This is my first time writing a fanfiction. In fact I'm an artist who thought of an idea for a comic that ended up being too long and now I'm writing it as a fanfiction. Hopefully some of you like it.

This had become a common routine for Adrien. Leave school and get immediately picked up my gorilla and be driven to whatever Nathalie had on his schedule. Today it was another photoshoot in the park for some new clothing line his father made. He did everything the photographer asked, pose with your hands in the pants pockets, sit here, stand this way. A yawn escaped adrian's mouth while in what had to be his thirtieth pose for this photographer when everything stopped.

The photographer handed off his camera to his assistant and turned to Nathalie "look at Adrien he's yawning and that's all I need to know. This park," he waved his arms around anxiously "it's too boring. We need to move to another location. Now and quick while we still have good light"

Nathalie simply nodded and Adrien was escorted away back to the car where Gorilla was being whispered too where to drive next.

In the corner of the park, a few feet from where they had been shooting the photos sat Adrian's blue shoulder bag slumped up against a tree. Inside Plagg was in a sleepy bliss after eating two whole wheels of camembert cheese, completely unaware of Adrien leaving.

The park being only a few blocks from her house made it one of the best places for Marinette to find some peace and quiet. Being Ladybug does not make life easy. There was always stress from school, helping her parents with orders at the bakery, saving Paris from Akuma attacks, and then there was her love life. She was 16 now and had never been on one date. To make matters worse Alya was dating Nino now. She felt so behind in her love life. She walked around the perimeter of the park mulling over her failed love life.

At this point I feel I'm going to become a spinster. I can't even speak to Adrien without stuttering. He doesn't notice me at all.

Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse "Marinette are you okay?"

Marinette looked around quickly to make sure the coast was clear. The park was completely deserted, which she found odd for such a popular park. With a shrug she responded to Tikki with a sigh, "Tikki I don't know what to do anymore. Adrien doesn't notice me at all. You must have gotten my super persona wrong because I must be invia-girl, not Ladybug."

Tikki sighed "Marinette don't say things like that. Don't you remember how you guys played that video game together?"

Marinette brought down her hand and pet the top of Tikki's head with her finger, "Yeah I guess you're right about that. He still hasn't talked to me since then though."

"Well isn't he busy with photoshoots all the time? Maybe he's just tired."

"I guess so."

"You've been busy too you know"

Marinette giggled and rolled her shoulder "Yeah… Beating Akumas does take a lot of work"

"Well at least we have Chat Noir to help us" Tikki chimed in. "He's been complimenting you quite a lot too."

"ughhh" Marinette brought her hand to her face in a face-palm, "Him hitting on me has not helped you know. Can't he just focus on the fight for two seconds without being all over me. It's become obnoxious"

"At least he's better than the Chat Noirs of the past" Tikki's face puckered into a look of disgust. "You'd never believe how much pain some of them put my Ladybug companions through."

Marinette's eyebrow rose up as she looked down towards Tikki, "do I want to know?"

"No" Tikki said in a annoyance

Petting her again with her finger Marinette tried to calm Tikki down "okay, okay, calm down. We're taking this walk to calm down and think not get more frustrated"

Sighing Tikki simple nodded in agreement as they walked on the pathway.

It was a cool spring day. The park was still quiet and peaceful with no one around. Marinette was in a daze, staring at her feet while she walked as she continued her thoughts. While turning the corner she saw something blue from the corner of her eye. Wait that can't be, why would that be -. She froze in place.

"What's wrong?" Tikki chimed as she peaked up from out of her purse.

Slowly, almost tiptoeing, she backed up and stared at the base of a tree. Against it was a blue shoulder bag. Oh god no is he here? Is he doing another photoshoot here?! Quickly she looked around for his golden blonde hair, but there was still no one in the park.

"Earth to Marinette! Are you okay?"

"bwah!" she jumped liked a scared cat. Looking down at her Kwami she realized it was just Tikki speaking.

"Seriously are you alright?"

Frantically marinette was shhhh-ing and putting her pointer finger to her mouth. She knelt down next to the shoulder bag and stared at it intently. With the quietest whisper she responded to her Tikki, "I think this is Adrien's bag"

Flying up to her ear Tikki and whispered back, "1. why are we whispering now, and 2. how do you know this is his bag"

"Maybe it's got a recording device in it or something, I don't want him to hear us"

"Okay fine crazy pants, but how do you know it's his bag?"

With both hands open she motioned to the bag "It looks like his bag!"

Tikki sighed, "There could be a million of these bags. How is this one his?"

"Oh I know," she carefully reached for the front flap to the bag and turned to look at Tikki, "we simply open the bag and look for a notebook with his name on it"

"Then what do we do?"

"Ummmmm" she looked away from her, "we read the notebook" she whispered while smiling

"Ugh, seriously Marinette"

She rolled her eyes and looked over to Tikki as she opened the bag, "Come on, if this is his bag when will we have a chance to see if he doodles, or writes poetry"

This time Tikki rolled her eyes, "Did you forget Nathanaël, he was the one with drawings and….." Tikki looked down into the bag. There sleeping without a care in the world was a familiar black cat kwami. Tikki felt fury sweep across her small red body.