"Hey how's it going?" Ty says a couple days later walking up to the round pen, just getting home from a night shift and the clinic and hops up on the fence beside Cass giving her a smile "You're turn"

"I'll see you later Amy" Cass says knowing Ty means that she has a shift starting within the hour

"Bye Cass" Amy says turning around waving to Cass as she leads Daisy over to greet Ty "I think she's doing better, she really seems to be progressing well with the physical therapy, i think a few more days and she'll be back to normal"

"There you are" Amy says coming down from the loft later to see Ty in the office

"Hey" he says reaching out as Amy sits down in his lap

"What you working on?" Amy says as she looks at Ty's open laptop

"Just working on some reports and sending some of Daisy's information to Scott" Ty says looking up at her

"You look tired, why don't you go upstairs and get some rest" Amy says giving him a concerned look

"I would but i can't, I told Sam to come over and i would help him with some stuff for the clinic and some of his school work" Ty says as he pulls her closer and closes his laptop "but Sam isn't supposed to be here for a half hour" he says smiling at Amy as she smiles back at him

"Okay so it turns out I don't like bio-chemestry anymore now then i did when i was taking it" Ty says looking up at Sam as they sit on the couch in the loft "I thought this would look different now that i've got my degree but it looks just as scary"

"Hey count you blessings that your not taking it now, did you have ?" Sam says looking at Ty

Ty looks at him "Yea I hated Carter, I can't believe he's still there he was like 90 years old when i had him"

Amy walks over and bends down over the couch "I hate to break up this little trip down memory lane, but it's getting late"

"Yea I should get going, i have an early class in the morning" Sam says as he gathers up his things

"Well i'll see you at work tommorw" Ty says as he walks him to the door

"Thanks for helping me with everything" Sam says on his way out the door

"Yea anytime good luck on your test tommorw" Ty says as Sam heads down the stairs

"I am so tired" Ty says as he heads over to the bed where Amy is already laying down,
he turns down the covers and climbs in on his side and lays his head back on his pillow

"You know i was thinking when you've been helping Sam these past few days, it reminds me of when you were first starting out with Scott" Amy says as she slides over closer to Ty

"I've just been trying to help him out" Ty says as he lays his head on top of Amy's as he pulls her in closer

"You've done a great job with him" Amy says looking up at Ty "You know i wish i had your energy though, you've came home from the conference, then you stayed up almost all night the next helping with Daisy, and then doing all the work you've done today after working a night shift, your pretty amazing you know that" She says smiling as she rest her head on Ty's chest "Ty" she says when there's no response she looks up to see Ty asleep "I love you" she says kissing him on the cheek before turning off the lamps