Chapter 1


Could this day be any lamer?

It's been raining all day and I got soaked to the bone because my damn umbrella wouldn't open for some fucking reason other than to piss me off. My classes were the most boring ones since I've started University and everything has basically been a fucking drag right until the very end of the lecture and everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong today so I was hoping to catch a break when I got home tonight and relax but of course not. I've got bad luck stuck up my ass.

I can't believe that I did something that stupid…

I woke up late this morning, I rushed to get my things and ran out the door and straight to university and I fucking forgot my fucking keys. I can picture them right now in my mind; they're right on the kitchen counter right next to the coffee machine. They're just sitting there, taunting me like a little bitch but I can't help but sigh at picturing them just sitting there. I'm such an idiot…

I just had to forget my keys on a day where I finished my last class after five… I can't call anyone to come unlock the door for me; I'm stuck out here until tomorrow morning at the latest.

I don't have many options to go with, I can ask the old lady down the hall if she can take me in for the night, I know she'll say yes but then I'll have to listen to her stories about her younger days and I don't think I want to listen to that all night long.

There is my next door neighbour, he looks to be around my age and I know he's home every night, I could take a gamble with him or I can sleep in the hallway and quite frankly that does not sound too interesting to me.

It's in times like these that I wish I talked more to the people who lives on my floor. I see my neighbor every day but I've never talked to him, to be honest I've never tried to. He just doesn't seem like the type of guy that I could get along with but I really should stop judging people by their appearances…

I suck up my pride and pull up the nerve to knock on the door, looking around the hall as I wait for the door to open and it does after a few minutes.

The guy only slightly opens the door to look who it is; he hasn't removed the chain lock so he's that kind of guy huh. He doesn't trust too much so I better start thinking about that old lady telling me her past flings all night long then. What a bummer…

"Yes?" He asks and I could have sworn that I got a hint of curiosity in his tone as he spoke or it could just be my imagination but has this guy always had such captivating eyes? I've never noticed just how vibrantly green they are, they're like emeralds.

"I really hate asking this but I forgot my keys in my apartment this morning." I tell him and I know I can't hide my discomfort for what I'm about to ask even though I'm trying hard not to show my embarrassment as I continue, "I normally wouldn't ask this but is there a possibility that I could stay in your apartment for the night, I really don't want to sleep in the hallway."

"I have a large dog in here." He says and I don't know if it was his way of telling me to leave him alone or that it's his way of asking if I like dogs or not but to be honest I don't recall ever seeing him with a dog before nor have I ever heard any barks or any other dog behavioral noises and even right now, everything is quiet so I really wonder if this guy really does have a dog or just trying to scare me off or something.

"I'm fine with dogs." I tell him with confidence and add, "I'd rather take a dog than an old lady's stories any day."

I couldn't help but grin at the mention of the old lady only to quickly regret it when the guy closes the door without a word. I really had to put my foot in my mouth now did I and all I can do is let out a sight as I go to walk away when I hear some light clinkering of metal and the door opens again wider much to my relief.

"For a minute there I thought you weren't going to let me in." I blurt out without even thinking.

I'm such a fucking idiot! I probably did blow it but this guy has a good heart and probably decided to give me a second chance, figuring that I was a fucking idiot and somewhat felt sorry for me a little and here I go again sticking my foot in my mouth like a fucking moron. I'm a philosophy student for crying out loud, I'm better than this!

"I probably shouldn't." He replies but lets me in anyway and I have to say his apartment looks way better than mine and we're neighbors and yet his apartment is in way better shape than mine. I'm almost jealous but there are no signs of a dog anywhere so he lied to me but I can understand why and I can't blame him. "But I couldn't let you stay out in the hallway." He adds as he picks his coffee mugs and sits down in a rather large comfy looking chair.

"Thanks I really owe you big time. You don't even know me and you were kind enough to let me in for the night so thanks." I tell him and I can't believe that I actually managed not to sound like a total dumb ass this time. Alright!

"I know who you are." He replies back before taking a sip of his mug carefully not to burn himself as if what he said was no big deal and to be quite honest I'm rather puzzled. I've ever only seen him in the complex and I know for a fact that I've never met him before so how does he know me?

I know that I would remember him if I had seen him before, how could I possibly forget that face? He's a guy but his facial features are just so delicate somehow. His hair almost jet black which makes his skin seem so pale but it only further makes his eyes stand out even more and don't get me started on his skin, damn does this guy even have pores or does he have skin made out of porcelain it's fucking flawless. He's got zero imperfections, damn I'm fucking jealous.

He's just casually sipping his coffee or tea or whatever it is that he's drinking, dressed in a rather large beige sweater which is kind of a shame cause I'm curious what kind of figure he also has. I can imagine it though but to be honest even though I hate the baggy clothing that he's wearing right now, it looks good on him but it would look even better if they were scattered on the floor right now.

"So… How do you know me exactly?" I ask as I sit down on the couch quickly regretting my action as I failed to see that eighty something pound dog sleeping on the couch. When this guy said that he had a large dog, he wasn't kidding or lying and just great it's a fucking husky or something of the sort but too late of getting up now, it will look bad.

"It's a place called University." He answers and gets up, walked to the kitchen to discard his mug into the kitchen sink and then turned to face me. "I don't have a spare bedroom so the couch will have to do and the bathroom is over there." He tells me and point towards the bathroom before locking the door and then walked away, closing the lights on his way down the hall followed by his dog slowly.

The couch… Not like I was expecting anything more, I mean it's not like he was going to invite me into his bed or anything of which that would have been rather nice, maybe someday I'll get that chance…