Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one
Fanfiction Blitz of 2019: Day Two of Seven
The blue-haired pirate fumed as the phoenix disappeared off into the distance. Stupid chicken! Almost worse than Shanks. If Marco thought he could push him around just because he was some New World big name now than the other had another thing coming. If it had been anyone but the Captain's son, he would have thrown the brat overboard!
Ace blinked. "You sailed with him?" the ten year old questioned. "Aren't you a little young for that?" He didn't even question that yet another pirate had recognized him on sight. By now, he was almost used to it. It gave him new appreciation for the fact Garp had managed to keep things quiet as long as he had.
Abruptly Buggy realized he had said all that aloud. For a brief moment, the pirate flailed before immediately puffing back up. "I," he said proudly. "Was an apprentice on the Oro Jackson." All those flashy big shots could say what they wanted about him. But in the end, he knew the truth. He Buggy the Star Clown, had seen Raftel, and they hadn't.
He would just keep quiet about the fact it had only happened because Roger had caught him trying to pick the other's pocket after he had been orphaned. Captain had taken one look at his half-starved frame before hauling him aboard. "Roger taught me everything I know," Buggy boasted. "From how to navigate the worst the Grandline has to offer to how to balance a budget."
"What?" Ace sputtered, mouth dropping open. "He made you study Math?!"
"Of course he did," Buggy replied. "If you can't run the figures yourself someone will take advantage of you." Suddenly his eyes narrowed. "Are you saying those Whitebeard %#&%#%* are letting you become an uneducated moron!" he shrieked, limbs flying in all directions.
A free floating hand immediately latched onto Ace's collar before hauling him towards the captain's cabin. This, Buggy thought grimly to himself, would not stand. "Come on brat," he told him. "First lesson starts now."
Odd as it may seem I really do think Buggy would be the more responsible pseudo-uncle figure. Don't ask me why, I just do. Hope you enjoyed and please review. It makes me happy.