Chapter 2 coming together

Ash and May were sitting alone in the dark, cold elevator. They cuddled under his jacket as close as they could but they were still cold. After a while May started to shudder. But it wasn't a cold kind of shudder. Ash took a look at her and saw she was on the verge of tears. He reached for his pocket and handed her a handkerchief. She smiled at his gesture and took the piece of fabric. She used it to wipe her eyes and sighed.

"Thanks Ash",

"No problem. We'll be rescued soon enough. So don't cry okay?"

She nodded.


Ash took a look to his side. On the floor near him, Pikachu was lying curled into a ball trying to keep his body warm. He reached for his head and scratched him behind the ears.

"Cha…" he sighed with content.

Suddenly May spoke.

"Do you have any food on you?"

"I think I might have a cookie or two",

"Do you mind if we share it?"

Ash smiled.

"Not at all. Let me get it out of my bag", he said and shuffled around in his pack until he took out a small paper bag with one cookie in it shaped like a Pikachu. Ash split it in two giving May the belly and legs of the cookie while he ate the head. Before long the cookie was down their throats and they had nothing to eat but air. May sighed sadly. Hearing her sadness he grabbed her hand in his palm and stroked it gently.

"It's gonna be okay May. We're getting out of here",

She smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder which made him blush. He looked away trying to hide it.

"Ash?" she asked him.

He turned around to face her.


"How can you stay such an optimist in situations like this?"

"I don't know. I just try to look at the bright side of things and hope for the best",

She smiled.

"That's a good attiude",


Acting on instinct Ash decided to make a move.

"You know you're really cute when you smile", he said softly. She blushed.

"You… you think so?"

"Yeah I do. You look even cuter when you're nervous",

She blushed harder and played with her hair.

"Stop it…" she squirmed.

"You do", he insisted. May lowered her head awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say.

"Ash… do you think I'm pretty?"

Slightly taken aback by her question it took Ash a few second to reply.

"Of course. I think you're very pretty", he said honestly.

"All the time I mean",

"Yes. I think you're beautiful all the time. Not only when you smile or when you're nervous",

She smiled as slight blushies appeared on her cheeks.

"Why do you ask?" he said.

"It's just I sometimes wonder if you think of me as just a friend or maybe something more", she said honestly.

Taken a back once more it took Ash a few seconds to let the shock receive.

"Yes May. I think of you of more than just a friend",

"You do?"


"Like how so?"

Now it was Ash's turn to blush. He fidgeted with his fingers a little bit before he answered.

"I think of you in a somewhat romantic way…" he said nervously.

After a short silence May smiled.

"So do I",


"Really, really", she smiled and he smiled too. Knowing what they wanted they leaned forward letting their hearts' take control of their minds and bodies as their lips moved closer till they made contact. It was a short kiss but a soft one. They pulled back and gazed into each other's eyes and smiled.

"Does this mean we're a couple now?" asked Ash. May smiled at his stupidity.

"I'll let you know after you kiss me again" she said and he smiled. He leaned forward to kiss her again only this time it was passionate and loving. They wrapped their arms around each other's necks as the kiss deepened while the lights went back on and the doors opened leaving a very surprised Brock and rescue crew as they watched the oblivious couple share their kiss…

The end.

Well there was a cute fluffy one. I hope you like it.

Reviews are most welcome