Sasuke walked into the apartment, paper bag of groceries in his arms as he made his way into the kitchen. Naruto had been reluctant to let him leave without him, even for a short trip to the store, but Sasuke had talked him into taking a shower, comforting him with the fact that he'd be back before he would be done. Naruto had grumbled, but reluctantly agreed. Sasuke had kissed his forehead as he left, which seemed to have placated him.

Truth be told Sasuke didn't much like leaving the apartment without Naruto either. The week that had passed since they turned their backs on the cabin in the woods had been spent more or less twenty-four seven around Naruto, and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. However, he had wanted to surprise Naruto with a ramen dinner, and it wouldn't be much of a surprise if Naruto went along with him to do the shopping.

The boyfriend whom the surprise was intended for was sitting at the kitchen counter, wearing a pair of soft sweatpants—and nothing else—that Sasuke recognised as his own, turning a small glass vial over in his hands. His hair was still darkened with water, and he hadn't wiped the middle of his back properly, droplets still lingering in the dip of his spine.

Sasuke placed the paper bag on the counter, heading over to kiss the top of Naruto's head in greeting, but Naruto tilted his head back just in time to press their lips together instead.

"What is that?" Sasuke asked, indicating the vial. His hand rested on Naruto's shoulder, needing the touch to remind himself that it was real, that Naruto was back here with him.

Naruto lifted the vial, showing off the pale green liquid inside.

"It's the last of the suppressants," he said, turning it over so the liquid sloshed up against the sides. "I stole a vial from the lab before we left the cabin."

"Why?" Sasuke asked, wary of the answer.

"I'm not sure?"

"Are you thinking of using it again?"

"No? Maybe? I don't know. I was thinking maybe we should make more, just in case I—"

Sasuke curled his hand around Naruto's, locking the vial inside their palms. "You aren't going to need it," he said firmly.

"But what if I lose control? We don't know what will happen."

Sasuke gently pried the vial from Naruto's hand and placed it on the kitchen table, extending a hand for Naruto to grab.

Naruto looked at him, big blue eyes filled with uncertainty and fear. He had proven that he could control the beast back at the cabin, utilizing its power without ever letting it get out of control. Sasuke had faith that Naruto would only become better at it as he worked on it in the future. The beast wasn't a foe, it was a part of Naruto, and now that he wasn't fighting it they would see what it truly was, strong and powerful and controllable. It was a strength, not a weakness.

"Come," Sasuke said, and Naruto put his hand in Sasuke's, and let himself be pulled to his feet.

Sasuke walked into the living room, headed for the couch. He sat down and pulled at Naruto's hand until he sat down next to him.

The last months had been awful, weeks and weeks of being separated from Naruto, feeling it as if he had lost a piece of himself. Naruto had told him some of what had happened at the cabin, but Sasuke was sure he didn't know half of what Naruto had gone through, knew there were more to it to learn. The ordeal had left Naruto shook to his core, and Sasuke knew it would take some time to patch him together. Naruto was still struggling with the death of Yamato, the only link he'd had to his parents.

They'd ensured that Yamato got the burial he deserved, small and dignified, Naruto clinging to Sasuke, eyes wet with tears as he said his final goodbyes. Sasuke wished they could have done something to save him, that Naruto could have been allowed this one last bond to his past, but Yamato had been gone before the EMTs had arrived, and there was nothing anyone could do to save him.

Yamato had been the only causality on their side, and Sasuke praised himself lucky for that. Kankuro had stayed a couple of nights in the hospital to get his gunshot wound treated, but it hadn't damaged anything important, so he would heal just fine. Other than that they had only sustained smaller injuries that a bit of TLC would take care of.

Sasuke was so proud of the rest of his unit and how they had stood strong, risking everything for one of their own.

Danzo had been dealt with, but the repercussions of what they had done were still rippling.

The DPA under close surveillance by Kakashi and Tsunade was going through all the evidence from the USB stick Sai had handed them. Even if Danzo hadn't died he would have never gotten away. The tally of lives ruined by him kept going up as they looked into it.

Along with the collapse of Danzo's great underground empire several other people of importance were being pulled along the current of change. Corruption kept being unveiled, and people were finding their false safety torn away from underneath them as they were exposed as the crooks they had always been.

Sasuke wasn't stupid though, he knew that plenty of them were going to weasel their way out of any charges, would go on being corrupt, caring little about anything other than themselves and their own gain, but every person exposed felt like a win.

It was as much of a change they could have hoped for given the world they lived in, and at least Danzo wouldn't be able to harm more people than he'd already had. They'd freed a fey girl from the basement, frail and near death, and they were slowly unravelling the threads of the weave that was Danzo's operations, taking down a chunk of the black market with them.

It would take months to complete everything, and Sasuke was glad his part in it all would be minimal.

With a soft exhale Naruto curled up next to him, face pressed against Sasuke's neck, breath warm.

Sasuke let him sit like this for a while before gently moving his head so he could look into Naruto's eyes. He needed to make sure Naruto knew that everything was going to be alright now, needed him to know that Sasuke had trust that Naruto could pull through this, coming out stronger than ever.

"I know you can control it. You've proven yourself. This was how it was always supposed to be, this is what you are. We'll keep running through the woods, only now you can let the beast free, hunt some squirrels or climb some trees. We'll find a way."

Naruto snorted. "Hunt some squirrels, huh? I guess we could cook them or something?"

A small smile played over Sasuke's lips. "Sure, anything you want."

Naruto closed his eyes for a moment. "I'm still not ready to throw it out," he finally said.

"Then we don't throw it out."

"You really think I'll be fine?"

Sasuke rested his hand against Naruto's cheek, and Naruto nuzzled close to it. "I know you'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. I'll be right here, by your side, no matter what."

Naruto smiled at him, wide and so happy it warmed Sasuke's heart seeing it. He'd missed Naruto's smile, almost couldn't believe Naruto was back here with him, happy and safe and his.

He never wanted anything to get in the way of that again.

"Hey, Naruto?" he said, getting Naruto's attention. "Do you remember what I bought you for your birthday?"

It took a moment for Naruto to remember, probably taken back by the sudden question, but then he nodded eagerly. "Yeah, the PS4! I never got to play it." He pouted, and Sasuke reached up and pressed against his bottom lip until the pout faded away.

"Do you also remember what you said the first time you came over here?"

Naruto frowned, his tongue peeking out of the side of his mouth in concentration. Sasuke gave him a couple of moments to think before he put him out of his misery and told him. He didn't really expect that Naruto remembered something he'd just blurted out once, not really meaning it. The words had stayed with Sasuke ever since though.

"You said that if I bought a PS4 you would move in here."

"I did?" Naruto asked.

"I think you were very awed at the size of the TV. Or maybe the automatic shutters, I can't recall."

"Hah, yeah, I remember that. I think I meant it too," Naruto said with a chuckle.

"I know."

Naruto was still smiling, and Sasuke waited. Seconds ticked by, and then…

"Wait," Naruto said. "Wait, wait, are you? What are you saying? Wait a moment." He didn't seem to find the right words, his eyes wide, as if he thought he had worked it out but wasn't sure. He grabbed the front of Sasuke's shirt, face pushed right up against Sasuke's.

Sasuke glanced away for a moment, smiling to himself. When he looked back at Naruto he was met with an uncertain smile, as if Naruto wasn't sure enough to fully let his grin spread.

"Naruto, move in with me?" Sasuke asked, the words barely past his lips before Naruto had launched himself forward the last few inches, pressing their lips together in a mash of mouths that barely constituted as a kiss.

"Yes!" he exclaimed into Sasuke's mouth, and then eased back a little into a kiss that was just as intense, but didn't leave them bruised.

"Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke," Naruto muttered in between kisses, arms wound around Sasuke's neck, chests pressed together as Naruto wriggled around until he was straddling Sasuke, pressing him back into the couch.

Sasuke had his arms around Naruto's waist, loving the weight of him pinning him down, the heat of Naruto seeping into his bones, warming him, soaring with the knowledge that Naruto was his, and he would move in, and he was never letting him slip away again.

Then Naruto was unbuttoning Sasuke's shirt, hands pushing inside to press against Sasuke's chest, right over the puckered scars crossing over it. Sasuke felt how Naruto faltered for a moment, but then he was kissing Sasuke again, hands trailing across scar and skin, touching what he could reach of Sasuke.

"I need you," Naruto whined into the kiss, his hips working in small circles against Sasuke.

Sasuke shifted his arms until his palms were curled under Naruto's ass, then he scooted forward and rose from the couch, hands catching Naruto's weight, pressing him to him. Naruto made a half-squeak and wrapped his arms more firmly around Sasuke's neck as Sasuke started walking.

Halfway to the bedroom he was starting to seriously regret his decision. Naruto was heavy in his arms, all muscles and bones, but Sasuke was determined not to drop him, so he powered through, carrying Naruto into the room and collapsing onto the bed with him.

Naruto was laughing as he worked on pushing Sasuke's shirt off his shoulders, and Sasuke let him, throwing it to the floor as he grabbed the edge of Naruto's sweater and started pulling, need it off, needing Naruto's skin against his.

Where Sasuke was marked with scars Naruto's body was flawless. Tan skin had knitted perfectly over the gunshot wound in his shoulder, and the stab wounds in his sides and various other bruises and scrapes he'd walked out of the battle with. Sasuke knew Naruto was scarred in other ways though. Still not confident that he could trust himself to stay in control, still not comfortable being away from Sasuke for more than minutes. He was even clingier than he had been before, big blue eyes pleading when Sasuke left to do anything more than go to the bathroom. Truth be told Sasuke was probably just as clingy, feeling uneasy without Naruto at his side.

It would take time before everything was back to normal. Tsunade had covered up for them when they went to retrieve Naruto, so all the members of Unit Seven that went to the cabin were still employed, but Naruto had officially quit his job, so there was no telling if he would be getting his job back at the end or not, but for now they were just glad to be able to get to know each other again, making up for lost time. Any other worries could wait.

Sasuke pressed close, hip to hip, chest to chest, kissing Naruto, pouring all the love he felt for him into that kiss. They were going to be fine, Sasuke was going to make sure of it. He had Naruto back, so nothing else mattered.

Naruto wound his legs around Sasuke's hips, twitching upwards, and Sasuke could feel the hard length of Naruto's dick pressing up against him, could hear soft whines from Naruto into the kiss, and he reluctantly pulled away long enough that he could start working on removing the sweatpants.

Naruto helped, lifting his hips so Sasuke could slide down the soft cotton, kicking out when it tangled around his ankles, nearly kneeing Sasuke in the groin.

Naruto was wearing dark-blue boxer brief, probably Sasuke's those too, they were a little tight around his hips. A wet spot had grown on the front, and Sasuke leaned in, pressing his tongue to it.

Naruto drew in a sharp breath, hips pushing up against Sasuke's mouth, and Sasuke moved to pin him down, wrapping his lips around the head of Naruto's cock through the fabric. He could taste precome through the cotton, could feel Naruto pulse against him, and he wanted more.

He dragged down the underwear, leaving it around Naruto's thighs as he let his tongue drag up Naruto, wet against silky warmth, and Naruto keened, his hips straining upwards in a not-so-silent plea for more.

Fingers curled around the base to steady it Sasuke pulled the head into his mouth, the tang of precome slick against his tongue. He went further, until his lips met his fingers and Naruto's dick filled his mouth, hard and warm.

He wouldn't mind just keeping it up until Naruto came, loved the way Naruto whined when he spilled in his mouth, but he wanted more as well. He pulled away with a soft pop and let his hand drag up Naruto's length, thumb pressing into his frenulum.

"Sasuke…" Naruto moaned. "I need more."

Sasuke kept on slowly moving his hand up and down Naruto's dick as he leaned in again, kissing Naruto's hipbone, and then pushing the fabric of the boxer briefs down enough that he could kiss the inside of soft thighs as well.

A kiss right below his navel. Then one against the jut of ribs. Collarbone. The edge of a sharp jaw. Soft lips.

Naruto wiggled to get out of the underwear tangled around his legs, kicking one foot free and then wrapping his legs around Sasuke's hips, pulling him close to him as the kiss deepened, tongues licking at each other, Sasuke locking his teeth around the plush flesh of Naruto's bottom lip.

He was still wearing jeans, and the pressure was starting to get uncomfortable, his hard dick pressing against the front of them, so he eased a hand between them, unbuttoning the fly, and pushing his own boxer briefs down enough to free his cock. It pressed against Naruto's, and Naruto twitched his hips upwards to create friction.

"I need you in me," Naruto mumbled against his lips, and Sasuke groaned into the kiss.

Hands were shoved down the back of his jeans, Naruto's palms grabbing two handfuls of Sasuke's ass so he could pull him close, moving together in a soft motion. It wasn't enough, they both wanted more.

Sasuke tore himself away from Naruto, going up on his knees so he could pull down the rest of his clothes.

Naruto was spread in front of him, thighs parted around Sasuke's legs, eyes glazed over in lust, hair messy, lips dark from kisses and bites. His cheeks and chest was flushed with colour, and Sasuke wanted to spend hours worshipping him like he deserved, wanted to trace his lips over every square inch of that golden skin, wanted to leave marks even though they would fade.

"Sasuke, please," Naruto said, hands reaching up for him, and Sasuke would never deny him anything, so he leaned in and kissed him as he fumbled with the night stand, pulling out the bottle of lube from it.

A ragged breath tore from Naruto's throat as Sasuke nibbled down his jaw, teeth locking around his neck and scraping down the flesh. Sasuke loved being the one to tear these sounds out of Naruto, loved that no one else ever saw Naruto like this, magnificent, breathtaking.

Reluctantly he rolled to the side, pressed his front against Naruto, one leg still thrown over a strong thigh. Naruto's other leg were drawn up, making it easy for Sasuke press a finger against him, slick with lube as it pressed inside. Naruto exhaled softly as he relaxed around him.

This wasn't the first time they'd had sex since they got back, they kept finding themselves drawn together, their bodies getting reacquainted, and it didn't take much to make sure Naruto was ready for him, taking one and then two fingers easily, but Sasuke liked taking Naruto apart like this, liked seeing how he reacted as Sasuke circled his prostate, how his hips twitched up when Sasuke spread his fingers apart, how he kept asking for more, more, more.

Finally—when Naruto was starting to whine, his dick a dark red, a pool of precome forming on his abs—Sasuke removed his fingers and moved up Naruto's body, kissing him softly once before he used more lube to coat his dick. Some of it got smeared on Naruto's right hip as he grabbed him, lifting him up enough to stuff a pillow under his ass, but neither of them cared. Naruto's thighs had fallen open, putting him gloriously on display, and Sasuke's dick was throbbing with the need to be inside Naruto, so he didn't stop to enjoy, but leaned in, one hand on his cock as he pressed against Naruto.

He was warm and soft around him as Sasuke slowly pressed inside, muscles clamping down on him before loosening up. Naruto's arms wrapped around Sasuke's shoulders, pulling him close until Sasuke was buried in him, not a breath of air between their bodies. Naruto kissed him then, soft and deep.

"I love you so much," Naruto muttered into the kiss, hands moving up and down Sasuke's back, pulling him into a slow motion of hips that was more about being close than getting off. Sasuke could feel Naruto around him, under him. Their breaths were one, their bodies one, connected.

Strong legs wrapped around his hips, and the angle had Sasuke press right into Naruto's prostate as he pushed in, and Naruto threw his head back, a heady moan ripping from his throat. Sasuke used the opportunity to latch his lips onto the column of Naruto's neck, tasting the salt of his skin, and feeling his pulse thrum against him. Alive and well and here with him.

He sucked a bruise into Naruto's skin, seeing the red mark starting to fade almost as soon as it appeared. It didn't matter, he could leave more. Could spend a lifetime marking up Naruto.

"Ah, Sasuke!" Naruto said on an exhale as Sasuke rolled his hips again and again, never hard or fast, but a slow rhythm that was slowly building them towards climax. Naruto's dick was caught between their bodies, streaking precome up Sasuke's abs. He wasn't sure it would be enough to get Naruto off, but with the way Naruto's breath was growing more laboured he thought it might be.

Sasuke was resting his weight on one arm, the other sliding down Naruto's side, skin soft and flawless, warm and a little sticky with sweat against his palm. He loved being able to touch freely, loved the sounds Naruto made when he did, as if the touch was just shy of tickling, but he wanted more.

Sasuke rolled his hips a little harder, and Naruto responded with a sound that sent pleasurable shivers down Sasuke's back. He wanted to hear more, wanted to draw every sound out of Naruto, wanted to see him fall apart underneath him.

"I want to hear you come," Sasuke said, voice surprisingly husky.

"Sasuke!" was all Naruto replied with as his fingers dug harder into Sasuke's shoulders.

"Do you think you can come from just this, or do you want more?" He kept going, feeling Naruto shudder at his words.

"Fuck, like this, Sasuke, just, more, a little more."

Sasuke bit back a moan that rolled up from his throat. "You're so gorgeous like this, everything I need, I love you so much."

Naruto responded beautifully to his words, gasping and clutching at him, hips twitching up as he fought for a little more friction.

Sasuke pushed a little harder, pulling up Naruto's hips so he could hit his prostate better, and Naruto keened, high in his throat.

"Just like that, Naruto," Sasuke said. Sweat was beading on his forehead, a few small drops sliding down the side of his nose where they clung momentarily on the tip before they fell, hitting Naruto's chest. His hair was plastered to his face, but he didn't care if he looked like a mess, didn't care, because Naruto was close to coming, making all these sounds that were like spikes of pleasure down Sasuke's spine.

"Sasuke, I'm, I'm…" Naruto stuttered, and then he threw his head back, and Naruto could feel how his entire body shuddered against Sasuke's as he came. Sticky warmth spread between their bodies, and Sasuke pushed in deep, feeling how Naruto was spasming around him. Sasuke fucked him through it, and when Naruto collapsed to the mattress, boneless, Sasuke pulled out, knowing Naruto would be too sensitive for more. It didn't take him many strokes with his hand before he too came, adding to the smear of come decorating golden skin.

As he collapsed on his back next to Naruto they spent a moment just breathing, and then Naruto was laughing, his voice warm and pleasant. Sasuke turned towards him, and seeing Naruto's wide smile as he kept laughing, high on dopamine, unable to stop himself, looking so incredibly happy made Sasuke's heart soar.

Sasuke only rolled away quickly to gather a wad of tissues from the night stand, quickly wiping away the worst of the mess on Naruto's skin before he tucked himself close to Naruto's side, an arm around his chest as he felt Naruto's laugh taper off.

Naruto turned towards him, burying his face in Sasuke's hair. "Thank you," he said.

"For what?"

"For the sex. For being there for me, for never giving up, for finding me back at that hotel, and then again at the cabin."

"Hn," Sasuke just replied, face pressed against Naruto's neck. Words flowed easier when he was on the verge of an orgasm, but now he didn't know what to say, couldn't find the right words.

"Oh! And for wanting me to move in. I promise I won't make a mess of the apartment."

Sasuke snorted and pressed a soft kiss against Naruto's skin. He didn't believe that for a moment. Naruto brought chaos with him, and Sasuke wouldn't want it any other way. He didn't care about dirty laundry on the floor or dishes piling up in the sink, or DVDs in all the wrong covers.

"I'll believe that when I see it."

"Shut up, I can totally keep it nice and tidy."

Sasuke lifted his head enough to see the dirty towel on the floor underneath a perfectly useable hook. The lone sock hanging on the back of a chair. All of the wardrobe doors open. Two empty coffee cups on the night stand on Naruto's side of the bed.

"Sure, Naruto."

He smiled against Naruto's neck as Naruto sputtered in outrage at the implied accusation, but Sasuke just tightened his arm around him, and Naruto went quiet again, apart from a pleased little hum. Sasuke had everything he needed in his life, had a partner, his own little family.

He was happy. Later they would get up of bed, he'd make a bowl of ramen for Naruto again, and then they'd spend their evening touching and kissing and being together, and when they woke up tomorrow they could just continue where they left off, because now they had forever together.

Sai shook out his feathers and curled his talons around the banister of the balcony, cocking his head as he peered in the large windows.

Not dickless then, he thought to himself. He'd landed just as Naruto and Sasuke was getting into it, clothes flying, and he'd gotten a good glimpse of everything. He didn't see the appeal in the sex and simply groomed himself while they finished up.

The two were still on the bed when he turned back around, a thin sheet pulled over them, Naruto curled up against Sasuke. It looked right, like the two belonged together. This Naruto looked so different from the Naruto Sai had known. Softer, brighter, happier. Naruto had barely smiled once during his time at the cabin, but now he couldn't seem to stop.

Sai didn't blame him, the cabin was probably not a happy place. He didn't really know, hadn't been anywhere else, growing up there deep in the forest, surrounded by gruff faces that didn't care if he lived or died.

Things were different now.

Naruto was different than anyone else Sai had met at the cabin. Even at his lowest he had a brightness to him that none of the other shifters ever had, and it made Sai realise there was more, that he didn't have to be stuck working for Danzo forever.

He'd grasped the opportunity to help Naruto, making sure the keys were easily accessible when Naruto plotted to break into the files, and never reporting to Danzo when Naruto was gone for hours along with Yamato. Sai had seen them at the barn, flying high above them, he knew what Naruto was up to, and he chose not to tell Danzo.

He couldn't tell exactly why he did what he did. He didn't like Naruto. Certainly not like Sasuke did, but not really as a friend even. He was fun to poke at, and created a nice reprieve from the shifters who cared about little other than themselves.

Being around Naruto made Sai's dreams seem a little closer, so when the end came and Sai knew Naruto hadn't gotten the evidence he would need he went all in.

The contents on the USB stick had been saved over years, in case he ever needed it, an escape he hadn't thought he would ever get to use, but Sai realised that Naruto was his way out, that Naruto would change everything.

So he had given Sasuke the USB stick and then retreated back, watching what unfolded from his position on top of the gate. He didn't care what happened to anyone, had no feelings regarding agents or Danzo's men. He'd known what would happen as he unlocked the gate and waited for Naruto's friends to arrive, that people were likely to die. It didn't matter. People always died.

In the end the deaths had been fewer than anticipated. Kidōmaru, Sakon and Ukon all dead, even their mutated forms not enough to stop the agents. A couple of the other of Danzo's men was dead too, the rest rounded up and cuffed.

One of the agents had been shot but appeared to survive. A few others were hurt as well, but nothing that appeared severe. Cuts and bruises that they were probably used to as agents anyway. Yamato had died as well, but he had died for Naruto, not for Danzo. Some self-sacrifice Sai didn't understand.

Sai had watched, not making any move to do anything to help either side, when he saw Danzo stumble away from the fighting, his knee clearly giving him trouble. He always worked so hard to conceal the limp, so either he was too furious to care, or he was actually scared.

Sai cocked his head as he watched Danzo walk between the row of cars, heading for the Mercedes, clearly intending to leave.

Sai considered letting him, but then Danzo might just be vengeful enough to hunt Sai down for betraying him. Sai wanted to be free, didn't want to be back in Danzo's clutches, so he let himself drop from the gate, swooping down, a short caw drawing Danzo's attention to the skies just in time for Sai to extend his talons, scratching over Danzo's face before he took off again.

Danzo didn't scream, just grunted in pain as he pressed hands against his face, blood drawn in long scratches.

Sai looked around to see if any of Naruto's friends were coming to apprehend Danzo, but they all seemed preoccupied, so Sai dived again.

There was a reason Danzo had been able to claw his way to the position of importance he held in society, and it was not by being unprepared, so this time he grabbed for Sai, fingers just curling around his tail feathers.

The fight had been short. Sai beat his wings and pecked with his beak, and Danzo couldn't keep protecting his face, and Sai's beak found the softness of eyes. This time Danzo did scream, a short sharp noise, but his arms locked around Sai, pinning him to his chest where he couldn't fight any more. Arms tightened, threatening to break Sai's hollow bones. Danzo couldn't see any more, but he didn't appear to let that stop him.

So Sai shifted. Naked, blood on his face, he cocked his head and considered Danzo, the man who had raised him, taking him in as a fledgling to raise as his right-hand man. Sai had stolen for Danzo. Had tortured for Danzo. Had killed for Danzo. It was only right he was the one to kill Danzo in the end.

His lips pulled into a stiff grin, because that was what you were supposed to do when you were happy. Sai didn't think he was happy, but he was about to be free, so he suspected he was supposed to be pleased.

He grabbed Danzo's head and twisted to the side. A snap was all it took to end Danzo's reign, once and for all.

Sai shifted back into a raven and took off, not even looking back as he flapped strong wings and let the winds carry him off over the forest for the freedom he had longed for.

Since then he had done little other than flying, letting himself vanish into the instincts of his raven side. He'd always been more comfortable like this anyway.

Then he had found himself flying towards the city, not really sure why, and now he was sitting here, watching Naruto sleeping. He still wasn't sure why. To say some kind of goodbye?

He didn't really feel any connection to Naruto. He knew that Naruto was the catalyst to Sai's freedom, but he didn't feel like he owed him anything, nor did he miss him. He had never really understood those feelings. He looked at Naruto, and didn't really feel anything. He supposed he was meant to feel glad that Naruto was back with the one he loved. No matter what, this felt like an ending. He didn't think he would ever see Naruto again.

Sai hopped around, facing the city. Lights were glimmering around him, and there was snow in the air, a frost he couldn't really feel in this form. He didn't spare another glance behind him as he jumped, wings stretching as he caught a gust of wind and soared away. There was freedom in the sky, in the nothingness of air all around him.

He supposed this was his happiness.

Kakashi arched his back, feeling the cracks in his spine as it straightened. He'd spent hours crouched over his computer, and he felt it in the ache of his body.

He let himself fall back against the couch, tilting his head to the side where Iruka was curled up, facing him with his eyes closed as he slept, having fallen asleep a couple of hours ago.

His ponytail was loosening, a few strands of hair falling away from the elastic, moving with every breath, and Kakashi reached out, pushing them behind Iruka's ear, lingering with his fingers against Iruka's soft skin, before slowly trailing down, feeling the slight scratch against the pads of his fingers where the first shadow of a beard was coming in. Iruka let out a soft breath, and Kakashi pulled away as if burned, feeling like he was trespassing.

He had only meant to support Iruka while Naruto was away, but Naruto was back now, and Iruka and Naruto had spent hours together most days, talking and crying, and Kakashi had taken a step back, intending to leave Iruka alone now, but when Iruka invited him over for dinner he had found himself saying yes, and when he tried to excuse himself that he needed to do some work and Iruka had said that he could work here Kakashi had found himself nodding again, unable to say no to Iruka.

It was hard to reconcile the two parts of himself. The voice of reason that told him he needed to stay away from Iruka before he got himself hurt by the eventual rejection, and the hopeful one that told him that Iruka would be different, Iruka would accept him. He was afraid to give in to the latter, but he didn't think he could keep fighting himself.

I don't think I can leave, he thought, fingers curling into fists as he tried to stop himself from reaching out for Iruka again. He wanted to give this a chance, no matter what it was. Maybe there wasn't anything other than friendship blossoming between them, but part of him thought it was more, that Iruka might want more, and Kakashi desperately wanted to believe so.

Iruka stirred, and then brown eyes blinked open, taking a second to focus on Kakashi. A soft redness spread on Iruka's cheeks as he saw Kakashi watching him, but he didn't turn away.

His eyes were a little hooded, still tired. He should go to sleep in his bed so he wasn't left with a crick in his neck, but Kakashi didn't want to tell him that, didn't want to disturb the moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Iruka asked, voice thick with sleep.

You. "Nothing."

Iruka smiled softly. "Somehow I doubt that."

I want to tell you everything. "Just work."

Iruka reached out, hesitating an inch in front of Kakashi's face as if he only then realised what he was doing, but then seemed to steel himself as he followed through, pushing his finger into the tip of Kakashi's nose where it was covered by black fabric.

"You need to stop worrying all the time, it's not healthy."

"Maa, don't worry about me," Kakashi said disarmingly.

"I don't think I can not worry," Iruka said, voice low, barely a whisper. The words flowed through Kakashi, warm and electrifying. He longed to reach out to Iruka, but held himself back.

The moment dragged on, Kakashi unable to look away from Iruka's eyes. He longed to lean closer, longed to tell Iruka how much he mattered to Kakashi, but he didn't.

"What are you going to do now that Naruto is back?" he asked instead, breaking eye contact.

Iruka shifted on the couch, scooting up until he was sitting properly. "I don't know. I talked to him, and he was ecstatic that I'd quit my job, told me I should stay here with him. He hasn't even been back in the apartment, he stays with Sasuke. I guess I'll have to sleep on the couch until I can get a proper job, and then I can get an apartment. There's nothing for me back there, so I guess I'm moving here for real." Iruka was smiling as he talked about Naruto.

Stay with me. "I'll help you look for a job," Kakashi said, and Iruka looked at him, smiling wide.

"Thank you, Kakashi, but I'm sure I'll manage. I don't want to inconvenience you."

"You wouldn't be." I just want to spend time with you.

"Then maybe I'll take you up on that," Iruka said.

Kakashi wasn't sure what would happen, but looking at Iruka he started to realise that he wouldn't be able to let him go, not before he had told him everything, laid himself bare and let Iruka make the final decision. Not tonight though, now he just wanted to sit here with Iruka at his side, watching as his eyes grew heavy, dark lashes fanning shut as Iruka drifted off again.

He didn't know what would happen in the future, but sitting with Iruka like this felt right, and he wasn't ready to give it up, not without even trying.

The moon was a thin sliver on the clear sky above him, a halo of light around it. Naruto had heard somewhere that it meant it would snow soon. Winter was settling firmly over the city, the air cold enough that his breath made little clouds as he exhaled. He'd cracked open the windows in the bedroom and was leaning out it, a thick blanket wrapped around him. This high up the noise of the city was just a distant hum, and a carpet of bright lights spread underneath them. Cars and buildings, and endless rows of Christmas lights. He had completely lost track of the days in the cabin, but realised later that Christmas had passed, forgotten in everything that happened, and when he came back home it was already a few days past Christmas day.

He intended to make up for it soon. He wanted to celebrate a belated Christmas, the first time it would be for more people than just Iruka and him. Kakashi was coming as well, and Sasuke and Naruto had invited the rest of the unit. Kankuro had been released from the hospital, so everyone was eager to come, celebrate the fact that Naruto was back.

Christmas might have been forgotten New Year's Eve hadn't, but no one had felt quite ready for a party yet, so Naruto and Sasuke spent it at home with Iruka, eating take-out and watching the fireworks from the large windows.

Christmas in a little over a week would be different. He'd celebrate with everyone he cared about, people who had walked into the lion's den to save him. He was honoured to call them his friends, and so happy they were all safe, that they had come away from the cabin mostly whole. Most of them at least.

Yamato's funeral had been small, but nice in a way. He had no family, no friends apart from Naruto, but the rest of the Unit was there with him, supporting him, even though none of them had ever met Yamato.

He hadn't known him long, but Yamato had become important to him, and he hated that he hadn't been able to save him, that he'd never been allowed to be free to live his life, growing up under Danzo's rule, never even given a chance at a normal life. With his death the only connection Naruto had ever had to his family was broken as well. There was so much he had wanted Yamato to tell him, but now he was gone, and with him Naruto's past.

Naruto shook his head, trying to clear it before he grew too morose. He shouldn't be focusing on what he had lost, should focus on what he had gotten. Sasuke and the Unit had come to save him, without them he'd still be there, rotting away in that cell. They'd stopped the plans of a madman, had freed the fey girl from the basement, and was slowly unravelling an extensive network of people connected to Danzo. The world would be a better place without Danzo in it, but Naruto also knew that someone else would just swoop in, take his place. The world was forever a corrupted place, and all Naruto could really do was his part in making it a little bit better.

He was hoping he'd have his job back at the end of it, but right now he enjoyed being home with Sasuke.


This apartment really was home now. Sasuke had asked him to move in. Had actually asked him months ago, but Naruto hadn't realised. Sasuke, who'd been so closed off when they first met, had asked him to move in. He loved Naruto, and that was still amazing to Naruto. Sasuke accepted every part of him, the good and the bad and everything in-between, he challenged him, he supported him.

Naruto looked back over his shoulder, saw Sasuke in bed. In their bed. He was lying on his back, sheets pulled up to his waist. Beautiful. So achingly beautiful. The stark contrast between pale skin and black hair. Soft lips and a sharp jaw. Dark eyes that saw right through Naruto.

Naruto looked back at the sky, smiling softly. He loved Sasuke, and somehow he had the feeling that this time everything was going to be alright. With Sasuke's support he really believed he could find a way to live in relative harmony with the beast (he really should start calling it something else, beast didn't feel right any more). Iruka was moving to the city, so he'd be close as well.

It felt like everything was falling into place, and Naruto felt so achingly happy.

Warm arms wrapped around his shoulders, a hard chest pressed up against his back.

"You are thinking too loud," Sasuke mumbled into the back of his neck. "Come back to bed."

Naruto wriggled around in Sasuke's arms until they were face to face. He wrapped the blanket around the both of them, pressing their foreheads together. Sasuke started walking them backwards, and Naruto shuffled along, careful not to stumble on the trailing ends of the blanket.

They fell back, tangled up in limbs and blankets, but neither of them made any move to untangle. Naruto just pulled the blanket up a bit until they were both hidden underneath it. Sasuke peered up at him, eyes soft and a hint of a smile on his lips. He looked happy, and Naruto leaned in and quickly kissed his nose.

They were together again, as they were meant to be, and this time nothing was going to tear them apart.


A/N: Exactly three years ago I posted the very first chapter of Partners, so I found it fitting to post the very last chapter of Unleashed on the same day. Thank you so much too all of you who have read, and reviewed, and added this to your favourites. Without you guys I don't think we'd ever have seen the end. You guys are all awesome!

Writing this have been so rewarding, and so frustrating, and so much fun, I almost can't believe it's over! So many hours of my time have gone into this, and it has all been worth it in the end, because it's finally finished!

Both Naruto and Sasuke now have their stories, but there is still one untold story: Kakashi's. I'm well into plotting out his very own fic as well, and hopefully it won't be too long until I can start writing it. It's very likely going to be shorter than Partners and Unleashed was (but then again, when I started writing Partners I didn't think it would be much beyond 30K words, sooo). I hope you'll stick with me through that fic as well! Although it's Kakashi's story I'm sure Naruto and Sasuke will pop up there as well.

There might also be some one-shots in this universe eventually, I'm sure I won't be able to leave Naruto and Sasuke completely alone. If anyone has something specific they would like to see, feel free to shoot me a message! Leave a review here, send a PM, or message me on Tumblr if you like to. (I'm Miasen on Tumblr as well, so I'm easy to find). I'm pretty friendly, promise.