Chapter 9- Christmas Day

(It's Christmas morning, and everyone is snug in bed all rested. All but one. Far away is Seifer. Spending his holiday all alone)

Seifer: (I've messed up my life and I had lost my love... but Rinoa wasn't my love. She's just some annoying girl. But Quistis... I don't know.... I heard she was in a cabin in Bika Snowfield, maybe I should see her. I can't stop thinking about her. I can't go though i'll just end up having a fight with Squall. Ugggh .. That bastard. How the hell can she hang with him?!! I can't upset Quistis
If you only knew all the things I feel for you
Girl I want you in my life I can't deny
If you only knew all the things I'm goin' through
Try to hide what I feel inside 'bout you and I

Lately it's you baby drivin' me crazy
So what are we gonna do about this love
Tell me what do you see
When I come around you, you give me joy

If you only if you only

Sometimes when I'm all alone I wanna let go
And call you up on the phone to let you know wanna call to let you know
How hard it's been holdin' in this feelin' for you
If only you knew if you knew

(Back at the cabin, Rinoa wakes up)

Rinoa: (whispers) Squall, squall wake up it's Christmas!

Squall: huh? oh, merry Christmas

Rinoa: Merry Christmas! Come on i wanna give you your present!

(She pulls Squall's hand as she walks to the Christmas tree. Rinoa grabs a fairly small present and gives it to him)

Rinoa: This is from everyone; we didn't know what to get you so we all came up with this

Squall: (opens the present) it's a picture stand with a picture of me and my mom

Rinoa: This was a hard picture to get, Laguna helped

Squall: thanks, wow, this is really nice

Rinoa: I'm glad

(Selphie comes out of her room with Irvine)

Selphie: Merry Christmas!!!

Irvine: Yeah, merry Christmas

Selphie: (gives present) here Irvine, your present

Irvine: hmmm.... hey you got me a new gun, not bad of a choice

Selphie: I didn't know what you liked much so i got you that

Irvine: heres yours

Selphie: A cowboy hat? (Laughs)

Irvine: You don't like it do you?

Selphie: (laughing) no I think it's nice, it's simple, lets go ride away cowboy! oh wait you didn't read the card!

Irvine: (reads the Christmas card that was for him) WOW!!!

Selphie: You like?!

Irvine: Your gonna have a baby!! You're kidding!

Rinoa: A baby?!!

Selphie: You got that right!

(they all hug, but not Squall)

Squall: I never would of though

Irvine: I'm so happy!

(Everyone wakes up)

Zell: Yo what's with all the racket?!

Rinoa: Selphie is having a baby!

Zell: Oh shit!

Xu: Hey way to go!

Dart: Do you guys always have surprises like this?

Quistis: Not that I can think of

Irvine: This is the most happiest moment I can think of!

Selphie: I knew you'd like the news!

Rinoa: Here Selphie this is for you

Selphie: Oh a new diary! How'd you know i needed one?

Rinoa: I saw you looking at a bunch of diary book while everyone was looking for presents

Squall: diary?

Selphie: Yes a diary

Rinoa: and I got Quistis you a present and Zell you too

Zell: Cool, new fighting gloves!

Quistis: A hot skirt, I'm guessing it was hard for you not to buy it yourself

Rinoa: and Irvine i didn't forget about you

Irvine: Hey you didn't!

Rinoa: Here

Irvine: What the hell? Guide to Please a Women- Rules about how not to get them mad and get a date ASAP

Rinoa: I guess you won't need that book anymore

Selphie: No he won't because he's not gonna need a dating guide, he got me!

(So after everyone gets their own present they hang out in front of the fire)

(The bell rings?)

Quistis: I got it

(She runs to the door and it's Seifer. She closes the door behind her.)

Quistis: What are you doing here?

Seifer: I gotta talk so sit down

Quistis: (she sits on the bench) what are you doing here?

Seifer: I love you ok! There I said it

Quistis: You love me...

Seifer: yeah

Quistis: (hugs him) I love you too (I know for sure this time)

Seifer: I hoped you say that

Quistis: I just was afraid that if I tell you Squall and everyone would get mad and i was, i didn't know, I put my love in someone else when it was for you
Do you see the tears rolling down my face?
I cry silently in the darkness
Would you take me in your arms and wipe the tears away?

Seifer: hey you're with me now, with me here no one will get mad at you and you won't have to cry

Quistis: Every night I wish for someone
To be by my side
To hold me tight
To keep me safe from any harm

Seifer: I guess that's me

Quistis: it's always been you, though my dreams can't come true

Seifer: Dreams are not only dreams
They exist...
They can be real...
I'll make it happen...
And things will begin from there...

Quistis: I'm afraid my friends will be mad

Seifer: If you need a love, I got the love you need, ain't any way they can take that from me

Quistis: I love you

Seifer: Come with me back home

Quistis: Wait let me tell Rinoa and the others

Seifer: forget them!

(Rinoa comes out of the cabin)

Rinoa: Quistis?! Wher-

Quistis: hi

Rinoa: hi, Seifer? What are you doing here? If your here to hurt Squall your not getting passed me!

(Squall comes out)

Squall: Hey what are you doing here?

Seifer: I'm not here for you any of you!

Rinoa: Well than why are you here?! I told you not to come near us anymore!

Quistis: Stop! He's not doing anything wrong. He's here for me! Calm your butts down!

Seifer: You know I'm just gonna leave before i start to make things worse

(Zell comes out)

Zell: Hey it's freezing come bac- Seifer? What the hell?!

(Seifer leaves the way he came)

Quistis: What's wrong with you people?!! (She goes after Seifer) Wait!

Seifer: I should of never came here, Squall is just going to become more of an ass of him self

Quistis: I'm coming with you

(They walk away)

Zell: What the hell, man?

Rinoa: I think we might of over judged him, we though he was going to hurt someone

Zell: What a way to go

Squall: Come on, lets go back in

(They go back in the cabin feeling like shit)

Selphie: Where were you? And where's Quistis she's been gone for a long while?

Squall: She left with Seifer

Xu: Seifer?

Rinoa: And I don't think she's coming back

Dart: It's ok I was watching her from the window. They love each other.

Zell: Love?

Dart: yeah they were all lubby dubby out there

Xu: I guess everything turned out completely nice

Rinoa: I can't say completely, I though Seifer came here to hurt someone so i got mad and I think I upset Quistis

Xu: As long as they love each other nothing can ruin how she's feeling for him

Squall: She's right

(Where Quistis is)

Quistis: I'm sorry for what happened; I guess they still don't trust you

Seifer: It's gonna be ok, just be here with me

Quistis: yeah

(So in the end everything turned out fine. Things got ruined a bit but life isn't perfect but love can be)

The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting right next to you, and know that you can never have them.