A Beast Comes Home

Summary: Naruto fic Where Naruto is Goes back in time.

AU Time Travel, Reality Travel, Big Crossover. Godlike!naruto Fem!Kyuubi, Naru/Harem . Warning Violence & Sexual situations.

AN: This fic is inspired by Quite a few fics so if you see something familiar it's probably because it is. a main inspiration was a Harry potter Fic By ( Stargatesg-1fan1 ) over on HPFFA It's called ( Beginning a New path ) and it's a massive million plus word and still going Fic That I highly Recommend . He doesn't write anime Fics however. that's the main reason I Wanted to Write this Because his concept has unlimited potential in anime. Keyword inspired by I'm going to be doing my own thing here and hopefully ending up with my own super crossover harem fic.

I Don't Own naruto or anything else from hp etc.

A Beast Comes Home

Chapter 1: Do over




"Telepathic Dialogue and Jutsu"

The being who was known in his Youth as Naruto Uzimaki was going home. He at this time in his life was 1,236 years old Relatively Young for an Ascended Immortal. It all started during the fourth great shinobi war when he attempted to stop Madara Uchiha from using the infinite Tsukuyomi. He had Attacked Madara right before the jutsu took effect and through some ironic twist of fate He had caused a chain reaction that destroyed that universe. Except for him somehow he had absorbed the blast since he was at the center of it. With that power boost He was transformed into an ascended being. He ended up in the In-between a space between realities where ascended being's live, most of which are known deities such as Zeus and the like.

One of the Ascended welcomed him and explained where he was and how he got there and most importantly what he now was. Naturally he was shocked to learn what had happened, then he almost broke when he learned the cost of his ascension. His whole world everything and everyone he ever cared about GONE and he'd absorbed all the power from its destruction to ascend. After a month of grieving he decided that he would learn to harness his new abilities so something like this would never happen to him again.

He learned that there where infinite clusters of realities each containing an infinite number of universe's and that as an ascended being he had the power to travel between them.

From the explanation he was given the reality cluster's where groups of universe's that all had a basic thing in common such as the cluster he was from being inhabited by ninja and that each cluster contained a universe for every possibility ever.

And each Ascended had their own group of realities that where considered there's. Since he originated from it by rights his home cluster was his territory. He learned that Everyone has a counterpart in every reality cluster and every universe in said cluster and that when he traveled to those realities' he could either take over his counterpart in that universe merging with them and gaining all their knowledge, memory's and skill's or he could go as himself.

So with this in mind he began looking for clusters near his own to take as his territory and learn new abilities and skills from. He found out that most of the other ascended steered clear of the clusters near him sighting them as "Weird "and calling them "Anime cluster's ".

Never one to complain about free things especially since it easily allowed him to cease a few hundred reality clusters for his purpose 's he began his journey Through the Cluster's determined to become strong enough to protect those he cared about and to never let such a tragedy happen to him again.

Through his travel's he learned that as long as one of his counterpart's remained in the reality cluster he was in even if he was somehow killed in one universe he could stay in that cluster but that universe was then only accessible as himself.

Over the next Thousand years he learned so many thing's and traveled to dozens of clusters. He fell in love and had Family's and thanks to his ascended status he could form bond's with his loved ones That gave them some of his abilities and made them immortal in that universe. Even if that universe collapsed he could call them to a different universe in that Cluster or a new universe in a different Cluster.

He also learned to split his consciousness between bodies so he could live with all his loved one's simultaneously.

But after 1,200 years of training, love and exploration he still hadn't gone back to his home cluster. Finally, He'd worked up the nerve to go back Home but then he had to find a universe as close to his original as possible. It took him 20 years to find one in the infinite expanse of universe's but finally he found one nearly identical using his sense's he was able to determine that one of the major difference's was Kyuubi was female and all of the tailed beast's had a human form some even preferred their human forms to their beast forms. Just like his original universe Madara had used his Sharingan to control Kyuubi and make her attack Konoha (since he knows Kyuubi is female he is assuming her name isn't Kurama).

Naruto was planning to take his time and slowly bring down Madara's house of cards right on top of the wannabe ascended.

Naruto had chosen to take over his counterpart which was weird since it was just a younger him, He took over his counterpart on the day of the academy exam. He could've gone back earlier but he knew that only the final test scores actually counted (An: I'm making the exams more thorough where they test everything that you know.) So he'd save himself the trouble of having to go through an entire year of the academy.

He swam to consciousness in his new body in his apartment in Konoha on the morning of the exam. He looked at the clock and saw it was 5am. He Immediately used one of his abilities to put up a time dilatation field around him in the room where one minute outside equaled a day inside. He could change the ratio but seeing as he had a few hours before he had to be at the academy that was plenty.

He centered himself and entered his mindscape to check on Kyuubi.

Naruto entered his mind where he did the first time all those years ago in what appeared to be a sewer. 'Man no wonder Kurama was so mad I'd be mad to if I had to live in a sewer for twelve years.' Shaking himself from his thoughts he followed his memories and godlike senses to Kyuubi's cage. When he arrived he spotted Kyuubi right away and immediately felt sorry for her she looked like hell. Her fur was matted and Her ribs where showing He could tell She hadn't been able to move much and She needed a bath he assumed she was in her fox form for comfort since the cage was bare of the basic amenities.

He got closer to the cage He knew She knew He was there and that she had sensed the immense increase in power He'd gotten when he took over his counterpart.

"Kyuubi-san I came to check on you, I recently learned that u where forced to attack Konoha and that it wasn't your fault. I also wanted to tell you that now that I know that I don't blame you for all the abuse the villagers put me through and that I forgive you for what happened to my parent's you were being controlled and it wasn't your fault." He then waited for her response.

Naruto had decided for the direct approach as he wanted her to know that he forgave her and that he knew the truth of what happened. it would also go a long way in getting her to believe him when he told her what he was. Before the fight with Madara back in his original universe he had come to see Kurama as a Brother.

He wanted to establish a similar relationship with this Kyuubi and a romantic one if she was willing his ascended sense's where screaming at him to make her one of his immortal mates. And since his sense's worked off how compatible their soul's where for each other he knew it would be an amazing relationship if she agreed. (An: basically soul bonds from HP, when established it lets the bonded see each other's lives and everything about each other so there are no secret's and they have a telepathic connection. He can form a family bond with non-mates to give them immortality and some abilities but they won't see everything about each other just have a sense of undying loyalty to Naruto and Naruto to them.)

Kyuubi had been shocked when she felt the power her Jinchuriki gained minutes earlier. It was the most power she had ever felt even stronger than the Rikudo Sennin, then when he appeared in his mindscape she got nervous. Did he blame her like she did herself she knew she deserved it for making him an orphan and killing his mother who was one of her dearest friends and his father, had he come to put her down? She made the choice that she would accept whatever choice he made if he wanted her dead she wouldn't fight him he was stronger than her anyway and she felt if he did kill her she would deserve it.

So when he said he knew what really happened and that he forgave her she couldn't take it and in a puff smoke was in her human form. she had red hair and eyes with a bombshell body all the right curve's in all the right places. D-cup Breast's, red fox ears on her head and nine red tails with black tips on her lower back just above her butt and a face that made Naruto's heart skip a beat. She was wearing a black and red kimono that had seen better years.

He had had a few dozen wives and lovers over his thousand years of exploring and he loved them all and they were all beautiful but Kyuubi was easily already one of the most beautiful and he'd be awed to have her if she'd have him.

Immediately after taking her human form for the first time in twelve years Kyuubi broke down sobbing her heart out.

Naruto rushed to her side disregarding the cage and pulled her into a gentle embrace. While he stroked her hair and cooed sweet nothing's into her ear's to calm her down. He knew she had twelve years of anguish all alone not able to talk to any due to the tightness of the seal.

"It's ok Kyuubi-chan I know the truth now and it wasn't your fault none of it was and I am so sorry you were alone for twelve years' no one deserves that."

Kyuubi sniffed a bit and calmed herself down then looked Naruto in the eyes and almost gasped at the power and the wisdom she saw there 'How can he forgive me so easily?'

"Naruto-kun how can you forgive a monster like me?" Naruto's heart ached when he realized she thought she was a monster. "I'm the reason your parents are dead! I'm the reason the villagers hate you! it's all my fault!"

She tried and failed to choke back another sob and looked down with her hands on his chest.

"Because Kyuubi-chan I know you, I know that you see me as your kit and that you loved my mom and dad and that you didn't hate the village so it wasn't your fault that Madara used his Sharingan on you. Kyuubi-chan I love you with all my heart! you're not a monster and I'll show you that."

Kyuubi's eyes widened at his words but before she could fully process them he gently gripped her chin and lifted her it and gently with all the care and love he felt for the amazing woman in his arms he kissed her.

Kyuubi had never kissed any one before she'd never found anyone worthy enough or available but as he deepened the kiss she melted into it. She hadn't talked to anyone in twelve years let alone touched someone she was on the brink of insanity her only purpose had been to use what power she could to heal Naruto form the abuse the villagers put him through.

Naruto while still holding the kiss snapped his fingers and instantly his mindscape transformed into a lavish mansion, Kyuubi was cleansed of twelve years of grime and they were in a bedroom fit for a queen.

He swiped his tongue across her lips asking for entrance which she gladly gave. As their tongues dueled in a sloppy duet they both moaned and kept the kiss going until they needed air.

They Parted panting and red faced with a trail of salvia still connecting their tongues, Naruto was the first to recover and spoke in a lust filled tone.

"Kyuubi-chan if it's ok with you I know a way to bond us together forever as soul mate's we'd know everything about each other because our souls would be bonded."

Kyuubi had a shocked look on her face for a second and then one of contemplation. 'Should I say yes? I can guess it involves sex. I've never had anyone worthy enough to sleep with in my life, But I decided earlier that whatever he chose's I'd go with it I was expecting him to hate me maybe even kill me. I do love him and I've always wanted someone to spend my life with. Hahaha… I guess I've already made up my mind then' She smiled at Naruto. "Ok Naruto-kun I'll be your soul mate If you'll have me."

Naruto beamed at her. "You won't regret this Kyuubi-chan and I'll be gentle."

Naruto started another kiss and then with experienced hands gently groped Kyuubi's breasts through her now brand new kimono and Broke the kiss to speak.

"We'll be together for an eternity my sweet vixen, I'll never leave your side and I'll make you happy that I promise and I never break my promises that's my ninja way."He then laid her gently on the bed.

Kyuubi blushed and shivered in pleasure at his touches and words she was now sure she wanted this more than anything she wanted to be Naruto's forever. She then realized she was laying on a soft bed but before she could question Naruto about it he moved in again and started kissing and suckling on her neck, she moaned and arched her back in pleasure then she felt him gently disrobing her.

Naruto slipped the kimono off Kyuubi and then leaned back to get a look at his soon to be wife's naked form. The site of her perfect form was almost too much for him to handle and a small trickle of blood worked its way out of his nose which he quickly wiped away.

Kyuubi had never felt so exposed in her life and couldn't fight the blush that colored her face almost cherry red.

Naruto seeing her blush thought it only made her look cuter he couldn't help but smile at her.

"Kyuubi-chan your beautiful more than that you're a goddess so don't be embarrassed."

Kyuubi blushed more if that was possible at his sincere words and gave a hesitant nod.

Naruto then snapped his fingers and his clothes disappeared to reveal a toned sculpted sixteen-year-old body that was only possible through years of training. He learned early on that his powers as an ascended automatically rebuilt his body to ascended standards whenever he took over a counterpart the process was near instant and meant nigh invulnerability and perfect conditioning. And it was child's play for him to change his physical age and appearance to whatever he wanted.

Kyuubi's eyes widened when she saw his body and instantly she felt her body heat up and her instincts start to kick in. She began running her hands up and down his chest and sides and eyed him with a lust filled gaze. "Naruto-kun I need you, please make me yours."

Naruto grinned and nodded and then began groping her now bare breasts and quickly locked lips with her in a deep kiss that made her toes curl. After the kiss broke and they were both panting again he began working his way down paying tribute to her body along the way with small kisses and licks down her neck and chest, when he got to her breasts he began licking and suckling her nipples.

Kyuubi was in heaven and couldn't help the moans and kitten like mews that escaped her, when he got to her nipples she let out a deep moan and arched her back in pleasure.

After toying with her breasts awhile longer he began working his way down kissing licking and sucking all he could along his journey. When he reached her abdomen and saw her center was soaked he almost drooled at the sight, He locked eyes with her silently asking permission.

He received a desperate mew and she lifted her lower body closer to him "Please Naruto-kun."

She didn't have to ask twice, he leaned down and began working on her folds with his tongue and fingers.

Kyuubi's breath caught in her throat and she moaned loudly she had never felt anything so amazing.

Before long she fell over the edge in a screaming orgasm, Naruto greedily lapped up all her fluids and then crawled up her body to look at her flushed panting face.

Once Kyuubi was calm enough she spoke still panting slightly. "Naruto-kun *pant* that was amazing."

Naruto grinned a foxy grin and decided to tease her. "Yeah you tasted amazing." Then he licked his lips.

Kyuubi blushed crimson and looked to the side in embarrassment.

"You…you cheeky brat." She turned back to see him smiling slyly at her she smiled back at him then she moved in and kissed him gently. She pulled him close and then parted her still slightly trembling legs. "I'm ready please take me."

Naruto nodded and positioned himself at her entrance he gently thrust inside her till he was fully sheathed in her center, He couldn't help the groan of pleasure that escaped him as he felt her tightness around him.

Kyuubi had tensed and readied herself for the pain of losing her virginity but it didn't come instead a wave of warmth spread through her as he thrust fully into her.

Another benefit of Naruto's ascended physiology was that his aura could affect those around him if he wanted including dulling pain and even enhancing pleasure.

Before long Kyuubi had adjusted to him being inside her and wanted more, she began to move her hips back and forth.

Naruto took that as his que and began to gently move as well, before long the two lovers built up a vigorous pace and where quickly approaching their mutual climax.

Naruto grunted. "Kyuubi-chan I'm close!"

Kyuubi was panting. "Me too Naruto-kun, do it make me yours."

Naruto gave a final thrust and released deep inside her. Kyuubi screamed out her orgasm at the same time then her mind nearly exploded as the bond took effect and she learned everything about Naruto. She gasped at the massive influx of information then she felt his emotions as if they were hers. It made her heart soar all the love and affection he held for her it was massive and unending.

Naruto was seeing all of Kyuubi as well and what he saw saddened him greatly, He saw how she was hated and feared for just being herself and he promised himself that anyone who tried to treat her like that again would answer to him.

Kyuubi felt his feeling in regards to how her life was since she was born and she couldn't stop the tears of happiness from streaking down her face. Using the knowledge, she gained from the bond she returned all his feelings as strongly as she could.

She smiled at him Through her tears. "Thank you Naruto-kun, I love you too with all of my heart and I promise to always do my best to make you happy."

Naruto smiled a gentle smile back and nodded as he felt how truly happy she was over the bond.

Kyuubi's smile turned into a foxy grin. "You know sense where in a time bubble we've got all the time in the world to explore each other." her voice had quieted and gained a husky undertone.

Naruto grinned back. "all the time in the world my sweet Kitsune-hime."

Next time on: A Beast Comes Home,

Naruto prepares to show Konoha a new improved him and to take the top spot in the exams to become rookie of the year.

Is Konoha ready for the Beast to show its face? Haha I highly doubt that.

An: Thanks for reading! This is my second ever Fanfic and I plan to continue it for a while. I've actually had a story similar to this floating around in my head for years since I was like 7 in fact. Any reviews are welcome. And I'll also take suggestions on what Kyuubi's name should be along with suggestions for who should be in the harem. I can say I'm already planning a pretty big harem that should include. (Tsunade, Tsume Inuzuka, Anko, Kurenai, Hinata, Ino, Mei Terumi, Yugito nii, Fu.) and if You guys want a fem Gara I'll do that I'll be taking suggestions and expanding the harem till I feel its big enough.

I'm planning on making Sasuke less of a Jerk and having him learn some humility as well as having him and Sakura have a healthy relationship.

Please Review and leave your suggestions, honest and constructive criticism is welcome. Just don't flame if u don't like the story no one is forcing you to read it and for those of you who do Thank You, till next time.