''I broke up with her Q. I sang her a sappy T Swift song and did the mature thing. I hate the mature thing. The mature thing makes me want to punch someone's lights out while eating a pint of Rocky Road at the same time''. I heard Santana's voice through my ear buds plugged in to my phone. I had been studying at the library when I saw the caller ID and had not been able to say something other then a whisper.

''It's Quinn, I'm in the library so just hold on for a sec till I'm out''. This had already gotten me some annoyed looks from other students. It didn't really matter though because Santana had been speaking a fast stream of words ever since. I'd packed up my stuff and was now finally reaching the exit, meaning I would actually be able to respond to her rapid ranting.

I hadn't heard much from Santana since we started college, apart from the few texts and e-mails we'd exchanged. I figured it was a good thing since that probably meant she wasn't in any big trouble. San had a knack for contacting me when she either did something very stupid or something major happened. I must admit that it's great to hear the sound of het voice again even though the reason for it sucked. Having finally reached the exit I interrupted her.

''Slow down San. First of all, it's great to have you on the phone so I can finally be certain Kentucky hasn't taken your vocal cords. But secondly, why did you break up with Britt? I have never seen anyone as obnoxiously in love as you two''. Oh great move Quinn, remind her how much she loves her now ex-girlfriend, that will sure do her some good. Santana shared that sentiment.

''Geeh thanks Q. Way to rub it in''.

''You know what I mean San. I'm just surprised that's all. Whatever you did, you must be able to figure it out. It's Britt, if anyone will forgive you it's her''.

''That's just it. I didn't do anything. Brit didn't do anything. It just wasn't working. I left her behind and went on my merry way to college and I could just feel her become unhappier every time we talked. Long distance is really really hard. All those people saying that love will prevail and all are talking crap or have actually never been in a long distance relationship. It just doesn't work that way and I couldn't make her this unhappy''.

Maybe it was because she couldn't see me or anything but Santana was being unusual open. She'd never talk this honestly about her feelings to me before. Sure, we talked; a lot actually, she'd always been my best friend. But she had also always been guarded, ready to strike. As I had been with her.

''You did the mature thing San. You're growing up and Brit just wasn't growing at the same pace as you are. That doesn't negate that it sucks ball. It hurts and its pretty fucked up that you two, of all people, cannot seem to make it work''. I heard her leave out a breathy laugh, like some excess air needed to leave her lungs. '' I though Yale was a respectable school? It sure has put a foul mouth on you Virgin Queen of the celibacy club''. I rolled my eyes. Out of all I said, of course she would pick up my rare use of the f-word.

''Well, I never really was a good role model for the celibacy club now, was I? The whole 16 and pregnant thing''. That made her laugh out loud.

''Touché. I still cannot for the life of me believe that you actually got me to join that club. It still haunts me''. Santana put on a voice that I assume was supposed to mimic mine. Even though she did a horrible job I was glad to hear the amusement in her voice. ''Remember girls. If the balloon pops the angels cry. Probably no angels in Judaism are there?''.

I smirked, happy that after that horrible period of being pregnant, having to live with Puck, not being allowed to eat bacon by his mom, giving Beth up for adoption and going slightly nuts trying to get her back, I was able to make light of it. Not that it didn't still weigh on me at times; my past was something I could never rewrite. I did however manage to give it some closure and look forward to the future. Looking forward to my years at Yale, to graduating, finding a great job and being happy.

Refocusing my attention on the conversation with Santana I put on my HBIC voice. ''You did always try your best to make the balloon pop on purpose San. You know, being the hottest bitch in school and all''.

Choosing to ignore my tone San responded immediately. ''I am glad that you finally admitted my hotness. Only took you a couple of years, a graduation and a few months of not seeing each other. Have you already been dreaming of my hot bod? Are you suddenly playing for my team now that you're far enough away from daddy dearest? Figuring I'm newly single and all…''.

I heard her voice die down on those last few words. Her sadness was almost palpable through the phone. ''San…'' I started when I heard a sniff.

''I actually broke up with her. I broke up with my best friend. My first real love. How am I ever going to move on from her?''. She was full on crying by now. As if the reality of the situation was finally settling in. The benefit of fighting and making up with this girl for the last decade was that I knew here like the back of my hand. This was Santana's second stage of grief. First she would be incredulous, brash and light-hearted. After that came the tears. The stage thereafter was usually anger or some horrible decision-making. Mostly it had been Brittany who's been able to calm Santana down but that wasn't really an option right now.

''San, I'm so sorry for you. I wish I could hug you right now. I know I can't but I do want to tell you how proud I am of you''. I heard her huff in disapproval, wanting to say something. ''No really, listen to me. The Santana from a couple of years ago, hell, even from months ago would've never let Brittany go, even if it killed her. You recognized and admitted that you both couldn't possibly be happy in the current situation and you handled accordingly. That takes a hell of a lot of courage San. You can be proud of that, even if it doesn't feel like it now. You chose to be happy in the long run. And to let Britt also be happy. Who knows, maybe you'll find your way back to each other in the end. But for now, you do you''.

My little speech was met with silence, as if she was taking in what I said. Then came a soft ''you do you? So wanky''.

''Glad to hear you are still yourself Lopez''.

''No but seriously, thank you Quinn. You are an amazing friend. I truly do have love for you even if I don't show it often''. Though I liked this open non-combative side of Santana it did worry me. The girl was never this affectionate.

''Anytime. Is there anything I can do for you to make it a little better S?''.

''Well'' she drawled out, ''You could always send me some nudes. That might cheer me up''. My jaw dropped to the floor. This conversation sure gave me some emotional whiplash. She had been crying like five minutes ago.

''I do not sext with my friends''.

''OMG! You do sext with others don't you Quinn Fabray? College has turned you into a naughty girl!'' She cried out. Deciding that nothing good could come from answering that remark I just ignored it. I was always home now anyway, having walked from the library to my dorm during our phone call.

''I'm going to hang up now Santana''.

''Noooo! No way I'm going to let that one go. Teen pregnancy, baby daddy lies, sexting… You're becoming the poster child for bad choices. I'm starting to like you more for it''.

''You forgot thrown out by her parents and nearly killed on her way to a teen wedding. But I do truly have to get back to studying if I want to keep straight A's and my scholarship and all. Keep me posted on how you're doing okay? And don't do anything I wouldn't do''.

''That doesn't cross a lot of things of the list, you know that right? But no Puckermans in the neighbourhood here so I think I'm save. And I will keep you updated, I've missed talking to you. Thanks again''. With that she hung up the phone since we'd otherwise probably still be bantering in an hour or so.

I hadn't realized how much I truly did miss her till now. My life at Yale had pretty much sucked me in from the get-go. Though I had planned on majoring in theatre I had also taken up some classes in gender studies, psychology and literature that I really liked. Plus I joined the gymnastics team, something I really loved without the whole bitchy cheerleading atmosphere around it. I had also been asked to join a secret sorority. Something like a female skull and bones. I wasn't sure if I was going to do it though. I thought back to my conversation with Santana and to her and Britts relationship. Britt was probably certifiable and Santana had a nasty mean streak but they always just seemed to fit. Britt saw the kindness in Santana and also managed to bring it out. Santana in return was the only person really able to understand Britts fantasy world, communicate with her and love her more for it. I'd imagined that they would stay together at least the first years of Santana going to college. If it wasn't out of love than at least out of sheer unwillingness to let the other go. I really did admire her courage to choose for herself.

Thinking realistically their break up would likely also change my own relationship with Brittany. Santana and I could fight like cats and dogs but at the end of the day she was the glue holding the unholy trinity together. She is mine and Britts best friend, while the two of us were always just a little to far apart to really get each other. I heard my phone buzz on my bed where I had tossed it after disconnecting the call.

I'd been really lucky, in the first week here a girl on my floor decided that she missed California after all and transferred to Stanford. Her dorm was the only single on the freshman floor and I'd been able to snatch it, giving me more space and some privacy. I stood up from my desk to retrieve my phone, seeing it was a text from Santana. Hey Q, how's that picture coming that you promised?. I shook my head. This girl is incorrigible. I shot her a quick text back telling that I did promise no such thing and threw my phone back on the bed. Deciding to get some studying done I opened my gender studies book and started reading.

Two hours later my phone had been buzzing several times. Since it was time for a break anyway I checked my was one from Rachel inquiring if I's be in Lima for Thanksgiving or wanted to join her in New York so I could finally use that train ticket she gave me. One from my mother asking about Thanksgiving as well. What was up with all these people and their very early Thanksgiving plans? And three from Santana. The first one stated that I either tell her with whom I'd been sexting or send her the picture I sure did promise. The second was one asking if I needed some inspiration.

I opened the third text. My jaw dropped, my eyes shooting over the screen, blood was rushing to my head and heat spreading over my body. Santana's third text contained a very scarcely clad selfie of her. She was lying down on her stomach on a bed propping her head up on a hand smiling seductively into the camera. Her amazing breasts were covered by a black lace bra giving a spectacular view, over her shoulder I could see her very firm ass clothed in a matching pair of lace panties, a garter belt and suspenders leading to see-through stockings, her feet playfully up in the air, a pair of high heels on them. This was certainly the best semi nude I'd ever received. Santana had obviously embarked on her third, bad decision-making stage.

Naturally I had wondered what it would be like with a woman. In fact I had always been quite comfortable with my lingering attraction to women but never really acted on it. During senior year I even had that annoying little crush on Rachel from time to time, freshmen me would most likely have hurled myself of a bridge if I's foreseen that. I'd even kissed a few girls since arriving in New Haven but none of them set my body on fire like this single picture of Santana did.

That didn't mean I had a thing for her though. Santana is very hot. I already knew that. She obviously knows it. She probably just wants to make me uncomfortable, proving some purity idea she has of me.

Okay, I had three options now. Either I just completely ignore her text. That did mean that I couldn't talk to her at least for the next few weeks otherwise it would be weird. Since I realized this afternoon that I missed her, that wasn't a viable option. I could send her a text back scolding her for sending me the picture, confirming my status as a prude. I am sure she would never let me hear the end of that one. The third option was to just snap a semi-racy photo to show her that two can play this game.

However there was a serious risk there since neither of us liked to lose. Obviously letting Santana win wasn't an option for me. Once again thankful for my single dorm I unbuttoned my blouse just enough to show a right amount of cleavage to potentially make her shut up but not enough to be really salacious. I positioned myself on my desk chair, looked seductively into the camera and snapped the photo from a perfect angle to give her a good view. I typed a message with the photo; now are you satisfied? And pressed send. As I did so my heart started racing. Did I really just send a sexy photo to my best friend who, by the way, had just broken up with her girlfriend the same day? This was becoming slippery slope Quinn.

Almost immediately my phone buzzed again. A text from Santana. It had just one word. Hot!.

Right after my phone buzzed again. But satisfied? Not really.

Okay, I should just cut this off right now, saying she had her fun and leave it at that. My phone buzzed again, another picture of Santana filled my screen.

She had ditched the heels and stocking by now and was sitting on her knees on the bed, her knees parted. She had her head thrown back, exposing her long neck and beautiful jaw line. Her left hand was inside the cup of her right breast as though she was touching her own boob. The picture showed of her incredibly taut stomach. San had always been ripped, being a Cheerio and all but these were some next level muscles.

Another text. The real question is. Are you?.

This was ridiculous. I could not be texting this way with Santana. Admitted, this was all not that scandalous yet but it could very easily become just that. Santana was obviously baiting me, seeing how far I would take it. Rationally telling her to cut it out would be the best option.

The minute I opened that second photo however, I knew rationality was not a big contender anymore. I felt myself becoming more and more aroused. Equal parts by the insane beauty that was Santana and by the fact that this was so very wrong in so many ways. Fuck it Quinn, you can figure out the consequences of this later.

I took my blouse all the way off and slid out of my skirt. I was wearing not very charming boxer briefs today so I quickly switched them for a pair of lace panties. I set the timer on my phone and propped it up against some books in my bookcase. Seeing if I could challenge miss instigator herself I took off my bra and held one of the straps between my thumb and forefinger. I turned sideways to the camera, making sure to get some sideboob but no nipple in the picture. I stretched out my arm and threw my head over my shoulder, creating a cute tongue-in-cheek laugh while winking at the camera. The flash went of and I retrieved my phone from the bookcase to see the result.

I was quite satisfied with the result, the stretch marks that had appeared during my pregnancy were almost invisible and I looked hot. Wanting to slightly keep up my façade I decided to go with accompany the picture with a text; you do realize this is a very bad idea San? but hit send anyway.

A couple of minutes went by before my phone buzzed with a reply from Santana. But doesn't it feel good Q? She was right. It did feel good.