Chapter 1: Fallen

Something was clearly off. Ruby was sent on a lone mission to Mt. Ebott for taking care of a Grimm infestation, but she has encountered little to no Grimm on her way here. In fact, she hasn't even encountered a single sign of Grimm activity anywhere near the mountain. She went up to the near peak of the mountain to see a giant cave with a huge hole in the middle of the cave. She tried to get a closer look at the hole, but forgot to check her footing and got her foot caught on a vine, tripping into the hole. Her spine would have shattered if it wasn't for the bed of flowers at the bottom. She looked up to see that the hole was deeper than she thought. She tried to run back up, but to no avail. Even with her semblance, she couldn't run up the wall to get out.

"Crap, I think I'm stuck down here." Ruby said to herself. She turned to see a tunnel. "Well, I can't get out the way I came, so I might as well see if there's an easier way of getting out." She then went down the tunnel and through a doorway to see a lone yellow flower. What put Ruby off was that the flower had a face.

"Howdy!" The flower greeted, making Ruby jump. "Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower."

Ruby finally calmed down enough to comprehend the situation. "Oh, hi Flowey. My name's Ruby Rose." Ruby greeted, making Flowey chuckle. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Just your name. I feel like we'll get along quite well." Flowey joked. "Now, I haven't seen your face around here. You must be new here. Poor you, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. Guess little old me will have to do!"

"Sure! Man, it's good to know that this place isn't full of heartless monsters." Ruby cheered.

Oh, if only you knew. Flowey thought. "Now, let's begin." Flowey said cheerfully. "Now, don't freak out or anything. This might sting slightly. I really don't know, I've never tried it myself."

"What do you me-" Ruby asked, but was cut off by a comic heart flashing on her chest. "WOAH! That's new." Ruby exclaimed.

"Now, that is your heart, the very culmination of your being. But from what some stories I've heard, humans call that 'aura'. Heh, soul, aura. What's the difference?" Flowey chuckled. "Anyway, you can strengthen your soul by gaining LV. What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course."

"Make sense." Ruby stated. "So how do I gain LV?"

"Simple!" Flowey exclaimed, releasing some pellets. "These here are little white... friendliness pellets. Just grab them and you'll be stronger than before. I guarantee. Now, grab them! Catch as many as you can!"

Ruby went to grab one, but when she did, she felt extreme pain. "AUGH! Hey, that really hurt!" Ruby cried.

"Oh, don't worry, that's just part of the process! But you only got one. You need at least five to grow." Flowey said, sending a few more pellets at Ruby. Ruby dodged the pellets this time, making Flowey's expression change.

"You know what's going on here, don't you?" Flowey said in a raspy voice. "You just wanted to see me suffer."

"What the Dust are you-" Ruby started to ask, but was but off by pellets surrounding her.

Die. Flowey snapped in a dark voice, then laughing a maniacal laugh as the pellets closed in on Ruby. Ruby looked to try and find a way out of this, but soon she realized she had no where to go. She closed her eyes and accepted the face that she would die. She waited... waited... but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see Flowey with a confused face. But he wasn't there for long since a ball of fire sent him flying out of sight. Another being came into view.

She was about twice the size of Ruby with white fur covering her whole body, along with goat-like ears and horns. She also wore a purple garment with a symbol on the chest, three triangles with a winged creature above them.

"What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." The goat lady said. "Hello, child. My name is Toriel. And what might your name be?"

"Hi, Toriel. My name's Ruby Rose. Thanks for saving my life." Ruby greeted/thanked.

"You are most welcome, Ruby. I assume you will not put much trust in me after that encounter with that flower." Toriel said.

Ruby sighed. "It's kind of hard to trust people when they say they're your friend and immediately try to kill you again."

"Understandable. Still, I would like to show you that not all monsters down here are bad, me being one of them. Now, come child. This is no place for you to be at. I will take you to my home." Toriel said. "But first, I must teach you how the underground works. Please, follow me."

Ruby hesitated. What if this was another trap? What if Toriel was pulling her in to gain her trust and then kill her? Then again, Toriel seemed too nice to do anything of the sort. She followed Toriel to a stairway leading to another doorway. Around the room were scattered rose petals, along with a strange yellow star in the middle of one patch. Ruby went up to it and the strangest thing happened. She touched the star and immediately felt every wound she had vanish. It even seemed like all the scars she had gotten from all her fights had gone too. She checked her left elbow where she remembered getting a scar from a Beowolf, and it was no longer there.

"Ruby? You alright?" Toriel called out. Ruby snapped out of her gaze and replied "Yeah, I'm fine." Ruby then followed Toriel to the next room.

"The underground is full of puzzles. Here, let me solve this one for you." Toriel said, stepping on four panels in a simple order. "Once you complete a puzzle, it should shut down automatically, making it so you won't have to solve it again."

"Well, that's handy." Ruby said, smiling. Toriel couldn't help but smile too. The two then went through the newly opened doorway. In that room was four switches on the far wall.

"In this room is another puzzle. I wonder if you can solve it." Toriel said. Ruby looked to see three of the switches had arrows pointing to them. Ruby guessed that those were the ones she should pull. So she did, opening a new passage.

"Well done, child." Toriel congratulated. They walked into the next room, there being a fighting dummy. "Now, the monsters here will attack you at first, but if you say or do the right thing, they can be befriended. Practice by talking to the dummy." Toriel explained.

Ruby then walked up to the dummy and started chatting with it awkwardly. After a good talk, she walked away. "Very good! Do that, and you'll fit in down here in no time!" Toriel said cheerfully. They then proceeded to another hallway, this one having a weirdly patterned path. In the corridor, as Toriel went on, Ruby encountered a little frog. Her chest flashed her heart again, signaling she was fighting the frog. She remembered what Toriel told her, and tried bringing up a conversation with the frog. Before it could attack, Toriel came in and gave the frog a nasty look, making it back away.

"Sorry about that. Those Froggits tend to literally jump at anyone that comes through here." Toriel said. "But it's good to see you are trying to talk to the enemy. You seem to be talking my advice."

"Well, now that I know I don't have to fight, it's made it a lot easier for me." Ruby said.

"From your appearance, I assume you are a warrior of some kind?" Toriel asked.

"Well, yes and no. I am a huntress in training, learning how to protect people from harm." Ruby replied.

"Ah, I see. You protect those that cannot themselves. A noble fighter. And I assume you want to choose fighting as a last resort?"

"Well, if you could communicate to Grimm, then we wouldn't need hunters and huntresses." Ruby replied, making Toriel have a strange, confused look.

"What are... Grimm?" Toriel asked.

"Oh, you must not have them down here. I'll tell you later. It's a long story."

"Very well. The next puzzle is right up here, but..." Toriel hesitated. "Here, take my hand." Toriel extended her hand for Ruby, which she took. Toriel then guided Ruby though the spikes. Ruby made sure to follow Toriel's footsteps. "Puzzles seem to be a little too dangerous right now."

They then proceeded to another corridor, this one longer than the others. "Child, I have something I will require of you. This is kind of hard to ask... I need you to walk down this corridor alone. I'm sorry." Toriel then ran down the corridor, leaving Ruby alone. Ruby then ran after Toriel.

"Toriel, wait! Toriel!" Ruby shouted, running down the corridor until she came up to a column.

"I'm sorry to frighten you child. I just wanted to test your independence." Toriel said, coming out from behind the column. "Now, I must go to do some business. Here, I'll give you this." Toriel then handed Ruby an old phone.

"Oh, it's alright Toriel, I have my own." Ruby said, pulling out her scroll.

"Ah, very well. I shall instead then give you my phone number. You'll be able to contact me whenever you need." Toriel said, inputting her phone number into Ruby's scroll. "There are a few puzzles past here that I have yet to explain, so I suggest you wait here. In the meantime, maybe practice your sparing techniques on the local monsters." Toriel suggested.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." Ruby said, putting her scroll away. After a few minutes, Ruby got bored and decided to go, despite Toriel's instructions. She found another pile of rose petals with another star, giving her the same feeling as the other one. She then went up, finding a pedestal with a bowl of candy and a sign that said 'take one'. She decided it wouldn't be too rude to take one since it wasn't for someone in particular. She then proceeded to the only other direction available. As Toriel said, there were a ton of puzzles around the place. Some having weak floors that'll break when you step on them, others being switch puzzles, and there was one that was both. There are also puzzles that require rocks to be pushed onto a pressure plate. One of the rocks were somehow sentient and made Ruby work to get the spikes to stay down. After that trap, there was a bush of roses with a ghost laying on it. It pretended that it was asleep until it knew Ruby wasn't fooled, then engaging Ruby in a fight.

The ghost was like a comical ghost, white and looked like someone had a bed sheet over their head. Except this ghost seemed to be extremely sad over... something. Ruby tried cheering up the ghost, soon getting him to be a little more open, as well as showing Ruby his trick, making tears turn into a top hat, which he called 'dapperblook'. After that, Napstablook said "I usually go to the ruins to be alone since there's not many people here, but today I met someone nice. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that. I'll get out of your way." Then disappeared.

After a few more puzzles, and a few encounters, as well as finding a toy knife, which Ruby took since she had lost Crescent Rose in the fall(and by that, I mean it's functions were damaged, making it unusable, not destroyed.). She soon found a withered tree surrounded by rose petals, as well as a familiar voice.

"Oh boy, that took longer than expected. I'd better check up on her to make sure she's alright." Toriel said, dialing a number in her phone until seeing Ruby next to the tree. "Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry for leaving you for so long. I thought the surprise I was making you would take less time." Toriel apologized.

"It's alright, Toriel. I learned a few things about sparing monsters and made a few friends." Ruby cheered.

"Well, it's good to hear that you accomplished something during your time alone. Now, come along. My house is just up here." Toriel said, walking off to a house on the other side of the room. Ruby went inside the house to see it was a classic home, wooden floor boards, a few shelves with flower pots and picture frames, and other regular house things.

"This is your new home, Ruby. Please, take a look around to get accustomed to it." Toriel said, happier than usual. Ruby then went to the right, seeing a corridor with three doors, the one in the middle being closed off. Ruby went into the first room to see two beds and a lot of child's stuff, like stuffed animals, kids shoes, etc. Ruby yawned and remembered how long it's been since she's had some sleep that wasn't on a flower bed. At that point, she didn't care if it wasn't her bed, she flopped down on the bed, rolled up in the blankets, and falling asleep immediately.

When she woke up, she smelled something delicious. She opened her eyes to see a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie next to her bed. She was tempted to eat it, but decided that it might be useful later, so she put the pie into a little bag she had in case she found edible food on her mission and put the pie slice in it, clipping it to her belt. She walked out and realized how messy her hair was.

"Hey Toriel, do you have a mirror somewhere?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, there's one at the end of the hallway." Toriel responded.

"Thanks." Ruby thanked, walking to the end of the hall, looking at the mirror to see her hair was a rat's nest. She licked her hands and patted down her hair, getting it arranged after a few moments. She walked to the left of the entrance to see Toriel sitting on a rocking chair, reading a book with some reading glasses. Ruby assumed this was the living room/dining room.

"Good morning Ruby. Did you sleep well?" Toriel asked.

"Yeah, it was *yawn* a nice sleep. Still a little tired, though." Ruby said.

Toriel chuckled. "Well, did you get my greeting present?"

"Yeah, and it smells pretty good."

"Did you like it?"

"Oh, I haven't tried it yet. I figured I might as well save it. I actually do remember a fairy tale that my dad used to read to me. It was about this war with monsters and humans, and how with the power of dust, the royal families were able to seal the monsters under Vale. Also, I heard that monster food has amazing healing capabilities, so I figured something this good would get me back up in a tight situation." Ruby explained.

"Well, you are really well informed. You know, I have always wanted to be a teacher, as surprising as it might sound. Then again, it might not be that surprising to you. Still, I might be able to teach you some new things about the underground and it's history."

"Well, I didn't take you for a teacher." Ruby said.

"Well, the more you know about people. I hope you will enjoy your time here." Toriel said.

That's when Ruby remembered. She needed to leave, to get back to the others. God knows what they're going through without her. She had to tell Toriel. Toriel seemed to read Ruby expression. "Oh, is there something you would like to ask?"

Ruby took a deep breath and sighed. "Toriel, I'm sorry, but I need to get back home."

"Sorry? This is your home. Um, would you like to know about the book I'm reading? It's about snail facts. Would you like to hear one?"

"Toriel, I'm sorry, but I need to get back to Vale! I have a team, I'm the leader!" Ruby took another deep breath. "Toriel, I need to know. We're there other humans that have come down here?"


Woo! First chapter of Rose of the Underground! It's been a long time leading up, but it's finally here! First off, disclaimer: I do NOT own Undertale nor do I own RWBY! RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Undertale is made by Toby Fox. Also, there WILL be Undertale spoilers, so if you have not played Undertale yet, what the hell are you doing here? Go play the damn game! It's awesome! If you have played the game, keep reading! Anyway, I will not be making pairings since I personally do not like pairings. Just saying, my own opinion, do not be butt hurt. Last thing I want to say, I'm sorry if I go OOC with any of these characters. I'm bound to make a few mistakes, happens with everything. Anyway, if you like this series so far, please follow and fav. I am Erecles, signing off.