Daniel's POV.

This had to work. I had no idea what this crazy lady, also know as Gisele, was talking about when she said she was gonna get rid of us, but first use us as bait. I just knew that if we didn't get out of here, we would probably all get killed. I opened the control panel of the screen and pulled out some wires.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Bob asked impatiently.

"If I put these two wires together, then I should be able to blast a hole in the wall." I explained as I grabbed the wires and put them together.

Instead of burning a hole in the wall, I felt a big jolt through my body and I suddenly saw a open field with blue skies. It was beautiful, and I wanted to stay there, and then everything slowly faded to black.

-Time skip-

I slowly regained consciousness and saw a tall guy in my view.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

The guy grabbed my shoulder and we started walking.

"You'll find out...Daniel." The guy said.

"How the heck do you know my name?!" I exclaimed.

But the guy didn't want to talk anymore. He just pressed down harder on my shoulder and we continued walking. A few minutes later, I realized that I was in the same room where I contacted my dad. Speaking of my dad, I saw him and my uncle Donald tied up with metal ropes in the middle of the room.

"Dad!" I yelled as the guy pressed down harder on my shoulder.

"Marcus! Stop this!" My dad yelled at the guy.

"How do you know him?" I asked.

My dad ignored me and continued talking to Marcus.

"Marcus, I am begging you, don't hurt him, do it to me instead." My dad begged as tears started forming in his eyes.

I tried to get out of his grip, but he pushed down harder.

"Marcus, I know I made you to be evil, but I can reprogram you, we can be a family. We can adopt a girl, or a kitten." Douglas insisted.

"I hate cats." Marcus said.

"Wait. He's my brother?" I asked as I referred to Marcus.

"Not for long." Marcus said as he pushed down on my shoulder, making me cry out in pain.

"Marcus. Please stop. I'm sorry that I ran out on you, but don't hurt him for my actions. Give me a second chance" My dad begged.

I felt Marcus's grip ease up a bit and his eyes soften.

"No." Marcus said as his tight grip returned and I cried out. "My only mission is to take out your family, one by one. Starting with him."

Marcus kept pressing down harder and harder.

"Please Marcus, don't hurt Daniel." My dad started. "Start with Donnie!"

I saw my uncle Donald glare at my dad, then I felt myself getting pushed to the ground. I looked up and saw Marcus about to hit me.

"You can beat him, because you are both BIONIC." I heard my dad say.

I could tell he was hinting towards something, but I didn't know what.

"Yeah, your a BIONIC android and Daniel is a BIONIC human." Uncle Donald said.

I still had nothing.

"The point is, you are both BIONIC." My dad said.

Then I got it, Marcus was bionic and I could replicate his abilities.

"Oh." I realised out loud as I started crawling towards Marcus.

"Goodbye...dad." Marcus said as he generated a blue fire ball.

Then I grabbed his ankle. Marcus looked at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Ok what are you doing?" Marcus asked.

I slowly pushed myself to my feet and had to keep myself from groaning in pain.

"This." I said as I generated a blue fire ball identical to Marcus's. His eyes widened as I launched it at him and he fell into a bunch of pieces. I ripped apart my dad's and uncle Donald's restraints and hugged my dad. Then I suddenly felt a pain explosion in my arm as everything faded to black.

Douglas's POV.

I watched as Gisele's light blue laser whip cut my son's arm and his eyes roll up and close.

"Daniel!" I yelled as I desperately tried to shake him awake.

Then Leo, Adam, Bree and Chase came into the room. I saw Chase pull out a laser whip identical to Gisele's.

"Oh please, you don't even know how to use that." Gisele smiled as she hit Chase in the stomach with her's before he could turn the other one on. I watched as Chase fell to the ground.

"Chase!" I heard Donnie yell as he ran to Chase and I saw Adam, Bree and Leo crowd around him.

I saw my gun laying on the table along with Donnie's and then I got a idea. I gently propped Daniel up against the wall, picked up mine and Donnie's guns and aimed at Gisele.

"Oh please, you can't get up the courage to do this Douglas. You have already tried...and failed." Gisele said.

I shot both the guns at her heart and she fell to the ground. I smiled and put the guns down, then that happy moment faded a few seconds later when I heard someone yell my name. I ran over to where Leo, Donnie, Bree and Adam had crowded around Chase. I looked down and saw his stomach bleeding badly. I saw Donnie scoop up Chase and I picked up Daniel.

"What do we do with both of them?" Bree asked.

Then I heard Leo say.

"Remember those people who saved Chase's life and helped us defeat the Incapacitator?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Adam asked.

"Because they may be our only hope." Leo stated.

So did you like it?

I will be making a huge authors note in the end of this about the ending of the show we all know and love as Lab Rats.

Over and out.
