"So what did you think of that guy that asked Star out?" Hope asked.

"I don't know, Star didn't seem interested in him, yet she likes Oscar." Her friend replied.

"Yeah but didn't you see how Marco acted around that guy when he was talking to Star?" Hope pointed out.

"I'm pretty sure Marco just wanted that demon to himself."

"Hahaha! No." Hope said sarcastically.

"Uh, yeah!"

"What are you 2 talking about?" Janna asked.

"Whether Marco likes Star or Tom." Hope said.

"Oh," Janna sighed in disappointment.

"What do you think?" Hope's friend asked.

Janna smiled and motioned them to follow her. She told them to stop where they could view Marco's locker from around a corner. Janna struck up a conversation with Marco, who seemed a bit bothered by her presence. A bit after talking, Janna kissed Marco then waved goodbye. She walked back to her frineds. "That's what I think." She told them.

Starco is tolerable. Tomco is terrible. Janco has no shippers, except for the Sneasel.