I don't own Kamen Rider Wizard and Date A Live those belongs to their creators. Also I'm doing this for fun not profit.
Kamen Rider Wizard: Date of Hope
Spell 1: The Ringed Wizard
Then enormous Spacequake which struck central Eurasia thirty years ago resulted in an unprecedented of one hundred and fifty million deaths. But little did humanity know there was new threat that appeared, beings that were born in despair.
There was only one that can battle that despair with hope.
A magical circle appeared before spawning the four Wizard Rings.
"The magic rings, the Wizard Rings" A voice said as the Fire Style ring slipped onto Shido's hand. "They shine on both hands of the modern mage…" And on Shido's other hand was the Driver on Ring.
"…as he changes despair into hope." The voice said as Shido, shadowed, was standing in front of a magical circle. A light shined on him, revealing Kamen Rider Wizard in his place.
(Cue Life is SHOW TIME)
(Maji ka!? Maji de!? Maji de! Showtime!) The song starts as Kamen Rider Wizard twirls a few times with a magical circle in the background. The scene changes to see WizarDragon roaring with Wizard on him. Wizard shows his ring before making another magical circle. WizarDragon appeared next to it and spewed flames, making the title.
(Maru de tsuki to taiyou kasanaru toki no shougeki) We see Shido standing on a platform overlooking a city while he thought about the Eclipse. We see Wizard's face then Shido's. Shido was in the city, standing in the middle of a huge crowd as they moved in a fast pace. Shido looks to see Koyomi.
(Dare date kiseki wo shinjimitai) The two pass by each other; as we soon see Kotori with Rinne and Tohka with Yoshino, and then Origami and Kurumi.
(Kitto hitsuyou fukaketsu no ENAJI kokoro no da be) The scene shattered like glass. We see Tohka, Rinne, and Yoshino enjoying some Hungry Doughnut's. We then see Origami in her combat suit with her AST squad flying towards the unidentified Spirit. We then see Kotori on broad Frazinus in the command room taking commend. We then see Kurumi walking a dark alley with a dark shadow following her. We then see Koyomi approaching Shido but when the shine shined on Shido, he was replaced with Wizard before it faded turning him back into Shido.
(Yuume to yosou ii iei de uragitte kureru mono) Shido flips the goggles of his Flame Ring as we soon see White Wizard carrying an unconscious Koyomi. Then in a dark background a girl crying. We soon see the inside of a book then a bunch of rings with shattered magic stones. Shido gets ready to transform as his Driver and Ring were ready to use. He places his hand on it.
(3! 2! 1! Show Time!) Koyomi watches Shido transform into Kamen Rider Wizard through her crystal ball.
(Magic Time! Trick ja nai!) Wizard twirled once before stopping.
(Mahou HIIRO hanpa nee ze) Wizard summons his three PlaMonsters. We then see Wizard posing as explosions occurred in the background with three magic circles behind him.
(Kioku no roots moguri-konede kibou sukui-dase) A blue magic circle appeared to the left and Wizard stepped through it, coming out as Wizard Water Style. A green circle appeared above him and he jumped through it, coming as Wizard Hurricane Style. A yellow circle appeared below him and he fell through it, coming out as Wizard Land Style. Koyomi reaches out while Wizard reaches out to the Eclipse.
(Life is Show Time! Tobikiri no) Wizards rides on his bike and then we see Wizard entering an Underworld. While Wizard was riding his bike, WizarDragon appeared flying next to him.
(Unmei to RAIFU mucha shite mo) Wizard attaches his bike onto his Phantom with his bike. The two soon flew together. We soon see Shido started placing the Hope Ring on Koyomi's finger.
(Kinou, kyou, ashita, mirai) We soon see Shido with his friends in the antique store doing various silly things.
(Subete no namida no (Show Time!) We see Shido driving his bike down the road. We then see him finally placing the Hope Ring on Koyomi.
(Houseki no namida no (Show Time!) We then see all four Wizard forms before Water, Hurricane, and Land merged with Flame while the background repairs itself. Shido shows his Flame Style Ring once more.
(Maji ka!? Maji de!? Maji de! Showtime!) Wizard, in front of his bike, shows off his Flame Ring before the title appeared as the song ends.
"Wake up!" Cheerful voice said loudly.
A girl with twin tail tied with white ribbons red hair with matching eyes was dancing on someone's bad. Her name is Kotori Itsuka.
The one on the bed is her adaptive older brother Shido Itsuka, he has blue hair and brown eyes.
"Kotori can please get off of me you're too big." Shido said still a little sleepy.
"No way not until you get up." Kotori said.
"Ok, ok, just let me get ready alright." Shido requested.
"Hai!" Kotori got off the bed and exited the room.
When she's gone Shido got up and stretch his arms with big yawn.
"Well might as well get ready." Shido thought out load has he got off his bed and change.
He got change into his school uniform with his belt had a hand symbol on it and then grabs his ring with the same symbol as the belt and put it on.
He headed down stairs and head to the living room/kitchen. He saw Kotori sitting on the couch watching TV.
Shido enters the kitchen and then put on a apron.
Shido was cooking breakfast while Kotori was watching the news about the recent Spacequake.
"It's not that far from here." Shido said. "That's pretty scary."
"Yeah it's coming sooner than expected." Kotori said the way she sounded like she has something in her mouth.
'Don't tell me…' Shido twitch an eyebrow, and then want in front of his sister who has a lollipop in her mouth.
"Kotori!" Shido then begin to pull it out of her mouth. "How many times do I have to tell you not to have sweets before your meals?"
Kotori kept a good hold of her candy in her mouth.
"Can you have it after breakfast please?" Shido requested.
"Hai, Onii-chan." Kotori then removed the lollipop. Soon the two of them were now eating breakfast.
"Oh yeah, do you have any request for lunch after school?" Shido asked.
"Yeah, one deluxe kids meal hurray!" Kotori requested excitedly.
"That's from a diner menu; we don't serve that dish in this restaurant." Shido stated, Kotori gasped.
"What, oh come on pretty please with a cherry on top, it's yummy." Kotori begged doing some puppy dog eyes.
Shido then couldn't resist those eyes before beating on his bread.
(On the Streets)
Shido, and Kotori were walking towards their schools, Kotori happily chanting.
"Deluxe kid's meal~ having lunch at a diner~" Kotori continued as they walk nearby to a diner
"Let's meet up here after school okay, Onii-chan?" Kotori asked. Shido nodded.
"Get to school safe, okay Kotori." Shido said.
"Okay, Onii-chan!" Kotori said
"You better keep your promise okay." Kotori resqusted.
"Okay I get it." Shido nodded.
"You better keep it even if the place overrun by terrorist we'll still eat." Kotori stated, causing him to sweetdrop.
"Fine, I promise. I will be here." Shido said as he pat's her on the head, and cause Kotori to flush while enjoying it. "You better get going you don't want to be late for school."
"Hai, Onii-chan!" Kotori nodded before running, she turns around to face him. "You'll have to come no matter what, even if there is a Spacequake you'll still have to! Okay?" Kotori yelled.
"Of course!" Shido said, Kotori then headed off to school, and Shido did the same.
(Raizen High School)
Shido sits on his desk in his classroom.
He notices a girl in her age, with short light pink hair with a part of her hair tied in a braid and has brown. She wears a uniform with a sweater that has the logo Raizen High School. This is his childhood friend Rinne Sonogami.
"Rinne? I didn't know we're in the same class." Shido said in a surprise tone.
"Yeah, what are the odds?" Rinne said.
"Hey there you two!"
They saw Tonomachi greeting them.
"Oh, hey Tonomachi." Shido greeted.
"Look at this we're in the same class again, what are odds?" Tonomachi stated.
"That's what I said too." Rinne said.
Tonomachi then read a ring in his phone and went to check on it.
"Hold up, it's my girlfriend." Tonomachi said, Shido blink.
"Since when do you have a girlfriend?" Shido asked.
"A while ago, you want to see her? Check her out." Tonomachi showed a screen of his phone, which is a girlfriend app.
"Isn't that a girlfriend app?" Shido asked, he didn't have anything against those kinds of things, but he looks suspicious of this app, and have to make sure Tonomachi doesn't meet Kotori.
"Itsuka Shido…" An unfamiliar voice snapped them out of their thoughts. A girl with clue blue eyes, and short snowy white hair that barely reaches her shoulders, and have a face of a doll.
"How do you know my name?" Shido asked.
"You don't remember?" She asked sadly.
"I'm afraid I don't know you sorry…" Shido said. He never knows someone like her.
"I see." She then sits on her desk.
"Hey Tonomachi, who is she?" Shido whispers to his close friend.
"You tell you don't know about her, that's Tobiichi Origami the super genius." Tonomachi whispers back.
"So she's… amazing?" Shido asked confused.
"Amazing can't describe it. Her grades are always at the top of the year, and in the next mock exam not long ago she got some crazy results and went straight to the top of the nations…"
Shido then continued to eye Origami who continued to stare at him dose he really knows her, how come he doesn't remember.
"Oh it's Tama-chan!" A young woman came into the class. She has short brown hair and quite childish face and quite a childish face for someone in her late 20's.
"Hello everyone, starting today I'm your teacher, my name is Okamine Tamae." The teacher introduced herself getting lot applause from the students.
Shido, Rinne, and Tonomachi were chitchatting after class.
"So what are you planning after school Shido?" Rinne asked.
"I promise my sister we have lunch after school." Shido answered.
"Oh, I get it after all their, wouldn't be any girl kind enough to eat with you." Tonomachi stated.
"Not sure that was meant to be complement." Shido stated.
The sound of an alarm going off caught everyone off guard.
"A Spacequake has been detected in the area, this is not drill. Please immediately go to the nearest shelter!"
"Hey come let's go! The school shelter will protect us." Rinne said.
Shido suddenly notice Origami immediately got up and left the classroom.
'Tobiichi… who are you?' Shido thought but shakes it off and check his phone worried about two certain friends and his sister.
The students were line up to enter the school shelter while the homeroom teacher Tamae was panicking when she told them not to panic…
Shido then got a text from someone name Koyomi saying that she and someone named Wajima made to a shelter.
'While at least Koyomi and Wajima are safe, but what about Kotori?' Shido then tried to call her but she didn't answer, he then opens the GPS tracker on his.
'I hope she found a shelter too…' The GPS had finish, Shido flinch as it showed her at the same diner they were at earlier. 'Don't tell me… she was serious about the promise!"
"You'll have to come no matter what, even if there is a Spacequake you'll still have to! Okay?"
His sister was right in front of the diner. Without hesitating, Shido rushed out of the line which gets Tonomachi's and Rinne's attention.
"Itsuka, where are you going!?" Tonomachi asked.
"Shido-kun!" Rinne exclaimed.
Shido made it in the streets of the town; he then removed his ring and replaced it with a ring with a shape of a red bird, and put it on his finger, and places it on the belt and said.
Soon red plastic pieces appeared and started assembling themselves into a red plastic bird he then place the ring on its chest.
"Garuda I need you to start looking for Kotori she should be somewhere closed by." Shido instructed.
Garuda soon fly's away to start looking for his sister.
Shido then put on a ring of a dragon and a circle and place it on the belt.
A magical circle appeared next to him and he places his hand in it. He soon throughout a customized Honda CRF250R its entire body is white/sliver, with a ruby like accessory in the front of it, it his personal motorcycle the Machine Winger.
He then got on it and puts his helmet on, drove fast to find her sister.
Shido was driving fast on the street in search of his sister, he then saw the Spacequake. He then turns his bike into a nearby alleyway, taking cover from the shock wave. Once it cleared he took off his helmet after getting off his bike, and then looked outside the alleyway to see the entire area of Tengu City has been destroyed.
Garuda flow nearby Shido.
"Garuda did you find Kotori?" Shido asked, it chirp and shacking its head. "Okay you take breather I'm goanna look for her on foot."
The PlaMonster nodded as its body disappears leaving its ring which was caught by Shido.
Shido then begin to look around for Kotori, his has been wondering through the city for a few minutes until he stop at a BIG crater.
At the center of the crater…a person standing before him on a golden throne. An extremely beautiful girl, the sight of her could take any beings breath away.
She looks like a princess. Her outfit looks like a cross between an armor and dress. It gave off a noble aura. Her long dark purple hair is tied back using a butterfly-shaped hair accessory and a pair of gauntlets which has petal-like cuffs. A pair of purple eyes with white pupils is staring at him. But what scares him right now was the broadsword in her hand and it's pointed at him right now.
"Who are you?" Shido muttered. He wasn't sure why he asks this question…
"I don't know." The girl replied with a sad voice.
This made Shido feel a little bit confused right now.
"Can you tell me why are you pointing that at me?" Shido asked while raised both of his hands in front of her.
"Of course- kill you quickly." She answered.
Normally people would run under the stupid situations where someone pointed a weapon at them, Shido couldn't help but notice her sad face.
"B-but why do you want to kill me?" Shido asked nervously. She better have a sufficient reason.
"Whay…? Is it not obvious?" The girl asked. Shido can't help noticing she was cute doing so. "Didn't you come to kill me like the others?"
"Others…? What are you talking about?" Shido said. "I won't do anything harmful to you, let alone kill?"
"What?" The girl looks confused at him. Before she could speak another question, she narrowed her eyes to the sky.
Shido saw her glance and look up at the sky as his eyes turned wide. Several missiles are heading towards them. They were fired by girls in high-tech armors.
'What the hell is going on!?' Shido thought in shocked.
The girl stopped them all in place with an invisible barrier.
"… This kind of thing is useless, why can't they ever learn?" The girl asked. She raised her free hand and squeezed it shut. As she did this, countless missiles crumpled up and exploded.
Shido saw the same sad look on the girl's face again. She flew at one flying and stopped more missiles. Shido doesn't know why but he can't just stand seeing her sad face despite her was scary enough.
"…Disappear, disappear. Anything and everything… just disappear…!"
She pointed the sword that gave off a glow as mysterious as her eyes glanced towards the sky. Tiredly, sorrowfully, she swung the sword. Within a moment- the wind howled.
'She has overwhelming power, but why does she look so sad?' Shido thought.
The slash flew towards the sky along the path of the blade. The girls in the high-tech armor scattered from the attacks but one charge forward. Both of them slashed at each other with their swords. Each time the flying girl attacked, her sword was stopped by a barrier. The mystery girl then cuts off parts of the flying girl's armor. Because of this, the girl landed beside him and he could see her face.
"T-Tobiichi-san?" Shido said in shock.
Tobiichi flick a glance at him.
"Itsuka… Shido?" Tobiichi turned her attention back at the other girl before charging off again.
"Wait!" Shido shouted but couldn't be heard by either of them.
'I got to stop this!' Shido soon put the ring hand symbol and places it on his belt and announced.
The stone flashed before light engulfed the belt, transforming it into a silver metal belt with the hand marking in the center much bigger than before with switches on both sides.
Shido then reaches to the belt and pushed the switches causing the hand to move pointing from to his right to his left. A magic circle lit up in the center before the belt began to sing.
As the song was going Shido got a ruby ring and places it on his left hand and flipped the goggles of it down.
"Henshin." Shido said, as he placed his left hand on the light.
As the chant was going, a red magical circle with fire coming off appeared to his left. Shido places his left arm out as the circle approached him. It soon went through from the left to right, and forms his armor.
From head to toe he was clad in a black bodysuit which concealed his form. The silver belt remains the same but had a chain holding several different rings. His chest was covered in red gem-like armor which was a long line down the middle with three sections on each other side rectangular, but slightly askew. His shoulders were covered in black armor with silver edges that were decorated with dragon-like crests. From his waist hung a robe-like waist, covering which was red inside but black on the outside. His wrists and ankles sported bands that were the same ruby red as his chest plate. Finally, his head was concealed by a silver helmet which had a ruby red faceplate decorated like the ring he wore; sporting metal lines making it appears as if it had had large eyes with antennae rising from the forehead.
This was Kamen Rider Wizard.
"Saa, Showtime, Daa." Wizard announces.
He soon put on his Connect Ring and flips the switches to make hand on his belt switch to the right, and then places the ring on the driver.
A small magic circle appears next to him; he puts his hand in it and pulled out a silver sword with a hand symbol on it.
He then ran towards the two fighting as he jumped in the air then…
Wizard slashes the two girl's swords away with his sword.
"I don't know what's going but on but this needs to stop!" Wizard said which made the two girls recognize his voice. "Why are two fighting in the first place?"
"S-Shido, a-are you a Spirti?!" Tobiichi looked at Wizard fiercely.
"Huh? Do I look like I died yet?" Wizard deadpanned. But the purple armor girl looks angry at him.
"You… you are here to kill me after all!" The purple armor jumped back from him, Tobiichi did the same as well.
"No! I don't even know what the heck is going on? I'm trying to stop this senseless fightning!" Wizard shouts before putting his hands in the air. "I won't hurt you! I promise!"
"You… really don't want to fight me?" Still pointing her sword at Wizard, the strange girl took a step back.
Wizard still felt caution on the other side which Tobiichi stands.
"I se-" Before she can finished, the strange girl disappeared into thin air like she never existed.
Target lost." Tobiichi turned her eyes towards Wizard, as she went to grab her sword which is now in her hand.
Wizard senses he was still in danger, he turned to see Tobiichi charging forward and swing her light saber at him.
"Whoa!" Wizard sidesteps to dodge it and duck to dodge another, and then block the third with his sword, soon their weapons lock on each other.
"Tobiichi what are doing? I don't have a reason to fight you." Wizard said.
"You're still suspicious." Tobiichi stated.
Wizard pushes her back.
"Guess I have no choice." Wizard jumps to avoid a slash and doing a kick to her, and then slash her with the back of his sword.
Wizard then tooks a ring from the chain on his belt and places it on his right hand, it is another ring but with silhouette of a kick.
He flips his Hand Author twice to reset his belt and starting singing a different tone.
"Finale, Daa…" Wizard said before placing his right hand on his belt.
Wizard spun around as a red magical circle appeared on his feet with fire engulfing his right foot. He then flipped forward and then jumped into the air. Wizard then aimed a flying kick at Tobiichi, who activated her barrier. When it collided to her chest, Tobiichi moving back from the force, Wizard soon jumps off and then landed before flicking his robe.
Her barrier then exploded; when explosion cleared she is seen unconscious.
Wizard then moved away to a nearby wall to hide from her friends who flow down to help her, one of them carried her, and then the flow away.
Seeing that they were gone, a magic circle appeared beneath him and it went over him, turning him back to Shido.
"Okay now that their gone I should continue looking for Kotori." Shido said as he moved out.
But what he didn't notice that some small rumble fall on him… and then everything want black.
(Near the fight)
A lone figure in a black hooded coat was watching the fight between Wizard and Tobiichi, in a ruined building.
He then left to his next destination.
(Dream state)
Shido saw that he is in a white void and heard voices.
"Hello?" Shido called out to those voices.
"Finally," A dissorted voice said. "We meet again."
"Who are you?" Shido asked.
"I'm so glad, but just wait. Just a little while longer, I won't ever let you go again, I won't ever be wrong again. Soon…"
(Reality in an unknown location)
Shido woke up saw someone's flashlight on his face. Shido then got up from the bad.
"Oh good you're awake." A woman's voice said.
Shido looks to see older woman standing near his bed. She looks like to be still looks like to be in her 20s. She has long, unkempt, pale blue hair which is tied into a right-side ponytail and blue eyes which seems to always be sleepy, because of the dark area under her eyes. She was wearing a uniform of lighter brown shirt with darker brown cuffs on under it is a white shirt with a black tie, and wearing a black skirt and grey stockings, and wearing brown shoes. In her shirt pocket is a blue teddy bear.
"Who the heck are you?" Shido asked, the older woman.
"My name is Reine Murasame, you can just call me Reine. I'm the head analyst here, there's no reason to worry first aid is hardly out of my league." Reine answered.
'Is that supposed to be reassuring?' Shido thought, as looks suspicious at her.
"So quick question where the hack are here?" Shido asked as looked around, everything in the room looks a little futuristic.
"You're resting in Fraxinus sick bay." Reine answered. "We're unconscious so we decided for this to be the best course of action."
"Fraxi-what now, I was unconscious?" Shido then remembers. "Oh yeah after that fight, I did felt something hit my head…" He then remembers he was out there looking for his sister. "Oh wait Kotori, I need to my find my sister, she's waiting for me in front of the diner, I need to find her, and she could be-"
"What you need is to calm down." Reine told him. "You're sister is perfectly find."
"Wait she is?" Shido asked.
"I'm guessing you want some answers?" Reine said. "I'm sorry but that isn't my forte. You should ask the vice-commander for more details."
Shido and Reine want down the hallway towards an automatic and then open.
"I brought him with." Reine said.
They soon enter the command room, and saw a man in his late 20s who has shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes, in male uniform witch was colored white, with blue cuffs and black shoes.
"Thank you for bringing him. It's very nice meet you Shido. My name Kannazuki Kyouhei the vice-commander here, and this is the commander." Kyouhei bowed and pointed his hand to right.
Shido looks and gasped to see who it was.
"K-Kotori…?" Shido saw his foster sister on chair of the back of the room.
Kotori was wearing the same female uniform as Reine, but was colored red, the outer shirt was worn on the shoulders, she also change her white ribbons with black ones.
"Glad you can make it, onii-chan, like the baka said, welcome to Ratatoskr." Kotori told him, before putting her lollipop in her month.
Shido wasn't sure what's going on but looks like he was going to find out soon.
To Be Continued…
There you have it hope you like it. Review to tell me what you think of the story.