Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI
Big Belly, Big Problems
"How are you doing Ally? Do you need any help?" Jackie asked as she glanced over Ally's shoulder looking at her math paper.
"I only have a few left Mrs. Stokes." Ally said as she motioned to her paper.
"Good job." Jackie told her with a smile before she walked away.
Ally and a couple others were staying inside for recess so they could finish their math paper that they couldn't quite finish before recess.
Jackie waddled over to her filing cabinet to look for something.
"I'm done Mrs. Stokes." Ally told her as she came up behind her.
Jackie turned around and her huge stomach bumped right into the little girl, knocking her right over!
"Ally, I'm so sorry sweetheart, are you ok?" Jackie asked completely mortified.
Ally got up giggling hysterically.
"Yeah, I'm ok." She said in between fits of laughter.
"The babies just wanted to say hello." Jackie told her with a smile.
"Hi babies." Ally told them as she gave Jackie's tummy a gentle pat.
The other two students that were in the room came up next to Jackie.
"Mrs. Stokes I want the babies to say hi to me too." One of them said.
"Yeah me too." Agreed the other one.
Jackie laughed.
"How about you say hi to them instead?" Jackie suggested.
"Ok." They replied before they both took a turn saying hi to the babies as they rubbed Jackie's stomach.
That night when Jackie got home from work she looked at Nick and said "Well, I'm pretty sure tomorrow Heather is going to whip me."
"Why?" Nick asked.
"Well, I accidently knocked poor Ally right over."
"I warned you about being nice to Ally." Nick quipped.
Jackie laughed.
"How'd you knock her over?" Nick asked.
Jackie told him the story of what happened and Nick burst out laughing.
"If you aren't careful your stomach can turn into a lethal weapon." Nick quipped.
"Yes it can, just ask Ally." Jackie told him.
Nick chuckled and shook his head.
Nick really was right, with how big she was it was a challenge at times, just yesterday she knocked a full glass of orange juice right off the cupboard, the kids had thought it was hilarious, especially Hundley who giggled like a crazy person and then Jackie had to guard her because she had wanted to play in the spilt juice, and to make matters worse Jackie was so big she couldn't bend over to clean it up, luckily for her Nick had been home so he had very nicely cleaned up the mess for her but not before he'd given her some good natured teasing.
At least Jackie only had a few more weeks of carrying her dangerous weapon around!
The End!