Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for my OC's.

Hi guys! So, this is the last chapter. I know, it's sad that it's ending. For those of you who might be wondering if I'm doing a third part, I'm not. Instead, I made this story a lot longer. Sorry for taking long to get this out, I've gone through it like 5 times trying to make sure it's perfect and concludes in a way that I'm happy with and I know you guys will be happy with.

Also, the second reason it's taken this long are the occurrences in Manchester. I live there. Everything that's happened has just been so sad and difficult to deal with. But I'm glad everyone's standing strong together.

I hope you like this chapter :)

Massive thanks to everyone that followed, reviewed and put this story as their favourite. It's been massively supportive. I'd also like to take the second to thank everyone that read this story and stuck with it till the end. You're all amazing! Xx

Courtney: Thank you so much! :)

AliceLouiseVA123: I know! Me either! Thanks! :) Xx

Wolfgirl2013: Thank you :)

Paisley2: He has, hasn't he? He'll marry her one day! Haha, thanks. And I think after this chapter you'll still think the same :)

Sistergrim: Thank you, it means a lot :)


"Iris!" says Dean, quickly coming up to me just as soon as I've left the bathroom at the airport. After the wedding reception Dean and Ariana whisked off to a fancy hotel, curtsy of Roman, awaiting their flight the next day which is a gift from me and Seth. Since I booked it all I even added in a few extra things that I know they'll enjoy. Well it's still a surprise to Ariana since she doesn't know where they're going.

"What?" I ask Dean. We were dropping them off and waving farewell. Everyone said goodbye to them last night but they insisted me, Seth, Roman and Evan come with them to the airport today. I needed to quickly relieve myself and left, Dean catching me just as I come out. "You know how creepy it is waiting outside the bathroom?" I ask him but he doesn't seem to care.

"I wanted to speak with you before I left. Privately," says Dean and this can only mean one thing. He wants to know if I read the book.

"I read it," I admit to him, a surprised look on Dean's face. It wouldn't take me a lot to read it. After all, I needed that closure. Plus, I don't want to see Adam ever again.

"And?" asks Dean, asking as if I needed a reaction to what I read. I shrug my shoulders, things feeling kind of different now that I know his whole story.

"He met this girl called Iris, she looked exactly like me. They fell in love. Everything was perfect for them wasn't it?" I ask no one in particular. I have to admit, when I read their love story I actually thought it was cute. All the dates they went on, when he proposed, he sounded like a very sweet man. "But then she left him for another man," I point out the flaw that caused their relationship to tear apart. "She left him and he couldn't handle it. That part of the book was sad. I guess I could really feel it since I've been there before," I explain to Dean who just listens to me, nodding his head.

"I thought the same," says Dean, keeping his hands in his pockets and waiting for me to go on.

"One day, she came back to him. She was pregnant with this man's baby but he wasn't treating her right. With a big heavy hand on his heart, he took her back in," I relay the next part of the story. I know if I was in his shoes then I would have done the same. "He took her back in but that man contacted her, said he'd change himself. He'd apparently been cheating on her," I say, this is where it distorted Adam because the situation was like mine and Seth's. Except I'd never been with Adam before. "So she broke his heart for the second time and left him. The final straw was when she called him and said the other man had beaten her. Adam took her to the hospital but she and the baby both died. But when he'd found her, she'd told him she loved him. That if he'd like, then she'd stay with him for the rest of her life. He'd even accepted the baby," I say, remembering everything very clearly as I read it.

"But she didn't make it," Dean tells the next part of the story and I nod my head. Unsure of how I should feel about this. It still doesn't justify what he did to me.

"And that was the last straw. After that, he just lost it I guess. Maybe he couldn't really believe she was dead," I offer as an explanation. Trauma can do certain things to you. "Then he started to go after all those poor girls, getting more violent as each one refused to be with him. I guess in his mind he thought, he won't let her get away for a second time," I say, offering up explanations that I can't be absolutely certain are correct.

"Then he came to you. Someone who'd never looked more like his wife," comments Dean, my eyes meeting his.

"I get the backstory Dean, I truly do. What he had with her was special, I could tell just by the way he wrote this book about her. I understand why he did what he did. He couldn't get past her death and somehow it turned him psycho. But it still didn't give him the right to do what he did to me," I say, shaking my head and unwilling to ever forgive him for it. "Seth left me. But it didn't turn me into a monster. Yeah, Seth didn't die but...no matter what would have happened I wouldn't have done that. So no, I don't forgive him. But I think I can move on," I state, that's as much as I can get with it.

"I didn't expect anything more. You'd think after what he went through, he wouldn't put others through anything just as horrible," explains Dean and I shrug my shoulders. I guess this is where the 'everyone's different' phrase comes into play. "Have you given any more thought to therapy?" he asks, him having been the one to suggest it in the first place.

"Yeah. I'm going to speak to Stephanie and see who I should go to. I feel if I don't then it'll just chew me up on the inside," I admit, crossing my arms over my chest. "Last night...Seth tried to...you know," I say, Dean nodding his head instantly. Probably not wanting any more detail. "I couldn't. I mean, I don't feel guilty as much any more but I just couldn't. He understood but it didn't feel good. That's when I read the book," I go on to say.

"You just need a little bit of time," says Dean, giving out sensible pieces of advice for once. "Just don't bottle it up like you do everything else. Get it out," he says and I nod my head again. He steps forward and envelopes me in a hug telling me I'm strong enough to deal with it all which I appreciate.

"Thanks for helping Dean," I tell him and he laughs, commenting something along the lines of 'duh, you're family'. Both him and Ariana leave with huge smiles on their faces and we send them off. And yes, we once again had the issue of trying to get Evan from Dean. He said he could show Evan a new place and that it'd be cool. But once he got reminded he wouldn't get to have much sex, he quickly handed him over and rushed out of there.

"Look at Hot Mama," I hear Seth comment after I bounce off the ropes and stand in the middle of the ring. I'd been practising inside of it with Nikki, Nattie, Brie, Paige and literally anyone that I could get my hands on or who had free time.

"That only works when Dean says it," I tell my boyfriend, my hands going to my hips, a smile on my face. It's only been a couple of days since our friends went on their honeymoon and already it felt too weird not having them around. Or not seeing them in the locker rooms. But from the vague messages Ariana would send, they seem to be having a really good time.

"Are you hearing this Evan? Your Mom can be mean at times," says Seth and I can't help but let out a laugh at his childishness. I go to the ropes and bend down, standing on the apron. I then sit down on it and Seth sits besides me. "How's the training going?" he asks me and I nod my head.

"It's going good. I think some of the girls are getting annoyed because I keep dragging them here," I comment which makes him laugh. "But I know I've made the right decision. I'm going to be on the road doing what I love with the man that I love. Well, until Evan starts to go to school," I explain, that being something that was decided just recently. I realised I want to stay on the road for as long as I can.

"And then wrestling is out of the book?" asks Seth as I nod my head sadly. It was something I'd always wanted to do and I have managed to live my dream. It's a shame it didn't get to last longer.

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't want to leave with my last match having been an arm wrestling one with Nattie," I comment, smiling as I think back to the memory. "Plus, I need to actually have SHIELD gear and be on the team properly before I can leave it," I say. The day these guys made me an honorary member was one of the best days of my life. But because I was pregnant, I couldn't exactly team up with them or anything.

"I'm glad you made that choice. I want to have the chance to fight with you by my side," says Seth, leaning closer to me and pecking my lips. Ariana and Dean do it all the time. Ariana says it's special and if wrestling with Ariana was amazing for me, wrestling with Seth would be off the chain.

"I'm on a break for the next ten minutes, shall we try him again with the crawling?" I suggest to Seth who nods his head. After dropping off Ariana and Dean at the airport the other day, we came back to the hotel room and Evan started getting on all fours. Jeez, I just made him sound like a dog. He was rocking back and forth but couldn't actually get crawling. So, we've been trying to practice with him as much as we can since.

"Come on buddy, let's see what you got," says Seth, putting Evan down on the floor. I sit a good few feet away, calling my son over to me. I would have thought he'd start to teeth first but that's not happened. I even talked to Darren over the phone, asking for his opinion. But all he said was babies start to crawl and teethe at 6 months. It doesn't matter what comes first because every baby is different.

"Evan, come here!" I say, holding my arms out with a big smile on my face. Seth tries to help him from behind and I burst out laughing when I see him actually crawling as Evan watches him curiously. "Looking good Seth," I joke but he just rolls his eyes and sits back down. Evan gets the same idea because he somehow manages to turn himself so he's sat on his bottom.

"Oh, come on!" says Seth, a little frustrated. He can't help but then laugh because Evan's just looking up at him strangely. "Come on Evan, let's get crawling," he urges, going back onto all fours himself.

"Seth, it's going to take him time. He can't just learn in two seconds," I tell my boyfriend with my hands on my thighs. I watch on as my boyfriend talks to Evan, trying to get him to start crawling. I just spend the whole time laughing. At one point, Evan looks at me because he seems so confused on what his Father's telling him. "Evan, come to mama," I say to my son just as Seth mimics crawling again. My mouth opens in shock and awe as our son finally starts to move.

"Iris! Iris!" Seth says my name in excitement. I keep my hands out and call Evan over. He begins to laugh, showing off all his gums as he gets closer to me.

"That's it! Come on!" I say, waving my arms around for him to come to me. "Come on!" I say, somehow managing to stay seated despite the fact that I'm beyond excited right now. "Oh my god!" I say, feeling immense happiness once I pick my son up. I give him kisses all over his face.

"You did it Evan!" exclaims Seth, taking Evan out of my hands and holding him in the air. He leans and places a kiss on my cheek, telling me that he loves me. We both gush over our son and have him crawl again before we're interrupted by Nikki who's ready to start training with me. Things seem to be going fine with till later on during dinner when me and Seth get an unusual phone call. Someone rings my phone and I put it on loudspeaker, Seth handling Evan as I take out all the food he bought for dinner.

"How could you?" says the unmistakeable voice of Dean Ambrose on the other end.

"Dean! How are you? How's the honeymoon going?" I ask, neither of them having had the time to call us. Just messages here and there. But I'm not going to berate him for it. I'm just going to be glad he called.

"It was going fine till I got betrayed by my own friends!" exclaims Dean, both me and Seth looking at each other confused.

"What are you talking about?" asks Seth, sitting down and keeping Evan in his lap. He's playing with one of his toys, biting down on it. I have a feeling he'll start teething soon, he keeps trying to bite things.

"Like you don't know (!)" comments Dean on the other end. Maybe he's drunk. Or had something dropped in his food. It's the only explanation for this nonsensical nonsense.

"We don't! Where's Ariana?" I ask, hoping she could shed some light on the current situation.

"Putting on something sexy to cheer me up," answers Dean, sounding less upset. I don't even know what's going on. "The point is, you guys should have told me! Or put me there live. But no," he goes on to say and I look at Seth with a sigh.

"Dean, we honestly don't know what you're talking about. Either speak directly, or we're hanging up because we're just about to start dinner," Seth says to him, that being one of the only ways we can stop him from acting so dramatic.

"Evan. Crawling," says Dean and I look at Seth with a smile. The lunatic is upset he wasn't here for that. Aw. My face then drops as I think of how Dean found out. We've not told anyone yet. And how would they have even gotten a hold of Dean to know about it?

"How did you find out?" asks Seth, seemingly curious just like me.

"Really?" asks Dean, acting as if this is something we should know. If he carries on like this, then I really will snap. "It's all over the internet!" he exclaims, my mouth opening in shock at what he's just said.

"How's that possible?" I ask, running a hand through my hair. "It only happened earlier on today. And we didn't even manage to take a video because we were having so much fun," I explain, pinching Evan's cheeks because I'm so proud of him today.

"Oh, I could see that (!)" comments Dean at which I roll my eyes. No wonder Ariana's constantly doing it. "You're all laughing together without even including the Godfather," he goes on to complain. Seth at this point lets out a groan, hands Evan to me and picks up his phone.

"What the hell? Iris look, there's a video of us from today with Evan," he says, showing it to me. I hold in my laughter because it's caught Seth trying to show Evan how to crawl but failing miserably. Obviously, whoever has taken this has recorded the whole session and then posted up bits and bats.

"Who posted it?" I ask, looking at where the video had come from. "Nikki?" I say and then shake my head. She must have come to train a few minutes earlier and caught us all. "I am so going to have to ask her to send us that video. Oh my god, now we've got it on camera. Isn't that wonderful?" I ask my boyfriend, looking up at him.

"Yeah, it's frickin beautiful (!)" Dean's voice cuts in and ruins the moment. "How could you not tell me?" he asks and at this point, my anger gets the best of me.

"Maybe because it happened just this morning?" I reply and before he can answer I decide to rip him a new one. "Not to mention, you're on your honeymoon. You don't call or leave many messages and then tell me off for not informing you about this? I mean, how fricking dare you?" I retort, hearing silence on the other end.

"We...we were gonna call," Dean finally says after a few moments of quietness.

"We would have told you," I say, both of us leaving it at that. Dean ends the call, promising to check in more often.

"I am not going to lie, that was hot," says Seth shamelessly, kissing the side of my head before grabbing the food and tucking into dinner. We put Evan on the floor as we eat and I take my own video once he starts crawling. It's so exciting and fun to watch him crawl, I didn't realise it could be. It's amazing.

"It's not that I don't love her, I mean she's a cool chick," says Dolph, walking around the arena with me as he talks about AJ. She dropped the 'L' bomb and let's just say Mister Ziggler couldn't handle it. "But isn't it too quick to think about something like this?" he then asks at which point I burst out laughing.

"You guys have been dating for 4 months!" I exclaim, that being enough time for anyone to come to a conclusion about whether they love the other person. "Clearly, you're commitment phobic," I reveal to my friend who looks at me with denial written across his face.

"I am not!" denies Dolph as I give him a disbelieving look. That's got denial written all over it. "You can't get to know a person that quickly. Or be able to tell whether you love them or not," he goes on to say as I shake my head.

"I knew I loved Seth quite quick into our relationship. I mean, I was talking about marrying him just a few dates in," I explain to my friend who gives me a weird look.

"That's cause you're plain crazy," says Dolph and I once again shake my head at him. "And now she won't talk to me because I didn't say it back. Who does that? Would you have done that?" he goes on to say and I guess it's time to set him straight.

"Yes," I answer without even needing to think about it. "And not for the reasons you're thinking. Yes, ok if you don't say it back it's nothing to be mad about. But when you don't say it back but your eyes are saying that you love that person, it's basically a slap in the face," I hit him with some reality. Any idiot around can tell he's totally in love with AJ. Just the idiot himself can't tell.

"Wait, what?" asks Dolph, acting completely confused. I suppose he is one of the clueless ones so I have to spell it out for him.

"Dolph, it's written all over your face that you love AJ. She knows you love her. That's why she felt comfortable saying it, hoping you'd tell her the same thing. But you didn't and that's upset her," I explain, Dolph looking like he's actually taking this in. "Look, you're at a crossroads in your relationship now. You either tell her how you feel or call it a day," I hit him with some truth.

"You're telling me to call it a day? You, out of all people?" asks Dolph which I know is hard to believe for him, or anyone else for that matter. "How about I get someone to write it on a piece of paper and send it to her? That way we both get what we want," he says, suggesting a completely moronic idea for which I would beat him up for.

"You know what Dolph, when I was with Seth and he said he loved me, I believed him. He didn't at the time and it caused so much heartbreak, we struggled to be friends again," I decide to use my personal experiences to help him out. "He wasted so much of my time when I could have spent it trying to find someone else," I add on, it being a bit weird since I did end up with Seth again.

"But you guys got back together," points out Dolph as I put my hands in the pocket of my jeans.

"Only because he got his head out of his ass," I comment, making the both of us chuckle. "My point is, a lot of time was wasted. When he 'pretended' to love me. And then when I came back, we again wasted more time. No telling each other how we felt. It took us months to finally tell each other that we love the other person. Whether you're ready for it or not, whether you want to face the consequences or not, just be honest. Yes, it's scary but at least you then have each other to get through it," I advise him. I wish someone had just done something to get me to admit my feelings for Seth, all those misunderstandings wouldn't have ever occurred.

"It's not as simple as just saying it Iris," comments Dolph, giving me a look which informs me he's struggling to accept his own feelings.

"Yes it is," I say, a smile on my face as I think back to mine and Seth's relationship. "It's more easy than anyone thinks. Us humans make it complicated," I say and leave him with that. I walk down to the SHIELD's locker room, only finding Roman inside. "Where are my boys?" I ask, thinking Seth would be here with Evan.

"Out and about, Seth said he was just going to get some fresh air," answers Roman as I nod my head and take a seat next to him on the couch. "What's the matter baby girl?" he asks me, placing his hand mine which is resting on the couch.

"Absolutely nothing. That's the problem," I tell my friend, moving my head so that I can look into his eyes. "Whenever nothing's wrong, something happens," I go on to say, shrugging my shoulders.

"What happened to Iris positivist?" asks Roman which makes me chuckle. "You're just a bit down in the dumps. Trust me, after a while you'll be bouncing off the walls as you usually do," he says. I have my first meeting with the therapist booked next week. Hopefully, after that I'll start to feel more like myself again. I don't want to be living through life looking over my shoulder which is what I feel I'm doing at the moment.

"Thank you for always being kind," I decide to say something nice to him. He's always there for us when we need good advice or can't get out of a funk.

"Thank you for giving me a nephew," says Roman, using a finger to gently hit my nose which makes me laugh. "I'm going to ask Paige to move in with me," he says suddenly, shocking me. However, after a few seconds, my face breaks into a smile.

"That is amazing news," I say, throwing my arms around him and hugging him. "I'm so happy for you," I say. He has had a couple of girlfriends before that I've known of but he's not got to this stage with any of them for a long, long time.

"Thanks. I just hope she says yes," says Roman which I think is a stupid thing to say, only because we all know Paige's answer will be a positive one.

"She will, I just know it," I inform him. Looks like everyone's getting settled. Dean and Ariana are on their honeymoon, Roman and Paige are moving in and me and Seth are stronger than we've ever been. Seth doesn't come back and eventually sends me a message telling him to meet him in our hotel room. I find it weird but say goodbye to Roman and head off anyway.

Once I get to the hotel room, I enter and find myself speechless at the sight before me. The lights are dimly lit, there are a lot of candles everywhere. I look at the floor to see a trail of pink flower petals. I decide to follow them and end up on the balcony. I see a table with a chair on either side, a candle in the middle as well as a single rose in a glass. Soft music playing in the background.

"For you," I hear, a rose being presented in front of my face, my boyfriend standing right behind me. I let out a chuckle and grab a hold of it, putting it up to my nose.

"What's all this?" I ask him, turning around in his arms and smiling even more when I see him all dressed up. I'm not complaining but I feel so plain compared to him, standing in a random top and a pair of jeans.

"I can't show my girlfriend how much I love her?" questions Seth, as if I've somehow offended him in a way. "Look," he starts, keeping his hands on my waist and moving his face closer to mine. "You know, after everything that happened, it got me thinking about how much I do love you. I may say it enough times but I think I need to show it more often," he says but I shake my head.

"Just you saying it is enough. Besides, I don't do much to show you my love," I point out to him. This new crazy schedule where I'm training my ass off and Seth needing to keep in shape for his matches is keeping up both apart a lot more during the day than we thought it would.

"Yeah you do. When you make sure to keep my clothes out before I start my day, when you make sure that I eat something by making it or bringing it to me, taking such precious care of our son. That's you showing how much you love me," he explains to me. It makes me wonder how he manages to come out with such lines.

"Well then," I start, placing my arms around his neck. "You do the same when you make sure I have at least a bar of chocolate in my hand most of the day, when you massage my shoulders after a long day of training and when you take the night duty for Evan," I decide to point out what he does that show me he loves me.

"Call it even then?" says Seth, probably deciding there's no point in arguing with me. I nod my head and he pecks my lips. "Iris, would you please join me for dinner tonight?" he asks me and I nod my head with an excited look. "Go to the bedroom, there's something waiting for you there," he says, kissing my lips before finally letting go of me. I head inside and see a red dress waiting for me on our bed. Wasting no time, I get dressed in it. I then put the flower Seth gifted me into my hair, I know he'll love that. I leave the bedroom and come out to the balcony once more, smiling at my boyfriend who seems to be enjoying the sights. I walk up quietly to him and hug him from behind for once.

"Where's Evan?" I ask him, not seeing our little son anywhere.

"With Nikki and John. I told her I needed her to babysit and she jumped at the chance," answers Seth, turning around and putting his arms around me, leaning back against the railing.

"You seriously gave our son to the woman who's most likely to kidnap him?" I ask, joking of course which makes Seth laugh.

"It's no problem, we'll make another one," Seth jokes back resulting in me hitting his chest a couple of times. Once he stops laughing we just stand there staring into each other's eyes. Seth raises a hand and runs it through my hair. "I like it short," he comments randomly.

"I like it too," I comment, both of us chuckling. "You sure you don't mind it, considering Dean always pretends to confuse us both?" I ask him and he shakes his head at the mention of Dean and his antics.

"You know, just for tonight, let's not talk about the others," suggests Seth, putting both his arms around me once more. "Let's talk about us," he then says. I wonder what he wants to talk about. We have pretty much everything set.

"What about us Mister Rollins?" I ask, looking up at him. "We have a son, a nice house and good friends. What more is there?" I go on to question him.

"A lot of things," says Seth, letting go of me momentarily. He reaches into his back pocket and takes out his phone. He then shows me a picture of a building, making me feel confused. "I've chosen this," he decides to tell me, the confused expression on my face still present. "It's the school I think Evan should go to when he starts," he tells me, a smile gracing my face. I look at Seth and then at the picture of the building. "I researched it and talked to other parents. It sounds amazing," he informs me.

"It does," I say, not even having gotten to the point of looking at the different schools out there for Evan. I take Seth's phone off of him and put it back in his pocket.

"Ooh, getting a little frisky there Iris," comments Seth cheekily. I take a hold of his hand and pull him towards me. I put my arms around his neck, beginning to move. "This is a new way of asking someone to dance," he says but I just shrug my shoulders.

"Remember our first dance?" I ask him, moving my arm so one of my hands is in his. Seth shakes his head and it immediately makes me laugh. "What? You don't remember having two left feet?" I ask, Seth repeating the movement.

"As I recall, I was a heck of a dancer," says Seth and I can't help but let out a scoff.

"Seth, you stood on my feet like 5 times," I remind him of that night. We went dancing with some of the others and Seth just couldn't cut it. I mean, Dean hung back because he wasn't much of a socialiser and just went along with his friends, but Seth kept making up excuses about why he couldn't get moving. From foot ache to stomach ache. I heard it all that night.

"I kept coming up with different excuses," says Seth and I give him a look that says 'I knew you remembered'. "You should have accepted one of them instead of being persistent," he tells me. Of course he would.

"You should have just manned up," I state and then laugh at the look on his face. "I knew why you were putting it off, that's why I was persistent," I let him in on a little secret.

"Wait a second, you knew?" asks Seth, stopping mid-step. I nod my head after which he says, "Why didn't you say?" I think it's obvious why not, considering he was a different person back then.

"Because you would have got mad and walked off," I explain and he doesn't argue with that because he knows it's true. "Besides, I had fun teaching you to dance. Now if you ever leave me, I can brag to others that I made you a better boyfriend for other people," I joke but Seth begins shaking his head.

"No, I'm never leaving you," says Seth, sounding quite determined about it. "When I'm 70 or 80 or whatever, I still want to be right here, dancing with you," he says, looking into my eyes. "Because I love you," he adds on the end. I lean forward and place a kiss on his lips.

"I'll hold you to that promise Mister Rollins. I love you," I say, pulling him closer and kissing him on the lips. He kisses me back and we enjoy our night, filled with love, laughter and sweet memories. I restarted my journey with Seth by my side. It wasn't going to be easy and it hasn't. I don't think in the future it will be either. But as long as Seth's with me and our son, I can move on from anything. We'll move on together. And in 80 years' time, we'll still be together. That's how much I believe in us and our family.

Now, I couldn't keep this story going because the plot had already come to its conclusion. But I know there are many more future experiences that you'd like to read about. Therefore, I will be doing random one shots of different things, you know, Evan growing older and stuff. Fluffy stuff. If you have any requests then do let me and know and I'll see what I can do. I'm not going it right away because I think after doing this story, I deserve a little bit of a break. I'm at a point in my job where I need to keep a lot more focus on what I'm doing and learning. So until next time folks :D