A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating many of my PAW Patrol stories. Also I apologize if you were expecting Marshall/Knight one shot, I'll finish that one a little later.
For now enjoy this mini One Shot.
Title: Is it Love?
Summary: 'Chase just saved my life, now I can't stop thinking about him,' ... 'I saved Rocky's life but why do I feel like this?'
What happens when fate brings two friends together, closer then they ever expected.
Rating: M
Pairing: Chase/Rocky
Introducing both as Human's.
Rocky was always so terrified of water, he grew up on the streets of Adventure Bay until Chase's dad (Ryder) took him in. Both became the best of friends, they did everything together.
Today was the day Rocky faced his fear, under the watchful eye of Chase. He takes a step towards the ocean, it's waves crashing on the sand only a few feet in front of him.
"Come on buddy! you can do it." Chase says standing behind him, his chocolate colored hair blows in the wind. "Rocky you can do this."
"I-I...I-I don't t-think I can..." Rocky stutters bringing his hands to his face and takes a step back. Only to bump into Chase, his bare back now flat against the tanned boys exposed chest, goose bumps instantly exploded throughout his body.
Both boys skin tingled at the skin on skin contact.
Chase shrugged off the strange feeling and placed his hands on the grey haired boys shoulders, before whispering. "Take my hand." He removed his hands from Rocky;s shoulders then held his right one out and stood in front of him, his feet touching the water.
Gulping Rocky took Chase's hand, the second his hand touched Chase's. he felt his body instantly relax.
"Just look at me." Chase instructed taking yet another step backwards, Rocky followed.
And soon step after step they both were waist deep in the water.
"See," Chase grinned running a hand through his hair. "I told you, you could do it buddy."
Rocky smiled letting go of Chase's hand but a wave crashed into both boys, Rocky was swept away from Chase, fear filled his eyes.
He thought he could hear Chase calling to him, but the water pulled him under, then his whole world went black.
Rocky didn't know what happened, it felt like life was being poured back into him.
Opening his eyes he was met with those hazel ones belonging to Chase, who seemed to be hovering over Rocky's body. His legs on either side of Rocky's groin while his hands were on either side of Rocky's head, both boys stared at each other. But then Chase began to lean in.
Pulling back Chase quickly said, "Are you ok?"
Rocky blinked trying to ignore a warm feeling inside him, 'Chase just saved my life, now I can't stop thinking about him,' he thought to himself. Unable to form any words he smiles.
Chase on the other hand, couldn't find the strength to move. For some reason he enjoyed this position, Rocky under his body unable to move, giving Chase full control of the situation.
'I saved Rocky's life but why do I feel like this?' He questioned his own insanity, "Uh Rocky? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I could say the same," Rocky instantly felt heat rising to his cheeks. Clearing his throat he says, "T-thank you for saving me."
Chase grins, finally finding strength to get off Rocky. Standing to his feet he extends his hand out. "You're welcome, you'd have done the same buddy."
Rocky takes Chase's hand who helps him up, "Actually... i can't swim, so..." He trails off, glancing down at his hand which was still holding Chase's.
"Guess we should get going." Chase doesn't let go of Rocky's hand, in fact Rocky felt Chase's grip tighten, and soon their hands were intertwined causing Chase to turn face to face with Rocky.
Rocky is cut off, but Chase who leans in and before Rocky can question it, Chase's lips are pressed against Rocky's.
"Oh my god..." Chase pulls away not giving Rocky a chance to reply or even get over what just happened. "I'm so sorry..."
Rocky could only watch as Chase began to speed walk away.
What the hell just happened?
Then Rocky realized something, it was like the air got knocked out of him. "CHASE! WAIT!" He calls out running behind him.
When Chase spun around, Rocky collided with him causing both to go tumbling to the sand.
"W-What are you doing-"
Rocky places his index finger over Chase's lips shutting him up, then removed his finger. "C-Chase there's nothing to be sorry for."
"I kissed you." Chase replies briefly shutting his eyes. "I didn't mean too buddy, I-I.."
"I don't know what came over me."
"I mean, we're friends, friends don't kiss."
"Beside's we're both males that could never work-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rocky yells, his chest raising and falling against Chase's, taking a deep breath he cups Chase's face with his hands. "I don't care Chase, do you know how long I wanted for one of us to make a move?"
Chase was shocked, "Wait... you mean?"
Rocky hummed in response.
It was as though something took over Chase's body, because the next thing he knew he'd flipped Rocky over so he was on top and hovered over Rocky, leaning down his lips crashed against Rocky's.
Chase's hands felt all around Rocky's body, from his chest to his hips and to his hair.
Their kiss became something more, moans slipped out their mouths when Rocky rocked his hips upwards against Chase.
It wasn't long till both boys felt heat building up in their groans as their lips moved in sync, Rocky's hand somehow found it's way to Chase's jeans, pulling the zipper down he pushed his hands inside then inside Chase's boxes and cupped his hand around Chase's hard member.
Chase moaned at the feeling, instinct causing him to thrust his hips upwards earning a groan from Rocky.
Lucky the beach was empty and it was evening, there wasn't anyone around to witness the events unfolding on that sandy beach.
Or so they thought.
"It's about time." Ryder chuckled sitting in his car with the beautiful Katie beneath his body as he rocked her.
Katie moaned feeling him move deep inside her, before saying. "T-they finally... A-accepted e-each other's f-eelings?" She questions. "Oh god, Ryder... keep going.."
Ryder took a glance out the window as his hips pounding against Katie. His eyes landed on the two boys who now where doing the very same thing he and Katie were doing. "Mmm Katie I think they're passed that stage."
When Chase and Rocky were done, both laid on the sand. It was now completely night, the stars shinning brightly above them.
Chase rolls over onto his side, and kissing Rocky's chest then neck. "Rocky I think I'm falling in-love with-"
"I love you Chase."
Next One Shot Preview
Title: N/A
Summary Preview: N/A
Rating: K+
Pairing: Chickaletta/Cali