Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for my OC's.

First of all, I would like to apologise. I accidentally put up the last chapter to Picking Up The Pieces and then realised. My bad.

That's right, I'm back with the sequel! Right, the most important thing to discuss first is when I'm gonna update this story. I'm gonna go for twice a week but that may be hard so sometimes it might only be once a week. But nevertheless, I will tell you in each chapter when the next update will be.

Now, I had a lot of lovely reviewers for my last chapter of Getting Over You so you know what's next right? Replying to those reviews of course! Everybody else, keep on scrolling. I hope you like it! By the way, I have sort of summarized the other story at the start to remind everyone what happened. It was a good idea given to me by my good friend A Wrestling God who's stories you should definitely check out.

Ayesha: Thank you for your continued support. I have been thinking about your idea but as I have mentioned before I can;t just copy someone else's fanfic so I've made sure not to read it. However, I have come up with some of my own ideas so it is something I will definitely be doing in the future :)

CiCix3: Your welcome! Ha ha ha, read this one and then maybe you'll find out if they are :)

Shaq Gaddy: Aw, I just love reading your reviews. I'm so glad that you're so happy about the sequel Xx :)

Calwitch: I like your description of me. Thank you for leaving such nice reviews, believe me I continued taking bows for a week after I finished the story. Lol :)

Becky: Oh my gosh, thanks! I hope you like what I have come up with next :)

caz21: Thanks, I hope you enjoy it! :)

Wolfgirl2013: Wait no longer :)

Jade: You're still sort of disappeared but I know you're reading. Don't worry about it though, if anyone understands how busy people get it's me. I'm sure it was definitely your banner that did the trick ;) Thanks! As one of the first to review you made me feel like I was on cloud nine by all the nice comments you made. Love ya too! :)

Camilla: You don't have to review all the time so no need to apologize. You put a smile on my face with all your nice words. And yes, it's a good thing you know English because then I wouldn't have gotten your reviews for my story and that would have been a total shame. And I hope you read and enjoy the sequel :)

Pinayprincesa: Yes they are! :)

Nina Ross: Why thank you very much! And your welcome. Enjoy the sequel :)

Paisley2: I did not! That is exactly where I wanted to end it. Because the next part of the story wouldn't have fitted in Getting Over You. It's a whole new story now. I actually think your idea about the whole Randy thing was interesting. But I couldn't do much more in the last one because let's just say I want things to blow up later. I thought I wrapped up the whole Kane plot thing, obviously I didn't do a very good job. But don't worry, I've actually gotten an idea from it now. Oh, you're too kind on the forgiveness ;)


Life has a funny way of giving you everything you want. You think you have it all but it's just an illusion you're under. That illusion breaks when you actually see the reality of things. But then life also has a funny way of giving you back the things you lost. Things you never realised you could have. I suppose there are those people who keep their head in the clouds like I always did and don't even realise what they have isn't real. But it keeps them happy. It also breaks them when they realise the truth. There are also those people who always think about reality. Kind of like my best friend Ariana. She's a realist alright. But then when life throws something unexpected at her, I think it gives her the chance to actually be like me for once. To dream about things that she never thought were possible.

That's kind of what happened to me. I first met Seth and for me it was the whole 'love at first sight' thing. I've always been a big believer of it, unlike my best friend. So when the first sign of trouble came I just ignored it. I don't even think I knew I was doing it. For me, Seth was on this pedestal that I put him on. I guess you could say I like seeing the best in people. I always knew he was good at heart. When he cheated on me, I forgave him. I mean, he was drunk so it can happen right? The he told me he loves me and I played right into it. For me, nothing mattered as long as he loved me.

But that was just a dream. Me doing my 'head in the clouds' thing. Of course he started to fall for my best friend. He was just with me because he had no one better to chase. At times I try to think of whether he was just with me because he wanted to get close to Ariana. Which if course is probably true at one point. The day my dream was broken was when I saw him make a move on her. I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want to believe it. How could I? When a person says they love you, you don't instantly think they're lying. You believe them because you love them too.

I shouldn't have believed him, but I did. I've always taken every break up seriously but they were never anything that couldn't be fixed with ice cream and a few crappy movies. This break up was by far the worst. I loved Seth more than any other guy I had ever known. But he didn't feel the same. He was playing games behind my back. Manipulating me probably half the time.

So I left. I packed my bags, talked to the bosses and tried to live a life outside the wrestling world. That didn't work though because I fell pregnant. Technically I was already pregnant when I left the company but I didn't find out till afterwards. I found out my pregnancy was life threatening but that didn't scare me. My baby meant everything to me so I hid the truth. I was with Rick at the time and he wanted me to have an abortion. So I did what I do best and left him too.

The more I thought about things though, the more I realised that I couldn't leave things the way they were. If it wasn't for me getting friendly with the guys, Ariana and Dean wouldn't have started dating. Seth wouldn't have put the moves on Ariana. And he and Dean would still have been great friends. But that's stupid in a way because I can't think of a more perfect couple than Ariana and Dean. They're made for each other.

I came back, at first to patch things up with everybody. To make sure there were no loose ends. I didn't talk to any of them whilst I was away. Not Ariana, not Roman, not Dean and especially not Seth. I didn't want things to stay like that. And I needed somebody to take care of my baby after I was gone. Of course I knew it had to be Ariana and I felt content knowing that Dean was still with her. They would make the perfect family. With Roman's help. They just didn't know it.

Now Seth, he was a different story. After I came back he kept trying to apologise, all I wanted to do was get over him. But the more I saw him the more I realised just how deep my feelings had gotten for him. They never left. They never shrunk. If anything, his niceness made me fall for him deeper. Thinking about leaving this world without patching things would be horrible. But I could never find it in myself to forgive him. I don't know why.

Slowly though, he became friends with everyone once again. It was a long road and it wasn't easy considering how difficult Ariana and Dean were but he got there. He got there because despite what everybody thought there was one thing that he possessed that none of them thought of before. Something which I already knew. He has a good heart. People make bad decisions all the time and asking repeatedly for forgiveness is a hard task. Especially when those you seek it from are two stubborn hotheads. That doesn't mean you can take anything away from Dean and Ariana. Being able to forgive is a hard task. But holding onto the past is just painful.

It seemed things were looking up. But that wouldn't last for long. Despite all the problems in between, Evan's paternity is the last thing I would have thought would be a problem. But when your ex turns up, invited by your other ex might I add, and wants to take care of the baby he thinks is his? Well then you reach a breaking point. I accidentally let it slip Rick wasn't the Father. For a long time I was in denial myself that the baby I was carrying was Seth's. I guess a part of me didn't want him to be the Father. If he couldn't love me how on earth could he love our baby? The baby that's partly mine? I didn't think it was possible. I thought as long I believed Rick was the Father then it wouldn't be a problem. But you can only ignore reality for a certain amount of time before it hits you and everyone else.

I really thought that was the end for me. Giving birth in an elevator? Has anyone heard of anything more bizarre? I certainly haven't. I really thought it was the end. I said goodbye to everyone. The only regret I had was not being able to tell Seth how much I love him till this day. Nothing could change my feelings, the love I held for him. I didn't manage to tell him though. And the next time I woke up, I found out I had been in a coma. It was horrible to hear about how I'd been missing out on Evan's life. How the guys had found out Seth was the real Father. But as always, we managed to stick by each other and get passed that.

The last hurdle? Well that was trying to figure out what relationship me and Seth shared. We had shared kisses a few times but never got the chance to talk. I was paranoid about him returning my feelings and he felt the same after everything we had been through. Even though Cody and Ted were idiots and nearly ruined the whole thing, we finally got together.

Hearing Seth say that he loved me was probably the greatest moment in my life. Because as I stood there questioning him, looking into his eyes I knew it was real. He'd proven time and again he was a true friend and there was no reason for me to doubt that he loved me. And now, well I'm probably starting the happiest part of my life. I have a son that I adore and a boyfriend who's just showering me with love ever since he told me how he feels. So, life really has a funny way of giving you back the things you thought you'd lost and could never regain.

"Ugh, I can't believe you're going," says Ariana, hugging me for the fifth time as we stand in the airport trying to say goodbye. It's been like this for the past 15 minutes. I can't say I blame her though, we've been pretty much inseparable since we became friends. The longest time we were away was when I left after everything that happened with Seth. And from our discussions I know how hard it was on her. It was on me too.

"Relax, it's only for 2 weeks," I remind her. "Then me and Evan will come straight back to you," I say with a smile. I don't know if I'm reassuring her or myself at this point. I'm always up for trying something new but this is about meeting Seth's parents. A critical point in my life.

"What about Seth? Are you planning on stranding him there?" asks Ariana, poking my ribs and making me laugh. "How's everything between you guys?" she then asks and the funny thing is I can tell she's genuinely interested.

"It's great, I finally have everything I've ever wanted," I say, looking over to where Seth was standing with Dean and Roman who were making him laugh. "And I couldn't have done it without you, you know?" I say and this time it's me hugging her tightly.

"Are you guys still not done?" asks Seth and I shake my head as I once again pull away from Ariana but keep an arm around her as she does me. "Well you'll be glad to know that you get another ten minutes because Dean refuses to hand over Evan," he says and I look at Dean who's got Evan held closely to him. Oh brother.

"You're taking him away for 2 weeks!" exclaims Dean, keeping Evan even closer is that's possible. I don't understand how Dean is so attached to Evan. It's funny and cute at the same time.

"Dean, just give Evan to them," says Ariana, standing at his side as he looks at her horrified which just makes me laugh. She might as well have told him to hand Evan over to total strangers because that's the way he's acting right now.

"No," says Dean, bouncing Evan up and down. "He wants to stay with his Uncle Dean," he says stubbornly, acting like a child who's being asked to give up his candy. Or his most prized possession. But if anyone can get him to give Evan up it is Ariana.

"Dean, it's their kid! Do you want to get done for kidnapping?" says Ariana. She didn't think that through did she? This is Dean Ambrose. I'm pretty sure he's kidnapped puppies in the past.

"It's not kidnapping if I'm his uncle and his parents are right there," says Dean, I knew he was good with kids but who would have thought he'd get so attached to Evan? And I was worried about leaving Evan with a Father like Dean. Seems to me he's got the protective factor nailed.

"Exactly, they're the parents so let him go," says Ariana, keeping a hand on his arm.

"It's not fair," Dean then complains and, is that a pout I see? Well it's the beginning of one for sure. "They're taking him away for a whole 2 weeks!" he exclaims dramatically. And here I thought I was the dramatic one.

"Ok," I say and move over to stand in front of Dean. I think I need to bring out the big guns. "I get that you're upset but he'll be back before you know it! Then you two can hang out, all by yourself for a whole day," I say, kind of like waving a different type of candy in front of him. He doesn't look convinced so I say, "Don't you think Evan will love to come back and spend a whole day with Godfather Dean?"

"Godfather?" asks Dean and I nod my head seeing the look in his eyes.

"What? You can't do this!" Roman intervenes but this could have been avoided if he'd tried to help. Then again, if Dean wasn't made to be Godfather then we would never hear the end of it.

"Shut up man, you serious?" asks Dean and I nod my head, glancing at Seth. We talked about this before. I know Roman might be a little upset but not as much as Dean would have been. Plus, unlike Dean Roman is more mature in this situation and won't get petty. If I told Roman he was Godfather, I would have snide remarks hitting me left, right and centre.

"Me and Seth were talking about it and it seemed right," I tell him, shrugging my shoulders. "The way you and Evan have bonded, there's no one else who could fit the role more perfectly," I then say. "Especially since your fiancée is Godmother," I add on, winking at Ariana.

"Seriously?" asks Ariana and I nod my head. There's no one else who can be godmother for Evan. I get along with all the Divas but none of them have the title of my best friend. And since I was willing to give Evan to Ariana to look after then it's obvious right? At least I thought it was.

"Of course, that's a given considering you're my best friend," I let her know.

"Hey, what about me?" asks Roman, looking upset. There's too many of them. You can keep everybody happy.

"You can be Godfather to the next one, alright?" I say without thinking, biting down on my tongue when I realise what I just said.

"So you've already started planning for more kids?" asks Roman which makes me blush profusely as I try not to look at everyone. "Seth, I didn't know you guys started to think about having more," he comments to tease me of course but I just try and ignore him, feeling hotter by the minute.

"Iris has it all planned out, don't you cutie pie?" says Seth, throwing a wink in my direction.

"Can you please give me my kid now?" I say to Dean, changing the subject before my face resembles that of a tomato.

"Alright," says Dean and finally hands Evan over to me. "But when he comes back he and his Godfather will tear up the town!" he says, placing emphasis on the word 'Godfather' to rub it in Roman's face of course. I don't understand why he can't just have the title and be happy with it.

"Keep pushing my buttons and you'll earn a superman punch," comments Roman unhappily. They better play nice whilst I'm away/

"Will you guys stop acting like kids?" says Ariana, glaring at them both. "Take care of my Godson Iris," she then says, stepping forward and placing a kiss on Evan's forehead. "And yourself," she says, giving me a side hug.

"I will take care of them both," says Seth, not giving me a chance to speak. Ariana chuckles and ruffles his hair before putting her arm around Dean's torso. "And you guys stop keeping Roman awake," he says to Ariana.

"Sorry dude, can't promise that," says Dean, shaking his head. "I can't under perform to give Roman some sleep. Maybe he should bring back a certain Diva to pass the time," he then comments, obviously referring to Paige. They're gonna tease him to no end now. That's what he did to Dean when him and Ariana first started dating. Endless teasing.

"You're such a dick," comments Roman, making us all laugh. I get hugs from Dean and Roman before they all finally let us go and we get onto the plane. The closer we get to Iowa, the more nervous I start to feel though. The anticipation of meeting all of Seth's family was building up inside of me. I feel really nervous cause all I want is for them to like me. But they might not. And that particular thought terrifies me.

"How does this look?" I ask Seth and turn to him, after trying to fix my hair for the last ten minutes. In the end I decided to comb back the front of my hair and pin it. I mean, I have short hair so there's not a lot that I can do with it.

"Iris, will you stop worrying?" says Seth and I frown because he didn't answer my question. "No one's going to care what your hair looks like," he then tells me. Of course that's a standard guy's response.

"That's what Janet's boyfriend said and then a week after his Mother was cackling about her hair to a woman at a till register in the supermarket," I say, remembering how I should never have been eavesdropping on that conversation but I was 14 and very curious.

"Who the heck is Janet?" asks Seth but I just roll my eyes and go back to looking at myself in the hand held mirror I had.

"A 14 year old who cried out her eyes," I answer him, pondering what else I could do with my hair. To be fair, I think it looks cute the way I've done. Maybe I should just leave it like that then.

"Forget her, we're talking about you," says Seth, bringing us back to the situation at hand.

"You know we can't stay together if your family don't approve," I let him know but he just sighs and rests his head against the back of the seat.

"Why is that?" asks Seth, keeping his eyes on me and looking amused. I don't know why he looks amused though, nothing about this is funny. It's serious business.

"Like as if you're going to continue dating someone who your Mother or Father don't like or approve of," I comment. I know Seth is close to his parents. From Dean's remarks he's a Mommy's boy. But I'll find out just how much in a while.

"Like I haven't done that before," says Seth and I give him a questioning look. "I've dated tonnes of girls my Mum hated, all throughout my life," she tells me. That must surely have been a teenage rebellion phase right?

"And I might be one of them," I remind him, although him dating tonnes of girls doesn't sit well with me. Tonnes, that's an odd word. How many girls has he dated? Then again, dated doesn't mean relationships. Ok, now I'm being stupid.

"You won't be," says Seth and I lean back, keeping the mirror in my lap. He says this now but how can I be sure? There I go with the stupidity. This happens when I get nervous too. My brain starts to shut down like this.

"Why?" I question, leaning my head back and looking at him in the eyes.

"Because I love you," says Seth, the grin on my face appearing out of nowhere whenever he says those words to me. "I never said that to those girls, maybe that's the secret," he then says which makes me laugh and I lean forward and peck his lips. He can be so sweet when I least expect it.

"That's sweet Seth but its not going to work," I tell him. "What if your parents hate me?" I question.

"Then they'll have to deal with the fact that I'm with you for life," replies Seth casually. "Nothing we've dealt with so far has made me not want to be with you so what makes you think something as trivial as this will?" he says which I guess makes sense.

"But-" I start, however he cuts me off.

"But nothing," says Seth and places a hand on the side of my cheek. "I love you, you love me and we have our son," he says and we both glance at Evan in Seth's lap. "That's all I want and need," he reassures me and I nod my head. Maybe it won't be so bad after all. "You look beautiful by the way," he adds on which makes me chuckle. "Doesn't she?" he then says to Evan. "Yes, we both think Mama looks hot," he says which makes me laugh. The rest of the plane ride goes down fine and I feel a bit better after Seth talked to me. I know what Ariana would say right now, 'Grow some balls and meet them, if they don't like you then tough'. I guess its something I need to take into consideration.

"Hey cutie pie," says Seth, using his nickname for me as he comes over and places a kiss on my lips. "Shall we get going? I got us a cab," he then tells me, taking the duty of pushing the stroller Evan's in.

"A cab? I thought your family would be here to greet us, considering you're all so close," I tell him, picking up Evan as Seth folds the stroller and sets it in the boot.

"Yes but I deliberately didn't tell them when our flight was because I didn't want you to get so overwhelmed at the airport," says Seth, getting into the back and sitting next to me.

"Oh, look Evan, your Daddy is very sly," I say with a smile. He's being very considerate. I hope they don't mind.

"Hey, you're the one freaking out," Seth reminds me which is true, I probably would have had a heart attack if his family picked us up from the airport. I know it's quite a big family.

"Ok, you're right," I say, nodding my head and appreciating what he's done for me. "Thank you," I say and lean into this side as he puts an arm around me. "Ok, so lets go over who's in your family," I then say. Seth never mentioned them when we were first dating so on the flight over here it's been information overload.

"Alright, so we have Mom and Dad," starts Seth. "Mom's called Anne and Dad is called Nick," he says as I nod my head. Anne and Nick, not so hard. The most important ones. "Then I have two sisters, Angelina but we all call her Angie, and Rose. Angie is a bit, like Ariana lets say. She acts like she hates everyone but once in a while you see she does have feelings and isn't made of stone," he says which makes me laugh. "Rose is, well more like you. She enjoys doing anything and everything so I think you'll really hit it off with her," he goes on as I nod my head. I have a feeling Angie will be hard to please.

"And let me guess, Angie has hated all the girls you've dated before just like Anne and Rose has just welcomed them all even though she may have hated them?" I ask him as he stares at me.

"Maybe," says Seth which just makes it seem harder. "But Rose is more like my Dad in that respect so if you win her over then you're pretty much set. She's a right Daddy's girl and my Mom and Dad's views match on people they do and don't like," he explains.

"Ok, so impress Rose and Nick," I say as if it's a mission which makes Seth chuckle.

"Then I have a younger brother, Nicky," says Seth and I know instantly he must be named after his Father.

"How'd that happen?" I question, I'm sure Anne sounds like a woman who would want a different name for her son. If she wanted a son named Nick then Seth would be called Nick.

"Mom was out for a few hours," answers Seth. "Gave Dad the opportunity and beating of a lifetime," he says which makes me laugh. "Ok, so that's my family," he then states. "Then there's Lily and Lacey, they're Rose's daughters, they're six years old and twins," he goes on as I dread about all this extra stuff I have to know. "Her husband is called Damien but you don't have to worry about him. He's easy to talk to and he's not much of a bother. Probably the only guy I would have let my sister marry," he tells me.

"What about Angie? Does she have a husband or boyfriend?" I ask in curiosity.

"No, she uh, she went through a heartbreak a while back and hasn't ever fully recovered," replies Seth which makes me feel sad. But I also know exactly how she must be feeling. "She hates people pestering her about dating so keep that out of conversation," he advises. "Although, you will meet her best friend Neil. He's always there for her," he adds on.

"Ok, and Nicky? He's twenty two right?" I ask him and Seth nods his head.

"He has a girlfriend called Macy," says Seth and rolls his eyes. "None of us like her, she acts as if she's got a stick up her ass," he comments and I slap his arm.

"I don't want to hear those sort of comments," I tell him. "Nicky likes her so you're going to like her too and not talk about her behind her back in this disrespectful manner, understood?" I reprimand him and he nods his head.

"Ok, Nicky is going to love you," comments Seth, making me smile once again. "Then we have Uncle Mason, my Dad's brother," he starts again and I sigh. He has more people in his immediate family than I have put together! "He's all fun and games, really laid back so he's not a problem. Although, he does get a bit touchy some times with us youngsters which other girls haven't really liked. He's like, Dean in that aspect. He'll play around or just tickle you for no reason all of a sudden, like I said really playful," he explains. "His wife, Marie, she just laughs on. She's laid back too and very welcoming as well".

"Ok, so all I need to really do is impress your Mother and Angie?" I ask for clarification.

"No, um, you need to also impress Mom's twin sister Annette," says Seth, looking like as if he's in deep thought. "For twin sisters, they couldn't be more different. She's widowed so don't bring that up. Also, don't bring up kids in front of Uncle Mason and Aunt Marie, they can't have kids so it's really a touchy subject," he then explains which makes me feel sad. There's quite a few sad stories in Seth's family that I've noticed. "Mom's sister Annette also has a son, Mark. But he's never really been around since his Dad died and I think that's why Aunt Annette is sad all the time, more so than she should be. Which is why when we all get together, it's good for her," he says which makes me smile. I guess I have one mission, making Aunt Annette smile and laugh. Maybe that's the way to get her to like me.

"Ok, gosh I feel sick already," I comment, placing a hand on my stomach.

"I know you want another kid, but I didn't expect it to happen this fast," jokes Seth but I just hit his chest. "Alright, alright I'm sorry," he then apologises.

"By the way, that isn't happening any time soon," I clarify for him, just in case. His smile drops so I explain, "We've only just gotten back together. I think we need to take things slowly".

"You know, I actually agree with you," says Seth which surprises me. "But watch out, depending on how they feel about you they're going to tease you about much more than just kids," he warns me.

"Thanks for making me feel better (!)" I comment, shaking my head.

"Oh and one more thing, my best friend Anna," says Seth as if he had completely forgotten about her till a few seconds ago. "I grew up with her. Known her since elementary school. But you don't need to worry about her, she's probably one of the easiest to get by," he explains. Like that makes me feel any better. Just another person I have to impress. This is so not fair.

"Here we are," says Seth as the cab pulls to a stop and I see a big house. Wow, that looks like a mansion. It looks like the cousin of the fricking white house!

"What the…your family is rich?" I question, in a daze as the big gates open and allow us to come in.

"Oops, did I forget to mention that," says Seth with a guilty look on his face. He did that on purpose didn't he?

"I know your 'accidentally on purpose' face Mister Rollins," I remind him. "Why didn't you tell me?" I question him but he laughs nervously and gets out of the cab. I follow suit and get out as well, Seth pays the driver and then takes out our stuff as well as the stroller, putting it together again. "You know, if you continue to ignore me then it won't lead to anything good," I state.

"It's not something I usually tell girls that I date," says Seth and I tilt my head with a questioning look on my face as he continues to set up the stroller. "Girls know I'm a wrestler and that I do have money. If they find out I have even more money then how do I know if they like me because of me?" I certainly hope he never thought like that of me. Then again he couldn't all of a sudden just say his family's rich.

"I thought when you were sleeping around that that didn't matter?" I question and feel bad straight away. "I'm sorry," I then say and he takes Evan off of me, tying him into the stroller.

"Iris, I know I used to sleep around but even I wanted to find someone special," explains Seth and I bite down on my lip. "I wanted someone that I could bring home to my Mother who I could be proud of to introduce, and I knew that me having so much money would do the job but then it wouldn't be real," he says, getting up and looking at me. "I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you but I thought it would be weird to bring up since we've known each other for such a long time," he says and I step forward towards him.

"You don't have to apologize," I tell him, shaking my head. I put my arms around his neck and say, "I should just be glad that I'm the girl you're bringing home to meet your family".

"You're the only girl worthy enough," says Seth, placing his arms around my waist.

"So you've never brought a girl home before?" I ask him. "Because you did say just before your parents haven't ever approved of the girls you've dated," I then remind him.

"Well I have brought them to parties and stuff, but never to my actual house. I knew Mum and Angie would never behave decently with any of those girls. Plus this is my parent's house and whenever I introduced them to someone knew they'd come up to my apartment," says Seth which explains how he's introduced girls to his family but never brought them here. "So, we ok?" he then asks me.

"We're more than ok, we're a family," I say and lean in to peck his lips but it seems Seth has other ideas because he captures my lips in a searing kiss which makes me moan. "Don't do that when your parents are around, I won't be able to control myself," I say after he pulls away which makes him chuckle.

"I love you," says Seth, my heart beating a hundred miles an hour as usual.

"I love you too," I say and we manage to pull away from each other. I push the stroller and Seth walks besides me, keeping his hand on my waist. Instead of knocking on the door, he opens it and goes right in, shouting to get everyone's attention. I end up a bit behind and when I step into the hallway, I see him greeting all his family. Wow, there's a lot of them. I knew there was a lot of them but they seem a lot more now that I'm actually seeing them all together.

"You stupid boy, why don't you ever call?!" shouts a woman at Seth as she pulls his ear which can only mean one thing, that lady is his Mom Anne.

"Ow, sorry ma I've been busy," says Seth, wincing as her grip on his ear tightens.

"Busy, was I too busy to give birth to you? I think not!" she says which makes me laugh. When I look at them again I see everyone staring at me and my laughter disappears as does my smile. I try not to feel intimidated as they all stare at me. All standing in a line, a million eyes on me. Crap, I think I'm having a heart attack.

I appreciate reviews as you all know :)