Anthony's POV

School is a place for learning, that what everyone thinks, but I know it is just a prison that everyone willingly goes back to. The only thing that makes it worth coming is seeing friends, but that's just about it.

The sky was clear today, there was a gentle breeze that was blowing through the open window. I sighed in content as the soft air hit my face.

"Anthony!" I was broken by my thoughts by my teacher, Mr Greenday. I threw the goat an aggravated look as he gestured mournfully towards the board with his hoof.

"Please solve the problem on the board, Mr Wilde." I gave him a blank stare before standing from my seat. I took one step towards the board only to be stopped by the bell. I could hear the old coot growl through his teeth.

"Saved by the Bell, it seems, Class Dismissed!" The goat sneered before dismissing us. I hastily grabbed my stuff from my desk before bolting out the door. I rushed to my locker to put my unneeded books in and meet up with Julie and the guys on the way to Drama.

Once meeting up with them, I was not very surprised to see Drake and Zane making out. I gave them a blank face and a small wave as I strolled up next to Julie. She seemed to be in her own little world, not even noticing me as i approached her..

"What ya' thinkin' in that pretty little head of yours?" I asked lowly in her ear, adding a small accent to it for effect. I watched her jump slightly before turning to me in a glare. Laughing nervously, I wave my hand in front of my face in a calming manner.

"Calm down, Little Vixen." I watched as wishful gaze hardened into a glare. Ok she clearly doesn't like to be called Vixen. I slowly inched my way behind Zane, he and Drake had stopped making out when I got here, to escape Julie's wrath. Her glare softened before she turned away with her nose upturned.

As we finally started to make our way to Drama, I decided on the safer option of walking behind Zane and Drake, who were between Julie and I. I felt like Julie was slightly on edge today. Hopefully it isn't the reason I think it is or she will be like this all week.

In drama, nothing was very eventful to begin with-

"Ok class, I have decided that we are going to put together a play for the school." Mrs. Eversteen chirped, which was followed by a mournful chorus of groans. I raised an eyebrow as the teacher giggled at our misery.

"This years play will be Robin Hood, auditions for the roles will be in two week. Here is the scripts, you can use the rest of the class period looking over it and practicing the roles you want to audition for." She smiled handing a stack of papers to the poor soul next to her. The stack of papers whittled down until there was none left and everyone had one.

I looked down at the script in my paws. The words "Robin Hood" was printed across the front in bold curly text.

"Hey Anthony! What role you're auditioning for?" Zane asked as he walked up next to me. I hummed in thought before looking up at him.

"Don't know, you?"

"Hmmm, either the Sheriff or Alan-A-Dale. Drake said he was going for either the Sheriff or Toby Turtle" Zane said, telling me Drakes roles almost like an afterthought. I looked down at the script in my paws again. Maybe I should try out for Robin Hood, I mean the actual character Robin Hood is a red fox, it would make sense for me to.

"I guess I could try out for Robin." I muttered almost like an afterthought. I looked up to see Zane's face come into a face splitting grin.

"Hey Julie!" I hear him yell before he disappears into the crowd students who were talking about roles to one another. I shook my head in amusement before looking back down at the lines of Robin Hood.

"Well, Well, looks like the Fox is going to try to play the role of Robin Hood." I turned only to find Logan, standing beside me in all his glory. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. That is until I feel a weight on my shoulder.

"Well, I think you should give up. The role is clearly supposed to be played by a wolf, like Drake." He said, in a matter-of-fact tone. I looked at him confused before looking back at the script in my hand. The title of this play clearly said "Robin Hood" not "Red Riding Hood".

"Ummm, are you thinking about Red Riding Hood, because we are doing a play on Robin Hood." I said before walking off, leaving him dumbstruck where he stood. I slowly made my way back over to Zane, Drake, and Julie to find they were practicing their auditioning parts. I noticed that Julie was reading off Maid Marian's lines, which caused me to smile slightly.

"So is Little Red going to be the Maiden in this Fairytale?" I say, as I walk up. They all turn to me but Julie. I saw her take a glance before facing away from me. At first I thought she was still mad at me but upon closer inspection, I spotted some red tinting her already red fur. I sent her a warm smile pulling her into a hug.

"No PDA!" I hear a yell from my left. I looked over to see the class president push her glasses up her muzzle. I sent her an annoyed look and opened my mouth.

"It's part of the script, page 60," Zane said pointing at his script. I watched as the president looks through the pages and spots that Zane was telling the truth. I watched as she sighed and walked away, towards the teacher.

"That's the Zane I know." I say, smirking.

"No problem, Anthony," He gives me a thumbs up before reading over his script with Drake. I shook my head at the two before turning to Julie and my own script. This is going to be one long class-period.

It was a long class-period, as I predicted, Go figure. I was walking down the hall, Zane walking next to me. Julie nor Drake had the next class with us, but guess who did, Logan and Lucifer. You probably don't know the one named Lucifer, so let me fill you in.

He is a small Tasmanian Tiger with an evil agenda. He kind of took Logan's place at the top of the food-chain around here, though Logan seems to refuse to admit it. He has a snotty and bratty personality, but what can one expect from a kid that grew up his whole life in homeschool. Nevertheless homeschooled by a tutor that his rich dad had got him.

I rolled my eyes, choosing to break from my thoughts of Lucifer. He wasn't someone anyone would willingly hang out with more or less be in the same room with..

I sigh as I sit in my seat for Reading 102. I don't really like to read or write so I just sit in the very back so I'm not called on much. I stretched in my seat before laying my head down, ready for the class to start. Oh, there is the late bell.

As Mr. Deerling walked in, papers in hand, the class quieted down from the hooting and hollering it is usually in between classes. I raised my head as he put the stack of papers on his desk and turned to the class.

"Today you will be working on a personal narrative. It will be due one week from today." I groaned slightly, more work to be done. Why is there so much work?

"Grab a computer and get started. I want to look over a draft by Friday and I want both the draft and paper turned in my next Monday. Don't forget to have someone proofread your work." He informed, sitting down at his desk. I watched as he pulled out a banana from his desk and worked on his computer while eating it.

I stood up with a sigh, walking over to grab a small laptop that we have in the classroom for this purpose. I really didn't feel like working on this right now so I decided to see if there was any news on the Sonic-Drice Case.

I typed away, typing codes to get through firewalls undetected. Slowly, I managed to make it all the way to the police database. I gave a sly grin as I searched through the files, until I got to the one I was looking for. I am so glad Finnick taught me the basics to this hacking biz.

Seems like someone reported their child confessing, remembering the whereabouts of the Wisepelt family. I opened a tab for Furbook messaging and found that Judy had Furbook messaging on her phone. I decided to message her about the case, which she didn't seem too fond of me doing. She also guessed I hacked into the police database to see the files and was a little aggravated at me. I laughed nervously, closing all the tabs and making sure that the firewalls didn't show any signs of breaks in the system, before closing the small laptop.

I felt like if I kept going with what I was doing, someone was going to spot me doing it, and that did not sound like a good idea. I am just glad I am at the very back of the room, where almost no one can sneak up on me.

"Boo!" I nearly jumped out of my pelt, as I heard an all too familiar voice. I looked to my right to find Julie standing there. I know what you're thinking, but she is a fox, and we are sneaky creatures.

I slowed my breathing and gave my lovely Little Red Vixen a confused look. She stared at me blankly before looking around us.

"You do know it's lunch already right?" She told me. I look around us to see, I had not heard the bell ring for lunch. I shook my head and stood up, taking her paw, before dragging her out the door and down the hall to our lockers.

"Hey, no need to pull." I hear the scowl under her breath. I chuckled letting her go, and slowing down. Making it to the lockers, I proceeded to stuff the, once again, unneeded books in my locker before heading to the lunchroom, Julie by my side the entire time.

Once we reached the lunchroom, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Lucifer, the new snot nosed jerk, dump food on the head of Logan, the old snot nosed jerk.

What is this phenomenon?