Hey guys!

Before we begin this story, some things to say!

I actually gave this idea to Blackfeathers33 on his "Random Fights" in a review, but I thought about my idea more and more, so I decided to do it myself! However credit does go to him for helping me to stir up my imagination!

Also, I would like to say a happy birthday to my buddy, Slyassassin25! Thanks for the karaoke chapter for me!

Anyway, let's begin!

Chapter 1: Ambush

The Kandahar Region, Afghanistan, roughly 1500 hours

Driving along a desert road were three U.S. military humvees, carrying a 12 man squad of Seal Team Six, who were returning back to base after a routine patrol around several Afghan villages. No firefight for the Seals today as the patrol was quiet, no insurgents firing sniper shots or RPG's and causing havoc. The Seals were a bit disappointed, wanting some action for it has been mostly quiet during their weeks here, however the squad did not suffer any casualties at all.

As the small convoy was driving along the desert road, in the middle humvee sat Corporal Ethan, a Blue macaw and Master Sergeant Zach, a Green Cheek Conure, sitting in the back and in the front sat Major Ralph, a Blue Macaw and First Lieutenant Alex, who was a Scarlet macaw.

Alex was in the passenger seat while Ralph was driving, which gave Alex something to do, the whole time during the patrol he has been looking at a small picture of a younger, female Scarlet macaw. Ralph took a quick glance over at Alex.

"Keep looking at that picture, lieutenant and your eyes will fall out." Ralph laughed a little.

"Very funny sir." Alex replied.

"Yeah, I would pay a million bucks to see that happen." Zach joined in on the conversation.

"Might bring some popcorn too." Ethan joined as well.

"Okay, put a sock in it you two." Alex ordered playfully.

"Yes sir." Ethan and Zach replied, chuckling a little.

Ralph than became serious for his friend.

"So how is she doing?" Ralph asked, sounding honest.

"Well she certainly misses me, loses a lot of sleep because she is so worried about me, but you know, I can't blame L…" However Alex was stopped by Ralph, who yelled out, "Holy Shit!"

The front humvee, driving in front, suddenly exploded in flames and was picked up a little and was violently thrown down. An I.E.D. has blown the left side of the vehicle. As soon as that happened, bullets suddenly began flying and were hitting the left side of the remaining U.S. humvees. Luckily humvees were equipped with bulletproof glass and all the Seals were safe.

"Get the fuck out, on the right side!" Ralph ordered and Alex, Ethan, and Zach rushed out, followed by Ralph.

Ralph looked over at the third humvee, which had Specialist Rafael, who was a toucan and PFCs' Felipe, a Scarlet macaw, Nico, a yellow canary and Pedro, a red crested cardinal riding in it.

"You guys okay!" Ralph yelled over to them.

"Fine, Major Ralph!" Rafael shouted back.

Ralph gave orders to his three birds who were with him.

"Zach, I need you on the .50, Alex, I want you to go over the front humvee, and Ethan, I want you to cover him, I will radio for the A-10's and Blackhawks!" Ralph told his men while bullets whizzed over them. "Go!"

Alex and Ethan took cover behind the engine hood of their humvee.

"Ready Ethan?" Alex asked.

"Yes sir." Ethan replied, flipping off the safety of his M16A4.

"Go!" Alex yelled and Ethan began returning fire.

Alex ran to the back of the front humvee and saw First Sergeant Joe, a Lear's macaw and PFC Roberto, a Blue macaw, all bloody and bruised. Luckily the I.E.D. was not an extremely powerful one, designed to only completely stop a vehicle, but it still showed its damage.

"You two okay?" Alex said to them.

"We are good lieutenant." Joe replied.

"Can you come out?" Alex asked.

"Yes sir." Roberto returned and Alex helped them both to come out.

Alex then went for Specialist Blu, a Blue macaw and his dear friend, Staff Sergeant Jameson, a black owl. Jameson was driving and the I.E.D. blew the closet to him, so he was most affected. Alex opened the door of Blu's side with some difficulty and found Blu out.

"Wake up Blu!" Alex yelled at him, slapping him the face.

"What?" Blu said as he got back into it, but then felt the pain, shrapnel in his left wing.

"Come on Blu, get out." Alex said, and helped Blu out, Blu trying not to mess his wing up more, as he got out of his seat.

"You two tend to Blu!" Alex yelled at Joe and Roberto before going for Jameson. "Jameson!"

Jameson had massive amounts of shrapnel in his body and it almost ripped out his belly and left wing, blood was pouring out everywhere.

"Alex, I'm not going to make it." Jameson softly replied, his voice getting lower and lower.

"Don't you dare say that you son of a bitch!" Alex yelled at him and he carefully moved Jameson so as not to cause anymore damage to his body.

"Roberto, Joe, get Blu to Ralph's humvee, I got Jameson!" Alex shouted as Ethan and Zach continued providing cover fire for them.

Alex put himself in harm's way as he put his body between the bullets and Jameson, protecting him, until they got behind his humvee, Alex opened the back door to put Jameson in. As Alex carefully put Jameson in the back seats, Jameson gestured to him.

"Alex." Jameson spoke. "Take this, tell Kelly I am sorry." And Jameson held out an engagement ring.

"No way you bastard, you are giving this to her yourself, you hear me!" Alex yelled and then folded up Jameson's wing with the ring. "You're going to make it, just hang in there." He said more softly as he closed the door and returned to the fight.

"Die you motherfuckers!" Alex yelled out as he fired his M4 assault rifle, going through many clips and reloading, while taking cover behind the back of the humvee, but completely drawing attention to him as he yelled. As if god was watching him, Alex was not hit once during the firefight.

Around ten minutes later, two A-10's came roaring in, firing their 30 mm cannons and missiles at the insurgents. That must have been enough for the insurgents, for the fire from the enemy slowly died to nothing as the A-10's fired away. Two Blackhawk helicopters came to get the wounded and as they touched down besides the humvees, Alex got Jameson and helped him over to a helicopter.

As Jameson was put on a stretcher, he beckoned Alex over.

"Thanks sir." Jameson smiled his best.

"Don't mention it buddy, you're going to be fine, alright?" Alex said to him.

"Yes sir." Jameson replied.

As the Blackhawks took off back to base, with Jameson, Blu, Joe, and Roberto, the other eight squad members got back in their humvees to the same base. As Alex's humvee passed by Jameson's humvee, a tear actually rolled off of Alex's eye. He needed to call someone when he got back to base.

Wow… I just blew your mind, didn't I?

By the way…

Ralph belongs to Ralph the Blue Macaw

Ethan belongs to Slyassassin25

Zach belongs to Zachmoviefan

Jameson belongs to Jameson The Phoenix Owl

Joe belongs to BlueTheron

And no I am not accepting any additional OCs' in this short story, so don't put your's in here! I asked these guys first!