Author's Note:Hi all ~ . . I'd like to create some very great collab story but because I don't know most characters profile. I'll be asking for help for those. Anyway, I'll create some OCs , make the whole touhou series the protagonist , and my true goal. . collab with everything. So then , Disclaimer to everything else (excluding my OC)

Chapter 0:Prologue (Plurality Collision)

[Somewhere beyond the Omniverse]

"ahh ~~ ... too boring" Said a mysterious sitting girl.

The girl have an average size of an adult. She have long wavy purple hair with purple eyes , have pale white skin , wears a purple beret with white and dark stripes , Darkish violet dress with belt in the lower part , have a purple doll shoes with violet flowers and have a thin brown book on her left hand.

She is smiling like an innocent girl but in reality , it's an empty smile.

"is there something interesting out there" She mutters while turning the page very fast.

mysteriously , she can read everything in that split second of turning the pages.

while turning the page , An idea struck to the girls head. She smiled by the idea and begins to stand on her unseeable chair.

she then , begins to walk straight in this ominous looking place.

the place is compose of stars and other celestial objects , the ground is nothing but a plain barren lands. the land form looks like a rib bone that creates a straight path , and the area have an abundant amount of unknown purplish breeze and is storming the whole area.

She stop at the end of the road and then , on her sight ... a beautiful alignment of group of stars. it's the universe and the other universes beneath it.

She smiled while looking at the scenery.

"How about if i just mess up with everything ... that would be fun ~" She said while thinking about the fun she would make from doing it.

she place her right hand and opens her hand in front of the universes.

"All of you , Mortal or not , you all are my playthings from now on ... for i am , the [Record of Phantasm] ... will give you the chance to face me!" the record of phantasm said while smiling.

the whole world around her brightens and then ...

End of prologue