Sup boiiiiisssssss (and grills). I've been too lazy to upload. So here I am. Over a year later. Hard to believe it's been that long, time flies I guess. Oh well, here it is. Still waiting on submissions, but idk if you'd wanna update seeing how long it took to get this out. Who knows, maybe I'll finish this if I get some tributes.

Kane Bishop is a victor.

Kane Bishop is cool.

Kane Bishop is attractive.

Kane Bishop is me.

I'm from District 1 and won the games four years ago. Not my first time being selected as a mentor, but it always feels like it is. It's exhilarating watching my little soldiers win every single year. That's right,




The tributes that I've mentored each year the past three years have gone on to win their games.

I'm so fucking good.

I never get tired of watching my last kill in the games, that's just how good I am. It was beautiful. Flawless. Magnificent. The little prick from district two thought he had a chance. He volunteered when he was sixteen, thinking he'd win. And he would have, if I wasn't such a fucking animal. I pretended as if he was forcing me back, but then dodged a swing completely and decapitated him before he knew what happened. The look of shock on his falling head turned me on. That was my sixth kill.

Oops. I went a little off topic. I would say sorry, but I'm not. I'm just too spectacular.

I am God.

Anyone who has ever disagreed with me learns to regret it. I either ruin their career, or straight up kill them. But nobody ever knows it was me. It couldn't be me. I'm too popular. Nobody believes that their idol could do something so horrendous outside of the games.

Little off topic again...

Wait, never mind. I forgot what the topic was. I'm just going to hire someone to write a biography about me, because writing this is giving me a headache.

Alright I'm done. That took a solid 5 minutes. Probably not very good, but whatever. I'm too lazy to go back and edit it.