Disclaimer: I don't own Drop Dead Diva

Deb's point of view

I miss him like crazy. It's not fair. It's not just him who lost me. I lost him too..

It's not like I could just go up to him and say, "Hey Grayson I'm really Deb."

At best he would think I was crazy. More likely he would think I was making fun of him, or lying.

Grayson never got mad. He didn't believe in it. I remember everything about him. I remember the way he would kiss me goodbye every morning before he left for work. I remember how that kiss would make my stomach feel like it was made of jelly. I remember his touch. It felt like millions of butterflies were flapping their wings against me.

I loved everything about him. I still do. As if by the force of an electric magnet I go into his office. It's time. I need to tell him what I know and face the consequences good or/and bad. I've kept the secret for long enough.

Grayson's point of view

"Did you find it?"

I looked up. Before I could respond 'Jane' spoke again.

"One bottle of Ironic Taffy... behind the pepto."

What the hell?

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," Jane said

"You really think it's lucky?"

"Eh... I had it on when I met you," Jane said with a perfect inflection of Deb, "I'd call that lucky. Oh Lanisha thinks she's all that with her hip dip shoulder swoop. Grayson check this out."

She did the toe tap booty bounce.

"I call it the toe tap booty bounce. That's better then Lanisha right?"

"She'll want to claw your eyes out"

I looked at Jane confused.

"Grayson that was the last conversation we had."

"Are you saying that you're Deb," I asked.

"If I weren't," Jane said, "Would I know that was the last conversation we ever had?"

I didn't know how to respond at first. I was flooded with a feeling of joy. I cupped her chin with my hand. My face moved slowly towards hers. It was coming. I knew it. She knew it. Our lips met in a kiss. I have Deb back. Nothing could be better then that.

"Why didn't you tell me before," I asked her after we broke apart.

She looked at me.

"Oh yeah," she said, "By the way I'm really Deb. At best you would think I was crazy. More than likely you would have gotten mad at me."

"I don't get mad," I said kissing her again.

"Do you wish I was beautiful again?"

"You are beautiful," I told her, "Look I fell in love with you. I didn't fall in love with your body. You have a soul that is pure. To me you're perfect."

Deb's point of view

I'll never have Deb's body back again. Sure, I could get it back if I dye my hair and get liposuction and all of that but I don't have to do that. Grayson loves me for me. It doesn't matter that I'm overweight. It doesn't matter that I'm a brunette now rather then a blonde. None of that matters. He loves me.