Hi there everyone, yes I'm back to writing To Aru stories, some of you guys may reconize the base of this story I changed some things and the story will change as well...
Well I won't keep you to it I hope you like "A Certain New Start"
Discaimer: I do not own any of the To Aru anime or any of the characters in them
Chapter I: How it Ended and How it Began
Date: July 20th (Afternoon)
Academy City, a beautiful city with over 2.3 million inhabitants, of which 80% were students with special abilities, those with abilities are called espers. They are ranked from level 0 to level 5 being the top level, in academy city there were 7 level 5 espers, also ranked from the strongest to the weakest level 5 between them.
It was a beautiful day unlike any other in the city the sun was up kissing the ground with its warmness, one could see the arcades, cafes, malls and restaurants full with people who came out to enjoy the marvelous day.
But it was not marvelous day in a certain windowless building…
Inside the building it was a mess, corridors destroyed, holes in the walls, droplets of blood here and there, and at the top floor of the building three bodies were lying on the cold wet floor. But a single body could be seen at the corner of the room.
The one body was standing in front of one of the fallen bodies, the body belonged to the city's General Superintendent known as Aleister Crowley, blood was coming from his mouth and nose, he had bruises all over his body and several burn marks.
In front of him stood the body of a badly beaten Kamijou Touma, he was in his usual school uniform although it was ripped in some parts, and his T-shirt was filled with blood on the chest; his face was dirty with some bruise marks and scars on his cheeks, he was holding his right shoulder with his other hand, breathing hard. In the back laid the bodies of a high school and a figure with a torn back cape… or so it seemed like a cape his body was lying on the wall far east to where Touma was his name was known as Stiyl Magnus, the student the high school student was Tsuchimikado Motoharu his back had several open wounds and he was bleeding badly, their breathing was barely noticeable.
All that could be heard was the hard breathing from Touma, until finally Aleister broke the silence.
"I…was…to... be...God" Aleister weakly said, his eyes were barely open and it was starting to become a problem staying awake, several minutes later, his heart stopped beating.
The teen turned his back on him and he went to pick up the bodies of his fallen comrades one by one he took them out, once out he called an ambulance and Kanzaki Kaori, why her? Because he didn't want his friend, Stiyl Magnus to be treated like a lab rat, if they found out he wasn't an esper but a magician, he had no ID so question were likely to be asked.
Once Kanzaki arrived; wearing her usual white T-shirt tied into a knot at the bottom, revealing her navel and a pair of jeans below with one side ripped off, revealing her thigh; she said nothing but stared at the wounded body of her partner Stiyl, only Touma's voice was heard "Take him and heal his wounds an ambulance is on its way for us", she just nodded and took the wounded body of Stiyl, and asked before leaving, "Is it finally over?"
Touma looked her in the eyes with his serious expression and said with a soothing smile "Of course", and Kanzaki smiled back and took off.
Then just before the ambulance arrived Touma out of exhaustion and pain, fainted.
Several minutes later Anti-Skill arrived along with 2 ambulances, they arrived just in time to take the injured bodies of Tsuchimikado and Touma to a hospital.
In a Certain Hospital
Date: July 23rd
Tsuchimikado awoke within a room he was not so familiarized with, it was a room with white walls and a window to his left, he was lying on a comfortable bed, and it was until then when he realized he was in a hospital bed.
He had his whole abdomen covered in bandage, along with his left arm and right leg.
"What a day nya" he said to himself, as he remembered the events of the last day. But then he was relieved he was still breathing.
Then he closed his eyes once more to sleep again, but before falling in his slumber he thought of his two friends who had fought alongside him and wondered if they were all right, but knowing Touma he was certain they were just fine and then he fell once again in his slumber.
In another room close to his lay a relaxed spiky haired guy, he was sitting on a comfortable bed with his back resting against the wall behind him, his eyes staring out of the open window. 'So it's finally over' he thought. He was deep in thought until someone entered the room.
The man was a man who saved countless lives his frog face could not be forgotten by anybody; he well disserved the title of Heaven Canceler. "So you're finally awake" the frog faced doctor said.
"Yeah… Although I'm a little shaken up" Touma answered
"Well you did face the most feared magician of times"
"How long did I sleep?"
"Two nights" The doctor said as the silence overtook the room, the doctor analyzed Touma checking to see how his wounds were, thankfully the ambulance got just in time to catch the doctor in his shift otherwise who knew what would have happened if the Canceler got there any latter than he did.
"And to think he was the one who toyed with us all this time… he was responsible for all the pain my friends received… all for what?" Touma asked breaking the silence, not actually looking for an answer or simply just not wanting to hear it.
"It was not all his fault… there were some things he didn't plan, but he did use them to his advantage" The doctor mid answered.
"Humph" Touma couldn't stop but wonder what would happen to the city now that the top director was 'decommissioned'. Also he couldn't stop but wonder why Aleister did everything that he did. It seemed useless to Touma.
Silence invaded the room once again, and the frog faced doctor stared at Touma's curious face, he thought he was thinking in the bill he had to pay for the time he needed to stay in the hospital for him to fully recover. But when Touma opened his mouth the Heaven Canceler was not ready for his question.
"Hey Doc, do you know why he did all this?" once again he asked that question, he really did want to know why he had done all this, maybe is was all for the greater good, but then again wasn't killing again and again, -or sending people to kill-, a bad thing?
The Heaven Canceler, thought about that for a while but in the end he knew that even he didn't know the answer to that either.
"I don't now …. But all he said was that he wanted to become God" The doc said, as the final images of the famed magician came into Tomas's mind once again.
Again silence… But again it was interrupted by the profound voice of the hero of the city.
"Now that the Superintendent's dead what's going to happen to Academy City?" Now that was another thing he had asked himself Aleister was the Superintendent alias the head of the city, how was it all going to go down now knowing that he was gone?
The frog faced doctor sighed. He took time answering the question the spiky haired guy asked. "If no one would be able to take his place, Academy City would fall to chaos… with no one to pull the stings, the board of directors wouldn't know what to do since all this time they have only been receiving orders"
"And if that happens?"
"Well then Academy City would have to be 'put out of service', and all the espers would have to go home"
"Well that doesn't sound so bad"
"Maybe for you that doesn't sound so bad because you don't have an ESP ability of your own … but tell me Kamijou-san do you know what would happen to the espers that do have an ESP ability in the outside world?"
Touma was left speechless he never thought about that, the worth of a human who has an ESP ability was precious lab material for a mad scientist. The simple thought of that made him sick; he instantly knew what the frog faced doctor meant. "I never thought about that" he said with a low voice.
The doctor just looked at him, "Oi, oi, don't worry about it that's not going to happen because the new superintendent has already been decided"
Touma stared at the doctor and imagined another crazy lunatic thirsty for power as the next one to take the job. But...
Touma dared to ask "And who is it?"
Before answering the question the frog faced doctor took a deep breath and then smiled and said "You're looking at him"
Three. Two. One…
"EH!... YOU?" Touma's voice echoed through the whole hospital. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"
The frog faced doctor chuckled amused at the surprised face of the teen and smiled "You don't think I'm capable of this job?"
Touma was still dumb-struck and said nothing. Then the doctor spoke "Well once you've processed the information let me know ok?... I'll be going by now but you know…" the doctor said as he walked towards the door. "You have some visitors awaiting your awakening"
Touma came back to reality "Visitors?"
But the frog faced doctor didn't answer and left the room.
Well at least he could have some well diser-
"IDIOT!" a voice yelled in the corridor. Touma started to sweet cold as he instantly recognized the voice of a certain hazel girl. All he thought was his famous catchphrase 'Fukou-da, Fukou-da'
The door swung open and the certain hazel girl entered the room, she was wearing a light brown shirt and grey skirt, it was Tokiwadai's school uniform. She was beaming with anger, and it was directed towards a certain unfortunate teen in a hospital bed. She came up in straight in front of him and stared in his eyes causing him to sweet even more, she places her hands in her hips.
"Now, Biri-Biri, let me explain-" Touma tried
"YOU!.. Why didn't you tell me that you were going to face Aleister?" She was indeed angry
"Uhm… Well you see..."
Misaka then pressed her finger in Touma's chest. He flinched at the sudden pain he felt.
"Go to another 'mission' without me and you won't have another mission to go to… got that?"
Touma just nodded. "M-Misaka my chest…. It hurts" little tears were forming in the corners of Touma's eyes because of the pain.
"Oh… Sorry" Misaka said while removing her finger.
Touma sighed relieved at the disappearance of the pain, and then he looked at Misaka.
"A-After all w-we're partners aren't we?" Misaka said while looking away with a light pink color in her cheeks.
Touma remembered the promise he made her of taking her with him whenever a danger came if he went storming into battle.
"Yeah… we are… s-sorry about that Misaka" Touma said slightly blushing.
Misaka returned to face him, still with pink colored cheeks "A-And don't think your of the hook just yet… you're going to have to treat me something to make up for this" she said this last part looking at her feet.
Touma stared at her dumb ford "Ok Ojou-sama" he mocked making her look at him with devious eyes, "Once I'm out of her I'll be sure to make it up to you"
The awkward moment was broken with the sound of a silver-haired nun entering the room and biting Touma's head for getting himself into danger.
"AHHHH, FUKOU-DA!" he screamed as Index chopped his head again and again.
Once she tasted blood she let go, and sat down on the sofa beside the bed, "That's what you get for getting hurt once again" Index said as she crossed her hands.
For once Misaka agreed with the nun, "She's right you know"
Touma looked at Misaka with incredulous eyes "EHH? So now you agree with her?", though Misaka and Index laughed at his comment.
As Misaka looked at the interaction between those two she couldn't help but wonder what was to be of them from here on out, all the time they had been fighting against the odds of the Superintendent's plans. And now that it was finally over, what was to be of them?
Now that the famous magician was taken down would all of the magicians in the city go away? Or would they stay to keep an eye out for the city's future plans? All of these thoughts clouded Misaka's mind and made her wonder how she got involved in all of this.
But all in all this was the best thing that could have happened to them with Aleister finally gone they could go and enjoy their lives without the interruptions of having to face off certain threats (that is until another maniac came and tried to create havoc). But in a way it also made Misaka a little sad, knowing that it was these type of things that brought her close to a certain idiot, deep down she wondered if she would have the chance to keep on seeing him as often as before.
Touma looked at Misaka and saw that she had a worried face and wondered if she was ok, "Oi, Misaka, you ok?"
Misaka was brought out of her thoughts "Huh? Oh yeah, I-I was just wondering a few things"
"What things?" Touma asked
Misaka stayed silent and wondered of it was a good idea to ask him all the questions she had, in the end she opted to go for it "Well, what's to happen now?"
Touma and Index looked at her curiously "What do you mean Tampatsu?" Index asked
Misaka played with her fingers for a while finding the right words to say "Uhm well you know, what's going to happen now? Will we just go and live our lives like nothing happened or will thing get chaotic again? Also what will happen to all of the magicians in the city? Will they go? Or will they stay?"
Touma was a little surprised but at the same time he hadn't thought of that, since Index came into his life all he had been thinking about was keeping her safe from evil magician's hands, by also protecting his other friends including Misaka from all of the harm Aleister had done.
Touma was about to answer her question but Index beat him to it "I'll be going back to England"
Misaka was expecting any answer but that one, after all this time Index was just going to leave? She thought she had heard wrong but what came next confirmed her doubts.
"W-What?" Touma asked equally shocked, he out of all people could feel a certain emptiness starting to stir inside.
Index smiled at them "Touma, all of this time you have been the one out there protecting us, so I'm going to train back in England so not only Tampatsu will have your back but also me"
Misaka was stunned at the maturity of the little nun but she guessed that after so many battles this was expected after all she cared for that idiot as much as she did.
Touma on his end was speechless "B-But you don't have to, I-"
"Touma, I want to do this please respect my decision as a nun that I am" Index said with a smile.
Misaka was about to help Index out on convincing Touma on his decision but her cellphone rang "Hello?"
"Oh Kuroko, yeah I'm on my way I'll met you girls there, yeah see you then" Misaka hung up on her phone and turned to the two in front of her "I have to get going" she said as she started to walk up to the door.
"Take care you idiot, I'll be seeing you Index" She said as she left the room, leaving Index and Touma to their discussion.
"Ah, Fukou-da" he sighed, he ruffled Index's hair "Ok, I'll send a letter to Stiyl so that a mage can come pick you up, I'd take to myself but I have finals that I have to flunk" he said as he smiled to the nun.
Index smiled "Yay, I'll be sending letters to you Touma" she jumped on the bed as he lingered in pain "Fukou-Da!"
Outside the Hospital
Misaka Mikoto was walking a slow pace as she took in all that Index had said, she had thought that Index would be the least to go, but then again her reason was indeed a good one, she just wanted to protect the man she cared about. Misaka softly smiled 'In a way she's just like me' she thought to herself. As she walked away from the hospital she enjoyed the view and looked to the sky as she walked.
"Finally I can take a break from all of this and go on to my own stuff" She said as she started to walk a little faster, she took out her cellphone and saw that she was still on time to meet up with the girls.
"Yo, Number 3" A sinister voice came behind her, a voice that sent a shiver down her spine.
Misaka rapidly turned and got into defensive position, earning a laugh from the person that had startled her, "What are you doing here, Accelerator?"
The Albino white harried man just smiled at her "Whoa there, I'm not here to beat the crap outa you" he mocked.
Misaka didn't ease here stare "Talk"
Accelerator got a little irritated at her attitude but remained calm "Listen, I need to talk to you"
Misaka was taken aback "You? Want to have an actual conversation with me? I thought I was a pain in the ass?" she eased a little her position, even though all rivalry between them had ended when he took in Last Order she still wasn't all sure about this guy.
Accelerator smiled "You are, but your sis said she needs to see you… now" he said as he started to walk away.
Misaka eased her position and looked at his back wondering if it was a good idea to follow, after a while she did…
She took out her cellphone and called Kuroko "Hey Kuroko, something came up I won't be able to make it" She said in an serious tone, just as she expected Kuroko wanted to come along but she immediately rejected that offer "Sorry Kuroko I'll explain back at the dorm" she said as she hung up and started walking after Accelerator… little did she know that she was about to get into a matter that would put her life in a whole new level of danger.
So... how was it?
That bad hu?
hehehe no really how was it? I hope you liked it feel free to leve a review, the are always apreciated =D
I hope to keep seeing you guys reading...
Darman700... OUT