Rangers AU Short
Striker's Notes- I just had to do this. No point in not making my own AU after warping other AU's. Let's do it.
It was a quiet day in Gravity Central. The birds were singing. The streets were bustling. And a red blur crashes into the third floor of NW Incorporated, causing the people below to start running in a panic.
Zooming in to where the blur landed, we see a young man in a suit of alien armor holding his head as he slowly gets up from the rubble. The alien armor was mostly red with a blue crystal in the center of his chest. The suit was equiped with a helmet that covered his entire head. The front of the helmet had a black face shield that was see through from the inside. This face shield was in the shape of a pine tree. "That's going to be sore in the morning." The man commented as he shook off some dust.
"You alright Pines?" A snarky female voice asked through a transmitter inside the helmet of the first.
The red suited man shook his head. "Yeah, just crashed through a few walls."
"Well if you have the time," A younger man replied, "Could you get back here ASAP?"
"Yeah, we're still trying to take out a flaming monster with one eye." The young woman added.
The first man chuckled. "Thanks for your concern Princess." He joked before jumping out of the totaled building.
"Yeah, yeah." The woman replied.
"Seriously Pines! We can't stall forever." The second man stated.
"I know that Gideon." The first snapped. "Mabel, where's your location?"
Elsewhere, an 18 year old woman with long brown hair, wearing a puffy pink sweater was sitting in a classroom, painting. She then felt something vibrate on her person, grabbing her attention. She groaned in annoyance before raising her hand. "Ms. Susan? May I use the restroom?" She asked.
"Of course you can dear." The older woman replied.
"Thank you!" She sang before rushing off.
Once the young woman entered the restroom, she rushed into one of the stalls. Before closing it, she turns around, narrows her eyes, and gives the "I'm watching you" gesture. Once she did close the door, a bleep could be heard before she spoke. "This is Pink Ranger. Who am I speaking to?" She asked.
The red suited man groaned at this as he was running back to battle. "Mabel. Where the flying flip are you? We've been fighting Pyronica for the past... How long has it been again?"
"Two hours." The girl that was called Princess replied.
"Thank you Pacifica. Two hours Mabel. Why aren't you here?"
The girl, Mabel, groaned from behind the blue stall door. "Because Dip-dop, unlike you, I have a life."
"What's that supposed mean?" The boy asked, hurt by this.
"Hey, I also take that as an insult. I was in the same class as Dipper when we got called out here." The princess, Pacifica, replied.
"Same here." Gideon added.
"Don't care." Mabel replied. "Why can't Pyronica wait til after class. After school even. That's how it usually works with goons like this."
The man in the red suit, Dipper, was puzzled under his metallic helmet. "Mabel, just get over here. As much as Pacifica doesn't want to admit it, we need your help with this. As always. Because we're a team."
"Get your twinkle butt over here before I drag it over here myself!" Pacifica ordered.
Mabel giggled behind the stall door. "Why Pacifica, I thought you only paid that much attention to Dipper." She teased.
"What?" Dipper asked densely.
"Not the time, Mabel!" Pacifica said, embarrassed by that comment.
"She's got enough heat from Pyronica." Gideon chimed in.
"Shut up Gideon." Dipper and Pacifica ordered.
"Fine, I'm coming. I wanted to finish more than three paintings today." Mabel sighed.
"You've been working on your fourth painting while we've been getting our arse's handed to us?" Pacifica barked.
"Not important." Mabel said before a pink flash enveloped the stall. "Hey Grunkle Ford, mind warping me out of here?"
A few miles away, in the Ranger's Hide-out, Ford Pines was listening to the whole entire conversation. "Of course Mabel. But next time, please be to the battle on time. I don't know why you ignored the first threat notifier." He said as he typed away at an alien tech computer.
"Because my life was happening. Friends close by, other people walking the halls, chatting, having fun." Mabel replied.
"Giant fire demon terrorizing the city." Gideon added.
"Thank you Captain Obvious." Dipper replied.
"Hey! I don't see you trying to block off these pink fireballs!" Gideon shouted.
"Because I was swatted into a Northwest Building!" Dipper shouted back.
"Great! I'll be hearing about that for the next week. Thanks to this stupid fart!" Pacifica replied before grunting.
Ford sighed, placing a hand on his head. "Teenagers." Ford mumbled.
Back with Dipper, he finally made it back to the battle. As he did so, Mabel materialized next to him in her armor. Mabel's alien armor was pink with her face shield in the shape of a star with some extra designs to make it look like it was a shooting star. "Glad you could join us." Dipper said through his helmet.
"Of course. I'm always glad to be dragged out of my personal life to fight some demon threatening reality as we know it." Mabel said cheerfully yet sarcastically.
"Don't have to be sarcastic about it." Dipper said before two other Rangers slid backwards to be on either side of the twins.
Beside Dipper, Pacifica was in her yellow armor which had a face shield that was shaped to look like the outline of the face of some animal. Next to Mabel, Gideon was in his blue armor, which had a similar face shield similar to that of the Pink Ranger, but his details made it look like the star had an eye in the center. "Took you two long enough." Pacifica commented as the two straightened themselves.
"I'll apologize for the damages later." Dipper commented.
"In what way exactly?" Gideon asked.
"Shut it Gideon." Pacifica and Dipper ordered as they looked at the Blue Ranger.
"Let's just end this already so I can finish my paintings." Mabel said as she popped her knuckles.
The Rangers then looked at their opponent. Pyronica, a flame demon with your typical feminine body, but with a head that resembled an ogre with one eye in the center of her head.
"Let's go Rangers!" Dipper called out before the four charged at the demon.
Striker's Note- That was fun. Quick, short, but fun. I didn't add a Black Ranger because I couldn't figure out who would make a good Black Ranger. There's something you can put in the comments. I want to continue this in the future with a better explanation of what is going on. Here's a quick summary:
Dipper and Gideon have a similar relationship to Leonardo and Raph from TMNT, constantly arguing and fighting for dominance.
I want Dipper and Pacifica to be in a rival-like relationship, where they try to one-up each other when its necessary. They won't do it often, because they're not that childish.
Red Ranger- Dipper, Leader of the Rangers- 18, doesn't Like Gideon, but can tolerate him from time to time. Annoyed by Mabel's antics and constant teasing of him and Pacifica. He prefers to be above Pacifica in any way he can. He's also a huge nerd.
Pink Ranger- Mabel- 18, loves everything and everyone. Except Gideon. Very annoying. She loves teasing her brother and Pacifica (mostly about Dipper). Prefers real life to the duty of a Ranger.
Yellow Ranger- Pacifica- 18, tries to tolerate Mabel and Gideon. She is antagonized by her parents and is trained to be the heiress of NW Incorporated. Strives to be on top of Dipper, gets irritated when he gets the upper hand. Though she accepts defeat when she knows she can't win. She also has a crush on Dipper and has her own nerdy side.
Blue Ranger- Gideon- 16, doesn't like Dipper and can barely tolerate him or follow his orders. Unlike the Canon, this Gideon isn't so chubby and has more toned features. He still has his normal voice though, just not as high pitched. He tries to impress his crush, Mabel, every chance he gets. He's smart for his age and has advanced one grade.