They sat at the table. "So," Candace started. "... where were you?" Ferb started to blush. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Candace inquired and Ferb's blush deepened.

Candace donned a sly smile. "So that's it." She gave him a gentle nudge in the side. "Who is she?" She saw him squirm uncomfortably in his seat. She sat back and cleared her throat. "You don't have to share if you don't want to." She walked over to the counter and grabbed the leftover pizza.

Ferb grabbed a slice as she sat down. Swallowing the first bite, he cleared his throat. "She… she's Gretchen." He heard Candace nearly choke on her pizza and raised his eyebrows at her.

Candace finished off the tough bite and stared incredulously at Ferb. "Gretchen!? You and Gretchen are going out!?"

Ferb nodded and a slight smile tugged at his lips. Candace wrapped her arms around him. "That's great news." She said then hugged him tighter.

Ferb patted his sister on the back and when she let go, he took another bite of pizza. Candace took a sidelong look at him. "So, you went to her place?" Ferb nodded slightly. "You kissed her didn't you?" Candace inquired; again Ferb nodded. "She kissed you back didn't she?" Ferb blushed and that was the only answer Candace needed.

Candace waited as patiently as she could while Ferb finished his pizza, she then fired another question at him. "So, you were making out with her all this time?" Ferb paused and worriedly, looked at her before shaking his head.

"We fell asleep on her couch," he said, wiping his mouth, "then I came home."

Candace sat back in her seat. "That's it? No 'kiss goodnight' or anything?" She watched Ferb blush and fiddle with his fingers. She laughed and patted his shoulder. "I get it. Don't kiss and tell, right?"

They settled into a comfortable silence. After a few moments, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Phineas appeared in the kitchen doorway. "Hey guys."

Ferb didn't answer, he simply looked down. Phineas gave Candace a pleading look. She nodded and made her way out of the room. Phineas took her place at the table. "Listen, Ferb, we should talk."

Ferb simply nodded, then Phineas continued. "I should have listened to you earlier. I realise that I take you for granted most of the time and never really listen to your ideas. I'm sure you've had some great ideas over the years. The glasses were perfect."

Ferb nodded sadly as he continued to look at the table. "It's okay Phineas." He replied, then the other slammed his hand down. "No! It's not all right. I need to listen to you more often. By the way, where were you tonight?" Ferb's eyes went wide, he then started to stammer. "I.. uh… Don't worry about it. It's not important."

Phineas looked to his brother. "What ever it is, I'll help you. Just tell me." Ferb shook his head and refused to answer.

Phineas stood up and started to leave the room. "I'll be upstairs. I'm sure you won't be too much longer." Ferb shook his head again and looked forlornly at the table.

It took Ferb a few minutes, if he thought about it he could still feel Gretchen's lips on his own. He smiled slightly and went upstairs.

Once he finished in the bathroom, he crossed the hall to his room. His hand rested on the door knob a moment and he froze as Candace came up the stairs. "Night Ferb, see you tomorrow." Ferb, worried, nodded and recoiled when the door opened under his hand.

Phineas heard his sister talking to Ferb in the hallway so he decided to open the bedroom door. There, he saw Ferb standing in the hallway. Phineas grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room. "You can't sleep standing up." Phineas joked as he lightly shoved Ferb toward his bed.

Ferb sat, stunned, on his bed as he looked at the floor.

Phineas sat on his own bed, across from his brother. "I want to start by saying I'm sorry." Ferb only nodded, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth; he wasn't paying attention to what Phineas was saying.

Phineas continued talking, but Ferb had no idea what he was saying; he was lost in his own thoughts. "Ferb!" Phineas shouted causing the teen to startle. Phineas then continued. "Are you even listening to me?"

Ferb scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well…"

Phineas scoffed. "As I was trying to say, I truly am sorry. I know I've said this a lot today, but I just really want you to know it." He fiddled with his fingers, glancing up timidly at Ferb.

Ferb smiled gently. "It's all right. Your enthusiasm just overwhelms me at times."

Phineas chuckled. "I am rather eccentric."

"So what did Isabella want?"

Phineas sighed and plopped down on his bed. "We just hung out for a while. She talked some sense into me. I don't know what I would have done without her."

Ferb raised an eyebrow at his brother, then eyed his bottom desk drawer. Should I show it to him now? He contemplated before noticing how late it was. Perhaps tomorrow. He turned off the light and crawled into bed.

Ferb turned over and looked out the window; he sighed, as he smiled. "I finally did something without you, dear brother." It came out a whisper.

In the morning Ferb woke up and looked out the window. He then picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom across the hall. He soon went downstairs and got himself some juice and toast. As he sat at the table, eating, Phineas charged down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Ferb! I know what we're going to do today!" Ferb glanced up at him. "What might that be?" He inquired as he raised an eyebrow.

Phineas pulled out a chair and fell into it. "Isabella said that there's a couple of members of her troop who've got their eye on you. We're going to set you up. You're too shy to ask someone out yourself, so I'll do the talking and you take care of the rest."

Ferb nearly choked on his toast. Swallowing a piece nearly whole, his voice was hoarse as he spoke. "W-what?" He began to take a sip of his juice.

"Don't seem so surprised, bro." Phineas slapped him on the back, spilling a little juice everywhere. "You're more popular with the ladies than you know. Come meet me outside when you're finished and we can get a game plan together." With that, he was out the back door.

Ferb growled as he grabbed a napkin. "That's it. I have to do something before this turns into a disaster." He threw the now orange napkin away before stalking up the stairs.

Phineas sat under the tree waiting as patiently as he could. It wasn't long before Isabella came through the gate. "Whatcha' doin'?" She greeted and he grinned. "I told Ferb about our plan. He's a bit hesitant, but he'll come around." She smiled sweetly and sat beside him. "So, where is he?" She inquired.

Ferb was upstairs in his room, sitting on his bed sending a text to Gretchen.

Isabella and Phineas were under the tree, she turned to him and smiled. "Maybe we can start with Gretchen, then Katie and finally Adyson." She suggested. Phineas nodded. "I've seen him look at her. Ferb's got no clue that I think he likes her."

"Gretchen confessed to me that she has a crush on him." Isabella added and Phineas grinned. "Really? That's great, this should be easier than I thought then."

Phineas checked his watch. "What's taking him so long? I'll be back."

Isabella nodded and stood with him. "Okay, I'll go get Gretchen and bring her here." Phineas waved goodbye and went to search for Ferb.

Ferb fumbled around the drawer until he grabbed the small device. Putting it in his pocket, he turned to go meet Phineas in the yard. Instead, he found him in the hall.

"Where were you, bro? Isabella's gone to bring one of the girls here, so we need you outside." Phineas grabbed his arm to usher him out the door.

Ferb snatched his arm back. "I don't need your help."

Ferb stepped passed his brother and headed down the stairs. Phineas rushed after him. "Wait up." Ferb paused in his step and looked expectantly to his brother. "What exactly are you going to do?" Phineas then laughed. "Isabella and I are going to set you up and send you on a couple of dates."

Ferb shook his head. "I don't believe this. Don't you think I can get a date for myself?" Phineas laughed. "It's not that, I just don't think you know how to get a date for yourself. That's where I'm going to help you."

They headed out into the backyard as Isabella opened the gate and ushered Gretchen in. "Isabella, no. I don't think this is a good idea; not at all."

Ferb's eyes widened when he saw Gretchen. She waved awkwardly at him. "H-hey, Ferb."

Phineas pushed Ferb forward. "Glad you're here, Gretchen. Ferb wants to take you out. Poor guy is too shy to admit it, but I know you two will have a blast."

Isabella pulled Gretchen next to Ferb and joined Phineas. "Yeah, you two should give it a chance."

Ferb and Gretchen stared at each other. Phineas and Isabella leaned forward in anticipation as Ferb and Gretchen leaned in close to each other. Suddenly, the two burst out into laughter.

Phineas and Isabella jumped back in surprise. Phineas stepped forward. "What's going on?"

Ferb wrapped an arm around Gretchen and turned to face the others. "I've already told her how I feel. We were just waiting for a time to tell you guys." He reached into his pocket. "Since you two were trying to get us together, it's only appropriate to return the favor."

Phineas seemed puzzled. "I don't understand." Gretchen grinned, "We," she started, and looked at Ferb, "...think that you two should go out." She finished as she pointed to Isabella and Phineas.

Isabella went wide eyed and blushed. "Are you referring to a double date?" She inquired and Gretchen shook her head. "Not necessarily." Isabella then turned to Phineas and watched as he shook the disbelief from his features.

Phineas turned to his brother. "You two are already dating?" Ferb nodded, quirked an eyebrow at him and glanced at Isabella. Phineas followed his brother's gaze. "Isabella? Would you like to go out with me?"


AN: Thank you for reading and reviewing.