Hey long time no see! Sorry about that, this chapter took a bit longer than expected


Adrien slipped off the ring and held it out to the kwami. "Here, take it," he murmured.

Plagg nodded, and carefully took the ring. "I'll be back," he said, and with one last sorrowful glance he left.

The boy nodded. He sat still for awhile, staring, thinking. How had life gotten him here, down this winding path. This path that seemed only to lead to despair.

He sighed, stood up and left.

Ladybug waited beneath the full moon, but her Chat had disappeared into thin air. Gone in a moment, one world churning moment, one kiss.


Marinette went to school the next day, she couldn't afford another unexcused tardy. The noise in the halls was muffled and far away. Adrien's seat was empty, but she barely took noticed.

Adrien entered. Late. This was already quite unlike him. Then he glared at Nino when the boy tried to ask him where he'd been.

Alya jabbed Marinette with her elbow and she jolted, finally noticing Adrien. The girl's eyes widened. At the right angle, under the perfect light, Adrien's eyes looked somewhat... red.

Marinette froze. Images flashed before her eyes. Agreste Mansion. A figure. Green eyes. Blonde hair. Or perhaps the figure was Chat Noir, after all now that she thought about it the model and the superhero shared a lot of physical features. Maybe Adrien was just having a bad day? She'd be sure to find out just in case. Meanwhile there were more pressing problems.

The girl went right back to pondering the curious and dangerous case of Chat Noir. The day continued to be confusing and complicated, then one more twist was added to the turns. The principal came over the intercom to inform the school that signs of an akuma attack had been spotted, Paris was now under lockdown.

She jolted in her seat at the words akuma attack, that could mean only one thing. Chat Noir. The girl frowned noticing the empty chair in front of her.

"Where's my Adrikins?" Chloe shrieked. Ms. Bustier looked over, her forehead creasing with a frown when she noticed the boy's absence. "He asked to use the restroom a couple minutes ago, I'm sure he's fine."

Marinette was utterly and totally distracted, the thoughts swimming through her head were beyond jumbled. Chat. Akuma. Must help. Adrien. Save him.

Alya gasped and Mari quickly turned to face her friend. "What?" she asked almost desperately.

"Chat Noir. He's, well asked the girl who is Ladybug to come forward or he'll destroy the city. And his suit, it's become white." Alya's eyes widened as she observed the blurry footage on her phone closer. "He's been akumatized!"


Plagg weaved his way through Paris, careful to remain unnoticed. Finding the right building he slipped inside.

Master Fu looked up and noticed the kwami hovering before him. The black creature looked worn and tired.

His heart clenching he asked the first question that came to mind. "Chat Noir, is dead?"

Plagg shook his head and the old man relaxed ever so slightly. "Then what has brought you here?"

"It has finally happened," the kwami replied.

"Well it was inevitable." Master Fu held out a hand and the silver ring was placed in his palm.

"I understand you'll want to be with Adrien." Plagg nodded. "Then you may go."


Of course she'd known he'd been akumatized, but his demands, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Mari would have given herself up, by all means if it would keep Paris safe. But she knew better, if Ladybug was gone who would protect Paris. Chat Noir certainly wasn't capable.

No if she was to protect Paris she'd have to take Chat Noir down, regardless.

His legs were stretched out before him, gleaming with their whiteness. Ladybug would come, he knew her, whoever she really was.

The day dragged on, Marinette felt her head droop. The school was under complete lockdown, there was no way for her to slip out.

Ms. Bustier had contacted the office to report Adrien missing, and some teachers had even gone to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

The class was mostly silent except for Chloe, the girl was freaking out over the fact that Adrien still wasn't back. Normally Mari would have been just as concerned, but she was too busy worrying about the fate of Paris and Chat Noir.

Later when Chat Noir seemingly disappeared the teacher announced that parents could now pick up their children, however the student's would not be allowed to leave on their own. Marinette's mother arrived about half an hour after. She waved goodbye to Alya and left.


Adrien slumped on to his bed, blonde hair hung before his eyes. He would never be Chat Noir again, he'd abandoned his ladybug to fight Hawk Moth alone. Tears forming, he slammed his fist into a pillow.

The next morning the sun rose and the boy opened eyes still aching from the tears of the night before. He sat up in bed and ran a hand through his hair. As he stood he noticed the small black lump on the couch. Adrien walked over and scooped up the kwami, at his touch Plagg sprung to life.


The boy smiled weakly, "Nice to see you too."


Marinette sat on her bed puzzling over what to do. She was free to leave now, but if her parents realized she was gone… she couldn't scare them like that.

But at the same time the lives of many were at stake. Perhaps she could reveal her true identity, then they wouldn't worry if she disappeared. But if they knew she was Ladybug, they'd be frantic every time they learned the Heros of Paris were fighting an akuma.

In the end she settled for a note that simply said, I'll be back.


Weeks passed, Chat Noir still had not been seen. The whispered rumors amassed, the press speculated, and Ladybug fought on alone.

Adrien sat before his computer, the browser opened to a recent picture of Ladybug. The image was like so many others of late, it showed her tired and sad. It was blatant that the absence of her partner was the reason for these sorrowful changes.

He turned off the computer and got up, he couldn't look at her anymore. Perhaps he'd go find his father and invite him to lunch, maybe just maybe he'd have the time. He's hoping was probably in vain, but these empty wishes were the only thing that keep him afloat. Adrien left his room with Plagg trailing behind.

Gabriel Agreste's office was tucked away in the mansion, almost hidden. The world famous designer was not fond of disturbances. As Adrien rounded the corner he heard low, furious, talking. He's first inclination that something was off.

For quiet and angry was not a combination Gabriel knew well. Loud and angry was more his style. As the boy drew nearer, more and more words grew clear. "...done everything...possibly"

Finally with his ear pressed to the door he could make out his father's words in their entirety. "You promised you would return my wife"—Adrien's eyes widened—"and protect my son." His tense shoulders loosened in complete surprise.

"Yes, yes, it's true that he hasn't been harmed. But what of my wife? She has yet to appear."

Adrien frowned, who was he talking to...

"Oh I see," Gabriel continued a bit mockingly. "You need their fine miraculouses. I'm sorry to inform you, but my son seems to have lost his, Oh great Hawk Moth."

At that the boy burst into the room, the kwami floating behind him. "Why?" Adrien asked, tears beginning to mingle with his fury. Gabriel turned his face shifting quickly to shock, he slammed the phone down.

"I learned you were Chat Noir. I had to protect you."

"How, by conspiring with the enemy that threatens all of Paris?"

"You would not be hurt, I have his word."

Adrien sneered, "His words are worth nothing. And what of Ladybug? What about her safety?"

"That girl is not my concern."

The boy, confused and conflicted, bolted from the room. His hurt a violent storm that soon enveloped him.

And with that, the very father who'd labored to protect his son drove him deeply into the arms of the waiting darkness.

That was the night Chat Noir reappeared.