him she lifted the front of it as to indicate her intention. Ron broke from his sisters mouth and took his shirt off.
'Wow,' Ginny said, staring at her brothers body for a moment. Her lips were wet and shiny from the living room light. 'I can't...I can't believe we're doing this, Ron.'
'Neither can I,' Ron agreed, feeling terrible and disgusted with himself.
He thought that she meant that she had decided they should stop, but instead she took his hand and guided it up her soft pyjamas to her breast. Her squeezed as she pressed her hand down on his to keep it there. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip. It drove Ron to use his other free hand and start pulling at her clothing. She giggled.
'I guess that it's no or never, though, right?' She said, staring into his eyes for a moment. Ron started back with one hand still tightly cupped around her brilliant breast.
'I don't mind...I don't mind if you're having second thoughts, y'know?' Ron said, somehow managing to keep eye contact.
'No, no lets...' Ginny said, before taking her hand off Ron and taking her pyjamas off right in front of him. She hadn't woken up long ago, so she wasn't wearing a bra. Ron watched hungrily as her large, excellently shaped breasts fells out. Her face begun to grow into a violent red.
'Aren't you joining me?' She asked, and although she sounded serious she giggled.
'Oh,' Ron said, as he started to take his trousers off.
He wandered over to the sofa with his penis cleanly out in plain sight. He suddenly begun to feel double on his exposure, being naked was one thing – but being naked near his sister in the family living room was an entirely new level. His heart started kicking up a gear as he looked at the front door.
Molly could come back because she had forgotten something or what about if Arthur comes back through that fireplace? Yep! Right back through the fireplace and sees you and Ginny right now what would he say? WHAT WOULD HE SAY!?
He licked his lips nervously. The thoughts that were racing through his mind made him temporarily blind as to what was going on physically before him. He blinked and saw his sister Ginny, also completely naked now. She was standing in front of him as he sat down on the sofa. He pussy was within his heads height and was cleanly shaven. She stood their, red-faced, with her hands on her hips.
' I okay?' She asked, sounding just as scared and nervous and Ron's thoughts. He looked at his beautiful sister, completely lost for words. To him she was so perfectly shaped, it was a sin that she had to be his sister.
'You're perfect, Ginny,' Ron said uncontrollably as he reached out for her. She came down though, on her knees. She was staring at his erection. It was large and throbbing. Her eyes were large and curious, like those of a cat staring at something strange and shiny. It occurred to Ron while she stared at his penis that she probably hadn't ever actually seen one with her own eyes. Was he about to take the virginity of his sister?
'It's so big...' Ginny said, as one of her hands rose tentatively to grasp it. Her soft skin clamped around it as though it were a microphone. 'And warm!'
'Ahh,' Ron breathed, as she begun to masturbate him slowly and carefully. 'T-that's nice.'
Ginny smiled, and confidently picked up the pace a little bit. Her other hand had fell down to her enlarged clitoris to begin rubbing it.
'G-Ginny...' Ron whispered, he was trying to worry about any chance of their parents walking in but the feeling of his sisters hand massaging his dick was too good for him to think of anything but that. Suddenly her mouth came down upon the head of his penis and begun to suck at it. Her tongue was doing small rings around his urethra and her lips were creating some kind of vacuum feeling on his entire tip. It was better than any kind of blowjob he had ever received from Hermione.
'G-fu...' Ron said, as he rolled his shoulders and closed his eyes in pleasure. Ginny giggled a little bit, and that only caused a vibration down his penis that furthered the rapture.
'I want it,' Ginny told him hungrily, as she got back up to her feet. Her hair fell half way across her shoulder and concealed one nipple.
Ron helped her on top of him. It was almost like a cowgirl position except Ron wasn't entirely laying down.
'Wait...' Ron sighed, 'I need to know if you've done this before.'
Ginny didn't respond. She thought about what she should say, as her brothers penis rubbed against her stomach. It was teasing her, telling her to sit on it and ride it for days.
'I...I haven't,' she said, staring at him seriously.
'I don't know if we should then, it's supposed to be something you remember for...well it's not supposed to be like this...'
'Oh come on Ron, we've gotten this far, haven't we?' Ginny said, sounding quite furious. 'Come on.'

Ron looked away, his hands were still on his sisters hips, and the warmth of her thighs against his legs was like a perfect campfire on his lap. He knew the right thing to do would be to tell her that he wasn't going to go through with it and that she should lose it romantically. Hell, he knew the best thing to do would be to throw her off him and tell her that they would never, ever get this close to each other again. But her body, the way she sat on him, the way her spoke to him, the way she took control of his mind.
'Please?' She begged him, poking the tip of his penis with her index finger.
Ron nodded, 'alright, if you're certain that this is how you want to lose it, Ginny.'
Ginny smiled and took hold of her brothers cock to insert it into her vagina. She aimed it incorrectly a couple of times before landing it right. It went in only a quarter way and then stopped because of how tight she was. Lubrication would have helped. She yelped and closed her eyes, a hand that was on Ron's shoulders gripped it painfully. And then, Ron helped it go all the way up inside her with one solid and eager thrust.
'Aa-AAGGGGHH!' She screamed, placing another hand on Ron's other shoulder. Her fingers dug into them.
'Shit, Gi-Ginny you're so tight!' Ron cried, as he begun to fuck his sister fast. She felt just as good as Hermione had done the first time they had had sex. The pure warmth of the fleshy walls inside of Ginny was second to none, and the way they hugged and massaged Ron's penis so naturally made it feel even better.
'O-Oh...nnn-yes, yes!' Ginny breathed out loudly. Her wonderful red hair fell down and curtained her and Ron's faces together. They begun to kiss wildly as Ron performed all the work down below. He felt something trickling down his member during the intercourse. He knew what it was but was in too much physical joy to want to stop. It was blood. His sisters blood, for he had now broke her hymen. There would be no going back now, they had stepped hand in hand into a room with a handle to enter but not one to exit.
'Oh, ssheeez,' she wheezed, falling back and making small circler motions with her pelvis.
'Oh yea keep doing that,' Ron told his sister and he reached around with both hands and grasped her ass tightly. He felt his fingers sink deep into her womanly flesh.
' hu-hurts tho-though,' Ginny panted, biting her lip again.
'O-o-okay s-stop...stop,' Ron commanded her, pulling his penis out. He left her gaping and bleeding. 'We need to stop, just for now, look you're bleeding.'
Ginny got back to her feet and looked down at the bloody mess on the sofa and on her legs. Some of it was on Ron's cock too.
'So I've really lost it then,' she said, it sounded more like she was speaking to herself. 'Did it hurt Hermione too?
'Well I think the first time, maybe even the second and third time will hurt differently to any times after's natural. You're not used to it.'
Ginny went quiet. Ron didn't quite know what to say.
'You're good though, great in fact, Ginny.'
She smiled, 'it felt good, sometimes...if it starts feeling good more than feeling bad then I think I would like to do this more often Ron...'
Ron was about to reply, when a sharp knocking came at their front door. The pair of them exchanged mortified looks as they froze up for a moment. All conversation died, as they rushed to retrieve their clothing that was scattered across the carpet. They dressed just out of sight from the front door, and then approached it. Ron was in front and his heart was doing backflips in his chest.