Hey Guys! This is my very first fanfiction to ever be posted online. I'm new to this site so please bear with me. First and foremost, Naruto will have a more different appearance within this story. He'll look exactly like Menma from 'Road to Ninja'. I've always thought it would be so much more badass if Naruto had been given black hair with red eyes. In this fic, Naruto will be the Jinchurriki of Son Goku. Read, review, and enjoy! I always welcome constructive criticism.

-I don't own Naruto

Chapter 1: Beginnings.

"GET HIM!", screamed an obviously drunken man wielding what seemed to be a wooden club. The man was part of a mob who were no different than him. This mob consisted of roughly 20 people, all of whom were wielding makeshift weapons as well as blazing torches. This group of people were clearly chasing something, or rather, someone. The target of the sadistic mob was just a little boy, no older than the age of five. The boy had spiky black hair with piercing scarlet eyes. The boy's clothing (if you could even call it that at this point) had been stained with dirt and what seemed to be dry blood, and his shorts had been no exception. As fast as his premature legs could have carried him, the boy had been running away from this group of people, who had their faces plastered with either unfitting smiles or pure rage.

"WHY? What the hell did I ever do to you?! Just LEAVE ME ALONE", the boy had screamed. Usually, his segregation had just consisted of daily beatings and scorn, but never had he been sought out by more then four people, carrying weapons no less. Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears.



"BURN HIM", the villagers all had words to say on the subject of how they were going to finally kill this boy.

'Is no one going to help me? Does no one hear me? Why is this happening to me? Please kami, if you're out there, please save-', the boy's thoughts had been interrupted as he tripped over his own feet. 'Shit.', was the only word that came to his mind. As soon as he fell, the Konoha residents pounced on the young boy like a pack of wolves to a defenseless sheep. The villagers had screamed in joy of hearing the little boy's bones snap, they had screamed feeling their metal stab through innocent flesh, and they had cackled to greater lengths when the boy finally ceased to make any noise, but that had not stopped them. They just kept on going, beating this child to what they thought was beyond death. How wrong they were.

'My body hurts. my legs hurt, my head hurts, everything hurts. Is this all I'll get out of life? Same routine, for as long as i can remember. When are they going to stop?', the boy was slightly succumbing to the pain. He was getting used to it.

The beating and blood went on for another ten minutes until the villagers were positive the young black haired boy had died.

"Good riddance, filthy demon.", The civilians were proud of themselves. They turned around and started to all walk away, believing what they had done was honorable.

'No more. No more pain. No more tears.', these thoughts washed over the boy's mind as he willed himself to get up. Every cell in his body had told him to stay down and die but he wouldn't listen. He begrudgingly pulled up, propping himself against the wooden fence with his left hand and gave himself more leverage with his right hand resting on his knee. Blood was spilling profusely from his head and lips so much that he had to close his left eye and let the blood run over it. With all the strength he could muster, he yelled, " HEY! BRING YOUR CHICKEN SHIT BEHINDS BACK HERE, I'M NOT DONE YET.". The same villagers that had walked away from with badges of accomplishment stopped dead in their tracks, turning around in slight fear. Had this battered child survived? Of course he did, he's a "demon".

'What...in the world...', the villagers simultaneously thought. One unfrightened soul decided to speak up. "So gaki, you want some more? Fine then, I'll personally make sure I go home with your head on a stick". All twenty mob members started to ran toward him, all with malicious grins. "KILL THE DEMON BRAT!". At the sight of this, the five year old could not help but smile. With new and profound valor, the young boy roared at the top of his lungs, looking up to the sky:

"I'M NARUTO FUCKING UZUMAKI. I WILL NOT GO DOWN LIKE THIS. I WILL BECOME THE NEXT HOKAGE AND MAKE SURE NO ONE EVER FEELS THE PAIN I HAVE FELT. I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI, BELIEVE-", he was cut short. The vicious mob had reached him and the member who had promised to make a kabob out of him, struck the young Uzumaki straight across the face with his torch. With a small dud, Naruto's body had struck the ground, unable to move any longer no matter how much willpower he may have.

'I guess this is it for me...at least when I die, I don't have to deal with this shit any longer.', Naruto thought as he was about to black out.

The man had went in for a second strike with his torch, however, before he could make contact with the yet to be unconscious boy, his hand was stopped.

"Yare Yare, now what's all this ruckus I hear? People are sleeping you know". A man with gravity defying silver hair had stopped the impending death blow.

"Who the fuck are you? Move cyclops, this doesn't concern you", the man had said. What he failed to realize though, was that his mob he previously had with him, was now shaking in fear. They new who this "cyclops" was. "Th-That's Hatake Kakashi! RUN!". And the mob fled, dropping their makeshift weapons in the process. The man identified as Kakashi however, did not let go of the man he currently had in his control. He first glanced at Naruto, and then went back to the scum who was now shivering in fear and pain as the jounin's grip had broken his forearm. Naruto was in disbelief. Someone had actually come to help him?

After piecing together the events that had happened, Kakashi just stared furiously at the man currently in his iron grip. The jounin's killer intent was almost physically visible.

"You're not worth it. Leave. If I ever see you again, I'll make you crumble beneath my feet and have you believe death would be a blissful escape." And with that, Kakashi threw the still drunken man across the dirt path, sending him running with his tail between his legs.

Kakashi walked up to the beaten down child, and picked him up with both arms. "You're safe now Naruto."

Naruto could feel the warmth of this man, and decided to finally knock out, asleep in the jounin's arms. Although Naruto was ignorant to this fact, the sharp senses of one of Konoha's finest caught that Naruto's wounds were slowly but surely starting to heal. On to the hospital they go.


Naruto's Mindscape


Naruto slowly began to regain consciousness, however, no matter how much failed to remember from the previous night, he could sense that wherever he was, this place was abnormal. Slowly getting up in his tattered clothes, Naruto came to the realization he didn't remember anything from the night before.

'What the hell, what is this place?', Naruto thought. The place he had woken up to looked similar to that of an underground sewer, but more...sinister. It was built like a tunnel, having only two directions, forward or backwards. What surprised him the most was that he was standing on water.

'HOLY CRAP. I'M STANDING ON WATER!', as if it were on pure instinct, Naruto got over his excitement and ran forward, only to come to a halt as the "sewer" tunnel opened up. Naruto looked up in amazement as he was standing in from of twelve extremely large bars, that reminded him of a jail sail.

'Now I'm really confused. How do I get out?!', said the black haired boy, with visible anxiety welling up within him.

"So this is my jailer...how pathetic.", boomed a loud, deep voice filled with rage and disappointment.

Naruto now frightened to the extreme yelled, "AAAAHHHH WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!". Naruto had fell back onto his ass out of pure fear.

'Tch, he's also uptight. Damn you, Yondaime'.

Deciding that now would be a good time to reveal himself, the mysterious voice finally came into view behind the large cage. As he walked closer and closer to Naruto's line of sight, the only thing his eyes could do were widen in confusion and fear. This was not what he was expecting. Standing before him was a giant red gorilla like beast with dull fangs coming out of the corners of with mouth. The ape had golden eyes and four monster like tails protruding out of his back side. He was so shocked on finally seeing what the appearance behind the voice was, he just had to pinch himself.

"This is just a dream, this is just a dream *huff*huff*".

"Kid, it's embarrassing just looking at you. Stand up so I can explain what's going on.", commanded the hulking ape.

Naruto did exactly as told. However unfortunate his past beatings from villagers were, they had given him the ability to discern friend from foe. No matter how frightening the beast was, he could tell that the being meant no harm.

"All right, I'm listening, but I'm going to sit down, this explanation of yours is going to take a while, no?". As saying this, he took a seat on the water, giving his full attention to the being in front of him.

'Hmmm, he may be a brat, but he's a lot more attentive than I thought'. And with a slight chuckle, the biju began to explain, using his abilities to project images of the occurrence of the night that he had been sealed into the boy. "All right then. First and foremost, my name is Son Goku. I'm what you humans call, "biju". Five years ago, my mind had been taken over by a man with unforgettable red eyes. I was pulled from my home in the forest and was sent to come as a berserker to your village. I had no control over my actions, all I had felt was complete, and utter rage. It was complete chaos for your village, I killed hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocent shinobi and citizens. The one who had stopped me was the current Hokage at the time. To be honest, I was surprised at the oppression he gave me. My main abilities consist of using the land below me and the fire within me, you humans now call it "Yonton" (lava release). Out of all of my biju brethren, I am physically the strongest." 'Though that damn octo-ox brother of mine will never admit it'. What caught me off guard the most was the yondaime's speed. It was almost as if he were teleporting. Here's the kicker kid, that same Yondaime who stopped me, is your father. He had sacrificed his life in order to seal me away. Seal me away into his only child. That child is you. Naruto Uzumaki. However, you use your mother's maiden name as it's own. The Yondaime knew if you kept his namesake, you'd be hunted by shinobi from all nations. Fact of the matter is, your father gave his life to seal me away into your body. This is actually your mindscape. That's what both of your parents wanted, for you to be the hero of the village. While being sealed into you, my consciousness returned to me. From that moment forth, I silently swore to myself that I'd help you grow to become someone worthy of holding the title "Hokage". That's the story kid.

Goku was actually taken aback by Naruto's reaction. The black haired boy had shown no sign of surprise. He had just sat there with a serious expression on his face. Finally, he spoke, "So that's why everyone hates me. Huh, at least now I have some answers, thanks Goku.". The look on the yonbi was that of awe. 'I just gave him a monologue of why he's called a demon ape, and the brat doesn't even flinch...Interesting..."

"Naruto, is none of what I had just told you astonish you in the slightest?", Son was confused. Keeping his normal expression Naruto calmly answered, "Nah, not really. All my life, I've been scorned, shunned, and beaten. At that point, all I wanted were answers, and you gave them to me. I don't harbor any hate for everybody who's done me wrong, I can't imagine what they went through, and what they must have felt, knowing that the being who killed many, is harbored inside somebody so close in proximity to them. And I already made a promise to myself and Jiji to become the Hokage and change the Leaf's ways. I don't go back on my word. Never." Naruto had spoken with such confidence that the biju could do nothing but laugh.

"HAHAHA. Kid, you've got a bright future ahead of you. I wish you could've made contact with me earlier, it's been a painful five years, what with me witnessing your beatings. And yes, as you grow older and train, my strength and elemental abilities will also be apart of you. Now that we have made contact for the first time, I'll now be able to communicate with you through your mind.". With that said, both of them grinned at each other, glad to have someone they can call a partner, and a friend. A good three minutes later, muffled voices could be heard echoing through the area.

"Looks like you're finally starting to wake up kid"

"Seems so. I'll be looking forward to training with you Goku!", and with that, Naruto had turned around and walked away, ready to back to reality.

"Wait, this is my mindscape right? This is too depressing.", and with a wave of his hand, the dim sewer had turned into an island surrounded by the clearest blue water the Yonbi had ever seen. They were also standing on a sandy island, with four larger than him palm trees had sprouted, with what it seemed like an infinite amount of bananas. When all was done, Naruto gave Son Goku his trademark grin and thumbs up.

'Only five years old, and the kid has the maturity of an adult. Can't wait to see how this kid turns out. I'll be sure to whup him into shape.', thought the humongous monkey.

"Oh yeah, hey Goku, from what you've shown me, my tou-san had yellow hair and blue eyes, and my kaa-san had red hair and purple eyes. Why is it that I have black hair and red eyes?", Naruto asked, with the greatest of curiousness. Hearing this, the yonbi had just fallen back on his ass in laughter, his left hand on his head, right hand on his stomach. Naruto had just sweatdropped at this action and scratched the back of his head.

'Was it something I said?...'

AN!: Hey guys, this is my very first fanfiction. Please read and review! I'm gonna have Naruto have the affinities of earth and fire, with a lava release. He'll also have super strength. He has black hair and red eyes because i just feel making him similar to Menma without whiskers looks a lot better than the classic blonde and blue. Please share as well! Tell me what you think!