Ron and Ginny Weasley's Lustful Summer

By Maylia

Chapter One

Nightmares and Dreams


Ron Weasley grabbed his sister Ginny and threw her to the sand; her wand buried itself uselessly into its soft yellow skin as Ron pinned his weight onto hers. She made to punch him away as she lay sprawled on its surface, but he cupped her small fight with his meaty hand.
'G'owf! You fucking creep!' She screamed.
Ron merely laughed and pulled the lip of her top down with his free hand. It made a tearing sound where the fabric could not stand against the strength of his desire. Her left breast lolled out from the cloth and bared to his vision a succulent light pink nipple.
'I SAID GET OFF!' Ginny's voice echoed in Ron's head, as her other hand slapped his cheek. He felt nothing, but grabbed both her wrists and crushed them into the sand so that she would lie defencelessly. Her legs squirmed about helplessly but they could not do any damage to prevent her brother's intentions. The more she squirmed, the more her exposed breast jiggled. So the more she squirmed, the more Ron wanted her.
Ron murmured something – or thought something - and as he did, four green and black wavering vines crept out of the sand and bonded Ginny's wrists and ankles to it. Ron didn't know what this incantation was – he didn't really understand anything…it was a nightmare after all. Ginny looked up at Ron in pain, in distrust…in hatred. But that would not stop the reel of this wet nightmare; it would only spur it on. Ron stared back into his sisters brown eyes; he detected all the negative elements they told. But the way they all came together in contrast to the way her luscious red hair snaked beautifully in the sand behind her made everything irresistible.
Ron crawled back from Ginny's partly naked torso and pulled her denim jeans down to the heels, she wore no panties like how she wore no bra. It was as though this nightmare had been tailor-made for Ron's convenience. Her vagina was incredible – thin, pink, hairless and wet. Ron prowled hungrily towards his uncovered sister's womanhood, his jeans magically sliding off his legs as he done so.
'S-stay away from me!' Ginny persisted, as her eyes begun to water.
It was as though the movie reel this nightmare spun on had skipped forward because of some bad-handling on its internals. Ron was already feeling the guilty pleasure of his sister's private lips clamping with indignation on his penis; it felt warm and soft - a dream lets you be free, but it does limit the pleasure from reality to dream-like - and Ginny's left breast was bouncing up and down in accordance to every thrust Ron made.
The mascara Ginny wore melted with her tears as trails of black and transparent liquid slid down her cheeks and shone with the sun. Ron didn't care, this wasn't Ron. This was an animal, this was a rapist, and this was a demon that thrived from Ron's nightmares. The demon in Ron continued to thump his sister to hell.
'Uugh…ah…uggh!' Ginny cried in pain as she fought against the mysterious green and black vines that held her down. But crying out in pain and…pleasure? ...while she writhed her hips was all she could really do.
Pregnant make the bitch pregnant! The demon in Ron howled.
Ron got a handful of her exposed breast and let his thumb and index pinch her brilliant nipple as he continued to invade her vagina. It felt like a balloon that had been filled with hot water. She squealed louder and gritted her teeth, her eyes turned fierce and she spat in Ron's face with resentment. And then she had stopped squirming, and as soon as that had happened, Ron felt the warmth and softness she had given him begun to fade. The pleasure turned to horror, guilt and depression as Ron slowly fell away from the nightmare and became awake in his bed at the burrow. Sweat sparkled on his forehead from the moonlight and his pupils were dilated as though he had taken an E.

Ron lay alone in his bed unable to return to sleep…not wanting to return to sleep in fear that he would only return to that same scene. His penis remained rock solid under his quilt which only added to the shame of what his subconscious had fed him. The voice echoed through his skull again.
Pregnant make the bitch pregnant!
He attempted to dismiss it by rubbing his eyes together and turning his bedside lamp on (could light really banish a demon?). He was frightened of what he was becoming. He knew he would never lay a finger on Ginny, but this was the third dream where he had been fucking his sister now in the last two weeks. Was he attracted to her? The truth even though he denied it, was that yes, he was. He loved how her hair was gorgeous even on a bad day, he enjoyed her humour, he sexually fantasised the way she worked her wand, he adored the curves her hips teased him with and worst of all…he was becoming addicted to these dreams about her.


It was the same night, Ron was unknowingly squirming in his bed as he raped his sister in his nightmare; and Ginny was having a nightmare…well…a dream of her own. It would be called a dream instead of a nightmare because rather than fearing them, Ginny wished they would happen whenever she decided to go to bed. She was also addicted to these dreams like Ron was. But her dreams were not abusive; her dreams were actually pleasant and clean…in some format. Ginny was dreaming about herself and Ron, except they weren't on a beach in the middle of Ron's subconscious, they were right here in the burrow.
'Bet you can do better than that,' Ron's voice encouraged in Ginny's mind as she grinded on his veiny stick. Ginny was working her body on Ron's as they both fucked completely naked on his bed. The bed creaked obnoxiously every time Ginny pressured her knees onto its springs to thrust her body forward so Ron's penis could bend around inside her body. Every movement Ron's cock made inside of her seemed to lick at a nerve. It felt like heaven to her. Ron's hands had sunk into the flesh of her ass cheeks and had spaced out the crevice her bum created as they massaged it. Ginny had placed both her small hands on the battered wooden banisters above Ron's head. The bedside lamp was switched on and both of their wands lay beside it.
'We should – mm, sis we should shut the door,' Ron cautioned with minor rapture to Ginny's work. Ginny turned only her head to look at the door Ron worried about. As she done so her red hair fell between her breasts and licked at her erected nipples.
'Everyone's sleeping,' Ginny heard herself say to her brother, 'don't worry about getting caught.'
Ginny felt one of her brothers hands slowly caress up from her meaty ass cheek to her back. It kissed its way between the small ravine her spine made and reached her glorious hair. She felt his hand sink into her hair and then lose itself in its beauty.
'Ginny you're so beautiful,' Ron stated, carefully pressing down on the back of her head so that she would lean over him and kiss his lips. It was a numb kiss, one of the drawbacks that came with being free in a dream. But nevertheless, they kissed and slowly begun to thrust into each other again.
Ginny's breasts had squashed themselves comfortably onto Ron's chest as they breathed into each other's mouths and licked each other's tongues. Their nipples rubbed together with every squeak the bed had begun to sound again.
There was no set time on how long motions like this seem to go on for in dreams, but Ginny felt like they had been fucking a while. But all good things must come to an end, and so they did.
'GINNY!' Molly's voice shrieked in Ginny's sleeping mind.
And that was all; Ginny's dream-self did not turn to look at her mother standing in the doorway Ron had threated about. But the image had taken over her dreamy vision and had shown her enough to force her to wake up gasping.

Ginny shot upwards gasping for breath, her heart was doing backflips and her mother's voice still lingered in her ears. It was at this point too when Ron had woke up, feeling his pleasure flush away with great sorrow as its substitute.
Ginny sat there, grateful for the sudden nightmare becoming only a nightmare. And then she did what she did for the past week whenever she had a dream relating her brother in this manner, she pulled her quilt down and slid her white panties to one side. Her clitoris was already swelled up from the thoughts that swam through her mind whilst she slept, her fleshy insides felt like they were moving with pleasure. So what she did then was eye her bedroom door and then guiltily masturbate once more to the incestuous dreams with her older sibling.