(I'm thinking)

"I'm speaking"

Pairing: Hentai F/M, male Harem – femNaruto 'Naruko' x Natsu / Gray / Elfman / Gajeel / Loki / Mystogan (Edolas Jellal) / Laxus / Sting / Rouge / Lyon

Last Time:

"You've caused us a great deal of trouble." None other than Hiruzen said as his hand traced the ribbons of her corset. A smirking Danzo stepped into her view with a few ROOT agents. She was surrounded ...


"What the hell?!" All of Naruko's friends yelled at Romeo.

Natsu bopped the kid on the head, "Where is Naruko?!"

"Hold it!" Minato barked as his fluid form easily slid between the pissed off mates of Naruko's, the boy and the boy's father who was trying to protect his son.

"What is it, Minato?" Jellal asked as he helped hold Natsu and Gray back since both still wanted to beat up Romeo.

"His eyes aren't right …" Minato commented as he shifted into his more human form with blonde hair instead of being a gory phantom.

Macao looked worriedly at his son, Romeo, "What do you mean, Minato?"

Minato continued examining the boy's eyes before scowling, "Sharingan … how the hell is that possible? Sasuke and Kakashi should've been the last ones … unless he's already here ..." He commented as he made a series of hand signs,

"Sasuke? The dark haired asshole that was attacking Naruko when we first met and Kakashi was the silver haired one. Who do you think else has it? Who's 'already' here?" Gray said, recalling the three ninjas that were beaten to the point of unconsciousness before Minato took them and finished them off.

"You might've seen their eyes, or one of Kakashi's eyes, change red. That's the Sharingan. It's a dangerous bloodline … not that you let them use it. I know of one person who experimented with them and if they're here Naruko is in danger." Minato pressed his hands to Romeo's temples. An audible crackle was heard and the boy's eyes began to clear. "Romeo … Romeo, who did this to you?" Minato asked, accidentally shaking the boy hard enough to make him very dizzy.

Lucy plucked the boy out of Minato's arms, "Give him a minute!" Lucy, Juvia and Macao deadpanned when the others started glaring at the boy like sulky pups instead of calming down. "Oook … Romeo, I'm going to need you to focus and quickly try to recall what you remember … for your own sake." Lucy said urgently. This was getting more dangerous with every second that passed and not just for Naruko, but himself too. Romeo might get attacked if he doesn't talk soon.

Romeo finally noticed the several very strong men watching him and broke out in a nervous sweat, "I … I can't really-" the kid gulped as he felt the glares intensify. "I only remember helping an old man and that's all!" He yelped.

Minato's eyes narrowed, " Old man? What did he look like?"

"Ummm … he had one arm bandaged and seemed to be tired … everything else is fuzzy." Romeo commented, but was a little unnerved because he couldn't remember anything about the man clearly.

Minato scowled, "Bandages … yeah, that must be Danzo. I bet Hiruzen is with him … we need to hurry." He said before running off towards the Fairy Tail guild.

Natsu, along with everyone else, ran after the strangely human looking Minato, " Wait! Why are we heading to Fairy Tail?! She's not there, right?! … and why the fuck are you staying like that?!" He yelled knowing damn well Minato is faster and scarier as a bloody wraith or as vapors of blood.

"I can't feel where she is exactly, but I know Naruko isn't there. However, there is someone there who is tracking Danzo and Hiruzen. I'd get his attention much faster in this form." Minato said, still managing to take the lead even in his slower form.


Jiraiya frowned as he watched the road from the safety of the trees, "Has anyone located Danzo and Hiruzen?"

Shino sighed, "Nothing obvious-"

"Then anything less obvious? You know, like the subtle things that might tip off a ninja. We are looking for old ninjas, after all." Jiraiya commented sarcastically clearly not in a good mood right now and it only got worse as he waited.

The bug user simply adjusted his glasses as he ignored the tone, "My insects are searching. I haven't been able to locate any more of my father's insects that hatched in Sarutobi so that lead is probably done. Hinata and Kiba are returning soon with their respective teams so we may have a lead soon."

"Right." Jiraiya grumbled not liking the slow pace of this especially when Naruko should be returning soon. He wanted to pin down the old bastards before she came back, but that's not going to happen. "The train should've stopped by now."

"Yes, 10 minutes ago. They should be coming soon-" Shino paused as he noticed something on the road. "It's … is that …"

Jiraiya focused on the large group of people and paled, "Minato?" He knew no one else could've made those seals, but knowing that didn't make seeing his supposedly dead student any less shocking. What happened next hit him even harder. Right on the jaw to be exact …

It happened in the span of a blink. Before anyone could process it Minato vanished in a gold blur and sucker punched Jiraiya in the jaw. The toad sage was sent flying through four trees and ended up embedded in the earth.

"Hokage-sama." Shino gasped as Minato landed on the very branch he was on. A part of him was relieved that the sage's suspicions were. The rest of his mind was relieved that the other teams finally arrived because the ice cold look in the fourth hokage's eyes unnerved him. Clearly, Minato was in no mood to negotiate.

Hinata gulped, like many of the ninjas present, when she saw the hokage that supposedly died years ago, "umm hokage-sam-"

"I haven't been the hokage in over a decade and I will never be involved with that village again." Minato spat coldly before letting his gaze drift over all the ninjas there. "Danzo and Hiruzen are here. What do you know?" He glanced down taking note of the limping toad sage returning to them. "I recommend you tell me everything since you are the ones outmatched here." He said as the ninjas realized all of the Fairy Tail members had arrived. The ninjas many out number the magic users, but no one there was brave enough to fight a kage level ninja.

"Can't we talk a minute?" Jiraiya winced as Minato's chakra flare and glare intensified. "O-ok … we know he came here to shake us off his tail and-"

"And take Naruko, which he did. Now say something we don't know." Erza said just barely bothering to hold Natsu and Gray back by their shirt collars. However, she looked mad enough to let go at any second.

"What?! When was she taken?" Kiba asked.

Laxus scoffed in annoyance letting a few sparks fly off him, "You should concern yourself with other things like answering the questions. Don't you agree?" All the ninjas stiffened feeling the magic flare in a clearly threatening manner especially from Makarov and every powerful magic user there. "Right … unfortunately there isn't too much to tell."

Shikamaru and Hinata jumped a branch closer, "There was one thing. A murder happened not long ago." Shikamaru said.

Hinata nodded, "The victim was found chopped up and stuffed into a cooler on his boat. That man was also missing his eyes and lived in this town."

"He was missing his eyes?" Shino immediately perked up at that piece of information. "My father bugged Hiruzen's wounds."

Minato couldn't resist smirking for he knew exactly what his old comrade could do and that it was painful, "Full egg sack? Have all the insects hatched?"

"Unfortunately, the entire sack has hatched by now, but they most likely exited through the eyes. He could've found some new ones." Shino explained.

Gray smirked, "Where did the victim live?" He asked, thinking, like everyone else, that the address could be where Naruko was taken.

Shikamaru pulled out a notebook and flipped through trying to find the information he wanted to show them he had scribbled down, "We haven't checked out that end of town-" he gasped and let his sentence drop when he saw Minato and several of the masked magic users freeze. Minato actually vanished as if he dissolved into red vapors. The sudden disappearance was very odd and the men seemed ready to follow despite not knowing where Minato was headed, but the answer was about to hit them.

A massive shock wave rocketed through the air blasting everything back. When they all regained their sense they saw a huge black mushroom shaped cloud. The cloud had a faint metallic smell and a red tint. On top of that Minato was nowhere to be seen.

Lucy's eyes widened when she spotted the notebook Shikamaru was holding on the ground. She forced her body to move, grab it and skim the information even faster than the ninja. Her eyes widened when they locked onto the address, "This address … isn't it in that direction?" She asked, feeling a sense of dread as she looked at the mushroom cloud. Her fears were confirmed when she noticed Minato was already long gone ...


"You really caused us a lot of trouble." Danzo said as Hiruzen shifted the seals that trapped her. In the state she was frozen, but they needed her to talk. "Where and who is the person who helped you? We heard enough around this place to know that the guild couldn't have helped you. Most of the people who knew of you were gone for years and the rest were in financial trouble … it must've been someone in Konoha … make sure she can't draw her blood."

The disgraced, and thoroughly bandaged from all his injuries, hokage scoffed, "Of course. I limited her jaw's movement." Hiruzen finished transferring the seals directly to Naruko's skin and finally removed the present decoy from her now limp hands. "I highly recommend you answer or we could do this in a more intimate way." He smirked, gesturing for the ROOT agents to strip her.

Without all her chakra completely disabled and her magic restrained she couldn't stop the people who tore her clothes to shreds. She was left naked except for her choker, but they didn't stop there. As the agents lifted her naked body up they spread her legs wide for everyone to see. A wave of sickness and fury hit her. She did all she could to remain impassive as the old fucks gazed at her body.

"After all," Hiruzen said as he let his bandaged fingers trace her pussy. "Your powers are run by blood. There are many methods of getting information without breaking your lovely skin."

Naruko stiffened as the hand touched her, "My father, Minato Namikaze, saved me." She said as she tried desperately to move her magic, which wasn't frozen like her chakra. It must've been because of Hiruzen's lack of experience with the powerful energy, but despite that inexperience there was little she could do. She could feel her magic move weakly just under the skin, but she couldn't move it passed the skin. If only she could make a cut, but her jaw was the only thing she could move and she couldn't use it to bite her own tongue or cheek and she was trying.

Danzo frowned, "Minato is dead." He insisted, refusing to accept that it really was Minato.

"You would know that, wouldn't you?" Naruto quipped, trying to ignore Hiruzen's fingers flicking her clit. "I never said he wasn't dead. You of all people know there are ways around that." She smirked at the flustered look on the old men's faces. "Change of eye color?" She said trying to provoke a violent response.

Hiruzen gritted his teeth and grabbed her throat, "You caused so much trouble-"

"Are you still pissed about your lab exploding?" She asked mockingly.

"That … that was you?!" Danzo scowled. So much research was lost in that one disaster.

"Smug bitch." Hiruzen snarled harshly and his grip tightened around her throat as he positioned himself between her legs. "I'll have some fun first it seems." He pressed his clothed crotch against her body. That was his mistake …

(A little more.) Naruko thought and smirked, "Not big … enough …" she pressed out commenting on the feeling of Hiruzen's clothed bulge, which was pressing against her pussy. The comment, of course, enraged the old ninja and his grip around her throat tightened …

Why was that important? Hiruzen knew not to draw blood and he wasn't so out of control that he'd forget that so what was she going for? Well the answer was in the choker right under Hiruzen's bandage wrapped hands. No, not the black ribbon Minato used to make the necklace. That was, unfortunately, harmless. The beautiful butterscotch stone, however, was a different story entirely.

That stone, the only piece of Konoha she kept, was not the smooth piece of jewelry Hiruzen expected. The bandages prevented him from feeling it, but the stone, which was plucked straight from a cave wall, was actually very rough. There was no point in smoothing it out since anything that could draw blood is good for Naruko and, as if it was trying to atone for the sins of the place it came from, it did just that.

Danzo saw a spark of something in Naruko's eyes despite the purpling of her slowly suffocating face and frowned, "Hiruzen, stop."

"I intend to use a different tactic anyway." Hiruzen hissed and let go of her throat allowing her to gasp for air.

It all happened in a second. The clicking sound of the broken necklace hitting another stone on the ground just barely caught their attention. Soon after they all saw the scraped raw flesh in the exact spot where the butterscotch stone rested. The slight motion of blood collecting made Hiruzen coat his hand in medical chakra and lunged towards the wound.

Naruko desperately pushed all the magic she could into the slight wound. All her power still felt so stiff, but she knew she had to try. To her horror she saw the medical chakra cover her scrape. A sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach took hold when she felt the wound heal. Everything happened so fast and the effect of the seals made it very hard to know if she accomplished anything before the wound was healed.

Hiruzen smirked, "Nice try-"

"Hiruzen? What is it?" Danzo asked and stepped closer as his ROOT agents shifted. He could now see the blood seeping between his old friend's fingers. The few drops of crimson fluid floated up and collected in the air. It was not entirely threatening since it was so tiny. The ROOT agents actually seemed amused and would've crushed it if it wasn't for the fact that they were not ordered to drop Naruko to do so.

"Your little tricks won't help you." Hiruzen huffed as he reached forward to grab a tiny little drop that was just hovering a foot above Naruko innocently.

The second the old fool's skin brushed the tiny drop it shivered and exploded. The power behind that blast shredded Hiruzen's hand and sent all the men flying back. As for Naruko she was crushed into the ground by the shockwave. Blood spewed from her mouth and all of her air was forced out of her lungs. She was completely stunned, had a sharp ringing in her ears and had a lot of trouble breathing, but she tried to turn over and get away anyway. She did this with her own freed blood. The blood carried her magic and laced around her legs to make them move. Despite the fact that her body was screaming in pain and her magic was still too stiff to use too as an effective weapon she stood on a broken leg like many times in her childhood and ran …

With each step her senses became clearer and her bloody leg braces became slightly easier to control. Her heart pounded in her bare chest as she forced herself to run despite not knowing her exact location. Sadly, she could sense that she wasn't moving fast enough. As the chakras of her enemies closed in on her she tried to move more magic to the blood supporting her legs, but she couldn't easily move anymore. She used too much magic in the bomb and her strength was leaving.

Naruko's eyes widened, "No … a weight seal!" She gasped before finally collapsing to her knees. She knew her body could go much farther, which is why it didn't make sense that she'd be drained this fast. Now she knew …

Danzo and her other smug pursuers landed next to her, "So you noticed the weight seal." He chuckled while looking at her ass. "Glad to see you're presenting yourself to us."

"She is quite strong." Hiruzen commented as the ass moved while she still tried to get away. "Let me get your blood moving for you." He let out his cock and grabbed her hips. He swatted away the weak spikes of blood that shot from the leg braces before lining up his cock. Something splashed against his face though and scowled as he wiped it off. "What-" his eyes widened at the sight of fresh blood. Hiruzen just barely managed to dodge a swipe from a very sharp object that zipped passed his face, but he cursed as he realized Naruko was now nowhere to be seen.

"You have some nerve touching my daughter."

"Minato?" Hiruzen gasped as he looked for the source of the voice was so familiar and the ROOT agents, including their old corrupt leaders, couldn't stop themselves from turning to confirm who it was. There perching in the nearest tree, with Naruko cradled safely in its arms, was a horrific rotting skeleton wearing a flowing cloak of blood. "You …" The disgraced hokage paled as he recognized the wraith that haunted him in Konoha. For a second they still refused to believe the monster was Minato, but when it skillfully destroyed the seals on Naruko they knew it could be no one else.

"Hiruzen! We need to retreat!" Hiruzen glanced in the direction of Danzo's voice, but refused to take his eyes completely off the monster. He quickly understood why his comrade sounded so when he saw Danzo's normally bandaged arm completely severed and the usually covered eye slashed open. With those parts, which were revealed to have Sharingans, and the extra ROOT agents, who were apparently out cold on the ground, it was clear they had to run.

The ghoulish creature laughed as Hiruzen jumped back towards Danzo and got ready to bolt. "They won't let you."

"Naruko!" Hiruzen and Danzo stiffened at the sound of, not one, not two, but several people very nearby.

"Shit!" Hiruzen tried to bolt without Danzo, but his escape was cut short by another blonde man who electrocuted him. With a painful thud he hit the ground and was unable to move.

Danzo scowled as he held his bloody stump, "Serves you right for trying to ditch me." He growled, though he was still trying to figure a way out. Unfortunately, with one normal eye and no arm full of Sharingans it wasn't going to be easy. On top of that he felt his body getting weaker and weaker from blood loss.

Minato growled, "Pin him!" In a flash Makarov personally grew large and smacked Danzo into the earth. "Empty their pockets."

"Tags?" Natsu said curiously as he and Gray checked all the ninjas' gear.

"Explosive tags." Naruko explained and smiled as Laxus and many of her friends approached her, "I'm glad to see you guys." She said while trying to ignore her pain. Most of her wounds and modesty were hidden by Minato's cloak so she hoped they wouldn't worry, that didn't happen.

"Are you hurt, Naruko? You sound like you're in pain." Gray asked.

"I'm … some broken bones and …" Naruko shot Hiruzen a glare, "unwanted touching, but otherwise I'll be ok." Considering her obvious lack of clothes it was clear what she meant by 'touching' and it infuriated her friends.

"If you're that badly hurt you'll need lots of blood to heal." Gajeel said casually as he cracked his knuckles and stepped towards Hiruzen who was trying to crawl away.

Minato held Naruko gently as he calmly watched the beating commence. 'Rest now, Naruko." He looked beyond the trees and spotted Jiraiya and his team of ninjas. He waited to see if they'd intervene, but they didn't. At least, not until a ROOt agent came to and tried to stab Lucy, but Jiraiya just killed him.


Jiraiya sighed as the mages left with Naruko, "They're brutal, but not truly killers." He said as he looked at the badly broken, but not quite dead, bodies of the traitors.

"What was that thing holding Naruko?" Hinata shivered at the memory of the scary rotten skeletal blood creature that held Naruko.

"An ally." Jiraiya said, but said nothing to explain why he thought that. He didn't know much, but the creature took blood and Naruko seemed to gain strength by drinking it so he was satisfied. Besides, he was puzzled by Minato's disappearance. Deep down he felt it was connected to the wraith. "Let's finish this." The ninjas finished off the traitors with quick slashes to each throat. "Your hunt is done." He said. It was a clear order for them all to go home without him, which, after a few moments of hesitation from some, they did.

The toad sage slowly walked towards the Fairy Tail guild. It took hours at the casual speed he went, but that was fine. He wanted that time to think about how to word what he hoped for when he finally spoke to Naruko. Ideally he wanted Naruko and Minato to return to Konoha with it being under new management. As he came upon the guild those hopes were slowly crumbling.

"She looks happy." The toad sage said with a sad smile as he watched the wild party through the window. Naruko was taking it easy with a drink and being snuggled by her men. He didn't get to watch too long because he spotted Lucy and Juvia making out and the pervert promptly passed out due to blood loss. By the time he woke up the party was done and Naruko was standing over him with a glass of blood.

Naruko sipped the drink as red vapors behind her collected and formed a bloody Minato, "I'm not going back. People were too cruel and I know many of those who were with you aren't open to my magic." She said with another sip and smiled softly at the information the blood gave her. "Yes, I would like to keep in touch with you. Thank you for finishing them off. You know, Dad was going to kill you if you didn't."

Jiraiya couldn't help laughing at that as Naruko went back into her home. Yes, her home. As long as she was happy there then he'd help keep it that way even if it meant dealing with a whiny Konoha. Of course, it's not like they could try anything now, After all, he won't be the only one protecting her …

The End