Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Naruto in any way.

A/N: Thanks guys for your reviews, favorites and follows.

Anko slowly opened her eyes; her body was okay though all her body was aching but two gashes on front and back ached more with pain. One red line was on upper slope of her left breast. She noticed she was somewhere unknown.

She tried to sat up but couldn't lift her head and saw that Naruto was lying half on her and half on bed. She smiled and ran her hands through his locks.

Suddenly she smelled something like dogs, she raised her eyebrow, 'Are we...'' her train of thoughts got cut by Tsume who entered in the room.

''Oh you are awake'' Tsume said and looked at Naruto, ''What about him'' Tsume asked with a smile.

'' Let him sleep'' Anko said smiling.

Tsume sat down on a chair, ''You know Naruto didn't want me to bring you here because of Kiba. I don't know what happened between them but I guess I need to talk to Kiba'' Tsume said sighing. She had scolded Kiba many times for his blabber mouth but he just didn't understand.

''Then I assured Naruto that Kiba won't come near you both, in my watch'' she said nodding to Anko.

''Who bandaged me'' Anko asked looking at Tsume.

''Don't worry, Hana is a medic'' Tsume said dissipating her worries.

''Oh'' Anko said and groaned.

They sat in silence for some moments then Tsume said, ''You know I was really excited when I see your fight. I mean you were amazing. I feel really proud of you to show all the male shinobis out there that Kunoichi's are not weak. They can beat the shit out of them'' Tsume said cheerfully and Anko chuckled.

''Well I wanted to tell them to stay the fuck away from me and Naruto or else I won't forgive anyone'' Anko said caressing Naruto's cheeks.

Tsume laughed ''Well they must have gotten the message'' she said. They both fell silent again.

''Tsume-san'' Anko said.

''Yes'' Tsume replied.

''Well, after the fight I was planning to visit you and I am here anyway'' Anko said and gave a humorous chuckle.

Tsume also chuckled, ''Was there something you wanted to talk about'' Tsume asked.

Anko became serious which could be seen from her face. Tsume also noticed it.

''Tsume-san, what do you think of Konoha'' Anko asked.

Tsume raised an eyebrow, ''What do you mean''.

''I mean, I don't care about anything except my friends and family and right now I don't have any friends and Naruto is my only family and I won't tolerate or forgive anyone who dares to harm my family and you already know how Naruto's life has gone till my return so I can say that I hate everyone in Konoha'' Anko said making her point clear.

''Well...I can understand where you are coming from'' Tsume said with as much serious voice as she could.

''No, you are not understanding. What I said earlier means that I. Will. Destroy. Konoha'' Anko made it more clear for Tsume to understand.

Tsume's eyes widened, ''A...Anko''.

''Tsume-san, I wanted to come here for the purpose to make you join us'' Anko said.

''And I don't think you have any obligations to Konoha that much so that you can't do it, I mean what has Konoha given you ever and I know how hard it was for you after your husband died'' Anko said trying to make Tsume see Inuzuka's position in Konoha.

''And who helped you in it, was there anyone who helped you in those hard times...'' Anko said and she could see the conflict on Tsume's face.

''No one helped me…. not even hokage'' Tsume said and Anko chuckled.

''Hokage, don't talk to me about that…." she sighed,"He is the sole reason my Naruto suffered that much and I am sure he didn't helped you because he might have thought that Inuzuka is a weak clan and he would surely wouldn't have wanted to waste his time and money on a weak clan'' Anko said nailing it, Just a little more push.

''Inuzuka's is not weak clan'' Tsume yelled suddenly.

''But it's the truth, I also think that'' Anko said and she could see the enraged look on Tsume's face.

Before Tsume could say anything Anko spoke, ''Tsume-san, before you say anything, please listen to me'' Anko tried to contain the situation. Tsume nodded.

''In all these years what hokage did for your clan. I know it's not anyone's business to meddle with clan affairs but Hokage could but he didn't. It was you all the time who was doing all the work to keep this clan's existence otherwise it would have been vanished a long time ago but even after being weak you stood in front of your clan facing all the problems and dangers. So I won't call you weak but you are weak physically and tell me how do you fight in a battle'' Anko said and she could see that her words were leaving a deep effect on Tsume.

''We fight in combination with beast dogs'' Tsume said proudly.

Anko chuckled, ''And that's what makes you weak'' Anko said and Tsume boiled up, ''What the hell do you mean'' She shouted.

''Let me explain, if your dog gets wounded or he is ill or it may be some other problem but what will you do if your dog gets wounded in the middle of a fight'' Anko asked.

Tsume went in deep thought and couldn't think of anything.

''You will have nothing to fight except your taijutsu or ninjutsu'' Anko said. And Tsume couldn't come up with any kind of answer to deny Anko's statement.

She sighed, ''You are right'' she slumped in the chair. One last push and she will be ready.

''And I had heard rumors that Hokage and council asked you to go under CRA when your clan had only a few members. They even wanted Hana under CRA in future'' Anko said and when Tsume crumbled Anko put her hand on Tsume's shoulder. Tsume didn't say anything she closed her eyes to suppress old memories that were resurfacing. A tear trickled down to the side of her cheek. Tsume wiped it.

''I know it was impossible for you but I really admire you for again making your clan this stronger. And you know what, I would have died if Naruto hadn't been with me after Orochimaru incident'' Anko said softly to the older woman. Tsume looked up to see Anko and Anko nodded.

Tsume chuckled, ''Alright, You win …what you want from me'' Tsume said and Anko smiled.

''I don't want anything from you'' Anko said and a puzzled expression came to Tsume's face.

''What do you mean. Weren't you talking about destroying Konoha'' Tsume said.

''Tsume-san, I don't want anything from you and for now I haven't planned anything. I am waiting for Naruto to reach a chuunin level before doing that but konoha will burn I promise, and Hokage and other's will burn with it. I just want you to be with us because we are only three people right now but if you join me we will be four'' Anko said. And stretched her hand outwards for a handshake.

Tsume looked at the hand intently, if she shakes hand then she will be a traitor but she had already made up her mind but what about her other clan members and her son and daughter.

Anko smiled, ''Tsume-san, you and your clan wouldn't need to fight, you just have to support us, that's all I am asking and yeah, I have put my trust in you...don't break it'' Anko said and Tsume nodded and shook hands with Anko.

Suddenly the doors burst opens and Kiba rushes in. ''Mom, what the hell are they still doing here'' he yelled and Naruto woke up from his voice.

He saw that Anko was sitting, ''Are you okay'' Naruto asked.

Anko nodded, ''Yeah I am alright'' Anko said and Naruto hugged her following with a kiss on the cheek.

''Kiba, they are guests, I didn't teach you to behave like this with your guests'' Tsume said yelling at Kiba.

''Mom I don't care if these two are guests or not send them from here and do you even know what they did with me'' Kiba said growling In anger.

Tsume raised an eyebrow and looked at Anko but Naruto beat her to it, ''Kiba you must be thankful that you were not my target that day otherwise you saw what happened with Sasuke'' Naruto said and Kiba paled and gritting his teeth rushed out.

''What was that all about'' Tsume asked. Anko sighed.

"I won't forgive anyone who foul mouths Anko-chan'' Naruto said looking towards the doors Kiba had just rushed out.

Tsume exhaled, she understood the problem.

''Well we should go now'' Anko said and got off the bed and Naruto did the same.

Tsume nodded, Anko and Naruto moved towards the door but before going out Anko turned her head and looked back at Tsume, ''Tsume-san, did you know Kushina Uzumaki'' Anko asked and Tsume's eyes widened, ''Ku...Kushina, Y...yeah I knew her...what about her'' She asked composing herself.

''What do you know about her'' Anko asked looking at Tsume intently.

''Well she was my friend and Mikoto's too but she died in...'' Tsume stopped; this was an S-class secret but now she had shook hands with Anko so she decided to tell her but Anko spoke first.

''Don't worry I know everything'' Anko said and Tsume stayed silent.

''But tell me, if you were her friend then you would have known that she was pregnant when kyuubi attacked and that was her delivery time'' Anko said.

''Yeah, I know, I heard that her child died in Kyuubi attack'' Tsume said with a sad expression on her face.

''Died…. really'' Anko said in a voice of contempt.

''Yeah'' Tsume said and Anko chuckled.

''Why are you chuckling'' Tsme asked in confusion.

''Well tell me how many Uzumakis were and are in the village'' Anko said.

''Hmmm...At that time Kushina was the only one and in present time there are ...'' she stopped and her eyes widened in realization and she looked at Anko. Her eyes started to well up. Anko nodded smiling confirming her thoughts.

Tsume looked at Naruto and tears started to flow down on her face. She moved to Naruto and bending her knees came to his eyes level and before Naruto could understand what was happening, Tsume hugged him.

''N...Naruto Uzumaki,'s son. Why, why I didn't know that Kushina's son was alive. Why Hokage hide it'' Tsume said while hugging him tightly in her arms.

Naruto looked at Anko who nodded and Naruto also wrapped his arms around Tsume.

Tsume closed her eyes, ''I...know it won't mean anything but...I...I am sorry'' Tsume said while crying on his shoulder.

Naruto also closed his eyes; ''its okay Tsume-san I am already over it'' Naruto said and Tsume broke the hug.

Tsume looked at Naruto and ruffled his hair, ''You have become so much older'' she said with teary eyes. Naruto sighed and Anko giggled.

Tsume looked at Anko, ''I will come to your home tomorrow, if you and Naruto don't mind'' Tsume said looking down.

''Tsume-san, why are you looking down, look up'' Anko said making Tsume stand by grabbing her shoulders.

''I am thinking what Kushina would think if she will be seeing us. I am sure she will hate me'' Tsume said getting teary eyed again.

''Well Tsume-san I don't know what she would do but now that you know the truth. I expect you to fulfill your roll of Naruto's mother's friend.

''Yeah, sure'' Tsume said and smiled and they both went to their own Uzumaki house leaving a smiling Tsume behind.

Anko flopped on the couch and winced from the sudden pain, ''You need to be careful'' Naruto said as he sat beside her.

''NARUTO'' Naruto suddenly stood up.

''What happened'' Anko asked with a hint of worry.

''K...kyuubi just shouted'' Naruto said.

''Why would kyuubi shout'' Anko asked raising an eyebrow.

''Come in your mindscape now'' Kyuubi said in a voice etched with worry.

''W...what'' Naruto stuttered.

''Now'' Kyuubi pressed.

''Okay'' Naruto said and looked at Anko, ''He wants to talk to me now'' Naruto said wondering what he wanted to talk. It wasn't like twenty days has been completed.

Anko nodded reluctantly.

''Bring her with you'' Kyuubi said.

''What, how can I bring her her'' Naruto asked wondering.

''Just touch her, I will pull her here'' Kyuubi said annoyingly.

Naruto looked at Anko and Anko raised an eyebrow, ''Let's go together'' Naruto said and grabbed Anko's hand.

Next moment they were standing in front of mountainous figure of Kyuubi.

Anko looked at him and she started to tremble, Naruto noticed it, ''Anko-chan, don't worry'' Naruto said and Anko calmed down a little.

Naruto looked at Kyuubi, he was glowing in a golden color and his features were like divinely. He looked like some divine fox instead of an evil fox like everyone think of him.

Anko and Naruto both noticed that kyuubi's presence was calming their hearts and minds. It was giving them peace.

Naruto inhaled deeply and exhaled, ''So why were you yelling'' Naruto asked.

Kyuubi blinked, ''After our last meeting while preparing for your training I also saw everything that happened with you'' Kyuubi said.

''What of it'' Naruto asked.

''Do you both remember the earlier storm which almost destroyed Konoha'' Kyuubi asked looking at both of them.

''Yeah'' Both said at the same time.

''Your mother caused it'' Kyuubi said making both Naruto and Anko wide eyes.

''Don't get surprised. She was mad at what they did with her son, that's why but...'' Kyuubi said stopped.

''But what'' Naruto asked extremely eager to know which was related to his mother.

''How she did that I don't know but whatever she used for that was on a large scale and Shinigami got a wind of it and he restrained Kushina's soul. Before, she was free to go anywhere like every soul until they born again. And now he is planning to send her in hell to Yami'' Kyuubi said and Anko and Naruto were both wide eyes.

'' Y...Yami'' Anko voiced.

''Yeah and there she will be tortured for all eternity'' Kyuubi said.

Naruto fell down to his knees. He couldn't comprehend the fact that it was his fault and that damn Shinigami...again. He looked at Kyuubi, ''Kyuubi...'' He muttered.

''Yeah, I know, we will have to save her for both of you'' Kyuubi said and Anko and Naruto looked at each other and smiled a little.

Naruto looked at Kyuubi, ''But how will we save her'' He asked wondering how they would save her from shinigami.

''Naruto if you want to save your mother's soul then you will have to trust me with your life and with everything'' Kyuubi said which made them stiffen but it was his mother they were talking about and he would do anything for her like Anko.

Anko and Naruto looked in each other's eyes and they both nodded.

''We do kyuubi'' They said.

A grin formed on Kyuubi's face, ''Alright then, let's do it, the first defeat of Shinigami'' Kyuubi said and Naruto and Anko also yelled ''Yes''.

''But Naruto you will have to reach a certain level , even if its lowest, but you will have to do it and it would take one month for that and shinigami will send her to hell after one month so what you have to do, I will only brief for now and explain later'' Kyuubi said and Naruto nodded.

''Okay '' Naruto said.

''You too listen, Anko Mitarashi'' kyubi said and Anko nodded.

''Though you won't reach that level as soon as Naruto because Naruto's soul is connected to me but it will help you to get stronger'' He told the reason and Anko nodded with a smile.

''Naruto in this living world every every living being has chakra. The ones who has negligible amount of chakra, you can call them civilians and after it normal then large amount of chakra, like you have large chakra reserves and Anko has larger than normal.

So there are many chakra points in our body which directs the path of chakra in our body like blood.

Byakugan users can see these chakra points but there are seven main and central chakra points which stays in sleeping state for everyone but I have awakened them and since your soul is connected to me it would be easy for you to awaken them. You just need a push, that's all.

So for you, first we will have to awaken your kundalini which is like a red spiral at the base of your spinal cord. So we will have to awaken that spiral like structure in which Kundalini resides. Kundalini channels through these seven chakra points and reach the top chakra point and...for now to save your mother's soul that is enough because I will do the rest'' Kyuubi told Naruto what would be needed from Naruto.

''What is Kundalini exactly'' Naruto asked.

''Kundlini, it has many names like a goddess, mother energy or many more. As the name depicts it's feminine in nature and contains unlimited energy. You can also say that the kundalini is itself a stock of energy.

To better understand it there are two types of energy; vital energy and Kundlini.

The Vital energy sustains and gives energy to the main body, mind, intellect and subtle-ego. It is distributed through energy channels. These energy channels or paths are widespread throughout the body and supply energy to the cells, nerves, arteries, lymph etc.

And the second is Kundalini. This Kundalini lies dormant in a person until awakened. So that's it about Kundalini'' Kyuubi said explaining it to Naruto and Anko.

''And when your Kundalini awakens it rises through the spinal cord passing through seven Chakra points and when it reaches the top most chakra point, you becomes almost equal to the god. You can escape from shinigami'' Kyuubi said further explaining.

''Hmmm...'' Naruto and Anko thought. Then a smile crossed his lips.

''Then what are we waiting for. Let's start the training dattebayo'' Naruto said punching the air.

''Yeah, sure'' Kyuubi groaned.

''And what my roll will be'' Anko asked. She was wondering what she would do if Naruto will get the training.

Kyuubi turned to Anko, ''You will have a most important role in it. Later you will also have to awaken this Kundalini but for now you will have to find a place where you can kill hundreds or more. It doesn't matter if it's a human or animal, you just have to kill in a larger number when I say to do so'' Kyuubi said and Anko's eyes widened.

''What...where would I find so many persons to kill'' Anko asked in disbelieve. She wouldn't have any problem in killing if the people are criminal but the problem was where...

''I don't know where, you will have to find out'' Kyuubi said.

Anko sighed in frustration, ''Tell me your plan'' she asked to kyuubi.

Kyuubi thought for a moment, ''My plan, okay it's not like anyone would spy on us here.

Right now Kushina Uzumaki is chained in Shinigami dimension where only black and white exists and Shinigami is watching over her. He only leaves his place when someone dies, you know what I mean. So after one month when shinigami's preparations would be completed for Kushina, you Anko Mitarashi will go and kill them all at the same time, one second difference are allowed between two kill. When you will do that, there would be many souls to collect at the same place so it will take time for him to collect them and in meantime I will possess Naruto and our soul will go in Shinigami Dimension and free Kushina and bring her here in living world, Understood'' Kyuubi said explaining his plan.

Anko and Naruto both nodded. Their face was of a serious expression.

''And once she enters in living world Shinigami can't enter in it until he has some souls to collect or is summoned. But peoples die every second so before he comes and find us we will have to resurrect Kushina again'' Kyuubi said and Anko and Naruto's eyes widened in surprise.

His mother will be resurrected. Naruto couldn't contain his happiness and looked at Anko who has same expression as Naruto. Naruto pounced on her and hugged her tightly burying his face in her breasts. Anko fell on his back and wrapped her arms around him.

Naruto then broke the hug and looked at kyuubi, ''Kyuubi if you weren't behind the bars I would have hugged you'' Naruto said and Kyuubi chuckled then his face hardened, ''Don't cheer yet, one mistake and all of us would be sent to Yami in hell'' Kyuubi said removing their smiles.

''So let's get to work and you can go now Anko'' Kyuubi said and Anko nodded and looked at Naruto. Naruto also looked at her.

She smiled, ''I think I will only see your face for a while. I won't get to hear your voice'' Anko said with a sad expression and Naruto also felt sad.

Naruto hugged her tightly for a minute then they broke the hug. They looked at each other and Anko just couldn't control herself and kissed Naruto hard then inserting her tongue tasted his mouth, sucked his tongue and Naruto did the same, he inserted his tongue and sucked on her tongue and licked every corner of her mouth. After five minutes they broke the kiss panting.

Their lips connected with a string of saliva. They looked at each other and smiled, I will wait for you to wake up'' Anko said and Naruto nodded then she faded from his mind scape awaking in the real world.

They both were lying on the couch. It was already evening and she didn't feel like eating anything so she hugged Naruto tightly and slept.

''So Kyuubi what would I have to do'' Naruto asked.

''Meditation and energy transfer'' Kyuubi said and Naruto felt confused.

''Come near me, sat down and meditate and I will sent my Kundlini energy in you so that yours could react to it and could awake soon'' Kyuubi said and Naruto did. He sat down cross legged near the bars and closed his eyes and pulled his mind inside, his concentration inside.

Kyuubi brought his tails out of the bars and wrapped around Naruto's form and they started to glow golden, a golden and orange aura surrounding them that means the energy was transferring to Naruto.

Sasuke was standing on the academy roof facing two white haired cloaked figures.

''Who are you'' Sasuke asked to the second figure since other one was Mizuki.

Sasuke, after getting discharged from hospital was approached by Mizuki and Mizuki told him what he had to do. So here he was.

''I am Kabuto and I am here on the behalf of my master'' Kabuto introduced himself.

'' So are you the one who will make me powerful'' Sasuke asked hopefully.

''Well Sasuke-kun I am not the one who will make you stronger, my master will but I am here to prepare you for the power so that your body could withhold the pressure of power'' Kabuto said explaining the reason why he can't get the power right now.

''Hn, so I will have to wait to kill that Naruto and fuck that snake whore'' Sasuke growled in anger.

''My, my Sasuke-kun, get a hold of your anger. It can bite you back'' Kabuto said.

''Hn whatever'' Sasuke said scoffing,

''Sasuke-kun, from now on I will come to your clan house this same time to train you, understood'' Kabuto said and Sasuke nodded.

''How much time it will take'' Sasuke asked.

''Don't be hasty, Sasuke-kun but my guess is 2 years'' Kabuto said.

''Okay but do you know Uchiha jutsus because I have already known the basics and I can't go further without a teacher'' Sasuke asked hopefully that Kabuto will have knowledge about Uchiha jutsus.

Kabuto put a reassuring hand on Sasuke's shoulder, ''Don't worry'' Kabuto said.

''Okay then, tomorrow, meet me at my clan house gate'' Sasuke said and Mizuki and Kabuto shun shined.

A smirk formed on Sasuke's face, ''Soon I will kill you for humiliating me in front of the class'' Sasuke said and looked at the sky; ''Itachi, just you wait a little more to meet your demise'' he muttered and then laughed maniacally.

Anko felt something wet and slick in her mouth and sucking on her tongue which was sending electric sensation to her body. Then suddenly the night's event came to her and her eyes flew open in fear that someone other than Naruto was kissing her since Naruto was in his mindscape but as she noticed the golden locks she calmed her racing heart down. 'Thank god' she thought and returned the kiss caressing her blond locks. After sucking on each other's tongue for what seemed like hours they separated their mouths and gazed in each other's eyes smiling.

''Well I thought you will take days'' Anko said caressing his whiskered cheeks with her thumbs. Naruto gave her a chaste kiss, ''Kyuubi said, with this Kundalini awakening process I also need to work on my physics so that that after one month it wouldn't become lax. So here I am and I thought to wake you up with the way you said 'you wouldn't mind to wake up like this every day''' Naruto said grinning.

Anko also grinned, ''Okay then what are we waiting for. Lets level up your physical training'' Anko said.

''Then go and freshen up'' Naruto said getting off of her.

They ran around Konoha and this time Anko had increased the gravity weight on him double and she also was running fast than her all previous speeds and Naruto was feeling it hard to even keep up with her.

After one hour of running Naruto fell face first in the ground? Anko looked at him, her breadth was normal, ''Rest five minutes and then we will spar until you can't stand'' Anko said to him smirking.

Naruto stood up and smirked. He made ten clones and ordered them to go to the home and read sealing books. He looked at Anko and smirked.

Then after sparing almost two hours Naruto again fell down.

They were at their usual spot near the lake in the forest of death. After that for one hour they spared with jutsus.

Naruto had already perfected his wind armor, he was able to lift small objects in the air and he was able to make the wind sword.

Naruto and Anko had found out in his mother's vault some wind jutsus like wind bullets, wind arcs, tornados, wind compressing, lifting their own body in the air and even the wings of wind.

He was now working on wind bullets and arcs, the arcs which would be the result of his sword's swing. With Anko's help he was able to grasp the concept behind them now he had just needed to practice.

In his father's sealing study room he found notes on rasengan, hiraishin, and notes on toads summoning contracts.

He had learned Rasengan in one go because his chankra control was great and he had already used to gather wind in his palms and Rasengan was just like that, just a little different. In Rasengan he has to swirl chakra.

So he also made a record of learning Rasengan in one day.

After practicing his new moves wind bullets and wind arcs he fell down exhausted. His body was sore from Anko's beating and the training.

Anko sat beside him; she put his head in her lap and caressed his hairs.

''So you got two new jutsus'' Anko noted.

''Yeah, almost'' Naruto said.

They both then fell silent for a while then Naruto broke it, '' Hey Anko-chan'' Naruto called her.

Anko noticed a hesitation and something akin to fear. She alarmed instantly, ''What is it, my little Naruto'' She asked as normally as she could hiding the fact she had noticed his fear.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her stomach, ''I...I am s...scared'' He said which made Anko more anxious.

''Why, I am here you know'' Anko said in hopes to ease his fears.

''I know that but I am scared that what if we might not save mom. I just found out about her and there's a chance that she will live with me again and this fact is making me scared that what if the plan failed'' Naruto expressed his fears to Anko. Anko closed her eyes, she kept caressing his scalps.

What could she say to him? It was not in her hands. It was Kyuubi's plan and Kyuubi was the only one who could do this. She would have taken all kages head on for him but this...she bit her lip. She calmed her nerves.

''Naruto, why you said you trust Kyuubi'' Anko asked.

Narto sat down and looked at Anko, ''I don't know why but I have this feeling in me which is telling me to trust him. He is the only one who can help me through this. And I know this too.

When I met Kyuubi first I thought about him like anyone else but when he told me everything. I trusted him because he wasn't getting anything from that it was all for my help. I was unable to see any lies in his voice before and yesterday. So maybe that's why I trust him'' Naruto said and Anko smiled.

Anko cupped his cheek and Naruto leaned in her palm.

''Then trust in your trust in Kyuubi and give it your best like every time. Don't give up. This is your mom. There is no place for mistakes. You will have to fight Shinigami if the plans fails but then too don't give up and I too trust in your trust in Kyuubi so I hope he won't let anything happen to you and above all I trust in you and I know you won't disappoint me'' Anko said and she could see the previous fear was nowhere in his eyes, it was replaced with his usual determination.

Unknown to then Kyuubi couldn't stop himself from smiling and waving his tails. ''Well said Anko Mitarashi''.

Now Kyuubi has more respect for both of them. He decided to do anything and use everything in his arsenal to make this plan a success. After all after a long time someone has put their trust in him moreover a human.

''Okay, let's take a bath'' Naruto said and in split second every shred of clothing was absent on his body and he dove in the lake and went to the edge of the lake.

''Come on Anko-chan'' He said to Anko who was a little surprised from the act. Till now it was her who used to initiate it but now he did, well he was getting bold as every day passed.

She also removed her clothes and jumped in the lake and swam to him and stood beside him in the water.

Naruto snaked his arm behind her waist and wrapped it around her waist and pulled her in front of him. Anko yelped from the sudden act. She looked at him with a lusty expression, ''Oh, someone is getting frisky huh'' she said smirking.

Naruto also smirked and pulled her to his body removing any gap between their fronts making Anko surprise again.

''You know you are surprising me a lot today'' She said with an 'Ah'.

''Well it's just the start. You will get many surprises in future'' Naruto said leaning down and kissing her neck earning a moan from her.

''I will be ready for those surprises'' Anko moaned out tiltilng her head to the side giving him more space to kiss and lick.

''Naruto'' Naruto heard a voice in his head. ''What'' he said internally.

''Stop what you are doing. You have wasted enough time already'' Kyuubi said making him annoyed.

''I just started you know'' He groaned internally.

''What happened, Naruto'' Anko asked wondering why he stopped.

''Kyuubi'' he answered and Anko understood.

''It's been five hours since you woke up'' Kyuubi said reminding him.

''Five hours'' he said aloud and Anko heard it. And she was smart enough to understand what it meant.

Naruto and Anko sighed, then Anko smirked, ''Well it's not like I was going to give you my virginity. You will have to wait till your gennin age'' she said but inside she was wondering if Kyuubi hadn't interfered then where it would have gone.

Naruto leaned to her ear, ''But Anko-chan do you really think we will be able to save our virginities till then'' He said in her ear sending shiver in her body.

''Well may be we won't'' She said and both laughed.

They got out of water and shunshined to Uzumaki residence. After eating, ''Okay Anko-chan'' he said and she nodded.

''I will leave my clone here and take a look to find the place as Kyuubi had mentioned'' She said and he nodded.

Then he went in his mind scape and Anko went out leaving a clone to look after Naruto.

Anko was standing at Hokage monument thinking about where she may find the place like that. It was not like she could go on a rampage and kill everyone in Konoha. She never wanted to kill an innocent person.

After thinking hard for half an hour she decided to eat something.

She went to a place which was famous among shinobis. They could find several kinds of sake there and it was also a good place for Anko's dango fill.

She took her seat and ordered some sake and dango and started to eat.

It was afternoon so not many people were in the bar. Anko noticed a group of shinobis sitting on a table. Relaxing her senses she tried to hear what they were talking about.

Anko heard that the topic of their conversation was their mission from which they had just returned. Anko also heard that they brought a prisoner with them.

''Nothing useful'' she sighed and finished her second bottle of sake. Suddenly an Anbu appeared in front of her.

''Anko Mitarashi, Hokage-sama has summoned you right now'' Anbu said.

Anko raised an eyebrow, ''Why'' she asked finishing third bottle.

''You have five minutes to present yourself in front of hokage-sama'' Anbu said and disappeared.

Anko finished her fourth bottle.

''Damn Hokage-sama, I got my hand on sake after so long and he sent the fucking anbu to ruin my reunion with the sake'' Anko slurred and stood up on wobbly legs.

She paid the owner and exited the bar and went to the straight path leading to the Hokage office.

After five minutes walking Anko suddenly froze as she caught the sight of a person with silver hair and wearing glasses.

''K...Kabuto'' she murmured in shock under her breath. She knew Kabuto worked with Orochimaru and now he was with Sasuke going towards clan districts.

She shook her head, 'I think I drank too much' she thought but now she had a clear mind and eyes. She sighed, 'five bottles wasted' she thought and shunshined to Hokage office.

As she appeared in the office, Hokage panicked and Anko noticed that he was reading something and was trying to hide it.

'It looks like he was reading something but why is he hiding it. Is it something related to me or Naruto' she thought.

''You called me Hokage-sama'' Anko asked acting like she didn't see anything.

Hokage composed himself, ''Anko, from next time enter from the door'' Hiruzen said and Anko nodded.

''I called you regarding your Jounin status'' Hiruzen said.

''So did I get a promotion or not'' Anko asked smirking.

Hokage sighed, it was impossible for anyone to not promote her after seeing her fight.

''Well, after seeing you fight, I have decided something'' Hiruzen said smiling which unnerved Anko.

''And what is that'' Anko asked cautiously.

''I have decided to send you to Anbu black ops'' Hiruzen said but Anko remained silent. So Hiruzen continued.

''You are indeed really powerful and it would all go to waste if you become a Jounin and if you joins Anbu then you will be able to put your strength in good use. We will be able to finish Anbu missions very quickly efficiently and your pay would be far much better than it was in while working in TI department, so what do you say'' Hiruzen said and he was sure that Anko would join. After all who can refuse a good pay.

He waited for Anko's answer and after five minutes he got one which made his face frown.

''I would rather stay chunnin than joining Anbu black ops. So are you going to promote me to a Jounin or not'' Anko said with a cold look and voice.

''Anko, why are you refusing the job'' he asked wishing to know the reason.

''Well it's simple. I am refusing it because of Naruto'' Anko said and Hokage frowned again.

''Anko, Naruto is going to be a Konoha shinobi and he is old enough to think about what is good and what is bad. Your pampering will only ruin his future'' Hokage said and his eyes widened from the negligible killing intent.

''Hokage-sama, you are right that Naruto is old enough to think but I am not pampering him. It's been only few days since I have returned and he is already on genin level from my training'' she lied about his level; he was already around chuunin level. She continued, ''And if this is ruining his future then I would rather ruin his future then seeing him living a pathetic life and getting beaten by everyone. He can beat Sasuke now effortlessly because of my training, if this is ruining his future then I will ruin it'' Anko hollered took a deep breath and continued, "I want to see him at the peak of strongest'' Anko finished.

Hokage sighed, ''Anko -'' Anko cut her off, ''Hokage -same, Am I being promoted or not'' she said annoyed from Hokage.

Hiruzen sighed, ''Anko I can't promote you to a Jounin because your mission statics is not enough to be promoted as a Jounin. You are stronger than any of my shinobi but that's the only contents in your profile. First you will have to complete number of missions needed and gain experience then I will promote you to a Jounin but till then I can promote you to a tokubetsu Jounin'' Hiruzen said denying her promotion.

Anko's bangs foreshadowing her eyes, ''Why didn't you tell me about it before the exam'' Anko said in a low and dangerous voice, ''When you told me about the exam pattern then why didn't you tell me this'' she growled.

Hiruzen didn't lose his composer, ''I thought you will not be able to defeat all of them. I thought you took up the challenge in arrogance'' Hokage said looking anywhere but Anko.

Anko remained silent; she just didn't know what she should say. This whole jounin test from the start flashed in Anko's eyes.

Now she understood hokage or whoever was behind this didn't want her to become a jounin.

She had only one choice, to accept the title of tokubetsu jounin. She chuckled inwardly.

She looked at Hokage, ''I accept the promotion to tokubetsu jouniin'' Anko said blankly.

Hokage smiled, ''Good, then you are a Tokubetsu jounin from now on'' Hiruzen said started to do his work.

Anko then exited the hokage office and went deep in forest of death. As she appeared in the forest she obliterated a tree by punching it which sent shockwaves in the air. For half hour she vented her frustration and anger on the trees and ground. She punched the ground making a large crater in it.

When the crater became several foot deep, she stopped and came out of the crater.

''Damn Hokage'' she muttered and walked back home.

She reached home in evening and saw that Naruto was still in his mind scape and her clone was watching him. She dispelled her clone and decided to take a shower then prepare dinner. She wondered if Naruto will eat or not but she still made some for him.

It was twelve o'clock in the night and Naruto still hadn't come out. Anko had already eaten but she was waiting for Naruto to come out from his mind scape. She was flopping on a chair in front of Naruto and fighting the sleep from her eyes but in the end the sleep won and she fell asleep on the chair.

It'd been five days since Naruto went in his mindscape. Inside the mind scape Naruto could be seen sitting in meditation pose and kyuubi's tails around him. Kyuubi was glowing in golden color whereas Naruto had a white aura around him. A red light was glowing at the base of his spine.

His mind scape was also changing. It was still like a sewer but the depressing and gloomy atmosphere was gone. It was replaced by calmness and a light was illuminating the whole mind scape.

Outside of his mind scape his body could be seen glowing white and like his mind scape, a red light was glowing at the base of his spine.

The room was filled with a tranquil atmosphere. Anko never felt this peace around her ever before. Her mind was never so relaxed and composed. She felt like there was no curse seal placed on her. Its effect was reducing like it was being dominated by the new feeling. ''What is happening'' she thought. A warm feeling was spreading in whole Uzumaki residence.

Anko looked at Naruto, his face was glowing like it was the face of a god. He was the most handsome man in the world and it wasn't because Anko loved him. If anyone sees him at the moment they would also think the same.

The desperation and frustration, that she was feeling due to not being able to hug Naruto and sleeping with Naruto in her arms, and for not getting promoted, was reduced to nothing from the aura he was radiating.

She lay down beside him and closed his eyes.

She was still unable to find a place where she could kill hundreds of persons. She had already gone through every place and ...her eyes widened when something she never thought came to her mind.

''The Konoha prison, that place will fit for our plans'' she smirked like a devil, ''Hokage and other will just die from panic'' she chuckled evilly.

That night a cloaked figure sneaked in the hokage office and started to search whatever he wanted. After searching for half an hour he found what he was searching, a brown colored file.

He opened it and what he saw made the person's eyes widen in absolute shock. It was Kasumi murder case file and the case was already closed. The person read other pages and his widened even more if they could.

'Hokage knew who the culprit was and he didn't do anything about it. It seems hokage is also in it with...Danzo' the figure thought.

The person read further and what he read just made his body numb from the shock. He didn't want to believe what he was reading.

'Danzo had discussed it with hokage and hokage had given his permission. They did not want their weapon to be corrupted by pathetic emotions. Danzo had said that the weapon, which he wanted to make a mass destruction weapon, was becoming weak from connecting emotionally to Kasumi. Anko was their first target to kill but her trip saved her.

Their weapon must be free from any emotion and they will do anything for it.

A paper slipped from the file and fell down to the ground. He shakily lifted the paper and read it. It was a letter from Danzo to Hiruzen, 'Hiruzen as you know that Anko has gone on a trip with Orochimaru so our plan to neutralize Anko has failed. However I am sure she will try to communicate with him by any means. So you have to make sure that she must not get in touch with our weapon', the reader of the letter was trembling. He sat down to avoid falling down on the ground.

The file and the letter slipped and fell down when his grip loosened on the file after he read further, 'Anko's Jounin exam will make sure that she either becomes unable to carry her ninja carrier or die'.

The person's breath became heavy and ragged and started to hyperventilate. He calmed down after five minutes and drank some water.

Then he suddenly stood up and started to search again. In a cupboard, he found what he was searching, the letters written to Naruto. Every letter was there. His hands were trembling. He took two letters and put them in his pocket and put others back in the cupboard.

He then exited from hokage office and went to his home.

Anko removed his cloaked and threw it to the wall. She went straight to the second floor to vent her anger. The person was Anko. It the person was a she not a 'he'.

After hours she stopped when she felt exhausted and decided to take a shower.

Removing her cloths she sat down in the hot water in tub and leaned her head back against the tub's edge...thinking.

'So Danzo's the one and Hokage is with him. Roots still exists. How many people are with them but the thing that doesn't feel right is why he didn't destroy the evidences. Well whatever they both had killed Kasumi. Their deaths are inevitable. And Hokage wouldn't be able to do anything if I kill Danzo and annihilate his root organization. Your time has come Danzo. Start the countdown to your death' thinking this, she came out of tub and donned a white shirt and panties and went to sleep.

She already knew everything about the prison ward in konoha. It was under the TI division and she knew every way in and out of prison. Working in there really came in handy.

After twenty days in Naruto's mind scape, Naruto's body was glowing white and at the base of his spine a red swirl could be seen clearly. It was like Uzumaki symbol. And it was vibrating like something wanted to come out of it. His mindscape had totally changed. The water was replaced by the soft grass and the roof was replaced by clouds and sky. There remained some walls that were also disappearing and new trees were growing. It was becoming like a forest, peaceful and powerful.

The Uzumaki residence was filled with a divine energy and warmth. And Anko could feel it because her curse mark was getting weak from the divine feeling.

But after all this it was hard for her to control herself from hugging Naruto. It's been twenty days already and she hadn't seen his blue eyes or hugged him for that long. However she controlled herself because it was necessary but still she stole light kisses from him.

Twenty eight days passed, the glowing aura faded and kyuubi retracted his tails back into the bars, ''Open your eyes Naruto'' He said in a loud voice.

Naruto gradually opened his eyes. His eyes were shining and were emitting a captivating feeling like hypnotic.

Naruto looked around him and raising an eyebrow in confusion looked at kyuubi.

''Your mind shows your inner world. You were excited and frenzied before but now you are calm and collective that's why your mind scape changed'' Kyuubi told him the reason.

Naruto again looked around him and suddenly his smile vanished and looked at Kyuubi again.

''Kyuubi, what would be Anko-chan's mind scape like, now when she is cursed'' Naruto asked.

''Well, it would be surely bad but how much, I can't tell. We will need to go in her mind but that's for later, first we will have to save your mother. We will commence our plan day after tomorrow. Now go and rest. Your Anko-chan is getting restless without you'' Kyuubi said turning to teasing mood from serious.

Naruto just chuckled and nodded then faded to the real world. Naruto opened his eyes in real world and took a deep breath.

As he opened his eyes his eyes widened from several different kinds of feeling which he sensed like anger, calmness, and hate, love, malice and evil, good natured and many more.

He noticed that he was able to notice even the slightest change in the atmosphere like hot and cold, and he was able to sense chakras of every shinobi in Konoha.

He could feel the malicious or good feelings in the atmosphere. There were other small changes but he thought he will come to know them with time.

His head turned to his left and saw that Anko was sleeping hugging a pillow. He looked at the watch, it was 1 am.

He scooted closer to Anko and gazed at her face lovingly. Several minutes later he kissed her cheek and forehead.

He went to drink some water and to eat something. His eyes widened when he saw the ramen in the refrigerator. He filled his stomach and went to have a little sleep.

Wrapping an arm around Anko's waist, Naruto lay down beside Anko hugging her from behind burying his face in her hair and took a long breath inhaling her sweet scent, he faded to black.

Anko opened her eyes slowly-slowly and for a second there she panicked when she noticed that someone was hugging her from behind but she calmed down when she didn't find anyone on the place where Naruto was meditating.

She turned over to look at the face of the person hugging her and when she kissed his face and she hugged him to her breasts so hard that Naruto woke up from the mild suffocation and looked up and smiled when he saw Anko smiling.

''You know how long has it been since I hold you like this'' Anko said and Naruto chuckled. Naruto could feel the emotions and the cheerful sensation radiating from Anko. He could tell how much happy she was at that time.

''you are holding me now, aren't you'' Naruto said smiling which made Anko blushed hard, his face was shining and glowing and radiating a warmth and his eyes, she felt like she was being lost in them. They were like an ocean of love in which she wanted to drown. Her face leaned down unknowingly, Naruto also leaned up and their lips met in a deep and passionate kiss. Anko couldn't keep a moan escaping out from her. Anko couldn't control herself and deepened the kiss more. She was feeling different which she never felt before from their kisses. It was an exquisite feeling. Her whole body felt warm and hot and she couldn't stop herself from crying when a scene from her childhood flashed in front of her eyes when her mom was walking with her.

Why? Why was she remembering it now? She had long forgotten this memory. Was it the exquisite feeling Naruto was radiating or was it Naruto's doing. Was he trying to invade her mind? But whatever it was it just made her cry harder.

Naruto noticing it stopped kissing. He looked up at Anko and smiled, ''Let it out Anko-chan. You were alone in your childhood after your parents died and you lived alone surviving in this cruel world'' Anko just hugged him tighter and cried.

Naruto tightened his grip around her and tried to hold the trembling Anko.

After several minutes she calmed down and separated herself from Naruto to make a little gap between them and looked at him, ''I feel lighter than ever and thank you for that, but what did you do'' Anko asked seriously.

Naruto scratched his cheek with his index finger, ''Umm... I don't know how it happened but it seems the kiss established a connection between our minds. First I didn't know what was happening then I stumbled upon that memory and then I think you remembered that but I promise it was unintentional'' Naruto said explaining to her.

Anko sighed, ''Did you get the power to peek in people's mind, it's scary you know'' Anko said in a chiding way.

''I don't know, maybe -'' he stopped when he heard kyuubi, ''You didn't get the power, you did it on impulse, I don't know how, maybe because you deep bond with her but you don't have the power to peek in people's mind but you will get this power later as you awaken the certain chakra point'' Kyuubi said and Naruto nodded and explained to Anko.

Anko looked at Naruto for a minute then smiled deviously, ''Well don't peek in my mind without my permission again'' Anko said pinching his cheeks.

Naruto rubbed his cheeks, ''Aww...didn't I say that it was unintentional'' Naruto said pouting.

''Okay okay but you know you should take a bath, it's been so many days since you took one'' Anko said and Naruto nodded and removing his cloths, not caring about Anko's presence went to bathroom. Anko was a little surprised at the scene then smirked, ''Well...'' she said and removing her cloths went to bathroom.

They were resting under a tree at their training spot after their running and jutsu training and taijutsu. He was able to cover one lap of Konoha perimeter in fifteen minutes and when he practiced his wind jutsus he felt like he knew them already. The wind bullets and the wind lashes from wind sword just done in first try. He was also better in taijutsu while sparing with Anko. Though his speed was still unmatched with Anko but he was reaching there and Anko was sure it won't take much time for him to reach that level.

So when they both felt exhausted they bathed again in the lake and decided to rest under the tree.

Anko told him what happened when he was in his mind scape except the truth about Kasumi. Naruto felt sad that Anko didn't get to be a Jounin but anyway she was a tokubetsu Jounin now.

''Why don't we celebrate Anko-chan'' Naruto said, his head was on her lap and she was caressing his scalps.

''But I am not a Jounin'' Anko said looking to the side.

Naruto grabbing her face made her look at him, ''then let's celebrate your promotion to chuunin. It is still in pending you know'' Naruto said and smiled.

Anko chuckled and they both decided to party at Ichiraku's ramen stand. So they both went there.

After having the party Naruto and Anko made their way back to home. In their way back to home Naruto could feel the whirling dark emotions and murdering intent of villagers towards them. Now Naruto could tell who had good intentions and who had bad.

They reached home in the evening and lay down on the couch, Naruto on top of her.

''Tomorrow is the day'' Naruto said, Anko looked at him and smiled, ''Don't worry, everything will be fine'' Anko said and caressed his scalps.

Next day, Anko woke up first and saw that Naruto was still on top of her. She woke Naruto up and they both again sat on the couch after finishing their daily routine.

''Naruto, touch Anko's hand so that I could bring her here with you'' Naruto heard kyuubi saying.

Inside Naruto's mind scape, Naruto and Anko stood there facing Kyuubi.

''Now, I will take control of Naruto so that my soul could possess Naruto's soul, so we could enter the shinigami world. Then it's your turn Anko Mitarashi. After one hour from now, you will have to kill all those people and as you kill them we will enter in the other world at the same time, so don't be late" he finished.

Anko and Naruto came out of his mind scape and sat on the couch. They didn't say anything to each other. Naruto was nervous obviously because he was going to enter shinigami's territory. Anko was not that nervous but she was worried for Naruto's safety.

Anko looked at Naruto and smiling cupped his cheeks, ''Don't worry everything will be okay. I will be here with you all the time, holding you, waiting for your return with your mother'' Anko said and Kissed him deep. She poured her love in the kiss to ease him. They continued to make out for half an hour, and then separated. Naruto definitely felt better. He smiled and gave thumbs up to her.

''Okay now I will make two clones and I will send one clone to do the deed and I will stay here. I will dispel second clone when Kyuubi says, so that my other clone could know when to kill them'' Anko said and made two clones. Anko gave a wrist band to her clone, ''This band will not let anyone's senses reach you so that they will not be able to sense your presence. Be careful and this plan has to be successful even if Kami interferes in it'' Anko said and sent the clone. She looked at Naruto and nodded.

Naruto sat down in meditative pose and slowly-slowly his hair became more lengthy and spiky bending backward. His whiskers became more refined and thick, his fangs and Nails grew.

Suddenly he opened his eyes; his irises became slit with red pupils. His features became of the kyuubi. He stood up and looked at Anko.

Anko felt a little intimidated but didn't show it.

''N...Naruto'' she said to make it confirm who the person was in front of her.

''Kyuubi...Its Kyuubi'' the kyuubified Naruto said and Anko nodded hesitantly.

(I am going to address Kyuubified Naruto as Kyuubi)

Kyuubi then went up stairs, to the second floor which was made for training purposes. He then started to draw a seal. The seal was large covering almost whole floor. It looked like some kind of Pentagram with a circle at the centre and at the five corners of the pentagram the names of five elements were written. Kyuubi sat down in the circle. He looked at Anko, ''After two minutes, give the signal to kill'' Kyuubi said and Anko nodded.

Kyuubi then sat in the meditative pose and the seal started to glow a black color.

Anko's clone reached the prison. It wasn't that hard for her to reach there since she knew all the ways and security wasn't that good in the night. 'Hiruzen is really not cut out to be a kage' clone thought as she made her way more deep.

When she reached in the center she made a hand seal, "Snakes celebration" she muttered and one foot long and one cm thick, red and black snakes started to pour out of her sleeves. Around Anko it looked like a snake pool.

There were hundreds of prisoners in the cells sleeping. She sent two snakes to one prisoner and asked them to wait.

The snake was so dangerous that its bite could kill in split second.

Soon after one minute she got the signal and she closed her eyes. Snakes bit their targets and in one seconds more than hundred prisoner were dead in the prison chamber. The snakes dispelled away and the clone also dispelled as her work was done.

After dispelling the clone beside her, Anko noticed the black whisps started to arose from the seal. She didn't know what was happening, she could only pray for everything to go smoothly.

Now two minutes after Kyuubi sat in the circle, an invisible figure having same features as Kyuubified Naruto lifted from the body of Kyuubified Naruto. It was the soul of Naruto, possessed by the Kyuubi's soul.

''Hmmm...let's get to work'' the soul said to itself.

Kyuubi's soul lifted a finger and touched something in the air and space and brought his finger down, it was like tearing a cloth. A black vertical line appeared in the air.

Kyuubi then inserted both of her claws in the rift and stretched it. It was total black inside. Then Kyuubi jumped in it and landed inside and looked around him.

There was nothing except white lands of white sand. ''Where could Kushina be'' Kyuubi asked to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to sense the spiritual pressure of Kushina. After some seconds he found her, "Got her location" he said with a smile and Naruto also cheered but seconds later kyuubi narrowed his eyes, "What the hell, what's happening" he said to himself but Naruto heard him, "What happened, what are you saying" Naruto asked with panic.

"Shit, Kushina's spiritual pressure is fading and it seems it's already faded" he said to Naruto.

"What are you talking kyuubi. Did shinigami take her to Yami already" Naruto exclaimed in panic.

A thoughtful look appeared on Kyuubi's face, then his eyes widened, "I can't sense her spiritual pressure anymore but if shinigami hasn't taken her to Yami then what happened" Kyuubi said and Naruto got more anxious.

"What do we do now Kyuubi" Naruto asked in worried tone.

"Let me think" Kyuubi said and Naruto nodded.

"Shinigami never hands his souls over to Yami. This is first time it has ever happened but it's also first time when a soul did that destruction in living world. Now I am sure Shinigami hasn't given your mom's soul to Yami but then the question is, where has it gone? There are two more ways to free a soul from this world" Kyuubi said half talking to himself and half to Naruto.

"And what are those" Naruto asked getting more and more anxious.

"First One is, when the soul is reborn in living world but Kushina's soul hasn't reborn yet. Then the second is someone has resurrected her soul using Edo Tensei" Kyuubi analyzed and theorized making Naruto's eyes go wide.

"You mean…. A human did that" Naruto asked in disbelief and kyuubi nodded.

"But who could do this" he asked.

"Well according to my knowledge, this jutsu, Edo Tensei was invented by the second Hokage but it was banned and you can guess why. It was a forbidden jutsu. No one knew it beside Tobirama Senju" Kyuubi said.

"Then you mean to say that someone stole it and used it" Naruto asked and Kyuubi nodded.

"But who could do that…..someone from Konoha" Naruto said and Kyuubi nodded in agreement, "I also think so but who".

Kyuubified soul of Naruto kicked the sand there in frustration. There plan failed because of some fucking thief.

"What should we do now" Naruto asked in depressed tone.

Kyuubi sighed, "We can't do anything. We will have to go back and think it through and formulate a new plan to search for Kushina" Kyuubi suggested and Naruto could only nod depressingly.

They both nodded and were ready to come back in the mortal world but just as Kyuubi lifted his finger to open the rift they felt a soul chilling intense aura behind them. Kyuubified soul of Naruto slowly turned towards the source of the aura and their eyes widened.

"What's the hurry for" the owner of the world said in a sickeningly sinister tone.

"Sh…shinigami" they both said in shock at the same time.

A/N: well that's it for now. Hope you liked it. And yeah, it's going to pick up the heat now. Kushina has entered in the fic, actively.