Title: Buried Secrets
Summary: Before the Arcobaleno curse, Reborn had a one-night stand. Never knowing that the woman wasn't human and had become pregnant with his child, it wasn't until 30 years later, due to some jesting from his fellow Arcobaleno and Vongola guardians, that Fuuta unknowingly reveals to Reborn the truth. His son who is currently residing in Namimori. No pairings. Parental!Reborn, Son!Tsuna
A/N: Updates will be very slow and this chapter is more of an introduction of characters and the arrangements of said characters before hitting the tracks.
Chapter 1
There has never been a job that Reborn couldn't complete once accepted. He absolutely prided himself on that very fact. He was the number one hitman in the world and he excelled at everything he touched, whether it was math or science or even the basics of shooting a gun. Now, he wasn't too confident. He knew better than that, considering his lifestyle, and it was that very pride of his that had gotten him roped up into the Arcobaleno business, believing that all he needed was his skills to protect himself. It was something that had taught him a valuable lesson, one that would remain with him for all eternity.
Time passed and after a while, he took up teaching as he found his life falling into a steady conundrum. He hadn't thought much on himself actually being able to get far in that certain area considering his dark nature and the very fact that he took lives, not save them. If he taught, it was to kill, not to grow. However, he made due and managed to get his first student, Dino, to pass as a reasonable, respectable mafia boss. There were still some rough bumps on the pathway and some that remained afterwards, but Reborn knew that it wasn't easy to get something out of nothing. Without knowing, the hitman came to enjoy teaching, the ability to make a rock shine like a diamond among the flawed others. It was different than taking a life or figuring out some numbers in an equation for the answer. It...actually gave him joy to see his student succeed and improve along the ladder and so, when he got his second job to train a teenager named Sawada Naruime as Vongola Decimo, he readily agreed.
Of course, he didn't expect the complications that readily and incessantly followed. Luckily, Naru (short for Naruime) wasn't that bad of a student, average grades, standard appearance, okay with sports, and had enough kindness and charisma to become a fine leader. Perhaps not the best, but Reborn knew how to improve places that were lacking or cover them up entirely, painfully so if needed. It was what occurred afterwards and during that where issues began to sprout up...annoyingly.
Reborn could hardly find any good guardian material candidates in Namimori.
Now, the town had plenty to choose from, many people that would be average subordinates compared to Vongola Decimo, but the top pickings of the crop, the ones he really desired, had already been taken. That was something he didn't like at all. He despised it when someone came before him and created trouble for him to piece back together, if he could that is.
"Reborn, are you ready to order?"
The hitman snapped out of his thoughts and peered up at his student curiously, his expression blank like always. Not a single emotion escaped his solid mask despite the initial surprise he felt when he had allowed his mind to wander. He reached up to flick his fedora to the side, giving a sadistic smirk. "Of course, Dame-Naru. Unlike you, I don't waste precious time."
Naru grumbled quietly into his menu, glancing away from the baby hitman. "Seriously, Reborn..."
Norma, Naru's mother and Iemitsu' wife, just smiled at the display. "He's just teasing, Naru. Now, let's order. It's not often that we get to go out like this. It's a nice change from just eating at home every day." As she spoke, the waiter decided to make his appearance, focusing everyone's attention solely on him.
Reborn peered up at the black-haired teenager that had arrived at their table and silently huffed to himself. Yamamoto Takeshi, a natural born hitman, was the first and absolutely perfect rain guardian he had chosen for Naru. However, it was apparent by the constant warm aura surrounding the teen that the boy had already been harmonized with another sky bearer and a powerful one to boot. That made Reborn sneer in anger. Such potential taken away even before he had arrived to terrorize the town. He had once thought about forcefully breaking the bond to secure the pact, but he knew very well that would cause more harm than good.
Shattering a powerful connection vehemently came with serious consequences, him knowing and personally experiencing it far too well after the apparent death, constant lies, and flat out abandonment from Luche, the ex-Sky Arcobaleno. She had paid the price with her very life, pushing the fate of death to her children to bear and suffer through.
Anyway, after breaking the connection, the teenager would hardly trust anyone else afterwards, suspicious of all those surrounding him until he finally met someone that could piece him back together. In the long term, it wouldn't do Naru any good to have such an unstable guardian under him, constantly examining all his intentions skeptically. It wouldn't build any companionship, just discord among the budding group.
With that in mind, Reborn had no choice but to abandon the temptation and leave him alone, gazing elsewhere for someone else to replace the position. Still, that did bring up the question of who the unmentioned sky bearer was. Sky flames were extremely rare, generally passed down by family lines, but he had yet to sense anyone that even had a hint of them in Namimori except for Naru (his mother wielding rain flames).
There were also other problems that arose in the meantime. He had picked out another guardian only to be denied for the exact same reason as Yamamoto. The cloud bearer, Hibari Kyoya, the demon of Namimori, had already been claimed. Reborn could see Hibari having a lot of supremacy, of potential to be extremely powerful like Yamamoto, and the familiar last name that belonged to the storm Arcobaleno, Fong, told him exactly how the individual would transform in the future. Of course, that would never happen. The hitman suspected that Hibari had harmonized with the same sky bearer and it only frustrated him more so than before. The only reason he suspected this was because these two males were friends or what appeared like friends from the way they would spar out behind the school or on the rooftops. Reborn desired these two. They would indefinitely complement Naru's developing team perfectly, but alas, there was nothing he could currently do but abandon them.
Luckily, he had been able to snare Sasagawa Ryohei as the sun guardian and bring Bovino Lambo from Italy as the lightning (much to his ire). He was still working on the other positions, but he knew that sooner or later they would reveal themselves to him, including the elusive sky bearer that had stolen all the best potentials from him. As he drew himself out of his thoughts, Reborn blinked once as he examined the natural born hitman.
Takeshi grinned widely, peering at the group of three, and held a small pad in his left hand, ready to take their orders. "Welcome to Takesushi! Can I take your order?" The calming aura the other held just screamed rain and Reborn almost wanted to sneer loudly at the lost latent. He could already see the teen becoming one of the best hitman out there, below him of course. The black-haired teen blinked momentarily once more as his eyes drifted over the group, suddenly recognizing his classmate. "Ah, Naru! It's good to see you! Did you bring everyone with you today for dinner?"
Naru grinned brilliantly in return, unable to resist the draw of Yamamoto's dazzling smile, and rubbed the back of his head out of bashfulness. "Yeah, my new tutor apparently wanted to head out to see the neighborhood. Plus, we needed a break from home."
"Well, I'm glad you chose Takesushi for that break than anywhere else. I'm absolutely certain that our food will definitely be worthwhile." Takeshi laughed, earning some smiles from the two family members. Meanwhile, Reborn simply stared curiously, almost wanting to start huffing. "Now, let me get your orders so we can get things started." Once everyone had made their round on demands, Takeshi glanced towards the Sun Arcobaleno curiously. They observed each other before the teen finally spoke, "So who's this? Your little brother? I didn't even know you had one." He grinned at the last comment, earning a drop of color in Naru's expression and a scared frown.
"Ciaossu. I'm Reborn, a hitman and Naru's tutor. I'm here to turn him into a respectable mafia boss." The baby tilted his fedora to one side and smirked, interested in observing the following reaction. Naru responded as he expected: becoming shocked, then surprised, followed by anger as the blond haired teen yelled out his name. Norma simply smiled along while Takeshi stared for a minute in question, as if considering the remark, before barking out into laughter.
"You're funny, kid! That was a good one! You almost had me believing you there!" Not saying anything else on the subject, Takeshi went on. "You know, the name 'Reborn' sounds familiar, but I can't quite place my finger on it. Oh well, it probably wasn't that important anyway." Shrugging his shoulders, Takeshi tossed the idea out without a second thought. "Well, let me send out your order." Without another word, the worker wandered off, leaving the group of three alone at the table in silence.
Reborn briefly watched the teen leave, still mentally huffing in disappointment. It was such a shame really. Still, he was adaptable to any environment and he would make do with what he had laid out before him. He was anything if not stubborn.
Minutes passed and eventually the requested food appeared before them, carefully laid out in front of each individual. It was peaceful as the trio ate, though only if Reborn regularly snatching Naru's food was considered so, with some small talk regarding school and the neighbors. People came and went, tables were emptied and filled. Laughter and cheery voices filled the restaurant and Reborn found it serene and peaceful compared to his usual expectations of the dark world. It was something most of these people have never once been touched by (excluding the owner of the restaurant, Yamamoto Tsuyoshi. Reborn does his homework, after all).
Everyone was so focused on each other, ignoring the surrounding vicinity, that a single figure slipped in and maneuvered through the crowd unnoticed. The person, young in appearance, aged about fifteen, smiled softly for a few seconds as he stood at the entrance of the restaurant and blinked honey-colored eyes as he sought out his target among the mass. He chuckled once he spotted the said individual. The brunet continued forward, weaving around people with grace that didn't quite belong to his appearance. His eyes spoke of knowledge and time and yet they remained bright like the sky, ignoring the color difference. He ducked under a wandering waitress' arm that had been outstretched and twirled around a man pushing out his chair too quickly. Soon, the teenager reached his goal and winked at the man at the counter, who had obviously noticed him, before reaching forward to pat the person he had been seeking on the shoulder.
Takeshi spun around, a questioning look on his expression, and then as he glanced over the person that had drawn his attention, he grinned brilliantly. "Tsuna! You're back!" Without any ounce of hesitation, Takeshi had his arms wrapped around the other, squeezing tightly as he buried his face into the shoulder welcomingly.
Tsuna couldn't help but laugh softly in amusement, returning the gesture as he wrapped his arms around the other teen, before patting him on the back. "I'm back but just for a little while sadly. Been busy lately. However, I wanted to visit you and make sure that everything was okay on your end before I head out."
As they pulled apart, Takeshi rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly before he frowned. Shaking his head, he cheered right back up. "Had a bit of a slope lately, but I managed to pull myself together. I knew you would be furious if I were to do something stupid."
"Damn right, I would. I would beat you senseless and allow everyone else to have a turn with you."
Takeshi paled slightly, but the radiant grin never left. "So how long will you be around this time? I've missed you, Tsuna. It's lonely around here without you. I only have Hibari and Shoichi to talk to. Can't you just stay here forever and never leave?"
Tsuna sighed, running a hand through his thick brown locks. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind, but Byakuran keeps causing me trouble and I have to be the one to clean it up. Mukuro isn't helping either."
Unknowingly, Reborn had started eavesdropping on the conservation between the two teens. He had recognized the last mentioned name, Mukuro, the most. It belonged to a well-known criminal that had destroyed multiple mafia families with powerful illusionary talents. Then there was Byakuran, the boss of the Gesso famiglia, whose group is considered small in size, but was slowly and progressively gaining power. It was a famiglia that Vongola had been keeping an eye on, unsure of their intentions, but, as far as Reborn has heard, had been out of trouble. If anything, they were quiet. Narrowing his eyes at the two, the hitman examined each teen a little more thoroughly from his location, not wanting to shift closer in case one of them sensed him.
Tsuna unknowingly continued, "You know, you're always welcomed to join me. I know Gokudera has been missing you dearly, though he will never openly admit. He just isn't the same with his favorite argument partner."
Another name Reborn recognized. Gokudera... Must be Gokudera Hayato, a great candidate for the storm position, except he wasn't exactly on the market anymore. Apparently, he had joined an unknown group and declared himself loyal to his new boss, someone that was probably connected to the brunet before him. As Reborn prodded closer to Tsuna, he could sense the pure sky flames surrounding the teen, pouring out like it was almost leaking, powerful yet calming. This sky bearer was potent and there was no doubt he had the ability to back it up from the way he spoke and held himself. Even Reborn felt himself being memorized by the warm sensation that slid over his body. He mentally cursed. It was no wonder the other guardian candidates had been snatched up so easily. Tsuna had a sense of serene and maturity that drew people towards him, including him despite his resistance.
The conversation between the teens continued as Takeshi sighed heavily, shoulders slumping downward. He peered behind him towards his old man who was working diligently at the counter top, rapidly going through orders. "I would love to, but I don't want to leave Pops behind."
It was only then that Yamamoto Tsuyoshi glanced up with a wide grin. It was clear he had been eavesdropping, though it wasn't hard to considering they were only a foot apart. "You're welcome to go anytime, Takeshi. I actually want you to go. Wherever you head to will definitely be more educational and enlightening than you can ever get from a mere classroom. Plus, you're always welcomed to come back here! I'll always be here waiting for your safe return!" Reaching over (after taking off his food preparation gloves), he ruffled his son on the head, laughing as he did so, and it grew louder when he saw Takeshi's embarrassed blush blooming on his cheeks. The black-haired teen reached up momentarily with one hand to grasp his father's own with a peaceful grin, touching it affectionately. It was such a bubbly scene, one that no one wanted to interrupt, even the other workers and customers avoided the duo. Tsuyoshi peered over to the brunet, giving a similar expression. Tsuna just smiled in return, not minding the attention. "You're always welcome back too, Tsuna. You've been a great help to both myself and my son. Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened to us if you weren't around."
"I'm sure everything would have worked out perfectly fine. I don't deserve any thanks." Tsuna continued to smile, his eyes peering straight into Tsuyoshi's. "Anyway, you've helped me out too, so it's only right to return it. Plus, we're friends so it doesn't matter."
The father and son combo just stared at the brunet and laughed a little longer before finally pulling apart to start working once more. However, Tsuna and Takeshi remained together, chatting along as the black-haired teen gathered plates.
"So, your father just gave you the green light, you know. Does that mean you'll be coming with me for the upcoming trip?" Tsuna grinned, nudging the other along the shoulders teasingly. "By the way, I'm not taking a 'no' for an answer. You're coming whether you like it or not and I'm dragging Kyoya and Shoichi too. All eight of us, including Chrome, are going to be together."
Takeshi huffed, pouting. "But what about school? I also have a baseball tournament coming up."
Tsuna rolled his eyes. "Oh hush, you'll be fine. I can tutor you better than those teachers ever could and the team will survive without you. If they're depending on you this much then they deserve to fail. It'll be a good chance for them and even you to grow."
"Fine, fine, just can't argue with you, can I?" Takeshi shook his head, rolling his eyes as well as he turned away. He wandered off the gather some dishes for another table, leaving Tsuna alone in the center of the restaurant. The brunet just chuckled, taking a moment to spin around to face the rest of the dining area. His eyes examined over each group in the building before finally stopping at Naru's. He grinned, recognizing the blond teen.
"Ah, Naru!" Stepping forward, Tsuna's attention was focused solely on the teenager, not noticing the other two members at the table (the smallest being hidden behind Naru's body). "How are you? It's been a while since I've last seen you!"
The blond male of the table coughed out of surprise, nearly chocking on the sushi he had just popped into his mouth, and spun his head around so quickly that Reborn thought for a moment he might actually snap his neck. The chopsticks fumbled in his hands, almost dropping them onto the table, and blinked rapidly at the incoming individual that had called him out. "T-Tsuna?"
"Yep, I'm back!" Tsuna grinned, stopping before the blond, and leaned over against the table. "Sadly, only for a week or two since I just came to visit everyone and drag them all back with me."
"O-Oh..." Naru pouted. "That's too bad. Is work really that busy for you? Can't you find a closer job?"
"I wish, but bills need to be paid one way or another and it's always easier to work with those I'm familiar with anyway. Helps that the pay is great too. I just wished that certain people wouldn't constantly try to push me into positions I don't want to be in. Luckily, I can still deny things." Tsuna sighed heavily, nudging his bangs to the side with a quick sweep of his hand. "It's a good thing I get good grades or I'd be in trouble. It helps that I have a few friends that home tutor me wherever and whenever I visit. They keep me from falling behind."
Naru chuckled, "Sometimes I envy you, but at the same time, I don't." He placed his chopsticks down onto his plate and peered up at the other curiously once more. "But doesn't it get lonely with all that traveling? I mean, you don't really have a stable home."
Giving a small snicker, Tsuna shook his head, noting the way Naru's cheeks flushed. "Thank you for the concern, but I'm never really alone. Everywhere I go, there's always someone there, waiting for me. Without any parents, I don't exactly have any stability so it makes things both convenient and annoying."
"A-Ah..." Naru didn't know who to say to that. He peered at his own mother, thankful that he had someone just for him to watch his back and give him a roof over his head. He couldn't imagine being out there with no one to support him (excluding his no-good father that he hadn't seen for years). Just the thought of it sounded horrible and depressing. His blue eyes gazed down at his sushi, not quite feeling up to finishing it off.
The two of them had been classmates in the same class the year before and had gotten along quite well despite their differences. However, they weren't incredibly close, as if Tsuna was doing something to keep them purposefully apart (something everyone had noticed). It didn't get any better when Tsuna never returned to school the next year, quitting to work full time in order to cover the bills on his apartment and his poor situation. Before long, memories of the once smiling brunet had vanished completely from people's mind, like he had never truly existed. Only those he had genuinely befriended and still visited whenever he came into town could remember him.
Naru felt the situation slip into an awkward state and finally peered up at the brunet, a weak smile resting on his lips. In an effort to diffuse the situation, he motioned to the rest of the table. "Well, let me introduce you to everyone here." He rotated his body around in his chair and gestured towards Norma. "This is my dear mother, Norma."
Tsuna smiled softly, almost like his lips were permanently quirked that way and it no doubt made him appear older in manifestation. "Hello, Mrs. Sawada." His eyes then turned towards the other body at the table before suddenly freezing into place. No one seemed to notice the sudden shift or the widening of those honey-colored eyes except for Reborn. It was so obvious that Tsuna was shocked by his mere appearance, but as for the reason why, Reborn had no clue. Naru continued on, never noticing the new development, and motioned towards the hitman. "And this is Reborn. He'll be staying with me for a while as my tutor."
"Tutor, huh..." the brunet muttered under his breath, looking slightly nervous. He took a step back and yet despite everything, only Reborn had been able to read the hidden expression underneath the smiling mask. Before anything could continue, Takeshi decided to call out to him, snapping his attention away from the Arcobaleno. Tsuna spoke calmly, without a tinge of uneasiness. "Ah, sorry to cut this visit short, but I better get going. It was nice to meet all of you. Perhaps another time?"
Before anyone got the chance to reply, Tsuna was already wandering away, rushing over to his friend's side within an instant. Reborn continued to watch from his spot on the table, his interest in the brunet sparked immensely. He wasn't unfamiliar with such reactions to his appearance or name. After all, he's the strongest and best hitman in the underworld and anyone that worked in the mafia would know him. People would regularly flinch at the mere mention of his name or run far away in an effort to escape if they heard he was coming. Taking Tsuna's reaction into consideration, no doubt the teen recognized him. His ears picked up the conversation between Tsuna and Takeshi, drowning out everything else as he focused intently.
"Ah, Tsuna, you alright? You're looking a little pale there."
"No, I'm alright but... Maybe the jetlag is finally getting to me? Too much traveling, you know? Would it be alright if I rested in your room for an hour or so until I feel a little bit better?"
"Yeah, sure! I'll come up there in a little bit with something for you to eat. Nothing makes someone feel better than some good ol' food. Oh, and Pops wanted to know if you'd be willing to look over our records? You know how hard it is hiring a fulltime record keeper. It's so difficult to keep one around."
Tsuna just laughed, brightening up slightly. "Alright, I'll do that afterwards. Thanks, Takeshi."
"We're the best of buds, so of course!"
The rest died off as Tsuna disappeared behind the employee only area, the blue curtain sliding into place over the hallway. Reborn hummed gently to himself before taking another piece of sushi. Slowly chewing, he brought his eyes back to his student and observed once more. The two sky bearers were utterly different, on a completely separate playing field. While his student was a bumbling fool with hints of strength in the making, the other had clearly begun to influence those around him with power that oozed from his very form. The hitman had no doubt in his mind that Tsuna would be sought after for that strength, but it was clear the brunet was already working with or for someone. Reborn mentally huffed. He would need to keep a very close eye on the other sky bearer. He didn't want his student and Tsuna becoming enemies. Perhaps friends would be best... It would be good to have positive relationships for the future.
As he finished, he flicked his fedora upward, nudging Leon awake. He watched as the lizard slid down his body and slither onto the table to take a few sushi pieces for himself. Reborn turned to center his attention on Naru. "Dame-Naru," His student glanced over curiously, almost fearfully. "Who was that?"
"Oh! That's Mikazuki Tsunayoshi." Naru smiled brightly at the mentioning of the brunet. "He's a pretty good guy. Nice and all, but does have a tendency to keep people far away from him. He used to go to my school until he dropped out. Apparently, since he doesn't have any family, being an orphan and all, or support, he had to work to keep his place and buy groceries. It's a tough situation for him, but it looks like it's working. Tsuna looks...happy."
Reborn glanced back to stare at the exit the brunet had gone through. It was interesting, but the thought of investigating further on the other was soon tossed aside as he dug deeper into finding guardians for Naru first. In the end, it didn't matter anyway. Two weeks after the meeting, Tsuna, Takeshi, Shoichi, and Kyoya all left Japan. They came back now and then, creating a massive ruckus wherever they went (all on Hibari Kyoya), before leaving once more. Never did they stay long enough to get Reborn on their case and they never quite interfered with Naru or Reborn's teaching plans, so in the end, they were left alone. It didn't help when people began to come after his student, focusing on keeping the Vongola heir alive.
Reborn cursed himself years later for not taking a closer look at this group when he should have. Maybe then, things might have come out a little differently.
A different take and something a little new than my usual.
Review to let me know you enjoyed it :)