Families Reunited

Hey Guys so this is my New Story. Pretty much it's a world where Trixie was never injured in the accident and as such never founded the committee. X grew up with his mum but Speed was still left in an orphanage. This chapter is pretty short and not as detailed as I Plan its more or less just the background. I plan for speed to find out his true parentage before he enrols in Racer academy.


It started another perfect day in the Treadwell-Racer household. With the Mach six nearing completion and two young sons Speed and Trixie felt that they didn't have a care in the world. The gasless engine of the Mach Six was a closely guarded secret and as such they didn't have any fear of those who would seek to stop the development of the Gasless engine. What they didn't count on however was Zile Zazich. Well aware of the development and fearing for his fortune he displaced his goons to kidnap and ransom Speeds young sons in order to force Speed to abandon the development of the gasless engine thus preserving his oil empires billion dollar profits.

Racer Household 8pm

Trixie had just put 3-year-old X and one-and-a-half-year-old Speed jr to bed for the night in their bed room in the upper story of the Racer families modest two storied bungalow. Speed sr was off again tinkering on the Mach Six and she was home alone, the opportunity that Ziles goons had been waiting for with the legendary Speed Racer indisposed there was little chance of pursuit, although as it turned out that wasn't going to be an issue for Trixie had dozed off on the couch exhausted by the constant stress of taking care of two toddlers. Even when she finally came too it took her half an hour to realize something was wrong. Ironically it was the lack of noise that told her something was off usually speed would have cried several times by now but the baby monitor was dead silent. Trudging up the stairs to investigate she was distraught when she found speeds cot empty racing to X's room she found a similar scene. Racing for the phone the first number that she dialled was Speed.

Speeds Garage 10.30pm

Speed was staying late working on the Mach Six when his phone started to ring checking the caller ID and noticing his wife he shrugged it off as Trixie wondering when he was going to get home nothing could prepare him for the shock he received when he answered the phone A distraught Trixie "The boys are gone sobbing" Speed "What calm down and tell me what you mean". After fully explaining the situation speed was racing home.

The kidnapping made Global News headlines. Speed Racer was a living legend and the idea that someone could kidnap his sons stunned many. Not wanting to appear inadequate with such a large media presence the local police pulled out all the stops Road Blocks were set up around the city any one traveling with a toddler was under increased scrutiny and pictures were circulated nationwide. It was pure chance that they found X at one of the police road blocks an officer was waving through a large black SUV when he noticed movement in the rear window after the SUV refused to stop an chase ensured which ended funnily enough when the SUV ran out of fuel. Armed swat police found the infant X cowering in the boot space of the Car Gagged and blind folded. Unfortunately the patrol car transporting the suspects to the station disappeared mid route leading no suspects and no leads. The Racer families luck with X however wasn't repeated with Speed jr as his captors fearing the heat dumped him in an orphanage in a city far enough away and big enough that the news of the kidnapping was quickly swamped by more local news. Blaming himself and not wanting to harm his family anymore Speed Racer Sr disappeared soon after the kidnapping leaving his wife to raise X herself with only the support of Speeds Brother Spritle. Dispite everything the family never gave up hope of finding speed using the considerable wealth of Treadwell autos to hire teams of private investigators to hunt down speed as well as to build the racer academy.