Hello minna! This is my first fanfiction and hope you guys would enjoy! If you have, feel free to leave your suggestions in the reviews it would really help go easy one me! Anyways, let's do this!*snaps and disappears*

Ever wonder what the world would be like if it was taken under control, just because he/she has that much power to rule over almost...everything?Everyone has his/her own dreams in life. Some wanted to help people by treating them in their illnesses, some wanted to protect everyone from harm and makes sure that everyone is safe, some wanted to be equal to everyone by taking care of all the arguments happening here and there and some just wanted to do, the sandman knows what they wanted to do. People from all around the world are striving their bet to become what they wanted to be in the future, actually all except-


All except Maya Hashimoto and a few more people who unfortunately is currently serving the rulers of the world and pretty much the highest form of them all... vampires.You see, long story short vampires had taken over the entire world starting by ruling over a certain country, after they do that they pretty much took over the world. But it's not just the old "let's-take-over-and-combine-our-powers", instead of one big group taken over everything this group is still under their leader: The Vampire Royals. All in all the world has 6 royals to follow a.k.a the Fujimoto family:Their King Harold, their Queen Irenia, and their princes namely Brick, Butch, Boomer and Blitz. Ok, going back to the topic, as royals it would be a shame for them to just do things on their own (or that's what they thought) so of course they have maids to serve them in times of need. And that's where our story begins (no actually it already started)

Maya's P.O.V

My name is Maya Hashimoto, I started serving the royal family since 15 and 5 years already passed so that makes me 20 (hehehe math) as maids all of us only have like 4 hours of sleep because we wake up and that first obstacle in the morning is the overflowing laundry bin, then we have to set up food for their majesties, then oh the trashes and also the-

"MAYAAAAAA!" a high-pitched voice said that could break anyone's eardrums

I hurry out of the maid's quartet to see one of the oldest maids that ever served the royals: Tamaki Aoyama, she had curly blonde hair that is tied up in a ponytail, brown eyes and she is wearing our french maid uniform in the color of peach. She stared at me as if analyzing me which is very weird before she said "Irenia-ouhi told me to buy stuff downtown, but since I don't to go their you have to go their" she said in her usual high-pitched voice "Why can't you go downtown by yourself Tamaki-san?'' I asked. She just looked at me like I have 3 heads and said "Isn't it obvious? My uniform would get dirty and no royal would be impressed to see a dirty uniform, now go buy these items" she said as she handed me a list of what to buy. I don't like arguing so I nodded and headed to downtown.

Me: Yosh! Chapter 1 complete! *has a proud smirk*

PPGZ & RRBZ: *coughs on purpose*

Me: Oh yes, minna the PPGZ & RRBZ! *claps*

PPGZ: Moshi moshi! ^_^


Me:*still clapping*

Usagi: Ano... Riri-chan?

Kaoru:*blows trumpets in my ear*

Me:*jumps and falls face flat* *gets up* Why did you do that T-T?

Kaoru: When do we get in?

Me: You'll just have to wait

Butch: Just how long does it takes you to update a story?

Me: Depends when Im not busy

Kaoru: Can we just go in next chapter?

Me: Hey, Im the author so I get to write when you'll appear

Kaoru: *rolls eyes*

Butch: Do I get to see Kaoru in a dress?

Others: 0_0 ...

Kaoru: *slaps him* Baka!

Momoko: You can't change him, he's Butch after all

Brick: I'd have to agree with pinky

Miyako: Oh, I would like to see Kaoru in a dress too! ^_^

Kaoru: *face palms*

Butch: *pulls Kaoru to his lap without her noticing**whispers in her ear* Everyone would like to see you in a dress Kaoru-chan~

Kaoru: 0/0 *starts to wrestle him*

Usagi: GERONIMO! *jumps on top of Kaoru and Butch*

Boomer: Has anyone seen Blitz?

Brick: He said he's meeting his old friend from Europe

Greens and Usagi:*still wrestling*

Reds: Anywho, Ja ne minna! ^_^''

Blues: Stay tuned for next chappie!

Me: And we'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!* snaps and disappears with reds and blues*

Greens and Usagi:*still wrestling*

I know I messed up the chapter and its short I'll make it up in the next chappie, but if you have any suggestions please leave them in the review box thingy... it would really help. Arigato! ^_^
