Disclaimer: I do not own Madoka, Fate/Stay Night, nor any of the franchises that will appear here. They all belong to SHAFT, Type/Moon and whoever else respectively

KingofBeasts Productions Present:

Kyoko's Amazing Journey!: A FatexMadoka Crossover

Chapter 1: Disgruntlement

Progressio Enterprises Main Office, New York.

"So, how is are things are on your end, Salem?"

"Much better than I had hoped, though that isn't saying much." Salem Azal sighed as he addressed the vampiress known as Rachel Alucard. "As of now, we are in a stalemate." Salem sighed as he drank his tea, served by the resident butler Valkenhayn R. Hellsing. The war with their greatest foes, the Blackest Knight, was one spanning the multiverse. "They have quieted down as of late, but I fear that is but the calm before the storm."

"I see." Rachel nodded, sipping her tea and savoring the taste. "Any word from our allies?"

"Edgar has been rather vigilant. No surprise, seeing how personal this has become for him." Salem could only sigh at the turn of events that occurred. To say that it hit too close to home for the Ordinis Sanctus Gladius would be appropriate. "Kokonoe has been giving us the latest intel from her end. Nothing worth of note though."

"Surprising, considering that the Bureau of Multidimensional Defense has technology that puts the other two organizations to shame." Rachel sighed, rather disappointed with the result.

"I believe we shouldn't worry too much." Valkenhayn spoke in an attempt to encourage his mistress. "It's only a matter of time before-"

That attempt ended abruptly when the doors to the office were suddenly flung open.

"Hey! I got a bone to pick with you two!"

The intruder was a girl around her early teens. Her long, wild brown hair was tied in a ponytail and she was clad in a blue hoodie over a black tank top and blue daisy dukes. Her round face did well to show her youth, and her most defining feature was a singular fang that often showed when she grinned.

"Damn it, Kyoko!" Following her was another girl around the same age. She wore a white long sleeved blouse, short skirt and high black socks. Her short blue hair was adorned with a barrette on the side. Turning to the pair, she bowed deeply. "I'm sorry, Mr. Azal. I tried to keep her away, but-"

"It's no problem, Sayaka." Salem waved her off with a smile before turning to the brunette. "What is it, Kyoko? As you can see, I'm in the middle of something, so I would prefer it if you got to the point."

"Alright, here's my point." Kyoko gnashes her teeth while pointing at Sayaka. "I want a power-up too! It's no fair that she got stronger than me because of her Persona!"

"Wait, THAT'S why you wanted to barge in?!" Sayaka looked at her friend incredulously. Rachel and Salem, in the mean time, looked rather amused.

"You know, I could make you face your Shadow, as I did with Ms. Miki." The vampiress wore her usual smirk. "I would no doubt be interested in seeing you go up against your inner darkness."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Kyoko sighed, her smile showing a hint of sadness. "I don't think I'm ready to open THAT jar of worms just yet. I don't think I can take it."

"Kyoko..." Sayaka noticed this, as did everyone else in the room.

"Then I don't think I have much of an answer for you, Ms. Sakura." Rachel sighed while taking another sip.

"Well, there IS another way."

All in the room glanced at Salem, his hand on his chin and his expression one of deep thought.

"Huh? Whaddya mean?" Kyoko asked out of curiosity.

"Tell me, are you familiar with the legend of Scathach?" Salem asked with a smile.

"All that I know is that it was she who mentored Cu Chulainn, another legendary hero." Valkenhayn threw in his two cents. "If I remember correctly, her epithet is 'The Witch of Dun Scaith.'"

"As astute as always, Valkenhayn." Rachel nodded before turning to Salem. "However, I fail to see her relevance to this discussion."

"To make the long story short, I have received reliable intel that she still walks this earth." Salem got to his point with a smile on his face. "And seeing that you use a spear and are quite adept in magic, I suggest that you go learn from her, Kyoko. To learn under the tutelage of a legendary hero would be a once in a lifetime experience."

"Wow, that actually sounds pretty cool." Kyoko stated with a neutral expression. "Where am I gonna find her though? Does your intel say anything about that?"

"Well, I do not have an exact lock, but I did hear that she was last seen in Ireland." Salem smiled as he delivered what most certainly would be the hook. "Should you decide to go after her, your accommodations and travel expenses will be covered by Progressio Enterprises."

"Damn, that sounds tempting..." Kyoko's eyes glazed at the thought of first class lodgings. Of course, what excited her more was learning from a living legend.

"So, do we have a deal?" Rachel couldn't help but smile at Salem's silver tongue. It was no wonder that he was a successful businessman outside being a head of a group of multidimensional guardians.

"Yep!" Without any hint of hesitation, Kyoko and Salem shook on it. "I'll be heading for Ireland and when I get back, I'll kicking all kinds of ass!"

"Naturally, Sayaka will be going with you as well. It'll be nice to have a familiar face along, as well as someone who can balance you out." Upon hearing Rachel say this, the bluenette could only sigh.

"I should've seen this coming."

"In addition, you'll be taking two others along as well. Of course, you will have total control over who you will pick. Will that be a problem?"

"Nope. That just means the more the merrier!" Kyoko was getting excited at the prospect of a trip where she becomes stronger, eats more food and basically have a good time.

"Very well. Have your selections ready by the end of the day. Until then, you're both dismissed."

Once Kyoko and Sayaka were out of earshot, Rachel was the first to speak her mind.

"Are you sure this is wise?" She asked her peer. "Scathach is not exactly the friendliest of individuals. I'm not entirely sure she would be interested in teaching Ms. Sakura."

"I am quite sure. After all, Kyoko is basically Cu Chulainn. If he were a middle-school aged Magical Girl, of course. I am quite sure she can take her training" Salem chuckled as Valkenhayn refilled his tea cup. "Who knows? Maybe this random whim may give us a lead on our enemy's actions."

"Well, that went well."

"That went well? You gave me a freakin' heart attack!"

Kyoko winced as Sayaka practically yelled into her ear. They were currently sitting at a nearby tea shop, helping themselves to cake and apple pie. They would've bugged Mami, but she was currently away on a mission, as was Madoka and Homura.

"Hey, hey. Nothing we can do about it, right?" Kyoko chuckled while helping herself to a spoonful of apple pie. "At least we get a free trip out of it."

"I suppose you're right." Sayaka conceded in defeat. "Still, it's pretty amazing. Not only are we getting a vacation, but we'll be meeting a legend. Mr. Azal's right to say that it doesn't happen every day."

"Who to bring with us though?" It was a question that both Kyoko and Sayaka found themselves mulling over. With the obvious choices away, they thought of other people they could ask. Yuuki was a definite choice, as the bubbly swordswoman would fly to the moon at the idea of a trip. The last person was a bit of puzzle...

"Hey guys, what's up?"

Both turned around to see the aforementioned Yuuki Konno, beaming broadly while chomping down on a vintage hot dog from a hot dog stand. At her side was Akame, the raven haired assassin with what seemed to be two- no, three footlongs jammed into one bun.

"Just the person we were looking for!" Kyoko greeted them with her signature fanged grin. "Me and Sayaka are being sent on a mission of sorts. We're gonna find a witch who's been living in Ireland. Wanna come?"

"Would I?!" Yuuki showed off the expected enthusiasm. "I've always wanted to go on a plane elsewhere! I mean, I could fly, but that tends to freak people out."

"Alright, that's one down and one to go!" Kyoko announced with much glee before turning towards Akame. "Hey wanna go too? I'm pretty sure there's a lot of meat where we're going."


"Wow that was fast!" Sayaka's shock over Akame's almost instant consent was understandable to say the least.

"Alright, that settles it!" Kyoko announced loudly for all to hear. "Pack your bags, ladies, cuz we're headed off to Ireland!"

"Woohoo!" Yuuki's whoop matched Kyoko's, while Akame remained as stoic as ever.

"This is going to be a looooong trip." Sayaka sighed deeply as she scooped up another serving of cake.


Somewhere within the deepest forests of Ireland, the red-headed beauty known as Scathach felt herself sneeze. She rubbed her nose while blinking in a most confused fashion.

"I wonder..." she mused out loud to herself. "What is this chill in the air?"

End Chapter 1

A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the first edition of Kyoko's Amazing Journey! As stated in the tag, this here tale takes place in the Fate/Zero Hourverse setting in which Kyoko and the rest of the Quintet have become members of the Sentinels, a group that guards the Multiverse. If you have questions, like how Sayaka got a Persona, refer to the other Zero Hourverse works to find out. If those questions haven't been answered yet, look forward to future works!

I would like to take this time to thank X the Reaper, who has been my fellow mad scientist in expanding the Zero Hourverse. He even helped me form a group meant to be a threat to all the guardians of the realms. Be sure to read his Fate Zero Sanity series, from which the OSG originated from!

If you enjoyed this delightfully short chapter, please be sure to leave a review. If you didn't, leave one anyway!

With that being said, I'll take my leave. Until next time, This is the King of Beasts signing off!

Next Time on Kyoko's Amazing Journey: Welcome to Ireland!