~ 1 month later...~

Normal P.O.V

A month has past and things are going pretty smooth in the mean time. The girls still continued to be the boy's personal maids, while the boys still continued on finding their mates. It is -without doubt- the most hardest "mission" they have encountered, they dated several girls and all, there are even some with close calls! (if it weren't for Irenia's judgements for their "taste for girls"). But lets not focus on that, lets focus on the girl's and boy's school day shall we? Okay okay okay, let's start, so anyways the boys attend to this very elegant and fancy private school. This school only accepts people that either have a special connection between the royalties of they are the royalties themselves, but most of the students are pretty much people who are indeed loaded with money. The girls in the other hand attended a public school, but not the type of public school where in the comfort room is really small and that the cafeteria has a broken ceiling or something that ish, even for a public school, the King and Queen provided it well for it is like a private school only 2x smaller and no chandelier nor a cafe in the entrance. Okay Ill stop talking cuz' we are about to start the story, kay? kay.

Brick's P.O.V

I washed my hair with water as I watched the shampoo flow down the drain, I checked at the clock outside the shower and saw that it is only 6:30 and classes doesn't start till 7:00.

'30 minutes...' I thought. That is actually quite enough time and I could probably reach to school and got to the library before the students arrive, if it weren't for Butch's snoring, Boomer's whining and Blitz's stubbornness. I shook my head and let out a light chuckle, indeed they are my brothers, but I still don't get how we are related. I turned off the shower and stepped out to brush my teeth, after I did that I went to put on boxers and began drying my long hair. After what seemed like a minute or so someone knocked on the door.

"Ano Brick-sama, if you don't mind, can I come inside to put your clean clothes?" a smooth voice said behind it, Momoko's voice. I looked towards my door smirked, I sat down on my bed leaning against the frame with my arms crossed over.

"Go ahead" I replied, the door creaked open and there walked in Momoko holding a red laundry basket with my clothes neatly folded, she turned to say something towards me but then stopped, dropped the basket and put her hands over her mouth and eyes. Her face was flushed red and I only chuckled at that.

"Brick-sama, you could've just told me that you were still changing! I would have waited outside!" She scolded, I just shook my head and went towards where my school pants and shirts are. Today is a school day so I have to where the school uniform, Im a good boy ain't I?

"Relax Momo, its not like you saw anything that is not meant to be seen" I smirked as an idea came to mind "or do you want to~" I looked behind my shoulder to see her shaking her head ferociously.

"Not at all!" She said still covering her face. I laughed and changed to my clothes as I told her

"Don't look okay?" She nodded her right arm raised in a promising way while her eyes shut closed.

"I wont!" She said, I nodded and finished changing. After that I went to get my tie and started doing it

"You can look now" I said, Momoko peeped her eyes open and sighed in relief to see me fully dressed. She sighed and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Next time, dont pull something like that" She said, I nodded my head lazily.

"Yes ma'am" She went to the laundry and started to put back my clothes. I turned towards the full sized mirror and did my thing- tying a tie. Its really hard actually and I admit it- to mysalf that is. I started to struggle putting it one when I heard a soft giggle behind me.

"You aren't doing so well with that aren't you?" Momoko said as she giggled once again and pointed at my messed up tie that has been tied into crap. I scoffed.

"Oh please, most men dont go well with ties you know" I said, she sighed and undo my tie while smiling a little.

"Tell that to your father and he'll sure give you a heck of a training on this one" She said still undoing my tie. There was silence after that and I took this opportunity to examine her. (A/N: I suck at these really romantic things so just bear with it, pretty please with whipped cream and sugar on top~ (◕︵◕))Her long orange hair that smelled like strawberries and vanilla, her fair peachy colored skin that I bet is smooth to touch, her white maid's uniform that fit her every curve and her cute little pink apron that just suits her very well, her pink eyes that are very calm and soothing even in the times I threw my anger tantrums, yes there were times where in I throw my tantrums. I sighed, what guy would not want her to be with him. I broke out of my thoughts as Momoko stepped back with a smile.

"There you go" She said, I looked down to see my tie perfectly done, I smiled.

"Thanks" I went to go get my jacket then something stopped me.



"Don't you go to school?" I asked as I grabbed my jacket. There was a bit of silence before she answered.

"I do..." I went to my mirror and put my jacket while fixing my hair.

"Where do you school?" She blinked before answering hesitantly.

"New Townsville Public School, why?" I nodded with a small 'mhm' taking in the new information I got.

"What time are you supposed to be there?"

"7:00" I stopped fixing my hair and looked at the clock. 6:45. I stared at Momoko as she just hummed and continue folding and placing my clothes.

"Aren't you worried about being late?" I asked walking towards her, she lifted her head and smiled.

"Nope, I never get late" She replied, I stared at her amused.

"How?" She shrugged but smirked a little, that smirk didn't go unnoticed by me though.

"I don't know" I just nodded suspiciously and went towards my backpack. After that I went towards the door and called over my shoulder.

"I'll see you later" She only nodded with a smile as she waved at me. I waved back and head towards the gate where my brothers are standing there waiting, well more of Boomer waiting for me. The others aren't there so I suspected that they aren't even ready.

"Lets go?" I asked, Boomer tilted his head.

"But what about Butch and Blitz?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

"They'll catch up, now come one" I said as I got into running position, he did the same thing and after that we dashed towards our school.

Momoko's P.O.V

After folding the rest of Brick-sama's laundry, I went towards the Maid's Quartet, in there I meet with my "sisters". By the looks of it, it seems they have accomplished their morning tasks too.

"Hey Blossy~" Usagi cheered,

"Stupid perverted baka always thinks about his hair... Oh, wassup?" Kaoru greeted

"Ohayo Gozaimasu" Miyako said, I nodded with a smile.

"Hey, so you guys ready for school?" I asked, they nodded and we went towards our room. In there we literally (well not really) got out from our maid uniforms and got changed into our school uniforms. I looked at the clock and it read '6:50, 10 minutes before bell'.

"Ne minna, ikou" I said walking out the door, Kaoru followed me while grumbling about why does school exist, Miyako giggled while following also while Usagi was jumping while going outside the door, like literally jumping.

"~School school, mister golden school, why do you have to be so- *thug* AAHH!" Usagi began to sang -like she always do- but then stopped, we all looked around and sweatdropped at the scene in front of us. There laying, was our dear "sister" with a big red mark on her forehead.

"Itai!ಥ_ಥ" Usagi whined, me and the other girls just sighed.

"╮(─▽─)╭ eh, that's what you get for jumping towards the door" Kaoru sighed with her arms crossed.

"Uggghhh... stupid door! ヾ(`ε´)ノ" Usagi said while going towards it and smacking the door only to get her hurt in return.

"Itai! ಥ_ಥ" Usagi whined once again. We all sweatdropped at her...again.

"Mou, you should really stop doing such childish things" I scolded her, she only nodded with a little "Hai..."





"I felt sorry for the door though..." We all looked at our blonde sister as if she has 11 fingers in total.

"...What? ^.^?" There was a bit of silence before Kaoru burst into laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaoru said laughing so hard that she was leaning on the floor, Usagi followed her as they were both laughing like crazy, I giggled slightly, while Miyako... still doesn't get what's happening.

"Alright, alright let's go to school" I said between giggles. The others (Kaoru and Usagi) stopped while Miyako nodded with a bright smile. We headed outside the backdoor and walked for 5-10 steps to reach the school's back gate. Yes, this is why we never get late for school besides being personal maids.


The school bell rang signaling for the students to go and form their lines for the morning flag ceremony, Kaoru groaned as she placed -well dropped- her bag near a tree.

"Why do we need to go to school?!" She whined

"Because Kaoru, Maya-san told us that it would be helpful for us in the future" I said, as I placed my bag next to Kaoru's and began walking along with her.

"Demo ne, are we still going to be maids in the future?" Miyako suddenly asked, I stopped for words at that.

She's actually right... Come to think of it, I never thought about that... are we still going to be maids in the future?

RRBZ: WIDBHVSDwjobvpasdugfqwejbvoqwyrbuwervbe

PPGZ: O.o?

Usagi: What kind of secret language is that?

Miyako: Yeah, I can't understand desu

Other PPGZ: -.-"

Butch: EH?! Its whats on the script!

Kaoru: -_- What script. *turns to Momoko* Do we even have one?

Momoko: *shakes head* Nope, I haven't received anything. Why did you boys have that anyways?

Brick: We can ask you the same thing


Usagi: So... what's on the script?

Blitz: Oh just a bunch of stuff. Wanna read?

Miyako: Yes please-


Miyako: ^_^"

Momoko: *looks over* Its about answering reviews

Usagi: YOSH LET'S DO THIS! Okay so first is Lilipie Princess, hm...Aria-ching-chang is starting a new story, its called 'Text Mate' its still a ppg fanfic and Im still there! ^_^, so yah you can check it out. WHOSE NEXT?!

Miyako: Can I-

Kaoru: * gets script* Next is flamingheart12, I'll do the stunt while the rest answer their part kay? kay. *just imagine any stunt that Kaoru does, its your choice, yah imagination* Kay Im done.

Usagi: Oh oh! There's a question for me! Um... I dont know! I just hate tension, they send me that shivers *fake shivers* Next is Brick-kun!~

Brick: Yeah yeah, stop being too hyper. Im not being that indifferent, Im simply doing what is right. And also, that cat was annoying and Dad doesn't want any animals in the castle, so why keep it?

Momoko: So you did throw the cat?! *furious*


Blitz: Alright alright, next we have PpgzxRrbzcrossover2016, ohohohoho even we dont know whats inside Ari's mind, you'll just find it out soon *smirks*

Butch: Next is PippElulu... I dont know how to-

Me: *bursts throw door* OH YES! I just love Ojamajo Doremi and couldn't help but atleast place someones name in the story *closes door*

Others: ...

Boomer: And the last one for today is Guest, thank you! Im sure Aria-chan appreciate the fact you enjoyed the story *smiles charmingly*

Miyako: *blushes*

Momoko: Anyways, I think thats it

Kaoru: Yeah well lets close this thing

Greens: Live life young!

Purples: Stay cool!

Blues: Stay tuned for next chapter!

Reds: Ja Ne Minna

All: Dews mata ne!

A/N: Im so sorry I haven't been updating these past few weeks, school has got my time big time. And also thank you for all the patience you guys have. Im really sorry for the very bad grammar, if you want you can also suggest things to be added in this story. It could help me a lot. So see yah! ^_^