"God, it's freezing." Said Commissioner Gordon to himself as he stood next to the Bat-Signal, trying to use it to warm himself up. He'd been up on that rooftop for thirty minutes. He's waited an hour once, and Batman showed up just before he went back down that time, so he wasn't willing to give up. But this was the third time he hasn't showed up all week. He reached for a cigarette, but remembered he threw his pack away after he promised Barbara he'd quit. "God dammit, where the hell are you?" he asked the city skyline. Soon enough, he pulled out his phone and was dialing Barbara.

"Hey dad! What's up?" she asked.

"Hey, I'm up on the rooftop for the third time this week, and he's not here. Have you spoken to him lately?" he asked.

"Oddly enough, no. It's been almost two weeks of complete radio silence. I'll look into it and get back to you. But for tonight, don't freeze to death, go back inside, okay?"

"Okay, sweetie."

"I love you, dad."

"I love you, too." He said, hanging up. He took one last look at the city before shutting off the signal and heading inside. Back in her apartment, Barbara stared off into space wondering, Where the hell are you, Bruce? Soon enough she was on her way to the Manor.

Once she arrived, she wheeled herself into the dining room to find Alfred sitting at the head of the table, with a bottle of scotch in his hand. It looked like he hadn't changed clothes or showered in a few days.

"Alfred?" she asked cautiously.

"Ms. Gordon!" he said, hiccupping, getting out of his seat. "May I ask what brings you here?"

"I'm looking for Bruce."

"Yes, well, I'm afraid you're not the only one."

She looked away, not knowing what to say. "Have you called anyone?" she asked.

"No. He's been away longer than this before." He insisted.

"That doesn't mean anything Alfred. We need to find him." She urged. He sighed, but he knew she was right. Before either of them could say anything, Barbara got an alert on her phone. She pulled it out and saw that Mayor Hamilton Hill was holding a press conference about Batman's disappearance.

"Hill is such an idiot. Now he's just going to get the criminal underworld excited, Alfred we need to call someone."

"You're right. I'll call Master Dick momentarily." She looked away once more. She hadn't talked to Dick in a while, and she wished the circumstances could be a little better. She left before Alfred could call Dick, she wanted to check on her dad.

Meanwhile, Dick was at his on-again off-again girlfriend, Koriand'r's apartment, in the middle of a very important argument.

"Dick! If you don't think it's a good idea for me to get bangs I want you to just come right out and tell me!" she said, getting angry.

"I literally just said you should do what you want, Kori, what is the big deal?" he said very chalantly.

"It's the principle of the thing! You're treating my decision like it has no ramifications! If you can't take me seriously-"

"Whoa, when did this turn into an actual argument?"

"When it began!"

"You actually think I don't take you seriously?!"

Before she could respond, his phone started ringing.

"No, go ahead. Answer it." She urged. Reluctantly he pulled it out and saw it was Alfred, so he picked up.

"You have amazing timing, Alfred."

"We have an emergency." He said.

"What's new?"

"Master Bruce is missing."

Dick sighed. "God dammit. I'll be right there." He hung up and grabbed his jacket. "Kori, I have to go." He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, but she turned away. He wanted to stay and work this out with her, but he knew that it was probably a bad idea, so he left. He sped all the way from Bludhaven to Gotham in under an hour and made it to the Manor fairly quickly. He went inside and went immediately down to the Cave, where he found Alfred sitting at the computer, watching the news.

"Alfred?" he asked. Alfred turned to face him and shut off the news. He stood. "Hello Master Dick."

"I've told you a million times Alfred, you can just call me Dick." He took his jacket off and hung it over a balance beam. "How long has he been gone?"

"Two weeks, three days, and sixteen hours." He said plainly.

"He's been gone longer before." He said.

"But he's never gone this long without contacting me in some way."

"Maybe he sent you a signal and you missed it."

"No. Something is wrong. I'm sure of it."

Dick could hear the worry in Alfred's voice, so he sighed and walked to him, offering him a chair, which he took. He walked over to the cases holding the costumes and looked into the Batman rack, holding Bruce's original costume.

"What was his last known location?" he asked.

"A warehouse by the docks, owned by Wayne Enterprises. It blew up."

"Do you know who else was there?"

"A mysterious vigilante calling herself the Batwoman made an appearance."

"Hm. I'll look into that later, what about enemies?"

"He counted eight before initiating radio silence."

"I'll check the place out." He said, preparing to go get in costume, but he was stopped by a third party entering the Cave.

"Someone tell me where my father is now."

"Damian. Good to see you." Said Dick, deadpan.

"All these rumors of him disappearing must have been fabricated, I know my father better than this. Where is he?" he said, storming all through the Cave.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, Damian. Aren't you supposed to be in Tibet?" asked Dick.

"My training there was near complete. I left as soon as I saw Hill's press conference. How do you intend to find him?" he asked, as if he was testing Dick.

"I was about to go check out his last known location." He said, waiting for it.

"I'm coming with you."

"Trust me, I already knew that. But you can't wear that." He said, motioning to the Tibetan Monk garb. "Suit up, let's go."

"Suit up?" asked a confused Damian.

"Oh yeah… um, just throw on a Robin costume. Tim probably won't care." Suggested Dick.

Damian briefly stopped his eyes from widening in joy, and retorted "As if I care what Drake thinks."

As soon as they both got suited up, they headed to the warehouse.

"Wow, this is not a pretty site." Said Nightwing, in awe of the rubble that has been left behind in the explosion.

"What are we even going to find here? My father obviously isn't in there." Insisted Damian.

"Just come on… there's gotta be something we can use." He said, beginning to wade through all the ash. They searched the entire compound for about half an hour until Dick saw a limp hand sticking out from a pile of debris.

"Oh god…" he muttered before cautiously walking over. He began shoving off the large pieces of debris, eventually getting to the bottom of the pile. What he found made his entire world freeze. There he was, standing and staring down at the Batman's corpse. "Damian." He said, his voice cracking. Damian barely heard him and came running over. When he saw it, his face went completely emotionless. Dick could tell he was holding everything back, and he didn't blame him. With tears in his eyes, he picked up the body and walked it back to the Batmobile, he and Damian not saying another word the entire ride back the Mansion.