Sabrina06 AN: Time really gets away from people when they're busy. It took well over a year to put this piece together, but we did it.

moonlite1894 AN: I'm so glad to have finally finished this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Isabella sighed as her alarm went off, yet another Phineas dream interrupted. She sat up and threw her legs halfheartedly over the edge of her bed. Another day, another failed attempt for his attention.

She slipped her feet into her slippers and walked over to her vanity. "My hair becomes more unruly every the year." She said to herself as she fought it, with her brush. "Maybe I should just get it cut short, like Gretchen's." She voiced, then her hair decided to cooperate. "Or maybe not."

She put on her familiar pink blouse, white pants and Toms then headed downstairs. The smell of eggs and toast filled her nose as she passed the kitchen. "Buenos dias, hija! Care for some breakfast?" Isabella grabbed a piece of toast and kissed her mother on the cheek. "Lo siento, mama. I'm heading over to Phineas' house."

Vivian shook her head and smiled. "Be back in time for dinner!" She called after her daughter as the front door closed.

Isabella skipped across the street and paused at the back gate then took a breath. She pushed the gate open and stepped into the yard, but saw no one there. She walked through the yard to the sliding glass door on the patio and knocked.

She put on her best smile as the door slid open. "Hiya, Ferb!" Ferb waved and stepped aside to let her in. He motioned for her to follow, taking her upstairs to the boys' shared room. As they approached the door, it suddenly flew open, an excited red-head popping out. "FERB, FERB, FERB!" He nearly ran into his brother and neighbor.

"Hey, Phineas. Whatcha' doin?" Isabella greeted him, causing him to grin. Ferb stepped around his brother and into his room.

"I know what we're going to do today." Phineas announced to his brother and Isabella. Ferb simply nodded and pulled the blueprints over to look at them. "Really Phineas? What wonderful idea have you come up with for today?" Isabella gushed.

Phineas waved his arms around. "Dude, remember what today is? It's Mom and Dad's anniversary! We HAVE to go all out!" Ferb rolled his eyes. Ever since the Love Handel concert, Phineas has being trying to out-complicate the previous year's anniversary party. Isabella placed a hand on Phineas' arm. "That's sooo sweet. Quite romantic." Phineas blushed and grinned. "Thanks." He handed her a small list. "Could you and the Fireside Girls gather these for me?" She took the paper and forced a smile. "Sure."

Ferb looked at the paper in his hands; Revolving Restaurant. He rolled the paper up, stood up and walked toward his brother. Ferb then promptly whacked Phineas over the head with the blueprint and walked out of the room, dropping the paper on the floor.

Phineas picked it up and chased after his brother. "What was that for, Ferb?" Phineas caught up to his brother in the kitchen. Ferb was taking the dishes out of the dishwasher and putting them away. "Ferb why did you..." The Brit turned around and looked at his brother. "Did you not hear Mum and Dad last night?" Phineas nodded. "Of course I did. They just want to spend some quiet time alone with each other."

Ferb mentally face-palmed. "Don't you have even the slightest idea of what that means?" Phineas looked at his brother in surprise. "Yeah, they want a quiet atmosphere to spend time in together. That's why this is the perfect idea for..." Ferb raised a hand to silence him. "Phin, I don't think this is a good idea." He walked around Phineas and into the living room. His determined brother followed him. "Oh, yeah! What's your idea then?"

Ferb crossed three-quarters of the room before he stopped. "Well?" Phineas inquired. "You do have an idea, don't you?" Ferb turned around, raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak. "What are you two doing? Oh, you are so busted!" Candace bellowed as she stormed down the stairs.

Ferb rolled his eyes. Phineas smirked. "I was just asking my brilliant brother here what we should do for Mom and Dad's anniversary." Candace looked between her two brothers. "Obviously they're going out for dinner. That's what you're supposed to do on your anniversary." She said, and the look on Phineas' face was nothing short of triumphant.

Isabella popped out from the kitchen. "There you two are. You guys practically abandoned me." She held up the paper. "I'm going to get started on this. See you later, Phineas. Bye, Candace. Bye..." Before she could finish, Ferb stalked past her. "I'm going as well." He muttered and Isabella blinked in surprise. "O...kaaay." She waved at the others and followed Ferb out the door. Candace looked at Phineas. "What's his problem?" Phineas simply shrugged.

Down the street, Isabella lost her smile. She crossed her arms and sighed. "He's so oblivious." Ferb smiled sadly. "Sometimes love tends to be a one-sided thing." Isabella stopped in her tracks, Ferb stopping slightly ahead. "What do you mean?" Ferb blushed and rubbed his arm in embarrassment. "Sorry, that was suppose to stay in my head."

Isabella tentatively nodded. "I see." She said slowly. Ferb walked back to where she was standing and held out his hand. "I've got to see this list." He said and Isabella handed it over.

Ferb read the list over, shook his head and handed it back to Isabella. "Not a clue." He said and they started walking again. They reached the end of the block. "Can I see that list again?" Ferb inquired and Isabella handed it over. He pulled a pencil out of his jeans pocket and crossed off a few items and wrote in a few different ones.

Isabella craned her neck to peek at the list. Many items guaranteed to make noise were scratched off. Replacing them were simpler items, such as candles and flowers. "Wow, you're good." She noticed Ferb blatantly ignored the comment. The look in his eyes, as he focused on the list, told her that he wasn't so sure. She sighed. "Who is she?" Ferb turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Who is who?" Isabella crossed her arms. "Don't play dumb. Who is the girl that's got your attention?" Ferb turned back to the list. "I'm not answering that." Isabella's arms dropped. "What? Why not?" Ferb shoved the list and pencil in his pockets and turned to her nonchalantly. "You Fireside Girls aren't good with secrets." Isabella slammed the side of her fist into her hand. "Ah ha! So she's a fellow Fireside Girl." She placed her hand on her chin and began pacing.

Ferb started walking again, in the direction of town. "Wait up!" Isabella called out as she ran to catch up with him. "You sure do walk fast." She commented. Ferb didn't look at her. "I'll arrange the cake, you get the flowers. Mum's favourite colour is yellow." He said and picked up his pace. Isabella had to jog to keep up with him. "Tell me who she is. I can help set you up." She said.

Ferb stopped dead in his tracks. "It's no use. My feelings aren't reciprocated, so don't bother. Either help or don't." He said more than slightly annoyed before he continued to his chosen destination.

Isabella stopped, and watched Ferb disappear into a small bakery on the edge of town. She placed her hands on her hips. She couldn't understand why he wouldn't want to share his secret crush with her. After all, wouldn't she understand his situation best? She remembered all her attempts to woo Phineas, all ending in failure because of his naivety. Ferb tried, bless him, to give them time alone, but to no avail. "It's settled, then." She nodded to herself and ran back towards the neighborhood. She would help Ferb as a thank you for his help with Phineas. She hoped he would have better luck than her. First, however, she had to find out who this girl was. "And who's the most intuitive person I know?" She grinned widely as she raced to her second-in-command's house.

Gretchen was just coming out her front door when Isabella came up to her. "Gretchen, I need your help." Gretchen looked up at Isabella. "Good morning to you too, Chief." Isabella tilted her head to the side. Gretchen tried again. "How do you want me to help you vie for Phineas' attention today?"

Isabella blushed a little. "Actually, that's not it." Gretchen was now curious. "You don't want to try to get his attention today? Are you ill?" She asked. Isabella shook her head. "No. It's Ferb. He's got a crush, maybe more than a crush, I don't know... on one of us Fireside Girls. I want to set him up."

The two girls started walking, out of habit, toward the Flynn-Fletcher backyard. "Well, he used to have a crush on that older girl... the one who always dressed in black." Gretchen said. "He might still, the age difference doesn't sound quite so creepy anymore. I mean, he's 15 and she's what? 19?" Isabella shook her head. "She's 21, just like Candace."

Gretchen nodded slowly. "Gotcha." They stopped when they arrived at the Flynn-Fletcher back gate. Gretchen began fiddling with her fingers. "Y-you think he likes one of us?" Isabella nodded. "It has to be. He wouldn't tell me because I was a Fireside Girl. Maybe Phineas will know something." She opened up the gate and walked through, Gretchen in tow.