AN: Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait, i was busy living life properly and trying not to sleep at school ^^'
It has been ~2 months, i have not forgotten this fic yet (even better, i got more ideas!), but i have a tendency to write in one go, this one took me about an hour, and this is just a 1k word teaser.
Yes, you heard it right, teaser, i have borrowed *coughcough* some characters from another fandom (which i have suddenly gotten addicted to, i cant stop seeing weeping angels everywhere *shudder*) real quick to make a quick story, but dont worry! They are all cameo's (but some arent ;)), which will not have any influence in the story, even if they appear briefly later on in the main story.
So why am i doing this, you ask? I have a test-week within a couple of weeks (stressfull shit, and i cant do anything fun like gaming or reading), and i felt kinda bad for not releasing a chapter or even a quick update, but this is a quick update, only wrapped in a little oneshot ;D
In a busy street somewhere in the middle of London, two figures stood still amongst the masses that hurried left and right, cabs came and go, and people walked in and out of the stores.
Yet, those two figures didn't budge, and stood and stared at the stores opposite to them.
The smaller figure groaned and grabbed a phone out of his pocket, "How long are we going to stand here and do nothing, Doctor?"
The other, taller figure said nothing and continued staring at (seemingly) the small space between stores. Suddenly, he stepped forward towards the shops, and started examining the spot with a long, metal, buzzing flashlight. Nonplussing any bypasser with his actions.
The smaller figure either didn't noticed or didn't care, because he grabbed a can if soda from nowhere and started drinking out of it, patiently waiting for his friend to finish.
The "Doctor" walked back with a thoughtful expression on his face, he was clearly thinking about a unknown mystery, as is evident in his rambles: "Perception filter...but I didn't saw any is this possible?...Millennia ahead of their"
He turned on the spot and stared at the wall, a shocked expression on his face, his companion, a few centuria younger, was accustomed by his rather unusual behavior, and continued sipping his soda.
The shorter man had brown-blonde hair, wore a casual black t-shirt with "Simply complex" stamped on it, a pair of blue jeans and light-worn mountain boots to top it off.
His companion, however, wore a rather unusual fashion of clothes.
He wore black shoes, black jeans, striped beige-colored jacket with red beetles and a white t-shirt underneath. He also wore a red bow tie and a fez. When his younger companion asked him about it once, he said: "Fezzes are cool"
The unusuality of his dressing style is reflected on the people that walk by, some give him hate-full looks, others glances of surprised interest.
The younger if the two males was, again, not surprised by the other's vibe of unusuality, he was meanwhile trying to get information out his companion about his findings.
"Maybe the anomaly could be something else-" "Doctor…" "-something non-related to biology or science alike-" "Doctor?" "-something extraterrestrial maybe, no, extrachronical-" "DOCTOR!"
The Doctor finally turned "Yes, Jack?"
"For your brainstorm, what about something from a parallel universe, and second..." He said quickly as his friend was about to speak again, "-Why don't you try talking about it with me for a second, because you're not getting anywhere, it seems"
"I am, it just takes…time"
"You can make that in the tardis, but now you can try to explain it to me, so us "primitive" humans can understand it."
The Doctor persona seemed a bit put-out and annoyed, but started explaining nonetheless. "You know why we're here, yes?"
Jack sipped his soda "Pretend I don't, so you don't become too detached in your thinking"
"Alright, we landed here in London because the tardis detected an anomaly in the time-stream, something that can rip through time-lines like it's breakfast, now, I've tried to backtrack this, but the best I can pinpoint is here, in Britain."
Jack nodded in approval, and gestured him to continue.
"I couldn't track it properly before another anomaly showed up, here, in London, over there, in a few minutes" he pointed at the blank wall between the shops.
Jack shrugged, "Seems like an ordinary wall to me" he said, knowing exactly what to say to give his friend a boost in explaining.
"Yes, yes, it was, before I analysed it" he held up his sonic screwdriver, which, on it's little display, gave the abnormal readings of the wall. "There's an augmented dimension added behind that wall, and that isn't possible with the current technology, unless…" He stared back at the wall for a moment.
"Well, why don't you ask around?" Jack suggested.
"Yes, asking, very good" He jogged over to a nearby group, and asked the first person of the group, who was a teenager with red running shoes, a blue t-shirt, blue cargo pants and blue-dyed, spiky hair. "Excuse me, that wall over there, anything unusual about it?"
The teenager stared confused at the stranger, while a few in his group tensed at the question. After a moment, he gained a cocky smile on his face and answered, "Well, to me it seems just like any old brick wall, nothing unusual about it."
The Doctor nodded, and walked back to Jack who had been watching the whole happening with a face of indifference. "Well, anything new?"
"They were lying, this wall isn't brick, it's concrete." Jack glanced at the wall briefly. "So they know something, watch them"
Jack tried, but found that they all disappeared in thin air, the Doctor seemed a bit sad, because he lost a first-class opportunity to figure out something unusual.
"Well, they're gone, you said that that "abnormality" happens in a few minutes?"
The Doctor checked the watch on the underside of his wrist. "Yes, in about 4 minutes, 45 seconds"
"We should be heading back to the tardis then, don't wanna get caught inside a time-crime or something." He threw his empty soda in a trash-can nearby, and began walking to the tardis, which stood hidden in a back-alley, a few blocks away.
The Doctor, however, didn't move yet.
He had done many things, saved so many lives and planets, and rescued the universe a few times, but he couldn't prevent nor help this.
This was big, he didn't know it's power, or it's identity in the first place, he could only assume, and assumptions were always the worst kind of predictions.
He knew it was coming, he knew it could manipulate entire planets, erase entire histories, slave entire galaxies, he'd seen it all in his scans.
But nobody knew this, nor most people of that group, nor the bypassers, nor the inhabitants of the bar behind that wall, nor Jack, who was frustratingly waiting for the doctor to arrive with the key, because he lost his copy.
And all of this knowledge was present in one sentence that the Timelord uttered before turning and following Jack to the tardis:
"Something wicked this way is coming…"
Hmyes, very wicked, and that is the little teaser, the doctor may appear here and then in the story (mostly with little references to a blue box or something), but again, will not have influence in the story.
So disclaimer stuff: Setting is not mine, its harry potter's and thus J.K Rowling's. The Characters arent mine, either that group (nudgenudge) or the 11th Doctor and the companion, wait no, the companion's mine :). And the story is (partly) not mine, bc of legal reasons and adoption stuff.
I hope I can give you a new chapter directly after that stupid test-week, even if i am in new-zealand for vacation (we have internet there, thank god), i will try and make it as quickly and juicy as possible, see you then! :D