Disclaimer: I don't own MMX or the song this fic is based on, 'Ground Zero' by Stan Bush (though I did edit a few lyrics to make it work better with the MMX story)

One month after the end of ''Til You Come Back To Me Again'

Fort Auto, one hundred fifty miles east of Maverick Hunter Headquarters …

Four pillars of energy dropped and formed the shape of four Reploids, each a member of the 17th Unit of Maverick Hunters.

"Hello," the Reploid said cheerfully. "I'm Lt. Songbird, of the 17th Unit of Hunters." She then moved her hand to the others, "This is Dex and Lan, Also of the 17th, and this is Lifesavor, head physician of MH HQ."

The Captain shook each their hands, "I trust you are here to inspect the fort's efficiency?"

"Yes. This shouldn't take long though." Songbird said with a smile.

"Ok," Captain Wallace said with a nod. "If you need anything at all, feel free to ask me or any other officer."

"We'll do that," Songbird nodded.

"And if I may ask … when's the big day?" Wallace asked.

Songbird blinked, confused before she looked down on her talon and saw the large diamond her teammate/boyfriend Wolfwing gave her several months ago. "Oh! Next week to be exact!" She said, excited by the prospect.

"Did you find it difficult to get off for the wedding and honeymoon?" the Captain asked, making friendly conversation as the other Hunters and Lifesavor went about their inspection, letting Songbird have her spotlight.

"At first. Our superiors still don't find it comfortable that we Reploids get married and have families. So they at first didn't want us to even go through with the wedding." Songbird sighed, looking down at her ring, "but Commander X wouldn't hear of it; he and Commander Signas somehow not only got us two weeks off, but also an all expenses paid honeymoon, and even spending money!"

"Well, I'd like to congratulate you two," Wallace said, chuckling at Songbird's flushed face, "now, I won't bother you any longer so you can get back to the lucky fiancée."

Songbird looked and spotted Lifesavor looking at the computer, likely at the Hunters' diagnostics and medical records on the second level of the fort. She spread her wide, white wings from her shoulders and soared up beside the Medical Reploid.

"Everything look ok here, Doctor?" Songbird asked, landing beside him.

"Yes, everything is satisfactory." Lifesavor said with a smile.

"What is it?" Songbird asked, noticing the smiling face, "What's that smile for? You never smile."

"Just thinking of the epidemic hitting the Hunters," Lifesavor said seriously.

"Epidemic?" Songbird asked worriedly.

"Yes," Lifesavor nodded rubbing his chin. "The Hunters have been hit hard the last couple of months with the Love Bug. First you and Wolfwing, then X and Alia, then Zero and Iris … or did those two come before any of you … eh, doesn't matter, all I know is it warms the heart to see you all happy."

"Thanks, Lifesavor …" Songbird said shyly, but then spotted the window behind Lifesavor. "What's that?"

Lifesavor turned and his jaw went slack, seeing what looked like a river of black, stretching as far as the eye could see, coming down the side of the mountain and moving toward the base, "What in the name of …" he gasped before turning toward Songbird, "Get the Captain; tell him the base is about to be attacked!"

"So many …" Songbird choked out in shock, "just so many …"

"Songbird!" Lifesavor yelled, shaking the Hunter, "Go now!"

Songbird shook her head, and though still obviously shaken, ran towards the command center.

As the black river got closer, it became painfully obvious that it was an army of fully armored Mavericks. A moment later, the alert alarm went off and Lifesavor saw several Hunters run out in between the army and the fort, but not nearly enough to do anything significant.

Lifesavor ran into the command center. There were only frightened faces on the officers.

"What's the situation, Captain?" Lifesavor asked, looking around the room.

"We … We can't tell how many they are out there; the fort is completely surrounded; Communication is down so we can't ask for help or teleport out; basically, this is bad … very bad …"

"Do we have any video feeds?" Lifesavor asked, looking at the main monitor.

"Yes," Captain Wallace said before pointing to an officer. "Lt. Bagwell, bring up the main camera."

The main monitor showed the outside wall of the fort. In front of the army of shadowy soldiers stood a black, mechanical horse and in its saddle sat Sigma in full battle gear.

"How many Hunters are at the ready?" Lifesavor asked, his voice beginning to break.

"Seventy five," Wallace whispered sadly.

Lifesavor said nothing, but turned back to the main monitor. Then to his displeasure, he watched as Sigma's hand silently rose into the air, and then pointed toward the wall, signaling the start of the attack.

Lifesavor's eyes grew wide as he watched the mass of soldiers storm the walls, "God help us …"

Classic Cowboy proudly presents…

In a cold, far away time

A battle is raging 'tween evil and good

From the past, they still clash here on Earth

Caught in their struggle for the whole universe

Robotic warriors giving their all

Fighting with hope, 'til the victor stands tall

Ground Zero

Nowhere to go

Got to be willing to fight

Ground Zero

One thing they know

Only the strong will survive

Ground Zero

A lone soldier fighting the war

Uses the power and wisdom

From those gone before

Leads them on to victory

Lights their darkest hour

Their one destiny

Truth has its moment and right always wins

Prepare for the fight

Let the battle begin

Ground Zero

Nowhere to go

Got to be willing to fight

Ground Zero

One thing they know

Only the strong will survive

Ground Zero

Galaxies worried they'll retreat

To this darkest corner

With the enemy gone

They will finally live on

As they revel in their victory

Truth has its moment and right always wins

Prepare for the fight

Let the battle begin

Ground Zero

All is not lost

Evil's defeated again

Ground Zero

No matter the cost

Won't give up till all are one

Ground Zero

Nowhere to go

Got to be willing to fight

Ground Zero

One thing they know

Only the strong will survive

Ground Zero

Ground Zero…


Chapter 1: Of Reploids And Rabbits

"Commander X?" A voice called over the intercom system at Maverick Hunter Headquarters, "Commander X, please respond."

"Hmm… Mmhmm" X groaned, his eyes slowly opening. "Commander X here, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, we were just looking for Lt. Alia. She isn't in her room," the Communications Officer said.

"What for?" X asked, "Isn't it her day off?"

"Well …" the Officer started, not really sure what to say, "Yes it is, but Douglas was needing some help in the Armory."

"Ok, if I see her I'll let her know," X said, reaching for the Comm. control, "X out."

"Thanks," the blonde using X's chest as a pillow whispered, sounding only half awake.

"Oh, I'm sorry," X apologized, giving her a small squeeze, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, I've been awake for a while," Alia said, snuggling into his chest, "I kinda like watching you sleep."

X blushed lightly, "You sleep ok?"

"Yes, how could I not after that?" Alia asked with a sly smile. "How about you?"

"Great," X said with a yawn.

"You sure?" Alia asked, looking up at him with worry in her eyes.

"Woke you, didn't I?" X asked with a sigh.

Alia nodded worriedly, "Same one again?"

X nodded slowly, trying to avoid eye contact, but looked back when he felt her shift her full body weight on him. "You can't even be a bad boy, X," Alia said with a smirk, "How, pray tell, are you going to be a Maverick?"

"I can't be a bad boy, huh?" X asked with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, "we'll see about that."

"Huh …" Alia asked before letting out a squeal as X pulled her up into a kiss.

An hour later …

"Ok, we teleport to Arizona Beach in … about an hour?" X asked, sliding on a tank top.

"Yeah, that works," Alia said as she slid into her armored uniform, "I'll go shower and change and meet you at Pad D12?"

"Ok," X nodded, "See you then."

She opened the door to exit, still zipping up her uniform, and almost ran into someone, "Oh, good morning, Zero. You really should learn to knock," She advised with a wink, walking past the awestruck Hunter.

Zero watched her go and then walked into X's quarters, "X, I hate to break it to you, but … you two are Reploids, not rabbits."

"What do you want, Zero?" X asked, trying to hid his blush.

"Want to spar?" Zero asked outright, "I'm bored."

"Sorry, Z," X said, looking in his drawers for a specific pair of shorts, "Me and Ally are going to the beach for the day."

"You mean you're going to the hotel room by the beach," Zero said with a smirk.

X's head shot up, "We're not like that ALL the time!"

"Ahuh," Zero breathed, unconvinced.

"You're just jealous, anyway," X said with a smirk of his own as he pulled out the shorts he was looking for.

"DAMN RIGHT I'M JEALOUS!" Zero shot, but then covered his mouth and shook his head, "If it wasn't for you opening your dad gum mouth about that ONE time …" He then turned quickly and started toward the door, "I hate you, X."

X watched the door close, shrugged, and went about digging through his dresser.

An hour later, X stood outside Teleporter Pad D12, waiting patiently (impatiently) for Alia to arrive. From his appearance, he looked like an eighteen-year-old teenager. He had on blue swim trunks, a matching tank top, and slip-on tennis shoes. His dark brown hair was messy and going in all directions, and a pair of sunglasses rested on the top of his head. His emerald green eyes were resting on his wristwatch, seemingly amazed at the seconds passing.

"Ready to go, X?" Alia's voice brought his head up from his wrist, and what he saw made his jaw drop. Before him stood the usually conservative Huntress wearing denim short shorts, a purple tube top, sandals, and a red ball cap. "Is something wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"N-no …" he stuttered, staring a bit below her face, "breast thinking."

Alia chuckled lightly and placed her hand under his chin, making him look at her face. "X, heroes aren't supposed to be perverted."

X shook off his thoughts and placed his arm around her shoulder, leading her into the room. "Sorry, Ally. Let's go. Fun in the sun, here we come!"

Five miles away from the burning ruins of Fort Auto, the shadowy army marched with Sigma in the lead. Above them, Storm Eagle's battleship flew, placing a stealth shield around the massive army thereby making it completely undetectable. The army continued to march tirelessly onward. In seven days, they would be at their destination. In seven days, they would be at Maverick Hunter Headquarters.

To Be Continued …