Dorian eyed the board at his knees contemplating his next few moves. The Commander was good but Dorian wasn't truly playing chess. Throughout the game, Dorian sleuthed information from the warrior utilizing the game to distract his target. He felt a pang of nostalgia course through him. The poor Ferelden seemingly never caught on that a game of chess is never just a game of chess. Dorian was no novice to the game of politics, subterfuge, and deception. His father and mentor had seen to that. A Tevinter party wasn't a party until some blood was spilled on an altar after all.

Across the garden, Dorian espied his amatus waiting for the game to come near an end. Maxwell wasn't as keen in the art of coercing information from a target but who knows how their Inquisitor would fair. Warriors seemed to have their own secret code, much like mages or rangers. Dorian refocused his attention back to the game, lest he forget himself whilst staring at Maxwell.

He just managed to catch what the Commander was saying to him when he regains his attention on the board. "Are you sassing me, Commander?" He smiled across the table and leaned to the side to study the board. "I didn't think you had it in you."

Maxwell strode across the opening to where they were sitting. Cullen, being the ever proper gentleman, rose as their leader approached. Dorian smirked, leave it to Max to come at the most opportune moments. "Leaving are you? Does this mean I win?" Maxwell and Cullen spoke briefly before Cullen returned to the game. They already planned that Dorian would throw the game to give Cullen a rise in self-esteem and to, hopefully, loosen his guard.

Dorian excused himself from their company as Maxwell took his place at the chess table. He nodded to Maxwell knowing they would speak later. It wasn't transparent but Dorian could tell that Cullen was a bit envious of the relationship between himself and Maxwell. Well, if all went according to plan he wouldn't be pining for long.

Varric was waiting for Dorian just around the corner eagerly awaiting details. "Well, Sparkler, what did you find out?" So as not to be overheard, Dorian gestured that they should walk a bit. They walked in tense silence until they came to Dorian's usual haunt in the little alcove of the library. "Well, out with it!" Varric was nearly bouncing into the chair with pent-up excitement.

"Bernadette has no last name that he knows of but she was gifted a legend mark of Hawk Song by the Avvar. The name stuck apparently. In her formative years, she studied with an augur from one the clans along the Frostback Mountains after fleeing her home village." Varric grinned madly then began to scribble on his pad. They had a general idea of what she looked like and her first name but the legend mark was a very good way to locate her. They had a few Avvar agents that they could contact since having helped them. Hopefully, they would have heard of Bernadette's legend mark.

If Bernadette spent a good portion of her childhood with the Avvar then it wouldn't be a far stretch to assume she returned to them. All that was required was to find which clan she was with. Varric's eyes widened as he recalled a piece of parchment he saw earlier that day. Fate was definitely on their side. Without a word, Varric trotted off down the stairs. Dorian turned his head to follow the dwarf and he shook his head when he heard the hinges on the door downstairs creak in protest as the door was thrown open.

Varric fumbled with a few papers on top of Josephine's desk. "Ha!" he exclaimed as he pulled the desired paper out of the previously organized stack of papers. In his haste, Varric didn't notice that Josephine was sitting right across from him. She quirked an eyebrow and gave Varric a bemused look. Varric cleared his throat, embarrassed that he so plainly forgot himself in the heat of the moment.

"Oh, Ambassador, my apologies. Dorian provided me with some intel on the possible whereabouts of the interest." Josephine immediately forgot about Varric's odd behavior. She leaned forward on her desk, eager to hear what news he had to share. "Well, go on!" Varric explained that Bernadette might be living with one of the Avvar clan. He recalled that this morning when they were talking over tea, a missive from the Frostbacks arrived.

Maxwell found the group later, sitting on the couches that graced the Ambassador's workspace. He let himself fall into the open space that was next to Dorian who arrived a few moments prior. "What news did you manage to glean from our stalwart Commander?" Dorian automatically pulled Maxwell against him and gave a quick kiss to his temple. "We learned that the one we seek may be with the Avvar and we just so happen to have a request for assistance from Stonebear Hold out in the Frostbacks." Maxwell snagged the near-empty mug from Dorian and downed it in one swallow. "Best we answer them then."

The next morning Maxwell set out to the Frostback Mountains with Dorian, Varric, and Cassandra in tow. They filled Cassandra in on their side mission as they made their way to the hold. Cassandra couldn't hide that she was rooting for the Commander to be reunited with his flame from ages past. Varric even promised her that he would consider making a book of the tale when it was all finished and that she would be the first to read it. That alone spurred Cassandra to allow them to take time to search for the wayward woman.

Having finally reached the encampment, they met up with Scout Harding. It still perturbed Maxwell how she always managed to be at their destination hours, if not days, before their expected arrival. If she weren't a dwarf, he would swear it was some sort of magic.

Of course, there were a few missions already assigned to them. Maxwell sighed as he looked at his ever-growing To-Complete list. He swore that if he completed one, he was given three more to replace it, and most of them were just him finding lost items. Were people that lazy they could not look for themselves? At least they paid him afterward.

Whilst glancing at a map of the area, he surmised that they could try to complete a few missions on their way to meet the Avvar that lived across the Basin's shallows. He was determined to knock a few things off the list.

It was two long weeks before Maxwell was able to leave the area. Luckily, the Avvar from Stonebear Hold knew exactly who and where Hawk Song was. They gave Maxwell directions on how to reach the Hold and sent out a message by bird to notify them of their coming. The Holds were in good standing so there was no reason the group should expect a refusal, especially after having already helped the Avvar.

By the time they reached the other Avvar clan, Maxwell was thoroughly fed up with the Basin. Why did every creature they cross want to kill them? Couldn't they all just be a herd of halla or fennec? No, they just had to walk into a pack of wyverns. The Avvar guardsmen placed their hands on their weapons when they saw the small group crossing the bridge.

"Hold, Lowlander. What business do ya 'ave 'ere?" One guard took a step forward. His hand didn't move from his sword hilt.

Maxwell flashed a charming smile. "Well, you see, we're from the Inquisition. We received word …." The guard stepped aside to let the group pass. "Aye, we've been expectin' ya. 'r Thane is do'n the hill to the right. Ya cano' miss 'er."

Maxwell still smiled and thanked the guard. As he was walking he leaned in a whispered to Cassandra. "Did you catch that? Their accents were near unintelligible." Cassandra only smirked as they continued down the path they were instructed to take. A small commotion could be heard as the rounded an outcropping of rocks. It seemed some sort of sparing was taking place in front of a rather long house with flowers decorated atop it. The sight was familiar, two people sparring with onlookers surrounding them but since they were with the Avvar, they were unsure if this held the same meaning as it did to them.

"Ha! You think just because you have magic you can best me?!" They heard a woman call out, a clear taunt. "Na, I don't need my magic but it certainly makes things easier!" Laughter erupted at the banter between two friends, judging by the tone of voice. Maxwell sat slightly forward on his horse and looked to a guard who was currently distracted by the sparring match taking place.

"Hello, we are the Inquisition, come from Stonebear Hold." The guard was slightly startled but recovered quickly. He nodded and let out a shrill whistle. Almost immediately all the onlookers turned to look at Maxwell and his companions, some reaching for their weapons reflexively. Varric choked back a scared laugh. "Well if that isn't slightly intimidating."

The two in the middle of the ring ceased their fighting. Both women were sweating, covered in dirt, and smiling ear-to-ear. One woman, presumably the Thane, began to stride forward; the other woman not far behind. The other woman had firey hair and her sword crackled with magic, Maxwell didn't want to presume but he would bet every gold coin he had that this was Bernadette.

"Well met! Ya must be the Inquisitor ye Lowlanders talk about. Welcome! Ya caught me and Hawk Song here in the middle of a spar but tis no matter, I had her on the ropes." Hawk Song let out a laugh contagious enough to make those near smile and chuckle as well.

"You'd like to think that. You should know better than that, my Thane. I always have a trick up my sleeve." The women smirked at each other the way old friends do. It was clear to Maxwell that these women were close allies. "Since our Thane seems to have forgotten her manners. I am Bernadette, this is Thane Arvid Gunhilddotten. Welcome to Bjarg Hold." Maxwell gave a bow from his horse and introduced himself. "I am Maxwell, this is Cassandra, Varric, and Dorian of the Inquisition."

Maxwell and his company followed Arvid and Bernadette into a longhouse that had flowers and grass growing on it. They were all a little confused by why someone would grow grass on the roof but they all could not help but silently agree that it fit the Avvar and looked nice. Once inside, they were instructed to sit at a table situated in the center of the hall. Food was brought out but before they began, the Thane stood.

"I know ya've come far and the road tis not kind but 'ere is t' a strong alliance b'tween us." Arvid raised her mug and everyone followed suit. She gestured for her guests to eat and while they did she spoke. "Thank ya fer helpin' out our allies. Twas awful t' 'ear what 'appened at Stonebear Hold. We don'na 'ave much but what we can give we will."

Maxwell looked at his friends, who nodded. This was the perfect opportunity to see if they were correct. He hoped they were. "Actually Thane Arvid. We came seeking Hawk Song." This piqued Bernadette's interest and she gave Maxwell her full attention but did not stop eating. "You see, our Commander, is possibly an old friend and, well…" Maxwell began but paused, not quite sure where he was going to go with this. "Bernadette, are you familiar with a man named Cullen?" At the mention of the name, Bernadette nearly dropped her fork. She paled slightly and took a deep breath to steady herself.

"What… what did you say?" Maxwell, encouraged by her reaction, leaned forward and said his name again. "Cullen Rutherford." Bernadette put the fork down and placed her palms flat on the table taking slow steady breaths. Once she was composed she looked back at Maxwell, her eyes glistened in the light of the torch flames and dying daylight. "Yes, I do know Cullen. He is with you?"

"Not with us here but back at Skyhold. He is Commander of our forces." Bernadette nodded, her face was contemplative. Those seated around the table gave Bernadette quiet so she could sort through her thoughts. Arvid took Bernadette's hand, gaining her attention. She gave Bernadette a look before facing Maxwell.

"Tis apparent ya' ask if Bernadette would journey back with ya'. I judge since the first thing you mention is Cullen, ya' know their pas'; and, if yer here then he still thinks of her." Arvid turned back to Bernadette who was still in the midst of her thoughts. "Bern, go with them. Go to him." Bernadette took a shaky breath and shook her head. "But, Arv, it's been so long. We aren't the same as we were then. What if we have both changed too much? What if…" Arvid threw her hands up, "Bah! Ya' can what if yer'self ta death but ya won'na know, will ya? If they came all this way, tis a good sign, surely."

Varric coughed lightly to indicate that he wanted to speak, not wanting to be rude and completely interrupt. "I've known Cur… um, Cullen for a while now. In all that time, I've never heard him speak of anyone the way he speaks about you." Bernadette blushed but was glad he still thought fondly of her. "I won't sugar coat it. He isn't in the best of conditions. We are fighting a tough enemy and the stress is taking its toll on him among other things. We were hoping that a familiar face could bring some light to his life."

The next afternoon saw Bernadette accompanying Maxwell, Varric, Cassandra, and Dorian back to Skyhold. As they neared the castle Bernadette began to fidget and worry. Varric pushed his horse next to Bernadette and tried to give her comfort. "Listen, I don't think you have anything to worry about. You got this." Bernadette nodded but still, her breathing was erratic as they trotted under the portcullis.

A group of soldiers was practicing not too far away and Bernadette could see a tall man with yellow hair standing facing the group. His back was to them so she was afforded another moment to gather herself. He wore a red cape with what looked like to be fur, no, feathers? She never could have imagined him wearing that inside the halls of the tower. Dorian helped Bernadette dismount from her horse and gently guided her nearer. The denizens of the castle began to watch in silence, wondering who this woman was.

Maxwell already strode over and began speaking to Cullen talking about what transpired and the new alliances with the Avvar. Cullen smiled, glad to hear they had bolstered their numbers. Then Maxwell gave Bernadette a meaningful look. Cullen, curious who Maxwell would be looking at, turned. He immediately froze.

Cullen's gaze took in what he thought was a ghost from his past. She hadn't changed at all. Her stance, hair, leathers; her eyes. They were all the same. She had grown and there was sadness behind her eyes but it was her. Cullen took a shaky step forward, completely unaware that everyone in the courtyard was now looking. "Bern…" His voice cracked with emotion, still not trusting what his eyes were showing him.

Bernadette, for her part, wasn't doing any better. Seeing him, after all this time, brought forth emotions she thought she buried many years ago. She could only nod as tears slowly began to fall. In that instant, Cullen rushed forward and gathered her to him. He cupped the back of her head. His one hand tangled within her hair, the other at her back to keep her close. Bernadette gripped him as if he were the last thing keeping her alive. Both took in the other's sent, bringing back old memories.

Cullen pulled back and placed a hand on either side of her face. When he saw the few tears left, he gently took his thumb and brushed them away. "By the Maker, how I've missed you." Bernadette could only let out a choked chuckle as she hugged him again. Cullen closed his eyes and breathed out, feeling the tension he had been carrying slip away.

"I still owe you a debt." Cullen took a step back and began laughing, an honest to Maker laugh. His friends and men didn't know he was capable of that. He shook his head and kissed Bernadette on the forehead. "What took you so long? You're in leathers, your armor shouldn't have weighed you down." Bernadette scoffed as she adopted what could only be described as a sassy stance. "Yea, well, had some fools and idiots to take care of."

Cullen gave her a crooked smile, he turned his head over his shoulder to look at one of his men. "Lieutenant." The man smiled and nodded in understanding. "Aye, Commander." Cullen offered Bernadette his hand and led her into the castle. He knew the people were looking and he knew there would be talk but at that moment he didn't much care.

Varric stood next to Maxwell and Cassandra while they watched the couple become reunited. "Well damn, I may just have to start writing romance novels again. Hey, Seeker, care to help me." Cassandra blushed slightly but smiled and nodded.

Hey, cbrstrshp here. Thank you for reading this short. I'm not sure where I'm going with it or if I'll continue past this point. It was more, I wanted to write a story with a happy ending where there isn't a heck of a lot of drama in it. I know that know, typically, one of the main characters falls in some sort of peril but A - cliche and B - can't they just have a happy ending and that be the end of it. Never understood why they main characters have to face drama or insurmountable odds ("good" writing I suppose). Not that I would know, I'm just a fanfic writer lol Thanks again for reading. If you have any suggestions I would gladly accept them.