Okay, so I've seen a lot of these react-type stories, and have decided to start my own! I know, I know, you guys are probably thinking, "But Joy! You haven't updated 'Blast to the Past' in almost a month!" But don't worry! I working very hard, and will hopefully have a chapter up shortly. Also, this idea isn't my own. Credits for story inspiration go to ForeverFreeFall and The Glitter Ninja, who you should both definitely check out!

Disclaimer: *heavy sarcasm* Of COURSE I own Keepers of The Lost Cities. NOT Shannon Messenger...

Keepers of the Lost Cities: REACT! — Kiana (Keefe & Biana)

Sophie: *nudges Biana with her elbow, and wiggles her eyebrows*

Biana: *gives Sophie the death-glare*

Fitz: *gives Biana a sly glance* Is there anything you want to tell me, little sister?

Biana: What!? No!— I mean, there's nothing tell!

Keefe: Wow, how did I not realize this? *runs his fingers through his already somewhat messy hair*

Dex: Oh, come on guys! It's not like this is a new concept. A girl liking her brothers best friend literally always happens in books. Also, I've seen a lot of human movies and TV shows with my mom. This happens quite regularly, I think... Sophie?

Sophie: Well, yeah... But...

Fitz: *interrupts Sophie* How long, exactly, have you liked my best friend? I mean, I always figured you saw him as another older brother. Not like, dating material...

Dex: Eww, that makes it sound like he was a project or something.

Sophie: Fitz! Dex! Be nice, seesh, we're talking about Biana's feelings here, stop talking like she isn't listening.

Biana: Augh! Guys, it's not a big deal, I know Keefe likes somebody else anyways... *smiles sadly, looking a bit dejected*

Sophie: Oohhhh, Keefe! Who is she?

Keefe: *mumbles, blushing* Just... Nobody...

Fitz: Mhhhmmmm... I think I know who she is

Keefe: Shut up! Dude, thats breaking the guy-code

Sophie: "Guy-code"!? What the heck is that?

Fitz: Yeah, Keefe, what is it?

Keefe: *turns an even deeper shade of red*

Dex: *uncharacteristically saving Keefe from further embarrassment* Hey, Joy! Give us something else to react to before things get too dicey!

Joy (Me!): Yup, will do.

So yeah... There's my KotLC: React! Chapter. Hope you enjoyed that, and if you have any specific human things you'd like to see the gang react to, please leave a review! Since these are pretty short chapter, and they're one-shots, I'll be able to update pretty regularly, and would love to have you help pick out different topics! ~ JoySeph13